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Does anybody know who Bingo Mania's withdraw processor is?


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If anyone does, please Personal Message it to MissMolely. Do not post it here.

For those who want to shut down online gambling, posting processors is a quick way for them to get the info they need to shut them down.


@MissMolely is there a reason why you want to know? Obviously there is. lol
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Sorry about that! I am new to the forum thing. I was curious if I should post that or not? Shoot I am sorry! There is a post I put on KrystalKitty's "blog?" I answered a question for her and it explains everything in that answered question. If that is not able to be seen publicly then let me know and I will happily explain. Her question was about Slots IV.


Ah, what the heck I got a minute. On December 6th 2015 I won a couple of grand at Bingomania. After processing and leaving a little in my account to play with the payout ended up being $1,678.51! Bingo mania sent the money to my bank. My bank immediately put a hold on it. Now this is going to get into it a little bit so bear with me and you let me know how jacked up this is. My bank is NetSpend by the way and what they are doing in my opinion borders on criminal. Bingomania did a wire transfer on December 18th, 2015. I work at night so I was checking my account and it got put into my account at midnight. I seen it immediately and went and paid $451.00 on my power bill. By morning Netspend put a hold on my account. After busting Netspends chops over the next several days they said that they need a letter of indemnity from Bingomanis processor The reasoning is when they sent the wire transfer it came across looking like I had purchased a product and returned it. So Netspend wanted to see a receipt for the exact amount of the payout before they would release the funds. I told them that I could prove that I had spent that much money there but not that exact amount. That is when they started saying they wanted the L.O.I. Bingomania is my favorite site to play at and have had several payouts from them over the years. At first it was really great they would send me a check but since then they put it back on your card by money transfer and things have gotten a little more dicey! Last year I had three substantial payouts with Bingomania including the one I am discussing right now. The other two were almost back to back, within a couple of weeks from one another. My bank at the time was Money Network, it was through my job. Money Network provides us with per diem cards for when we go out of town. They offered a Visa as well, so I got one, got it cleared for international purchases, and started to play. Well when I won they put a hold on my money as well. MN put a personal banker on it and she said I had to prove where the money came from and I did easily. Bingomania has a record of every pull I have made since becoming a member in 2012! So MN released my funds and told me not to use it anymore at that site. Too late! I had already won again and of course they put a hold on the money again. I immediately called them and wait until you hear this deal I made. It was through the personal banker that they assigned to my account. She told me that they would release the funds immediately for my withdraw as long as I close the account when I get the money out, no wait that isn't right, they said THEY were going to close the account as soon as I got the money out and I had 48 hours to do so! Just as long as I got my money I did not care. Check this out though, their reason for doing it and I am not joking here this is a straight quote from her, "we don't condone gambling"! I almost busted out laughing right there. I could not believe she had said that and actually shut down my account for that reason. I am 50 years old not 3. I want to make it perfectly clear in all this mess Bingomania has never not paid me and has always taken care of me quite well. I think they are the premier gambling site on the web period! United States needs to lighten up a little bit and let people have some fun. Bingomania has tried to help me by recalling the funds but Netspend will not do it without the L.O.I. Bingomanias processor is withholding that information for reasons I do not know but I wish I could talk to them directly, hence the question. Oh yeah my NetSpend account while they had money on hold my checks from work were automatic deposit into that account and they held the next two weeks paychecks as well. Because they had paid that utility bill they could not give me any money until it was compensated back because the money for that bill came directly out of the payout money. Remember I said I paid my utility bill right away? If the money was good for the utility bill why isn't good for releasing to me. The way they held my paychecks too. In my opinion it was totally criminal. Right before the holidays as well. When they finally released my paychecks only minus the utility bill being the bad person I am and I wanted to gamble a little so I went to Slots IV and played. Mind you I have never not once played anywhere but Bingomania. I was not wanting to play there because of the mess. I won $850.00 at Slots IV and they said it would be 7 business days before I got the money after processing and that was going to be after Christmas. I was already planning the excuse for presents AFTER Christmas to the nieces and nephews. The very next day after the e-mail from Slots IV saying it would be 7 business days I received a check for $850.00 from them via Fedex. Saved my Christmas. I know, I know, I should not have been gambling with that money, whaaaateeeeever. Everything worked out for Christmas but I am still to this day trying to get my money from NetSpend. They will keep it they say until they get a L.O.I or a certain amount of days, I forgot how many, then is goes to the fine state of Texas because that is where NetSpend is located. Then I can claim it. All the mean while Netspend collects interests on it, uses it if they please, and it makes their balance look better! Pretty cool, huh? There ya go in a nutshell (well not quite a nutshell) the reason why I want to know who their processor is. Thanks for any help!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Sorry about that! I am new to the forum thing. I was curious if I should post that or not? Shoot I am sorry! There is a post I put on KrystalKitty's "blog?" I answered a question for her and it explains everything in that answered question. If that is not able to be seen publicly then let me know and I will happily explain. Her question was about Slots IV.
No worries.

