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I simply cant believe how many people do this....


Hello gang:I spend alot of time in the land casino, and I observe alot.  You cant help but watch people sometimes, and their behaviors.   When someone sits down at a slot machine, their actions immediatley become apparent.Just lately, I have seen an increased number of folks who rub the machines screen for all it is worth.  I look on in confusion, as they rub this and that way across the screen.   Some folks , rub the side, some folks, actually rub the top of the banner that runs across the top of the machine.  Most however, rub the actual screen. One day I couldnt help myself, and I leaned over and said to a woman... Does that actually help?   She looked at me almost offended, and said, Yes. What makes people believe such things?  Am I the only one who doesn't rub the screen?  Talking to it actually is another quirk people do.  They even coo to it and talk gently as if it has ears and can respond to the sweet talk it is receiving.  What the heck is up with that?Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has not lost touch with reality when I sit and watch other gamblers, by the dozens do these types of behaviors. Dont they know these machines are run by the Random Number Generator, and no amount of rubbing, talking, and praying is going to change the outcome?  I am one with the machine...It can feel my touch and my voice, and it will respond to me.     I am looking for someone to please be able to explain to me what one is feeling, believeing and doing while they do this type of behavior.   For me, it just was never something I fell into when gambling.  I guess I am to much of a realist.  Anyone out there do this?  How about others out there who also think like I do about this? Thanks for reading.                                                                                     Pam


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
My lucky rabbit's foot thinks that they are crazy!"
(Come to think of it, that foot wasn't too lucky for the rabbit ...)


Greedy Gambler
Yup, that would be me I also rub my computer screen....Gives me something to do....
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My Magic 8 Ball said Rub it and you will win! after I asked it what I should to win money at a slot machine, Magic 8 Ball? Then after that my Ouiji board started flipping out spelling out all kinds of weird stuff but I didn't dare read what it was writing. Nuh Uhh!! It might have told me I better rub the machines too or else! (I am now making the gesture of running a knife across my throat) I have seen some of the craziest stuff at the land casinos too, Pam. This was the craziest one of all for me.I sit down next to a man at the dollar 3 liner slots. This guy has a magazine propped up covering the screen completely and he is spinning away. Every once in a while you would see the machine light up telling us that he had won something. Never did he pull the magazine down until this one last spin. The machine lit up like the 4th of July! (I think that's what he was playing, come to think of it) and then and only then did he pull the magazine down. It was a $5000 hit!!! Un freaking believable! He hit me on my arm and said looky at that! pointing at the screen. He was thrilled and I was thrilled for him (as thrilled as I could be for someone else winning that big of a jackpot instead if me. )
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Thinks Too Much
I see it all the time at the local Internet Cafe and I tell each of them 'That wont work! That is just a monitor, the CPU down on the floor is what you should be rubbing.  So now all these wacky woman take off there shoes and are having almost a sexual foot fetish with the CPU on the floorKinky but I'm starting to like it!
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SPADEAHOLIC wrote: <i style="font-weight:bold;"> Kinky but I'm starting to like it !
That would make you the one with the foot fetish!   
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Thanks for all the replies gang....  I just knew I wasnt alone in this, and others have witnessed the oddities that people do when spinning. Spade?  That comment about wacky women rubbing the CPU is halarious. Just last time at the casino, I witnessed a guy who was really rubbing the screen hard.   Each and every time he hit the spin button, he would rub the screen for all it was worth.   As we know, the screen is a touch screen and can be stopped when someone touches it.   Well, this guy did lousy. haha. I  swear, if he hadnt been stopping the screen himself he would of had a better chance at a bonus, but as soon as the reels started, he stopped them, hoping obviously to stop them with all three bonus symbols at once.  This was not the case.  I secretly watched him burn thru $40 bucks, minimum bet, without a single bonus.  He left , irritated, of course.  Dont you know I moved my butt down there cause I believed this game was ready to give a bonus. Sure enough, was maybe 10 spins and I got the bonus.  Wasn't a huge one, but I did get the bonus that the man was trying to get.  hehe.                                                                                            Pam
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
PMM2008 wrote: Just last time at the casino, I witnessed a guy who was really rubbing the screen hard.   Each and every time he hit the spin button, he would rub the screen for all it was worth.   As we know, the screen is a touch screen and can be stopped when someone touches it.   Well, this guy did lousy. haha. I  swear, if he hadnt been stopping the screen himself he would of had a better chance at a bonus, but as soon as the reels started, he stopped them, hoping obviously to stop them with all three bonus symbols at once.  This was not the case.  I secretly watched him burn thru $40 bucks, minimum bet, without a single bonus.  He left , irritated, of course.  Dont you know I moved my butt down there cause I believed this game was ready to give a bonus. Sure enough, was maybe 10 spins and I got the bonus.  Wasn't a huge one, but I did get the bonus that the man was trying to get.  hehe.                                                                                            Pam
Wait a second - Did you just say that the machine was ready to give a bonus ?
PMM2008 wrote: Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has not lost touch with reality when I sit and watch other gamblers, by the dozens do these types of behaviors. Dont they know these machines are run by the Random Number Generator, and no amount of rubbing, talking, and praying is going to change the outcome? Pam
... or no amount of previous non-winning spins?  
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When stating the Machine was ready to give a bonus.. it is nothing more than knowing the machine had not given one in some time, and hoping beyond hope it would give it to me as it had not given it to the previous player who was rubbing the machine. LOLI am a firm believer in the RNG, and no amount of hoping, praying, talking, cooing, wishing, believing, or anything else for that matter is going to change the outcome.  I have sat at plenty of machines that have not given me a bonus in forever.  Just believing it SHOULD give you a bonus doesnt mean it will. At least not in my mind.                                                                                          Pam                                                                                        


