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Former Utah Attorneys General John Swallow & Mark Shurtleff Arrested - Ties To "Black Friday"


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Former Attorneys General John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff are due to appear in court on on July 22 and 30, respectively, after the two men were charged last week with racketeering following a sweeping public corruption investigation.

Swallow faces 11 felonies and two misdemeanors, including a pattern of unlawful activity, receiving or soliciting a bribe, evidence tampering and making false statements.

A defendant in the so-called "Black Friday" case against online poker rooms Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars and Absolute Poker claimed he witnessed inappropriate funds transfers between Shurtleff, Swallow and bank owner Jeremy Johnson, also named in the April 15, 2011 "Black Friday" complaint. Elie and Johnson were both charged with money laundering in connection with payment transactions for the three online poker rooms.

Elie said in an interview with PokerNews that Johnson attempted to bribe Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D- Nevada). Elie does not know what transpired beyond that point where Reid is concerned.

"I don't know about Harry. But [Johnson] tried to pay everyone. I do know about John Swallow, I know about the former Attorney General. I definitely know there was a lot of money exchanged between the three of them."

If convicted on all charges, Swallow and Shurleff could each serve up to 30 years in prison.


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