What you sent to krystalkitty was a "personal message" so only she could see/read it. Personal messages or "conversations", as they are called here, are not public.


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"Check this out though, their reason for doing it and I am not joking here this is a straight quote from her, "we don't condone gambling"! I almost busted out laughing right there. I could not believe she had said that and actually shut down my account for that reason."

Don't laugh. It's fact what they told you unfortunately.

It is not illegal to gamble online. What is illegal due to the UIGEA, The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 which "prohibits gambling businesses from knowingly accepting payments in connection with the participation of another person in a bet or wager that involves the use of the Internet and that is unlawful under any federal or state law." are the transactions between players, the casinos and their banks.

With that said, it does not surprise me at all that Netspend is questioning the transactions and wanting proof. I had 2 or 3 Netspend accounts locked on me before I quit using that card. They warned me to quit depositing with the card and I pushed them and they weren't kidding about locking my account just like that.

You will not get processor information from any site to send to a bank. If the sites did that, they'd run the risk of the banks reporting the activity to the feds and then it all goes to hell. Processors are shut down and sites have to scramble to get new ones that they trust.


MissMolely messaged me and asked if they could ask if anyone new who the processor was. I told MissMolely they could ask but no one would be able to answer. Sorry my bad.
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Greedy Gambler
Won't be getting a NetSpend card:) TY for the information. If ever any question at my bank, I play sweepstakes and opt for the cash, not the prizes:) We live in a small town, so know the accountant personally, so now she knows I play the "sweeps" a lot:)
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Well just updating what is going on. Nothing good that is for sure. What is a guy to do, LOL? The old saying goes, "Live by the sword die by the sword"! Not dead yet but getting my money from NetSpend is going to take an act of God! They are standing fast that they have every legal right to hold it! No worries I am not dead and as long as I am not I will continue to battle them. They say it will take time to get the money escheated to the state, HA HA HA HA HA like I am going anywhere. As long as I am alive I am going to be a thorn in their side until they give my money to the state. I did very well here without going ballistic (everybody knows the words I would have loved to use but did not)! I did not use them at NetSpend or Bingo Mania either! I am such a good whiner these days! At least they just put me on hold forever they cannot hang up on you if you do not use those choice words that we all know we would like to use. THIS ONLY THE BATTLE OF THE WITS THE WAR OF THE WITS IS ABOUT TO COME! PHA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! I will keep you guys posted! Thank you for everything and..... and..... and......a place to vent! MIKE KRAUSE Spring is awesome in Colorado!!!!!:banana::awesome;:biglol::cooldude:
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Well just updating what is going on. Nothing good that is for sure. What is a guy to do, LOL? The old saying goes, "Live by the sword die by the sword"! Not dead yet but getting my money from NetSpend is going to take an act of God! They are standing fast that they have every legal right to hold it! No worries I am not dead and as long as I am not I will continue to battle them. They say it will take time to get the money escheated to the state, HA HA HA HA HA like I am going anywhere. As long as I am alive I am going to be a thorn in their side until they give my money to the state. I did very well here without going ballistic (everybody knows the words I would have loved to use but did not)! I did not use them at NetSpend or Bingo Mania either! I am such a good whiner these days! At least they just put me on hold forever they cannot hang up on you if you do not use those choice words that we all know we would like to use. THIS ONLY THE BATTLE OF THE WITS THE WAR OF THE WITS IS ABOUT TO COME! PHA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! I will keep you guys posted! Thank you for everything and..... and..... and......a place to vent! MIKE KRAUSE Spring is awesome in Colorado!!!!!:banana::awesome;:biglol::cooldude:
Good job holding your tongue. Oh I know it would feel good to let it out but it doesn't get you anywhere which you obviously understand ;)
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I wish you the best of luck, MissMolely!

