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Action required by YOU!!!!!!


No Deposit Forum Founder
Urgent Action AlertSenate Majority Leader Bill Frist is determined to pass legislation that would force U.S. based banks and financial institutions to block gambling transactions. As of Friday evening, reports indicate that Internet gambling language has been inserted into the port security legislation conference report, which, if passed, would prohibit U.S.-based banks, credit card companies and other Internet payment systems, from making payments to online gambling companies. If this language is passed, it would make it increasingly difficult for you to fund your accounts at any online gambling or bingo site. We urge you to call the chief authors of the port security legislation and ask that they remove any Internet gambling language from the port securities bill. In addition, you should call your own Senators and Representative to reinforce this message. Please try to remain respectful and be courteous to people who answer the phones. They are much more likely to pass along the message if you keep the tone polite. Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) (202) 224-3004 Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) (202) 224-3934 Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) (202) 224-2523 Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) (202) 224-4041 Rep. Peter King (R-NY) 202-225-7896 Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) 202-225-5876 Senate Homeland Security Committee Majority: 202-224-4751 Minority: 202-224-2627 Senate Commerce Committee Majority: 202-224-5115 Minority: 202-224-0411 House Homeland Security Committee Majority: (202) 226-8417 Minority: (202) 226-2616 House Office of the Speaker: 202-225-0600 House Office of the Majority Leader: 202-225-4000 Senate Office of the Majority Leader: 202-225-135 Please take action now, to do your part to prevent the passage of this legislation.

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