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INSTRUCTIONS on How to PM (Personal Message) a Fellow Member or Staff


SENDING PM'S OR PERSONAL MESSAGES ON THE NDF How do I send a 'PM' or a 'personal message' to a member or staff on the NDF?  For example ..Let's say you want to send a message to Belgamo.....1) Click on Belgamo anywhere on the Forum that his alias is underlined and blue(example... <a href="http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=89469&p=20&memberID=444118" title="belgamo">belgamo </a> )....then click on 'Send Message' at the bottom OF the column that has his profile information. 2) Enter a subject (if wanted) and then type your message. 3) You can preview your message if wanted. Click 'Send Message' when finished. 4) This message will only be seen by you and the recipient of your message. That is why it is called a PM...or Personal Message. 5) If you want to reply to a PM, simply open the message and click 'reply' on the top right corner. This will open up the PM so you can reply back. Type your text at the top of the message. Click 'Send Message' when finished.
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Mben- I so apologize if i scared you last night. can't believe you banned me. i just was concerned about whats happening. i had read one liner the other day saying online vegas couldn't make payouts right now. of course the casino isn't going to answer questions. Now i introduuced myself like that -like they do on tvfor a drug deal to make sure you were reassured that i was just a gambler. anyway here are all my stats karen gardner benton arkansas 58 year old disabled convenience store manager cause i had a massive heart attack Jan 2007. am heavy smoker with severe copd. some days i can't walk and breathe at the same time. have oxygen at home . two years ago may2009 we came into large inheritance and i got my first computer and since i loved land casinos i found go casino . while my hubby went slightly nuts , i gambled online. he did his thing -alcohol and rx drugs i gambled some more. i finally came to my senses about spending so much on a hobby and now i limit myself to a few hundred a month. i am just a lonely person who comes into the forum now and then to feel like ii'm around others. my hubby is a good person but in the past very abusive(much better now that he barely drinks and got away from a 2k a week rx habit. please lift the ban. you can check me out , my phone is 501-249-4043 and just think the gov't is overstepping their bonds, here and every where....my email is karensg1@live.com please lift my ip ban. email me if you do. i can in by creating a link in my hsbans name but it was a one time thing. will not use it again. just let me back in as silverVette. and yes i do own a 2002 silver corvette. thanks sweetie. i'll miss you all.

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