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Radio Station Prank Call Went A Little Too Far


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According to <a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/08/britain-royals-hospital-idUSL4N09I0PZ20121208" >Reuters</a>, a prank call made to a hospital nurse at the hospital where Kate Middleton (Prince William's wife) was being treated for extreme morning sickness has died.  The London hospital that treated Prince William's pregnant wife Kate condemned on Saturday an Australian radio station that made a prank call seeking information about the duchess, after the apparent suicide of a nurse who answered the phone.  The nurse who commited suicide was found dead in staff accommodation nearby on Friday.It's a sad situation that what was suppose to be a joke turned tragic. I feel the DJ's had no intentions of causing harm to anyone but the the prank did go just a bit too far. It reminds me of a radio station in the US that held a contest to win a car. The contestant who drank the most amount of water would win the prize. A lady won the car after drinking the most amount of water and then went home and died. Her electrolytes got all messed up and killed her. That's another situation of a fun thing gone bad.The people who were responsible for the prank or contest had no way of knowing what would happen but they are still the accused .Be careful ...... you just never know the mental and physical state of the person you are dealing with. 


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
A local radio show played a tape of the prank call - their accents were terrible. I couldn't believe that the nurse fell for it.... but the fact that she committed suicide after realizing her mistake is borderline moronic. It was a PRANK! A JOKE! Anyone taking something that innocuous so seriously that they would even consider taking their own life as a result clearly had SERIOUS issues prior to this call.


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PSP wrote: A local radio show played a tape of the prank call - their accents were terrible . I couldn't believe that the nurse fell for it.... but the fact that she committed suicide after realizing her mistake is borderline moronic. It was a PRANK! A JOKE! Anyone taking something that innocuous so seriously that they would even consider taking their own life as a result clearly had SERIOUS issues prior to this call.
I was thinking that the DJ's being from Australia had that British accent to get away with it. Were their accents really that bad, PSP?Also, that's why I said this Be careful ...... you just never know the mental and physical state of the person you are dealing with. That was the first thing I thought when I heard about her suicide. That unfortunately, they picked the most unstable person, rather she was the most unstable person who just happened to answer the phone. Thank goodness when I accidentally cut one in front of a cute guy in high school, I had no issues because I really wanted to die right then and there!!!! HAHAHA Suicide by fart! :laughhard:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds


This is just a seriously sad situation for sure. :boohoo:Was the nurse that answered the phone already somewhat depressed, suicidal, or both. We may find out the details of her actual mental health later or maybe not. :question:I do know that anything about the Royal family is extremly serious over there, and they take it very serious. This nurse would of never told the Queen she couldnt be connected to Kates room.  This nurse really believed it was the Queen, and did what the Queen asked.  After this came out, she likely felt extreme regret, embarrassment and other emotions to the hospital, the Queen, Kate, and all the other people this prank affected. To me, it doesn't matter that the accents were bad, this lady was convinced it was the Queen.  After the DJ's got thru, they could of ended the joke right then but they didnt. I have not watched the full video, and I likely wont. Isn't it true then another nurse nervously broadcast Kates medical condition all over the airwaves? Not good. This joke went way to far. :nono:I may take some slack from this but to me it was a stupid prank, gone horribly wrong, and the DJ's need to grow up a little, and learn when enough is enough.I can tell you this, if I was expecting a possible call from the Queen , accent or not, I wouldnt know if it was her or not. I certainly would NOT assume it was a prank and possible insult the Queen of England over the phone. This nurse was in a tuff spot, and accusing this caller of being a fake, when it possibly was the Queen, could mean terrible consequences for the nurse later on.  This is possibly the Queen of England.  That means something to the people over there.We dont view our President and government like that here.  If someone from the White House called me, I would be less that impressed, unless they told me I didnt have to pay taxes anymore.I dont feel bad for the DJ's. If they feel guilty, they have it coming.  My heart goes out to the victim of this stupid prank, the Nurse who was doing her job, and used her best judgement in a split second.May she find peace.