PMM2008 wrote: Just believing it SHOULD give you a bonus doesnt mean it will. At least not in my mind. Pam
Oh i must jump into join this one.... Luv me a little non-debate, debate  
Kind of like... Just believing in a ritual or charm to help you win does not mean it will? 
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Hi orren:Thanks for the reply. I love debate too.  So are you saying you DO beleive in charms and such or not?  I see many people holding lucky charms while gambling, yet I have never been tempted to do that.  It certainly doent hurt anything to believe a charm might help, but facts are facts, and the RNG is always in control. Whats your take on it? To believe that a charm might help, is like saying a higher power can control the machine over the RNG.  WOW, now that is something to debate.                                                                                                   Pam 
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To give you a better response to the original post PMM2008. I believe these types of ritual behavior stem from religious practices. As bad of an idea as it is, to even hint of discussing religion, I'm fairly sure that's where it comes from. Whether from signing the cross (father, son, holy etc.), from prayer beads, or even from those who would use painted symbols with candles and strange chants combined with hand gestures (which seems to be fairly close to what you witnessed). People tend to believe if something works in one aspect of life, that it can be applied to others. And although i don't share those same beliefs i can kinda, sorta see why others could, maybe...."
Let me tell you though, I almost wish i did believe some of that stuff really worked. Because i would not at all mind if throwing a 50cent piece into the fairy statue's pond on Thursday morning as the sun rises would allow me to WIN BIG and be DISCIPLINED ENOUGH to ACTUALLY CASHOUT, BEFORE its not really worth the trouble anymore."


