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Hi gang:

I play poker for fun, and wow, do I love it. Any of you poker players? Do you get tired of the same old games like me? Gone are the days of just 5 card poker. Today's game has many many variations. Simple to complex.

I'm going to start this thread with a very basic poker game, and each day I will post a new game and hopefully you will enjoy finding a new game variation that you haven't played before. Share new games with your friends on poker night.

So next time one of your buddies brags about the game he or she was playing last week, you can surprise them with your own new games.

Have fun. Come back and give me a comment of two if you have questions or comments.

If you are already a experienced poker player, might I share with you Everygame Poker. They are a great place to play poker.

Good Luck!


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I guess the first thing people ask me about learning to play poker is "what are the poker hands that count?

Let me start by posting the chart of winning poker hands...You simply can't play poker if you don't know what is what in your hand.

Memorize this chart before ever playing. Afterwards, you will understand what you are holding in your hand and what you are shooting for.

Poker hands.jpg
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First game I ever learned to play.

Five Card Stud Poker:

Stud poker first appeared as early as the 1860's in America. Formerly all poker games had been "closed" - the cards were known only to the player to whom they were dealt. Stud poker is an "open" game in which most of a player's cards are displayed on the table. Therefore players can form an idea of the strength of other players' hands and bet accordingly, although each player has at least one "hole" card which remains concealed until the showdown. Since poker is a five card game it is natural that the earliest form of stud poker was five card stud. In this game each player's first card is dealt face down and known only to the owner, but the other four are dealt face up with a betting round after each.

The Play
The sequence of events is as follows (as usual the cards are dealt clockwise one at a time):

  1. All players place an ante in the pot.
  2. Each player is dealt one card face down and one face up, and there is a betting round.
  3. Each player is dealt a third card face up. There is a second betting round.
  4. Each player is dealt a fourth card face up. There is a third betting round.
  5. Each player is dealt a fifth and card face up. There is a fourth betting round.
  6. Surviving players show their cards and the best five-card hand wins the pot.
The concealed card - the first dealt to each player - is sometimes known as the "hole" card.

Traditionally, each betting round is begun by the player with the best hand showing. For this purpose pairs, triplets, two pairs and quads count in their normal poker order - so for example with three cards showing 3-3-3 is higher than 7-7-8, which is higher than A-K-Q. Incomplete straights and flushes do not count. If there is a tie it is resolved by comparing the suits of the highest cards in the tied hands using the ranking order clubs (low), diamonds, hearts, spades (high).

Some play that in the first betting round, the first player must place a compulsory bet, called the bring-in. In this case there may be no ante, though an ante is usually paid as well.

Some play that the first betting round starts with a compulsory (bring-in) bet by the player showing the lowest card. This is now the normal rule in formal games hosted by American casinos. The subsequent betting rounds are begun by the highest hand showing as usual.

Size of bets is determined before you start game play. Obviously some games will have a limit depending on what players have agreed to before the game begins.

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The next game I am going to list is 5 Card Draw. Easy and fun.

Five-card draw
Five-card draw is a poker variant that is considered the simplest variant of poker, and is the basis for video poker. As a result, it is often the first variant learned by new players. It is commonly played in home games but rarely played in casino and tournament play. The variant is also offered by some online venues, although it is not as popular as other variants such as Seven-card stud and Texas hold 'em.

"Five Card Draw"

Five Card Draw Rules
Five Card Draw is the simplest form of poker and is a favorite at home games around the world. It’s an easy game to pick up and play because it requires little preparation. All you need is a deck of cards and at least two players.

Antes and Blinds
Some Five Card Draw games use antes and others use blinds. If an ante is used, each player is required to place a small bet at the beginning of each hand. Antes can range in size from 10% to 20% of the small betting limit. In a $5/$10 game, the antes would be about $0.50.

Due to the explosion of Texas Hold'em, some players are more comfortable using blinds rather than antes. If blinds are used, the two players to the left of the dealer must place bets at the beginning of each hand. As the dealer’s position moves around the table, each player must pay the blinds once per orbit.

