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Casino Nazionale offers you 25 free Bonus di Benvenuto


www.casinonazionale.eu MADE IN ITALY Casino Nazionale offers you a 25 euros bonus di benvenuto They don't have an english version and the bonus sometimes is not credited automatically so you have to adress to live help which fortunately speaks english so you can ask your bonus in english and they send you an e/mail in which announce you that you have been credited It's a PLAY MATCH casino.First to register you should click registrazione in the right corner of the siteNome: nameCognome: nameSesso: sexData nascita: born dateNazionalita:countryE mail: e/mail Telefono : phoneCellulare: phoneVia: street Citta: cityCAP: zipProvincia: stateNazione: countryCodice fiscale: social numberUsername: usernameUsername poker: username pokerPassword: passwordConferma Password: confirm passwordYou don't have to enter the code for a promotion on the Codice promozione as the bonus is credited on the live supportGOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN !!!!
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