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Deck of Cards is our Calender_ Fun Trivia


Our deck of playing cards is in truth a symbolic representation of our calendar .The numeric values in a deck of cards match our calendar perfectly.52 cards = 52 weeks of the year12 face cards = 12 months;  also 12 signs of the zodiac4 suits = 4 seasons13 cards in each suit = 13 weeks in each season / or the 13 lunar cycles (full and new moons)2 colors of the deck = 2 halves of the year (summer solstice and winter equinox)But the real clincher is when we add up the numeric, or spot, value of each card in the deck.  The entire deck added together comes to 364.  But with the addition of the Joker, which is considered to have a spot value of 1.25, we get 365.25,..exactly the number of days in our calendar year.  The extra .25 accounts for leap year.Our cards are in perfect design for planet Earth solely.  They do not represent the cycles of any other planet known to exist.  Therefore, they truly are uniquely devised with us in mind.Kinda cool, huh?Some more fun and useless trivia....Historical Personage:King of Hearts = CharlemagneKing of Spades = King DavidKing of Diamonds = Julius CaesarKing of Clubs = Alexander the GreatQueen of Hearts = Judith (of the Book of Judith, an Apocryphal Book of the Bible)Queen of Spades = Pallas, a.k.a. MinervaQueen of Diamonds = Rachel (of the Bible)Queen of Clubs = Argine, an anagram of ReginaJack of Hearts = La Hire, a famous French warrior a.k.a. Etienne de VignolesJack of Spades = Hogier the Dane, one of Charlemagne's paladinsJack of Diamonds = Hector of Troy, or alternately, Roland of FranceJack of Clubs = Sir Lancelot
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