The player to the immediate left of the dealer is the small blind and must place a bet equal to half the size of the big blind. The big blind is one seat to the left of the small blind. The big blind is equal in size to the small betting limit. In a $5/$10 game, the small blind would be $2.50 and the big blind would be $5.

In games that use a full time dealer, a small disc known as the “dealer’s button” is passed around the table to represent the dealer’s position. Even though the players never actually deal the cards, one of them is always known as the dealer. The dealer’s button moves one seat to the left at the beginning of each hand.

When performing the initial deal, the player to the left of the dealer receives one card face down first and then each other player receives one card, going clockwise around the table. After all the players have one card, the dealer hands out one more card to each player in the same fashion as before. This is repeated until each player has five cards.

First Betting Round
The first betting round begins after all the players receive their cards and have a chance to look them over. The player to the immediate left of the dealer (the small blind) starts the betting. This player may call, raise, or fold.

The betting then continues clockwise around the table. Each player will have a chance to call, raise, or fold. If there are no raises, the big blind can check because he already paid a full bet at the beginning of the hand. The small blind would have to complete the half-bet to stay in.

After all the bets have been matched, players may now discard as many cards as they wish and draw new ones. In some games, the rule is that you may only discard up to three cards unless you have an Ace. In that case, you can discard every card except the Ace. In most games, however, you may discard as many cards as you wish.

Second Betting Round
Now that the players have their new cards, a second round of betting may begin. This round begins with the first remaining player to the left of the dealer. This player may check, bet, or fold. The betting then continues clockwise around the table until all the players have had a chance to act.

If there are two or more players remaining after the last betting round, these players have a showdown. The player with the best poker hand wins the pot. If only one player remains after the last betting round, that player may collect the pot without showing his cards.
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Hi gang: Here is another simple yet fun poker game to play. Easy to learn, moves fast, and is very similar to five card draw.

"Six Into Five"

Six cards dealt. After the first betting round, each player draws as per normal Draw game rules. The exception is that each player draws one less card than they discard. This means that if a player wants three new cards, he is going to have to discard four cards out of his hand. If a player wants to discard three cards, then he is only going to get two cards back.

With each player drawing one less card than he or she receives, every player will now have a five card hand. A final betting round ensues and the best five card hand wins. This allows players to get better hands and hopefully, stay in longer, compensating for only two betting rounds.

Have fun!

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Today I thought I would spend a little time on Poker Slang. Nothing is worse than sitting down with a experienced player that uses all the terms and you don't know what he is talking about.

The following list is actually a short version. Poker terms are plentiful and some lists are very long. I decided to go the smaller list, so we could all learn the most important terms , quicker.


Terms and Poker Lingo
You can get lost in the world of poker these days without a handy poker reference guide or dictionary - especially if you're new to the game and trying not to look like a fish at the local tournaments!

So we created this poker dictionary for you!

Poker Dictionary

1: The term ACTION is often used to describe whose turn it is, such as 'where is the action?' Or 'which player is the action on?'
2: Action can also describe the level of play at a poker table; if players are playing ‘loose’ one might say ‘there is a lot of action at that table’.
3: Any movement involved in the play of the game is considered action. Placing a bet, folding cards, raising, checking, are all examples of actions.

ALL-IN - A player that is ALL-IN has bet all of their money or chips on the outcome of that particular hand.

ANTE - A predetermined amount posted before the start of a hand by all players involved.

BET - Making the first wager into the pot during any betting round.

BIG BLIND - A forced bet designed to promote action paid by the player 2 places left of the dealer button before his or her hand is dealt.

BLIND - A forced bet made before any cards are dealt.

BLIND GAME - A game which uses a blind system.

1: A dry erase board used in poker rooms for players to join the waiting list for a poker table.
2: Used in reference to the community cards face up on the table and shared by each player in the game.

BOARDCARD - A community card in the center of the table, shared by all players in the game.

BURNCARD - After each player has received their starting hand, the top card is ‘burned’ and tossed into the discard pile face down.

BUTTON - Short for ‘Dealer Button’. A player can be ‘on the button’ meaning they currently have the advantage of the dealer button.

BUTTON GAMES - Games in which a dealer button is used.

BUY-IN - The minimum amount of money a player must stake to enter any given game.

