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GOD Keeps Calling On Me Lately.


Hi gang:Quiet night here at NDF, so I thought I would share a little bit about what has been going on in my life as of this past week.Late last week I go for coffee at my usual place, Dunkin Donuts, and I run into a acquaintence there.  Not really a good friend, but someone I know from here and there, and I have always enjoyed visiting with her. I say Hello and I notice it looks like she has been crying.  I ask her what is wrong, and for the next half hour I hear all about her troubles, bad choices, and bad luck.  She is homeless.  She is there asking Tim, the owner of the place, if she can park her van there for the night to sleep in. My mind reels.  What to do, what to do.  I can't very well NOT invite her to come and stay for the night, as that would be rude, and if it were me in that situation, I would want someone to open their heart and help me.  On the other hand, I dont know this girl all that well, and I am pretty funny when it comes to someone I dont know in my house for even a few hours. I say a small prayer in my head, and God tells me it will be okay, and I offer her a place to stay for the night.  Needless to say, she is grateful. It wasnt to bad having her there, she slept alot, and took a needed shower.   I fed her from my small supplies and she shared with me alot of her life.  Im not a big talker, hahaha, I know what your thinking, but really, Im not.    I'm like 'Really? as I look to the sky and see GOD smiling at me.  Yet another call from God to help someone in need in the same week.  I dont know this girl,  dont want to know this girl,  have no idea why she is going to the shelter house, nor do I care.   All I know is I am this girls only hope to get where she is going to start a new life. Sighhhhhhh  Here we go again. I agree, and as she gets off the bus and heads to my car with my friend, I want to run.  This girl looked RUFF.  Tattoos, piercings, and when she spoke, she sounded like a man.    I am not kidding.  She even introduced herself as Moose. How charming huh? Well Moose explained she was starting over in her life, and was getting away from violence.  Thats why she was going to the shelter house.   I pretty much just listened, but I did get many thank yous for giving her a ride to her destination.   We arrived, and she jumped out, happy as a kid, and I know I'll never see her again, and that is fine with me. LOLIm home alone now, for the moment, until God sends me someone else I need to take somewhere,  give up my couch too for a week, possibly feed, or who knows what else. I guess I just find it hard to say No when I know it's God asking me to do something. Thanks for reading.                                                                                             Pam
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Does the phrase No good deed goes unpunished mean anything to you?"
Nancy Reagan has a point - Just Say NO!"
Learn to drive them to a homeless shelter - you have enough on your plate already ...


PSP wrote: Does the phrase No good deed goes unpunished mean anything to you?Nancy Reagan has a point - Just Say NO!Learn to drive them to a homeless shelter - you have enough on your plate already ...
I sooo understand your point PSP.  It seems like you go out of your way to help someone, and it comes back to bite you in the a** .   I too have experienced that situation. I was very careful when she was in my house.  I never left her alone, and I told her straight up there would be NO DRAMA brought into my house.  She never had any visitors, and went to work as she should. These situations just seem to so easily turn from doing a good deed into suddenly your in the middle of a mess yourself.  Where do we draw that fine line?  Do you choose to NEVER help anyone because it may turn out to be bad?  Or do we take a chance and go with your heart and reach out to a individual who really needs help, of course having boundries. This is a good question. 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
The problem with bringing someone to your home is that you just never know."
Before we moved my father (who had Parkinson's disease) to a retirement home within 1/2 mile of us, he required 24 hour assistance. The people we hired were fine, but their friends would come over periodically to visit. As my father got to know them better, he would welcome them over to have lunch or pay them to do the gardening, etc that he could no longer do. It all stopped when I went over one afternoon to find 7 friends eating lunch. I spoke to them after lunch and explained that he was living off of his meager Social Security and really couldn't afford to do this anymore - apparently this had been going on for weeks."
I got a call from him a few days later that one of the caregivers hadn't been there for 2 days. When I went out to see why, we discovered that the friends had stolen everything and anything of value that wasn't screwed to the wall - tools, fishing equipment, my Grandfather's pocket watch - you name it. It wasn't just stuff - it was stuff that, in some cases, was the only physical tie that we had to a relative. The things weren't particularly valuable to anyone else, but they could never be replaced."
If you find yourself in a situation like that again, consider funding an inexpensive motel for them to stay in for a few days. If you really can't afford that, help them find a shelter where they will be safe. If that's not possible, learn to say I'm sorry for your situation and wish them the best of luck.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
That may have sounded cold, but there really needs to be a level of separation between you and anyone you might help. If it really bothers you, volunteer at one of the shelters - I'm sure they'd love the help.


PSP wrote: That may have sounded cold, but there really needs to be a level of separation between you and anyone you might help. If it really bothers you, volunteer at one of the shelters - I'm sure they'd love the help. It doesnt sound cold at all my friend.  I know you mean it out of concern and are sincerely concerned about my well being, and that means so much to me.  My friends here at NDF are the best. Thank you PSP for the responses to my post, and your concern. On a side note, called Verizon to change my number so GOD could stop calling on me.     I was told it would do no good because GOD always HAS YOUR NUMBER.                                                                                     Pam
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I don't know for sure what I would have done , but I can say that anymore this day and time I think I wiould be afraid to bring a stranger into my home......kudo's 2 u !!!!!!!!!!!!!


tamaroa wrote: I don't know for sure what I would have done , but I can say that anymore this day and time I think I wiould be afraid to bring a stranger into my home......kudo's 2 u !!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I said, I knew her from the coffee house, and luckily, everything went okay for me.She is gone now, and I wish her the best of luck, but I cant do anymore for her. It is up to her to do for herself now.  By allowing her to stay to long, I would feel like I was enabling her to not get help she really needs. Thanks for the kudos.                                                                                                Pam
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You sound like me. I am always bending over backwards to help someone in need.  God does work though us, but we have rto follow our instincts if it feel right, most of the tihrough on it, me our instincts are correct.  If I feel a bad vibe,  I don't always follow through with it, and I wish I would have.   God is watching, and the lets devil does throw in a thing or two  now and now just to keep us on our toes.
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Yes: it certainly is important to follow our instincts when deciding whether to help someone in need nowdays. Helping someone anymore, can be down right dangerous.  There are so many things we have to take into consideration and all this has to be done quickly when this situation arises, usually unplanned. Thanks for the replies everyone.                                                                                               Pam
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