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Mben Is Leaving the Building


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I want to let everyone know that I will be gone from Fri afternoon to Tuesday afternoon sometime. 8/23 - 8/27I will be welcoming into the world my new granddaughter on Fri afternoon! :heart: And then running interference (lol darn football) for the baby's dad and the other 2 grand kids while he camps out in my daughter's room with her at the hospital over the weekend.Please know that if you PM me during this time, the earliest I will reply is on Tue. If you have an urgent matter, please PM Pam.Thanks everyone and have a great weekend! 
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nikkidog wrote: Let us know when the baby arrives and of course pictures.  Congrats to all your family.
Will do, nikki! Thank you! 


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
This better not affect my ability to sign up for the freebie Fantasy Football when the other deadbeats don't sign up tomorrow.... Oh, wait - I don't think that I was supposed to say that out loud :surprise:   
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote: This better not affect my ability to sign up for the freebie Fantasy Football when the other deadbeats don't sign up tomorrow.... Oh, wait - I don't think that I was supposed to say that out loud :surprise:   
Hey Mr One Track Mind,  I spoke with Belgamo today about the deadline tomorrow and he is taking care of it all by his lonesome! He pretty much has his finger on the send ff email to PSP button on his keyboard right now!It's all on him! See you Tuesday!:thumb: 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Mben wrote:
PSP wrote: This better not affect my ability to sign up for the freebie Fantasy Football when the other deadbeats don't sign up tomorrow.... Oh, wait - I don't think that I was supposed to say that out loud :surprise:   
Hey Mr One Track Mind,  I spoke with Belgamo today about the deadline tomorrow and he is taking care of it all by his lonesome! He pretty much has his finger on the send ff email to PSP button on his keyboard right now!It's all on him! See you Tuesday!:thumb: 
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Can't wait for the good news that she is here and perfect.Lookin forward to some pics.Enjoy your family time, and don' worry about the forum.:yourock::yourock::yourock:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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See you all later!
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Missed out on seeing you off, but saw on chat that the Baby is here, Congrats to mom and dad, and Hurray for Grammy too! [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVLDi-FFjVo][/video]


Are there any pic's of the baby yet. Congrats Mben to your daughter and her family and of course  congrats  to you also  Grandma.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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nikkidog wrote: Are there pic's of the baby yet. Congrats Mben to your daughter and her family and of course  congrats  to you also  Grandma.
Thank you , nikki! I'vebeen trying to upload some from my phone but haven't able to. I'll post some tomorrow night when I get home. I left my laptop at home this time so I could enjoy real family time. I do miss my PC's right about now tho. Lol 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
iHere she is! Michael and Miya also!.Say  hello to Mariyah Janae everyone!I'm sorry if this is huge on your screen. Doing the all from my phone, like I said. 
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Hello Mariyah Janae!!!! :roll:We have been awaiting your arrival for a long while.From the pics it looks like you are doing great. You are cute as they come. Awww, look at the proud Big Brother there. Thats a great pic of Michael and Mariyah.Miya is cute as always. How does she feel about her new baby Sister?Thanks Mben for the first pics of the new member to your family. :yourock: 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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One more ... :heart:<a href="http://s205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/?action=view&current=MARIYAH_zps2fb10bb7.jpg" >
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Welcome to the world Mariyah!!!!!! I can see a happy grandma there-.---- dont you see her?"


Congrats to you and all the family, She is just beautiful. You have 3 beautiful grandchildren and I know you will enjoy every moment with them.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I'm back! :roll:Thank you for all the congrats and comments about my beautiful new granddaughter and her brother and sister! Mom and daughter were discharged yesterday and they are doing great! Miya is adjusting to mom paying attention to her new sister. Bri told me that last night whenever Mariyah would scream (she has a big set of lungs for such a teeny, tiny body lol) because she was hungry, it woke Miya up (Miya's crib is still in mom and dad's room). Every time that happened through the night, Miya would sit up and say who's dat? baaaaaaby! lol Miya is learning to say words left and right now. Some you can't understand yet but other words are clear as a bell!
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I forgot the most important part about her birth ..... she was 7 lbs and .08 oz (so technically 0 oz) and 19 inches long!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Thank you, Gsalls! Yes! I am an abuela! :grandma:"
Funny, one of my daughter's nurses told us that her and I don't look like mother and daughter, that we looked like sisters. "
We get that all the time. lol Makes me feel good, that's for sure!

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