CALIFORNIA LOWBALL - The primary poker game played in California during the 1970s.

CAPPED - The maximum number of raises allowable in this round has been reached. Players can call or fold, they can no longer raise.

CHECK - There is yet to be a bet in this round, and the player that has the action chooses not to bet, however does remain active in the hand.

CHECK-RAISE - Player Checks (See above) and then after an opponent places a bet, the original player raises that bet.

1: An agreement made between the big and small blinds when no action has been made prior to their turn to act, both players agree to pull back their blinds and fold their hands.
2: Splitting the pot, generally due to a tied hand at showdown.

COLLECTION - The fee charged in a game.

COLLECTION DROP - A fee charged for each hand dealt to players in any given game.

COLOR CHANGE - Changing the chips from one denomination to another.

COMMON CARD - A card dealt face-up to be used by all players at the showdown in the game of stud poker if there are insufficient cards left in the deck to deal each player an individual card.

COMMUNITY CARDS - Cards dealt face-up in the center of the table that are shared by all players in the hand.

COMPLETE THE BET - A player has gone ‘All-In’ for less than the minimum bet, players may have the option to just call the short bet, or ‘complete the bet’ by betting the remainder of the amount.

CUT - To divide the deck into sections in such a manner as to change the order of the cards, generally accomplished by placing the bottom half of the deck on the top.

CUT-CARD - Generally a thin colored plastic card used to cut the cards and keep the bottom card covered from view.

DEAD CARD - A card that is not legally playable.

DEAD HAND - A hand that is not legally playable.

1: A term used to describe a bad player, that is assumed to have no chance in a tournament situation.
2: Chips that are moved into the center of the pot because they are not considered part of a player’s bet.

DEAL - Passing each player his or her cards, or placing cards on the board.

DEALER BUTTON - A round flat disk that indicates the player in the dealing position for that.

DISCARD(S) - Cards that have been thrown away.

DOWNCARDS - Cards that are dealt facedown in any game that uses community cards.

1: Taking another card.
2: A player has a draw, if they have part of the winning hand with more cards to come. Such as 4 cards to a 5 card flush with two cards still to come.

FACECARD - A king, queen, or jack.

FIXED LIMIT - A Pre-set bet amount.

FLASHED CARD - A card that has been partially exposed.

FLOOR - Short for Floor Person, Players and dealers will often ‘request a floor’.

FLOOR PERSON - A casino employee designed to keep play running smoothly, make final game decisions, and assign players to tables.

FLOP - Three community cards that are turned simultaneously after the first round of betting is complete.

FLUSH - A poker hand consisting of five cards all of the same suit.

FLUSH DRAW - The player needs one more card to make a flush.

FOLD - To discard your cards and end your involvement with the current hand.

FOURTH STREET - The second up-card in seven-card.

FOULED HAND - synonym for dead hand.

FORCED BET - A required wager to start the action on the first betting round.

FREEROLL - A poker tournament that requires no buy in.

FULL HOUSE - Three of a Kind plus a pair.

HALF-KILL - Increases the blind and limits by fifty percent. (see Kill Below)

HAND - Cards held buy a player, including community cards where applicable.

HEADS-UP - Only two players involved in the action.

HOLECARDS - Cards dealt facedown to each player.

KANSAS CITY LOWBALL - Five-card draw, with no joker, and deuce-to-seven low hand values.

KICKER - The highest card in a players hand that is not used to form a pair or higher. Used to break a tie between to players with same valued hands.

KILL - An oversize blind, generally double the big blind and doubling the limit. A kill can be either voluntary or mandatory. Most commonly a kill occurs when a player wins two or more hands in a row at a designated kill table.

KILL BUTTON - A button used to indicate a player who has won two pots in a row in a Kill game.

KILL POT - A pot with a forced kill by the winner of the two previous pots, or the winner of an entire pot of sufficient size in a high-low split game.

LEG UP - The player has a ‘leg up’ on the kill pot. Player has one a pot already, and is one win away from having the ‘Kill button’.

LIVE BLIND - A blind bet giving a player the option of raising if no one else has raised.

LOWBALL - A draw game where the lowest hand wins.

LOWCARD - At seven-card stud, the lowest up-card, which is required to bet.

