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A neat liitle trick


No Deposit Forum Founder
Found this post at GG and never knew about this also.<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="TFourm1">myangelclown 5/29/2008 3:24:43 AM I didn`t know this How many of you already knew this?????Bet you`ll go to your kitchen to check this one out. I did.Whoever looks at the end of your aluminum foil box? What a fantastic idea.I`ve been using aluminum foil for more years than I care to remember.Great stuff, but sometimes it can be a pain. You know, like when youare in the middle of doing something and you try to pull some foil outand the roll comes out of the box. Then you have to put the roll backin the box and start over. The darn roll always comes out at the wrongtime.Well, I would like to share this with you. Yesterday I went to throwout an empty Reynolds foil box and for some reason I turned it andlooked at the end of the box. And written on the end it said, Presshere to lock end . Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lockthe roll in place. How long has this little locking tab been there? Ithen looked at a generic brand of aluminum foil and it had one, too. Ithen looked at a box of Saran wrap and it had one too! I can`t countthe number of times the Saran warp roll has jumped out when I wastrying to cover something up.I`m sharing this with my friends hoping that they did not know thisalready and have been suffering for years like I have
. If youalready know this, ignore this message and don`t even comment and and make me feel dumber than I already feel. If you didn`t know this, comment pleaseand let me know so I won`t feel so dumb.
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bless well errm cant say ive ever read the end of a silver foil box but im going to check nxt time i buy 1 lol

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