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Amazing UFO videos


this video is amazing [video=http://youtu.be/RjGYSGbAEUM]   this one clearly shows NASA knows more than they say they do [video=http://youtu.be/WlLN_Jcg1pc][/video][/video]


Thanks for posting those videos daremeto....Amazing.To be so bold as to think we are the only civilization out there is to be almost naive in my opinion.There are just to many sightings by too many people to deny this sort of thing any longer.I do also believe the government knows plenty more than they tell us about this sort of thing.Really gets you thinking.                                                                                       Pam


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
While I believe that there are other intelligent beings in the universe (and may have actually visited Earth in the past), I can easily identify some of the footage in the first clip - and it isn't alien. Any of you who grew up along the Southern California coast will recognize the streaming contrail that is expanding as a missile that was launched after sundown. We used to see this a couple of times a year when a multi-stage missile would be launched from Vandenburg AFB on a polar orbit trajectory. I would be past sunset when the launch would occur and the trail left by the missile exhaust would still be in the sunlight as it climbed out of the atmosphere. The lack of pressure would allow the trail to expand like you see in those shots until staging would occur, which would create that expanding circle effect.Here are a couple of sites that have similar photos:http://pirlwww.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/rocket.htmlHere is a video of a launch taken from the Vandenberg area. You can see when the missile exhaust trail hits the light from the already set sun and how the trail expands as the missile climbs. The video quality is awful, but you'll get the ideahttp://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00MlFL31ROCkAvlH7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=vandenberg+missile+launch&vid=458ed1e26de29f91aed92e04c721474c&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.4985989820842028%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymotion.com%2Fvideo%2Fx6g0ju_vandenberg-minotaur-launch_tech&tit=Vandenberg+Minotaur+Launch&c=7&sigr=127sgq0fc&age=0&b=31&fr=fp-tts-771&tt=bHere is another similar video from a different location (please ignore their idiotic UFO wormhole references)http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00MpGNH1R_zgAvpf7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=vandenberg+missile+launch+trail&vid=56f9699913df1fa0fa91521e26a41dc1&l=2%3A55&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.4644239305670699%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DRoLZY8f-UfI&tit=UFO-wormhole+or+missile%3F-Vandenburg+Air+Force+Base&c=5&sigr=11aosmfm5&age=0&fr=yfp-t-771&tt=b
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I'm not saying there cannot be life other than earth, but here is why I don't believe ANY of them have come here.1) They are no more technically advanced than we are.2) What we see in the sky are something Earth Governments are doing, that are top secret.3) Today, they can look at a pimple on your ass, while you stand naked in your bathroom,all from space. There's just no way no one has not identified ANY ufo by now!4) Say all these reasons are wrong, and there really are beings capable of travelingthrough space for light years, cause that's how far away we can see, and pretty much know there is nothing live...close.If they are this intelligent, why in God's name would they want to make contact with us?We still kill in the name of our Gods. We are trying very hard to KILL the only planet we have to live upon!We refuse, don't say can't.....to feed ALL the starving people that remain.We humans are disgusting as a whole, and only my love for a few specific people,keeps me around at all! Sorry to be so negative, but Dayum!


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Staff member
daremeto, UFOs and Aliens ..... hmmmm 
 I still don't know if I believe whether or not they exist.  PSP, I've been to Kitt Peak. Awesome observatory! Regarding the trails shown in those pictures ... I have seen trails in our eastern sky and after our local news checked them out, they turned out to be from rocket launches in New Mexico. And as far as the videos are concerned ... it's a WORMHOLE!!! Definately! LOL wormhole WTH? I was watching Unsealed: Alien Files the other night and they mentioned CA, Los Angeles specifically, as being a UFO sighting hot spot back in the day. Here is what I am referring to.Summary: It is very rare that among the annals of Ufology there should appear a UFO case which involved military, yet is accompanied with actual photographic proof. Such is the case of an event which took place over the Los Angeles area on February 25, 1942. A giant UFO would actually hover over the city, and be witnessed by hundreds of observers.Read the details of what happened here. It's a good read. <a href="http://ufos.about.com/od/bestufocasefiles/p/losangeles1942.htm" >http://ufos.about.com/od/bestufocasefiles/p/losangeles1942.htm</a><img class="photo" src="http://0.tqn.com/d/ufos/1/G/l/-/-/-/battleoflosangeles.jpg" title="Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page." style="font-size:1.17em;text-decoration:inherit;font-weight:normal;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;float:left;" /></h3> </h3>    </h3> This is what they saw.   Mikey, that was an eye opener and I almost have to agree with everything you said.   So what do you all think about how the Pyramids of Egypt were actually built and by whom (or what should I say)?I wish I had the exact youtube link that I watched about this but I can't find it. It was so interesting. There are many out there though for those of you who want to see what I am talking about. It had some amazing info stating things like the tools back then in ancient Egypt could not create such precise blocks that fit so securely together that they have not fallen even during earthquakes. That the amount of time it took to build the pyramids compared to the 500 miles where the rock quarry was and the distance these blocks or boulders had to be moved to would have been a lot more than the 20 years it took to build. If it really only took 20 years, then they would have had to move a block into it's place on the pyramid every minute or so. Also, the pyramids point due north and are only off by a miniscule amount. How did they have such precise measuring tools back then? Oh, oh and if you draw a line from all the pyramids all over the world, like in China (yes, they have pyramids but their gov't won't let us see them), Peru and Egypt, they form some geometrical shape that has a precise angle degree of I can't remember but it means something to mathematicians and scientists. So what they are saying is that the people of ancient Egypt had to have had help from aliens or the aliens actually built them. Oh, oh (again lo)l , there are chambers and walkways that were built in such a way that their measurements and angles were done with such precision also. I could go on and on about the pyramids. lol This stuff really got my attention. -- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 1st of May 2013 07:16:23 PM
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http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3003200#.UYJAPrWsjToSometimes you gotta think outside the box lol!http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080328104302.htmA bit more scientific. Here is an excerpt:When answering to skepticism about how such heavy stones could have been moved without machinery, Redford says, I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological dig site pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block. He added, I know it's possible because I was on the ropes too.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Mikey7a wrote: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3003200#.UYJAPrWsjToSometimes you gotta think outside the box lol!http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080328104302.htmA bit more scientific. Here is an excerpt:When answering to skepticism about how such heavy stones could have been moved without machinery, Redford says, I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological dig site pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block. He added, I know it's possible because I was on the ropes too.
Ohhhhh, thinking outside the box is right! I have always imagined that they were built from the outside in, not from the inside out.As far as all the talk about how they dug the blocks out and moved them ..... I still can't believe that they were able to do it even with all their fancy oiled roads Teams of oxen or manpower were used to drag the stones on a prepared slipway that was lubricated with oil. Said Redford, a scene from a 19th century B.C. tomb in Middle Egypt depicts an alabaster statue 20 feet high pulled by 173 men on four ropes with a man lubricating the slipway as the pulling went on. . Then putting them on boats, The pegs would expand, splitting the stone, and the block was then slid down onto a waiting boat. . W ouldn't the boats sink with the weight and how many boats did they have?Redford says, I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological dig site  pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block. He added, I know it's possible because I was on the ropes too. . Yeah, I can see pulling up from a rock quarry but moving them across the desert miles and miles and then positioning them on the pyramid. Redford should give that a try with his 20 guys! lol
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
The Feb 1942 Los Angeles sighting is also known as the Battle of Los Angeles or the Great Los Angeles Air Raid caused by nervousness about the possibility of a Japanese attack. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Air_Raid

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