MISCALL - incorrectly declaring the rank or value of a hand verbally.

MISDEAL - Any mistake made by the dealer, such as a misplaced card, that required the cards be reshuffled and re-dealt.

MISSED BLIND - A button declaring that the player did not play their blind when it was their turn to be in the blinds, generally placed when player is away from the table.

1: [verb] To discard your cards without showing them to anyone.
2: [noun] The discard pile.

MUST-MOVE - In order to guarantee the most possible action at the main table, whilst still allowing players the option of playing a shorter table, a must move situation arises whereas players will be forced to move the main table as seats become available.

NO-LIMIT - A betting structure allowing players to wager any or all of their chips in one bet.

OPENER - The player who makes the first voluntary bet.

OPENER BUTTON - A button used to indicate who opened a pot in a draw game.

OPTION - The opportunity to make the last action from the big blind position pre flop.

PASS:1: Not to be confused with checking, in a pass and out game, a player that ‘passes‘ chooses not to place a bet and must fold their hand.
2: Player opts not to call a wager, discards or mucks their hand, and forfeits interest in the current hand.

PAT - Not drawing any cards in a draw game.

PLAY BEHIND - A situation in which a floor has went to retrieve chips for a player that have not arrived yet, yet the player is using those chips as a part of a wager.

PLAY THE BOARD - Using all five community cards and none of your down cards.

PLAY OVER - To play in a seat belonging to another player during his or her absence.

PLAYOVER BOX - A clear plastic box used to cover and protect the chips of an absent player when someone plays over that seat.

1: The relation of a player’s seat to the blinds or the button.
2: The order of acting on a betting round or deal.

POT-LIMIT - A betting structure that allows bet up to the amount currently in the pot.

RACK - A plastic container designed to hold poker chips, generally used for transporting to and from poker tables.

RAISE - To increase the amount of a previously placed wager.

RERAISE - To raise after another player has already raised.

SCOOP - To win both the high and the low portions of a pot in a split-pot game.

SCRAMBLE - Scattering the playing cards face down on the table and mixing them.

SETUP - Replacing the previous cards with new ones, generally 2 decks of different color.

SIDE POT - A separate pot formed when one or more players lacks money to meet the bet to be eligible for the entire pot.

SHORT BUY - A buy-in that is less than the required minimum buy-in.

SHOWDOWN - Showing of hands to determine the winner at the end of a round.

SHUFFLE - Mixing the cards.

SMALL BLIND - Half of the big blind, a forced bet made by the player one seat to the left of the dealer.

SPLIT POT - A pot that is divided amongst players, due to a tie for the best hand.

STACK - Refers to a players staked chips in a particular game.

STRADDLE - An additional blind bet placed after the forced blinds, usually double the big blind in size or in lowball, a multiple blind game.

STRAIGHT - Five cards in consecutive order, such as 8, 9, 10, jack, queen.

STRAIGHT FLUSH - Five cards in consecutive rank of the same suit.

STREET - Cards dealt on a particular round in stud games. For instance, the fourth card in a player’s hand is often known as Fourth Street, the sixth card as Sixth Street, and so on.

STRING RAISE - Player does not announce a raise, places some chips in front of him or her, and then reaches back and brings forward more chips.

STUB - The portion of the deck which has not been dealt.

TABLE STAKES - Players can bet no more than they have in front of them at the beginning of a hand, and cannot remove money from the table during the game.

TIME COLLECTION - Seat rental fee, paid in advance of play.

TURNCARD - The fourth card dealt in Texas and Omaha Hold'em.

UPCARDS - Cards that are dealt face-up for opponents to see in stud games.

WAGER - To place a bet.

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Let's move on to 7 card poker. 7 card stud is still quite simple, but it will get us used to having seven cards.

Seven Card stud.png
Seven Card Stud 2.png

Seven Card Stud
Seven Card Stud is a classic poker game which can take a lifetime to master. In Seven Card Stud, players are individually dealt seven cards throughout the course of the hand, but only the best five-card poker hand possible for each player is used to determine the winner.

