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Hoover Dam Bypass is now OPEN!


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<table style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; width:662px;" cellpadding="8" > Welcome to the Hoover Dam Bypass Website</h4> Construction of the Colorado River Bridge is advancing on the 1,060 foot twin-rib concrete arch. The  Colorado River Bridge is the central portion of the Hoover Dam Bypass Project. Construction on the nearly 2,000 foot long bridge began in late January 2005 and the completion of the entire Hoover Dam Bypass Project is expected in Late 2010.  When completed, this signature bridge will span the Black Canyon (about 1,500 feet south of the Hoover Dam), connecting the Arizona and Nevada Approach highways nearly 900-feet above the Colorado River. Visit the What's New and Construction Activities pages for more details on how this project is advancing. Hoover Dam Bypass Now Open!</h4>The Federal Highway Administration, in conjunction with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), officially opened the new segment of US 93, formally known as the Hoover Dam Bypass. Traffic began flowing on Tuesday night, October 19, 2010. Background on the Hoover Dam Bypass Project</h4> United States Highway 93 (U.S. 93) has been designated a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) route. The increasing congestion caused by the switchbacks leading to the Hoover Dam site and the restrictions at the dam crossing have led to the development of the Hoover Bypass Project.  The Hoover Dam Bypass Project is a 3.5-mile corridor beginning at approximately milepost 2.2 in Clark County, Nevada and crossing the Colorado River approximately 1,500 feet downstream of the Hoover Dam, then terminating in Mohave County, Arizona near milepost 1.7 on U.S. 93.A  Project Management Team (PMT) was developed to oversee the design and construction of the project. The PMT has representation from each of the major project stakeholders including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the States of Arizona and Nevada, the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) and the National Park Service (NPS).  Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) will act in the lead management role for all elements of project procurement, design and construction.CFLHD awarded a contract to HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide design and construction support services for the Hoover Bypass Project. An integrated team of professionals from  HDR Engineering, T.Y. Lin International, Sverdrup Civil, Inc. and several supporting subconsultants make up the consultant team, collectively known as  Hoover Support Team . What's Happening On the Job?  The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded a $7 million contract to Frehner Construction Company, Inc. of North Las Vegas, Nevada to complete the final roadway elements that will allow traffic onto the Hoover Dam Bypass.    This will be the final contract. Work will include completion of signing, striping, median barrier, lighting, paving, and roadway tie-ins at U.S. 93. Additional work will include the paving and parking area improvements for the visitor and pedestrian plaza.The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) awarded a $7 million  roadway surfacing project to <a href="http://www.lasvegaspaving.com/" >Las Vegas Paving Corporation</a> of Las Vegas Nevada in December 2007. The paving project included over 60,000 tons aggregate base, 45,000 tons hot asphalt concrete pavement and nearly 18,000 lineal feet of guardrail. The project is now complete. This project was accelerated in order to finalize paving and guardrail throughout a majority of the Bypass Approach roadways and take advantage of current construction materials prices and minimize any future increases that may result from delays associated with the contractor's crane collapse that occurred during construction of the River Bridge. Advancing this roadway surfacing project ensured continued progress on the Bypass and will have minimized the remaining work to be done after the River Bridge is completed - with the ultimate goal of expediting the final opening of the Bypass.Once the River Bridge nears completion, a final contract will be awarded to pave the short sections of remaining roadway and the roadway tie-ins at U.S. 93, as well as complete final signing, striping, barrier, and pedestrian facilities. It is estimated that this final contract will cost approximately $8 million and will be advertised in late 2009. The total cost to complete the Hoover Dam Bypass remains unchanged at $240 million and is consistent with the original 2001 estimate.The construction contract for the  Colorado River Bridge , was awarded to the joint venture partnership of
Obayashi Corporation and PSM Construction USA, Inc., in October of 2004 for $114M. Construction began in early 2005 and is expected to be completed in 2010. When completed, the 2,000 foot-long Colorado River Bridge will span the Black Canyon (about 1,500 feet south of the Hoover Dam), connecting the Arizona and Nevada Approach highways nearly 900-feet above the Colorado River.  The construction requirements and challenges are as difficult as any in the world.By November 2008, the joint venture contractor had completed over $78M worth of construction. Major milestone work completed included the abutments, approach columns, girders and deck, and arch skewback footings. A number of the arch segments were cast using a temporary form traveler system. The contractor established a new cableway system developed specifically for this project and site. The cable crane system spans the canyon, delivering materials and equipment used in constructing the bridge. Other completed work included the precast segments for the bridge columns which support the roadway on the arch.
 On  August 10, 2009, the arch portion of the Colorado River Bridge was physically connected.  Removal of the supporting cable system was completed on August 27th, and the arch is now self supporting and free standing.    The bridge is approximately 85% complete.Continued work includes setting the precast columns, erecting the steel girders, and casting of the roadway deck and barriers. (Please see the July/August Project Status Update for more detail on this process.  It can be found on our What's New page.) The bridge remains on schedule for completion in late August 2010.  Opening of the bypass is on track for November 2010.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
The 8th wonder of the world! Guys, this bridge is MASSIVE!! 
I have seen it while under construction during these last few years driving to Vegas. The last trip I made driving across Hoover Dam was in June so the bridge was almost at the point of opening. I have never seen anything so awesome (I haven't made it to the Pyramids in Egypt yet!) and wonder how many bags of cement they had to order from Home Depot. My mouth literally dropped open when we drove past the pillars holding this bridge up. The bridge will cut 30 minutes of driving time going to Las Vegas from Phoenix.
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It is simply incredible to me what man can do.Thanks for sharing this article Mben, I found it so interesting. Anything that will get us to Vegas faster is a plus in my book. I look forward to seeing it one day.                                                                                           Pam
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