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Quicktender problem...is this common?


I have used Quicktender for a couple years with no problems.  Last night I tried to deposit $50 into Quicktender and it said it was declined.  Then this morning I saw it show up on my bank account.  It also shows up on Quicktender that I deposited the $50, then put it into Grande Vegas Casino.  (the one I usually play at)  I know I didn't do that, and my account history at Grande Vegas shows no record of this deposit.  Where did my $50 go???I am waiting to hear back from Quicktender, just thought I would ask if anyone else has had this happen to them?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
This has never happened to me kaymay, whether I am under the influence or not. (lol mixx)"
Do you live with anyone and do they have access to your PC? Just throwing things out there and not assuming anything."
If there is a deposit into Grande Vegas from QT, I'm sure QT is going to tell you that you authorized or made that payment. "
But it will be interesting what QT does end up telling you. Let us know.


Gosh, that has never happened to me. All I can think of is it is a authorization for $50 vs actually going thru and being charged, so that it will eventually fall off in a couple days from your QT and bank account.  Sometimes that happens. Authorizations not actually going thru and falling off.Please let us know what you find out from QT.                                                                                             Pam


  No, I was not under the influence, I remember what I was doing.  I always keep good track of my transactions.  Also, I am the only one here, so no one else could have gotten into my account.There is no record of the deposit into the casino at all.  I just emailed Quicktender some documents (bank statement, casino history, etc) but I guess they can still tell me I'm crazy if they want to.  I also never got a confirmation email from QT for the $50 like I usually do when I make a deposit so who knows.  ARG!
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Greedy Gambler
That has only happened to me once since open my QT. This happened about a month ago. It got all straightened out though. Went to QT Live Chat. It eventually showed up at the casino. So, your not the only one......Hope things turn out OK like mine did!


They said they were looking into it and would email me when it gets resolved. 
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Boy, am I red in the face.  *embarrassing!*   After all the chats and emails back and forth, it turns out that the $50 in question simply had the wrong date on the quicktender statement, so it showed that I deposited $50 last night, when it was actually from 10/18/10.  It was just a coincidence that I had a failed deposit attempt last night in the same amount.Like I said, I obviously keep very good track of my transactions!  NOT!
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Dear kaymay.  You could've just told people uh, yeah, yeah cool they straightened it out.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
kaymay24 wrote: it turns out that the $50 in question simply had the wrong date on the quicktender statement, so it showed that I deposited $50 last night, when it was actually from 10/18/10.
I don't see how this is kaymay mistake. If QT put the wrong date on the deposit and it should have been 10/18/10 and not the date of the failed deposit, then QT screwed up, not kaymay. Or am I not reading this right, kaymay?  


This kind of happened to me, too. I deposited $40 to QT, but my bank statement shows 2 $40 deposits for the same date. I went into my Club World account and it showed I deposited $40 with them and there was no balance in my QT account. I am still trying to figure out what happened because I do try to keep good track of what I'm spending/playing so as to incur no overdraft charges.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
phyl50 wrote: This kind of happened to me, too. I deposited $40 to QT, but my bank statement shows 2 $40 deposits for the same date. I went into my Club World account and it showed I deposited $40 with them and there was no balance in my QT account. I am still trying to figure out what happened because I do try to keep good track of what I'm spending/playing so as to incur no overdraft charges.
So you're saying that you are out $40 from your checking, phyl? Does QT show any deposits for that day at all? It least one, I would suspect. Is it possible that your bank is holding or the merchant (QT) is holding double the amount and if they do not come and get it within a certain amount of time, it will be released back into your checking? I know that sounds weird but that has happened to me when I deposited with my NS card directly into a casino. A week later, when the casino did not come claim it, it was added back into my card balance. Pissed me off, of course, that I was shorted that amount for a week and could have dumped it into yet, another casino. This had nothing to do with QT though.  I'm throwing things out there to help you find that $40. Is there a finder's fee I can charge? lol J/K 
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that happened to me for three weeks in a row Mben I deposited 40.00 into qt and there were 2 40.00 pending charges after 3-4 days 1 dropped off


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
It looks like it is becoming more common, unfortunately.
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