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Michigan Fireworks are Lame.


Hi Gang:Happy 4th of July.I live in a state that bans almost all fireworks to sell.  About the best you can do is sparklers and smoke bombs.  Bottle rockets are out of the question and firecrackers are also a no no.  This state is seriously lame when it comes to fireworks.How about the state you live in? Do they allow decent fireworks for sale? Everyone here always goes to Ohio to buy fireworks, so Ohio must have it going on for sure.Does anyone buy alot of fireworks? I hear of people dropping hundreds of dollars on fireworks each year, and in a matter of moments, POOF, they are gone.Does anyone think fireworks are a waste of money? Or do you feel like they are worth the cost.                                                                                         Pam


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I'm in Arizona and as soon as the law passed in my county that it is now legal to BUY fireworks, the city plastered all over signs saying it may be LEGAL to BUY them in the county, which the city is in, but it is ILLEGAL to SET THEM OFF in city limits! How lame is that? lol


Mben wrote: I'm in Arizona and as soon as the law passed in my county that it is now legal to BUY fireworks, the city plastered all over signs saying it may be LEGAL to BUY them in the county, which the city is in, but it is ILLEGAL to SET THEM OFF in city limits! How lame is that? lol
 So let me get this straight.........You are allowed to buy them, you just cant set them off? :lol::lol:What the he** are you supposed to do with them then?Yea, thats messed up for sure.  haha                                                                                               Pam


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PMM2008 wrote:
Mben wrote: I'm in Arizona and as soon as the law passed in my county that it is now legal to BUY fireworks, the city plastered all over signs saying it may be LEGAL to BUY them in the county, which the city is in, but it is ILLEGAL to SET THEM OFF in city limits! How lame is that? lol
 So let me get this straight.........You are allowed to buy them, you just cant set them off? :lol::lol:What the he** are you supposed to do with them then?Yea, thats messed up for sure.  haha                                                                                               Pam
Exactly!I should have added that you can set them off in the county now too, not just buy them. So does anyone want to take a drive with me to the edge of town to set my trunk full of fireworks off with me? lol
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Trunk full of fireworks? :lol: Do me a favor, Dont smoke on your way out of town. :lol:           


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: Trunk full of fireworks? :lol: Do me a favor, Dont smoke on your way out of town. :lol:           
Don't ya think as soon as it was legal to buy them here and not have to run down to Mexico and get them, that I DIDN T stock up?!??! lolOh wait, it should have been the other way around? 
Just kidding .......... I have never bought fireworks. I leave it all up to the pro's to set off their amazing shows for us. 
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Oh, I forgot to mention one other firework that we can buy here in Michigan that is a real treat. Anyone remember those little snaps that you throw and it makes a bang when it hits the ground?  :lol: Now those are what I call fun. :lol:My 2 year old Nephew gets a real kick out of them.  ( for a very short time):beard:                                                                     Pam

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