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After listening to it, the nurse should have known it was not the Queen calling.The female DJ, acting as the Queen, said she was calling about her granddaughter . I wouldn't call my grandson's wife my granddaughter. The female DJ's voice did not sound like an older person as the Queen is.The female DJ says something like because I am the Queen .... blah blah blah . It sounded so fake when she said it. I don't think I would have fallen for it but I do feel for the nurse and her family. Like I said ... the the prank did go just a bit too far.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
PMM2008 wrote: This is just a seriously sad situation for sure. :boohoo:Was the nurse that answered the phone already somewhat depressed, suicidal, or both. We may find out the details of her actual mental health later or maybe not. :question:I do know that anything about the Royal family is extremly serious over there, and they take it very serious. This nurse would of never told the Queen she couldnt be connected to Kates room.  This nurse really believed it was the Queen, and did what the Queen asked.  After this came out, she likely felt extreme regret, embarrassment and other emotions to the hospital, the Queen, Kate, and all the other people this prank affected. To me, it doesn't matter that the accents were bad, this lady was convinced it was the Queen.  After the DJ's got thru, they could of ended the joke right then but they didnt. I have not watched the full video, and I likely wont. Isn't it true then another nurse nervously broadcast Kates medical condition all over the airwaves? Not good. This joke went way to far. :nono:I may take some slack from this but to me it was a stupid prank, gone horribly wrong, and the DJ's need to grow up a little, and learn when enough is enough.I can tell you this, if I was expecting a possible call from the Queen , accent or not, I wouldnt know if it was her or not. I certainly would NOT assume it was a prank and possible insult the Queen of England over the phone. This nurse was in a tuff spot, and accusing this caller of being a fake, when it possibly was the Queen, could mean terrible consequences for the nurse later on.  This is possibly the Queen of England.  That means something to the people over there.We dont view our President and government like that here.  If someone from the White House called me, I would be less that impressed, unless they told me I didnt have to pay taxes anymore.I dont feel bad for the DJ's. If they feel guilty, they have it coming.  My heart goes out to the victim of this stupid prank, the Nurse who was doing her job, and used her best judgement in a split second.May she find peace.
 I'm not going to disagree with the vast majority of what you posted, HOWEVER...While the prank was juvenile and the DJs pushed it further than I would have, exactly what harm did they cause? The nurse didn't really release anything of consequence that the press didn't have from other sources already.What terrible consequences could possibly have befallen the nurse? Embarrassment? Fired? Hanged at sunrise? It's more likely that she would have become a media star like so many of the 15 minutes of fame types that are thrown into the limelight by a chance encounter.There was absolutely nothing in what the DJs did or said that was so horrific that she was justified in taking her own life. The nurse's reaction was so extreme compared to the offense that it's clear to me that she had serious psychological issues before this prank. A normal person might have been incredibly embarrassed for a while, but then as the details came out, it probably would be just become one of those things that this nurse could laugh about along with everyone else. Like you said, she had to assume that it was the Queen and had to treat the call accordingly - where is the shame in that?...and what if it had been a couple of English hooligans instead of the Aussie DJs and it was never meant to be broadcast and never was?Think of all of the things that we say and/or type every day - how many of those innocuous things that are said innocently, or as sarcasm, or simply meant in jest could set off an unstable person?If this becomes the standard by which actions are judged, comedy and entertainment as we know it will cease to exist.


I'm sorry PSP, I think the DJ's did alot of harm. Someone killed themselves from their actions. To me, that falls under the word harm.Why some people just assume she might have been mentally ill? Because she killed herself? So because she felt so strongly about this situation she killed herself, and no SANE  person would react like that, she just has to be mentally ill ahead of time? A woman already dealing with a screw loose? I think not. I just dont agree.  She was a nurse in the vicinity of the Royals, Do you really think they would not of checked these sorts of things before she was allowed access to them? Simply beause she killed herself she must of been screwed up ahead of time. