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My granddaughter.....


Our oldest daughter finally came back home and brought our 1yr old granddaughter. I never dreamed I would be so happy to have someone call me Grandma ! She is so awesome, and I am very proud to be a 41 yr old grandma. Having a little one in the house again has definately made me feel and act younger! Not to mention the 40lbs I have dropped in the past 2 months--down 3 sizes and ran out of holes in my new belt already! My son has also acquired a girlfriend with an 11 month old baby boy, LOTS of fun on the weekends when they are both here! LMAO!!!!! Well, here are pics of Lanora Olivia Grace and Brayden! I am so proud!
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Awwwwww, those are some sweet looking babies for sure.  Sounds like you are having a terrific time with new babies in the house.  Enjoy them, they grow up so fast. (So I have heard) LOLThank you so much for sharing your family with us.God Bless.....                                                                        Pam


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Awwww Trish! They are adorable and look like a whole lot of fun for you and your family. Babies do have a way to make you feel younger, especially when you have to get up and run after them. lolMy second grandchild is due in April. I can't wait! Ps- You are one good looking 41 yr old granny! :wink:


Thanks everyone! Sadly, my daughter has decided to go back to Ohio so they are leavingon Sunday    :boohoo:.  Gonna miss them both terribly. Thought I would share a couple more pics with everyone. On another note, I started a new job working in a call center for an EBay company, which is keeping me so distracted...good timing anyway. I have to take 4 tests today and tomorrow to make it through training. Didn't think I had it in me to learn sooo much at my age! I am so tired! I really like it though, so far anyway. Wish me luck!!!


Hi Trish......Such sad news to have your grandbabies going to Ohio. I know you will miss them terribly.  Any time you want to talk, find me in chat.  I know how important family is, and it sucks to be seperated from them.On a high note, what a cool job you are training for.  The call center for Ebay? way cool.Here is good thoughts you make it thru training with flying colors, and it is a job you really enjoy.                                                                               Pam

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