Unlike Texas Hold’em and Omaha, Seven Card Stud is usually played with a Limit betting structure, in which the bets are in fixed increments. For example, in a $2/$4 limit game the bets are in increments of $2 on the first two betting rounds, and increments of $4 on the subsequent three betting rounds.

Rules for Seven Card Stud
Before a game of Seven Card Stud begins, all players ante a nominal amount (the exact amount depends on the game, and is displayed in the table’s title bar). This is the cost of being dealt into the hand. For example, the ante is $0.15 in a $1/$2 game.

Third Street
Each player is initially dealt three cards, two hidden hole cards and one face up. The player with the lowest exposed card is the ‘bring-in’, and is forced to start the action. They must make either another nominal bet (the exact size of the bring-in depends on the game) or, if they choose, a full bet of the lower betting increment. Action continues clockwise around the table until betting is complete for the round.

Fourth Street
Each player now receives another exposed card, called ‘Fourth Street’. The first player to act is the individual whose exposed cards have the highest poker value. For example, a player with an exposed pair of Kings would act first, if no other player is showing a pair of Aces or better. This player may either check or bet the lower structured betting amount (for example, $2 in a $2/$4 game). Please see the ‘Additional Stud Rules and Situations’ section below for an exception to this rule.

There is a round of betting.

Fifth Street
Each player now receives another exposed card, called ‘Fifth Street’. Again the first player to act is the individual whose exposed cards have the highest poker value. There is a round of betting.

Starting on Fifth Street and for the rest of the hand, all bets are in big bet increments ($4 in a $2/$4 game).

Sixth Street
Each player now receives another exposed card, called ‘Sixth Street’. Again, the first player to act is the individual whose exposed cards have the highest poker value. There is a round of betting.

Seventh Street (or the River)
Each player now receives a seventh and final card, which is dealt face-down and known only to the player to whom the card is dealt. The first player to act is the individual whose exposed cards have the highest poker value. There is a final betting round, and if more than one player remains, we reach the Showdown.

The Showdown
If there is more than one remaining player when the final betting round is complete, the last bettor or raiser shows his or her cards first. If there was no bet on the final round, the player in the earliest seat shows his or her cards first (Seat 1, then Seat 2, and so on). Further hands involved in the Showdown are exposed clockwise around the table.

The player with the best five-card poker hand wins the pot. In the event of identical poker hands, the pot will be equally divided between the players with the best hands.

After the pot is awarded, a new online game of Seven Card Stud poker is ready to be played.

Player Betting Options
In Stud, as with other forms of poker, the available actions are ‘fold’, ‘check’, ‘bet’, ‘call’ or ‘raise’. Exactly which options are available depends on the action taken by the previous players. If nobody has yet made a bet, then a player may either check (decline to bet, but keep their cards) or bet. If a player has bet, then subsequent players can fold, call or raise. To call is to match the amount the previous player has bet. To raise is to not only match the previous bet, but to also increase it. Bets and raises in Limit games are in pre-determined amounts.

Additional Stud Rules and Situations
  • For the purpose of determining the bring-in in Seven Card Stud, ties in card rank are broken by suit. The suits are ranked in alphabetical order – clubs (lowest), diamonds, hearts and spades (highest). The lowest suit breaks a tie, so if the deuce of hearts and deuce of clubs are visible at the beginning of the hand, then the deuce of clubs would have the bring-in. (Note: The ranking of equal hands at the Showdown is not determined by this rule.)
  • If the player with the lowest card showing on Third Street is all-in for the ante and they are consequently unable to make the required bring-in bet, the bring-in moves clockwise to the next player at the table, regardless of the value of that player’s exposed card.
  • On Fourth Street, if any player shows a pair, the betting can optionally be opened or raised for one big bet (for example, $4 in a $2/$4 game). Once someone makes the ‘big bet’ in this situation, the bigger bet amount continues for the remainder of the Fourth Street betting.
  • Because Stud games are played with eight players but there are only 52 cards in the deck, it’s possible to run out of cards before Seventh Street can be dealt. In this very rare instance, a single ‘community card’ will be dealt face-up on the table, which will be shared by all remaining players.
Try your poker skills online at . Another great place to play poker!
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How to Play Texas Hold'em Poker

Master the rules of Texas Holdem in minutes and learn how to play this extremely popular poker game.

