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OMG Shooting in Connecticut school 28 killed


they are kindergarden children! some idiot went into a grade school where his mother taught kindergarden, killed her, the principle and 6 other adults, and killed all 18 children in his mothers class. those kids had their whole life ahead of them. my heart and prayers will be with you all. I am so sorry that this happened to you, and especially at Christmas time 


Oh my God. I heard of this just recently today, and all I can say is God be with them all. So senseless, it breaks my heart. Sweet beautiful children.  :boohoo:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
My heart hurts right now for the parents and grandparents of those innocent little boys and girls. If there is any positive out of this (which is so very hard to think of)it would be that these children will never know the horrible, sickening, vile and ugly people of this messed up world we live in. But that was by the shooter's choice, not their own. Poor babies! 5 to 10 years old!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really angry. I will be with my grandkids and they are gonna wonder what's wrong with me but that won't stop me from hugging them the whole time I'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
My heart hurts right now for the parents and grandparents of those innocent little boys and girls.If there is any positive out of this (which is so very hard to think of)it would be that these children will never know the horrible, sickening, vile and ugly people of this messed up world we live in. But that was by the shooter's choice, not their own. Poor babies! 5 to 10 years old!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really angry.I will be with my grandkids this weekend and they are gonna wonder what's wrong with me but that won't stop me from hugging them the whole time I'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I posted this on my Facebook page and thought I would share it with you .... For those who may want to send their love to help family members of the children who were tragically taken from them with their healing, here's a dedicated address. </h5><a href="http://bit.ly/SJqvJB" ><img class="shareMediaPhoto img" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v2/y4/r/-PAXP-deijE.gif" style="height:90px;width:90px;background-image:url(http://platform.ak.fbcdn.net/www/app_full_proxy.php?app=350685531728&v=1&size=z&cksum=d00dd2cd3afb45b5d5561e9648603946&src=http%3A%2F%2Fkold.images.worldnow.com%2Fimages%2F20366002_BG1.JPG);background-position:50% 50%;" /></a> <a href="http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=20366002" >USPS P.O. box dedicated for condolence letters</a> The U.S. postal service has created an outlet for an outpouring of emotion following the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.Business News Daily reports that the Newtown post office has been taking calls all day from people wanting to send letters, care packages and drawings from children.But where do they send them?Today (Monday) the Postal Service dedicated a post office box to the town. If you'd like to send your own condolences, the address is P.O. Box 3700, Newtown, Connecticut 06470 .The Newtown post office is expecting an enormous amount of mail.
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