orren:Yes, I couldnt agree more with your take on it as you wrote in your post.  Religious beliefs that a higher power is able to control any situation, even the outcome from the spinning of the reels.  They apply it to many aspects of their life. I myself do believe in a higher power, and yes, I do believe that they can control every aspect of this world when they want.  However, I just have never been able to bring myself to ask this power to help me in gambling.   Sounds funny when I say it, but I believe the higher power will have devine intervention at their own will. No amount of praying for it to happen will make it happen unless it is the will of the higher power. Does that make sense? 
Kinda like Fate.  If it is my fate to win big that day, I will.  If it is not my fate for that day, I will lose.   I dont feel any amount of rituals or charms, praying, voodoo, talking to the machine, etc will change the outcome.  It simply isnt up to me. Thanks for the response....this is fun to read others take on it and be able to share mine.                                                                                              Pam
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PMM2008 wrote: Hi orren:Thanks for the reply. I love debate too.  So are you saying you DO beleive in charms and such or not?  I see many people holding lucky charms while gambling, yet I have never been tempted to do that.  It certainly doent hurt anything to believe a charm might help, but facts are facts, and the RNG is always in control. Whats your take on it? To believe that a charm might help, is like saying a higher power can control the machine over the RNG.  WOW, now that is something to debate. Pam
Honestly i, for some reason go back and forth on the whole luck and charm deal. When you play Texas hold'em in a poker room you are supposed put a chip over you're cards if you stay in the hand (this lets the dealer know you dont want to fold the hand and have the dealer remove the cards and also lets other players know when its they're turn to bet/fold etc.). Anyway it is a common practice amongst poker players to use a specific chip or coin as a marker to place over they're cards. I have used 50cent pieces, dollar coins, even pieces of metal that are of simular size to a poker chip for a marker. Either because i just happend to have one of these items and wanted to be a bit original, or someone else had given it to me saying it was good luck, or even if i used it the last time i had played and won.I've gone so far as to spend 10 minutes searching for a marker that i'de won while playing with previously, before leaving to go play. As well as making sure i did not take a marker i had lost while using. Occationally removing other items carried on me that may have had the bad juju .There also have been periods of time where i have told others that that sort of thing is just a bunch of crap and not had anything to do with believing such nonsense.Guess i'm just one of those original people (some prefer the term strange ) that can ague both sides of a point. Sometimes one side has ledgit evidence backing it up, but does not continue to prove correct over time.  Wow, i think i lost even me in there some where
aparently its time for bed. will review post, likely be embarrased of mine and continue discussion tomorrow
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At the gift shop in the casino they have a bunch of cheap rings made to look like they cost a bunch. hahaWell there was one that caught my eye.  It was the one with two dice, side by side, and for the dots on the dice it had fake diamonds. haha I know it sounds funny, but it is a cool ring for a gambler. Said to myself That ring is gonna bring me luck.   So I bought it and wore it the rest of the night.   Do you know I had the worst luck ever.  I couldnt win a single thing after I put that ring on.  Was it really the ring? Was the ring cursed? Or was it simply my believing that such bad luck had to have a cause. Next trip to the casino? Same thing, put my ring on, and did horrible all night.Just as you said orren, it is a easy step for one to make into the belief that charms, praying, talking, and good luck items may actually work.   The ring thing is about as far as I ever went into luck charms, and as it didnt work out to well for me I quit wearing that ring when I went to gamble. (Matter of fact, my luck was sooo bad with that ring, I refuse to wear it ever again to the casino.)  Now I may not believe in good luck charms, but I do believe I know a BAD luck charm when I see it. ) 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I believe in lucky charms.........They are magically delicious after all ...
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 PSP.Ahh what the hey....I'll try a bowl next time I am heading to the casino.  Cant hurt.  hehehe                                                                                  Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Just take the box with you to the casino, Pam! "
Now that's funny and it would be even funnier watching you stuff handful after handful of Lucky Charms into your mouth before every spin. "
I can see the cereal on the floor all around your chair, all over your shirt, the marshmallow charms stuck on your lips!
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   Ohhhhh, Ill do anything for a laugh. Next time I go, Ill take that box and get pictures to prove it.  That of course hinges on security not throwing me out.   Having someone with Lucky Charms hanging from thier  lips is a clear case of being intoxicated, and they kinda watch for things like that.                                                                                   Pam
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I think rubbing the machine or screen is just their thing , every gambler has a lucky pair of socks or a lucky person they sit by or a lucky item they carry."
This is just what they think will bring them luck.


It seems like to me....even people that are not prone to such beliefs as in  lucky charms and trinkets, as gamblers, do find themselves ever closer to wanting to believe in such things.  We want to think there is a way around the losing aspect of it. A Gambling God if you will, which is entirerly different from the normal God. As I mentioned, I dont believe in such things as lucky charms, yet I found myself after I bought that ring, hoping ever so, that it would increase my luck. Gamblers are a superstitious group for sure.  haha                                                                                  Pam




 I wish I could walk into the casino with a large fortune, just to have a small fortune when I walked out. Tomorrow I have a free room at the casino, used my comp points to upgrade to a jacuzzi room. Sweeeeet. Anyways....I decided to give luck charms a try.  I am going to wear my lucky Elvis shirt. It has Elvis all over it and musical notes, etc.   It is a awesome shirt, and how could it be anything but good luck.   I hope I need security to walk me out I win so much.                                                                                                    Pam
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