This is it...This is where you find the game that is played in the World Series of Poker. It is a game of patience and intrigue. Bluffing is extremely active in this game and can be very effective.
With two cards down to every player, the betting begins.

The Play
At long last, let's see how a round actually works.

  1. Posting the Blinds. Two players each make a mandatory small bet before any cards are dealt. This ensures that there's something for everyone to play for if no one decides to bet after that. This responsibility rotates around the table from round to round so that everybody shares the burden of posting the blinds throughout the game.
  2. The Deal. Each player gets two cards, face-down. These are called the hole cards. Players place their bets, or fold (bail out).
  3. The Flop. Three community cards are dealt face up to the center of the table. Each player can use any or all of these cards along with his/her hole cards to make the best five-card hand. This is done in your head; nobody touches the community cards. The players bet again, or fold.
  4. The Turn (aka Fourth Street). A fourth community card is dealt. Hilarity, and more betting, ensues.
  5. The River. The fifth and final community card is dealt. Followed by the customary betting.
  6. The Showdown. Anyone still in the game (i.e., anyone who hasn't folded) puts their cards down face-up so all the players can see who won. The winner takes the pot, all the money that was bet during that round.
You can practice your skills at a number of different casinos. Why not try out for real cash. They have many bonuses to get you started.
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Hi all:

Been a while since I have added to my poker thread of game variations.

Today I will post about "One on One" poker.

The term one on one poker essentially means that you are playing a game of poker against just one opponent, instead of a table full of poker players. This game is also referred to as heads up poker and has become enormously popular in the world of online poker.

The objective of this poker variant is to finish with the best possible poker hand, which is naturally stronger than your opponent’s hand, and win the pot.

Rules of One on One poker:

Because one on one poker is a term used to describe playing against a single opponent only, the rules could differ, depending on what variant of poker is being played. For example, the rules will change if you are playing Texas Hold'em, Omaha Hi or 7 Card Stud – all of which could be used to play one on one poker.

In general, however, there are a couple of main rules that are adopted across all games of one on one poker, no matter what variant is being played out.

  • Only two players can play a game of one on one poker, hence its name.
  • The blinds are reversed so that the dealer in the game gets to play first.
  • There is no limit to the betting rounds that can be played.
  • The online poker room sets the buy in limit in the game.
One on One Poker Tips and Strategies.

  • Forget all you’ve learned about strategy that is used specifically for single table or multi table tournaments: They don’t apply in one on one poker!
  • Your best strategy is to play aggressively against your opponent, otherwise you will be run over in no time at all.
  • Knowing when to fold is also a strategy. If you feel like you are losing or have little chance of winning, it’s better to lose when your bankroll is still intact. Remember, the point is to put money in the pot when you feel you have the best hand, and not to put money in when you don’t have the best hand.
  • Because one on one poker games are so fast, you can win a lot of money in a very short space of time, but – on the flipside – you can also lose a lot of money. If you are a beginner to this sort of game variant, stick to low limit games until you have mastered the game pace and developed strategies of your own.
  • If you land a big pocket pair, allow the other player be overly aggressive and do all the betting.
  • Developing one and one poker skills benefits tournament poker players significantly in the long run, as well as limit players who find themselves many times in short handed games.


One on one poker has become the favorite form of gaming among many players, especially in tournament format. Playing is fast, results are instant and a lot of money can be won in a short space of time. On the other hand, one on one is a specialized way of playing, and requires practice and diligence until players can confidently up their limits. For that reason, it is highly recommended to check out the different one on one, or heads up poker, options at the hundreds of online poker sites out there, to try out the games, test drive the software and improve your strategy. If this advice is followed, one on one poker can be very rewarding and highly enjoyable.

A great place to play poker is Slots LV Casino. Check it out .
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Hi gang:

Wanted to share a fun non traditional poker game that is played more and more as its popularity grows.
This game always makes me laugh when playing it. Not exactly the poker face you want to have, but as long as it is with friends, I think it will be okay!
Try it out, and have fun!

Guts Poker:

Guts is a non standard form of poker played with three cards and the same format as three card poker. You can use wild cards in this game, although this needs to be determined prior to dealing the hands.