I let over $3000 go from a casino (not a bank) because it wasn't worth the fight.
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This would be the last place I would blow up! You all have been far too kind and helpful for me to do something dumb like that> Thank youfor everything and the birthday wishes (SOOKIE)! I'll be around! THAAAAAAAANKS!:thankyou:Words do not really cut it but I tried!
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This would be the last place I would blow up! You all have been far too kind and helpful for me to do something dumb like that> Thank youfor everything and the birthday wishes (SOOKIE)! I'll be around! THAAAAAAAANKS!:thankyou:Words do not really cut it but I tried!
:lol: Oh I meant holding your tongue with the NetSpend people hunny ;)
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:lol: Oh I meant holding your tongue with the NetSpend people hunny ;)
At long last, Mr. Krause is back with news about NetSpend hosing me over. What I did was left it alone until about a month and a half ago. I called NetSpend to see if they were still holding my money hostage. They tell me that they sent it back. Whoa, whoa, whoa, I say, you guys were griping that you did not know who the processor was so how in the world did you send it back? They insisted they did! So I left it alone for a couple weeks after that and in my e-mail inbox I get an E-mail from Bingomania saying haven't seen you in awhile you should come and play. So I contact Bingomania and ask them if they remembered what happened and that was the reason I was not playing. Well, they told me that they had changed processors by the time I was talking to them at the present and they would make it right by re-depositing the money into an account if I could provide them with one. So I did and they re-deposited all $1,617 back into my account! I about killed over right there. Almost, a couple of weeks went by and still no money so I sent them a help ticket asking why and they responded back with a help desk ticket that the money would be there the next day and it was. Bingomania has always had the best customer service of any casino I have ever played at bar none!!!! I have a very hard time making deposits there though even to this very day!! I actually went out played, now this next thing I am about to say just sickens me to no end, while I was playing at Bingomania I made a deposit and it took from an old credit card I had used there! A couple days after that I get an e-mail from them that it did not go through and outside of actually snail mail them a cashier's check I have not been able to pay them back the money. I feel just awful about it. I will get it done this weekend though by snail mail. They told me several ways to deposit the money, moneygram, a bunch of different ways but I can not get one to work. That is the worst thing about Bingomania trying to make deposits, it totally sucks cause that is my favorite place to play! Anyway just wanted to update you guys on what happened with that whole mess and Thank you for your trying to help me out! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
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... Well, they told me that they had changed processors by the time I was talking to them at the present and they would make it right by re-depositing the money into an account if I could provide them with one. So I did and they re-deposited all $1,617 back into my account! I about killed over right there. Almost, a couple of weeks went by and still no money so I sent them a help ticket asking why and they responded back with a help desk ticket that the money would be there the next day and it was.
So in a nutshell ... you did a cashout to your NetSpend back in December 2015. NetSpend held the incoming cashout until they could confirm where I came from. Then recently NetSpend told you they sent it back to the processor. So your money is floating out there somewhere. You tell BingoMania this and they say they will send the money to another bank account of yours and they did just like that. So if that's it in a nutshell ... Merry Christmas to you! :present:
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That is it in a nutshell and it pretty much stunned me! There are a couple of things that will be forever a mystery. Who did NetSpend send the money to? Bingomania said they changed processors so they had no way of knowing if they actually got the money back. Don't know if that is true or not??? All I know is that sent me the money in full that I actually won on December 18th of 2015 and I would say I got it about a month ago maybe 5 weeks. Merry Christmas to you as well and Thank You for all your advice and help! I should probably come here more often for free perks but one has so little gosh darn time. I will try though Thank You!1
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