How to Play Guts
Players will first ante into the pot. Each player receives three cards from the dealer, dealt face done. Players will than look at their cards and decided if they want to play in the hand simultaneously. This is usually done by taking a poker chip and discreetly placing it in your hand or hiding it. Everyone brings their close fists to the center of the table and opens. Those who drop chips are the players who are playing the hand and the others who did not drop are now out of the game.

The players will than flip their cards over and the player with the best three card hand wins the pot. We have listed a basic reference guide to the rankings for playing three card poker below this article for you.

What makes this game really interesting is the players who did play the hand but lost must now replace the value of the pot. So if the pot totalled $5 than each losing player must put $5 into the pot for the next round. When the next round begins players will again ante, expect for those who had to pay the pot.

In a dealer’s choice poker game, if “Guts” is called the game will be played until a winner has been declared and a new game is called. This is done when only one person drops and wins the pot ending the game. If by chance no body stays in the pot, than players will again ante and a new hand is dealt.

This is why as the name of the game is Guts…to see who has the guts to drop. It really takes a lot to want to play a hand when the pot is sitting at a nice size. We do suggest players set a cap at the amount someone has to pay to match the pot or this game can become very expensive.

Three Card Poker Hand Rankings for Guts
Straight Flush. Three cards of the same suit in sequence. Example 6-7-8 of spades.
Three of a Kind. Three cards of equal rank.
Straight. Three cards in sequence of mixed suits.
Flush. Three cards of the same suit.
Pair. Two cards of equal rank.
High Card. The highest card in your hand
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Jacks or Better
Jacks or Better is one of my favorite home games and more so because these games can be super fast or they can amount to some big pots, depending on how long the game takes to actually make a game.

How to Play Jacks or Better
Jacks or Better is played just like a 5 Card Draw game and prior to the hands being dealt the dealer must choose how many draws players must take and whether the draws are optional or not. Players will than receive five cards face down. Each player will have their turn to open and can only open if they have a pair of jacks or better in their hand. If a player does, they will inform everyone at the table that they are able to open and place an opening bet. Those who wish to stay in the game will call the bet and the dealer will deal the additional cards to the players. Players will again have the chance to bet and a showdown will take place. The best five card hand wins the pot.

If a player does not have jacks or better in their hand, all hands will be declared dead, all hands will be mucked and players will need to ante into the pot again and start over the game over. When this happens opening bet must come from a player with Q’s or better. This process will continue through K’s, A’s and back to J’s should the rounds not be able to receive an opening bet.

Variations of Jacks or Better
We usually play a double legger in this game which means you must win two hands in order to win the pot. Antes and betting rounds will continue as normal, except with a double legger the pots tend to grow to a fairly decent size and because you won one hand does not mean that you will win a second…adds a bit more fun to the game.

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Today the name of the game is OMAHA....


Omaha is similar to hold'em in using a three-card flop on the board, a fourth board card, and then a fifth board card. Each player is dealt four hole cards (instead of two) at the start. To make a hand, a player must use precisely two hole cards with three board cards. The betting is the same as in hold'em. At the showdown, the entire four-card hand should be shown to receive the pot.

The best possible five-card poker hand, using exactly two hole cards and three community cards, wins the pot.

Betting Rounds
  • The dealer deals each player four cards face down (hole cards or pocket cards)
    Pocket Cards

  • First betting round.
  • The dealer burns a card, then turns over three community cards face up (the flop)

  • Second betting round.
  • The dealer burns another card, then turns over one more community card (the turn, fourth street)

    The Turn

  • Third betting round.
  • The dealer burns another card, then turns over one final community card (the river, fifth street)

    The Turn

    The River

  • Last betting round.
  • Showdown. (Every remaining player shows hand. with first bettor or last raiser showing first.)
  • All remaining players must use their two pocket cards and the three board cards.
Rules of Omaha
  • All the rules of hold'em apply to Omaha except the rule on playing the board, which is not possible in Omaha (because you must use two cards from your hand and three cards from the board).
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Hi gang...

Would love to hear from you.

Let me know your favorite poker game. Tell me a great win story. Show me a poker game I have not listed yet. You get the idea.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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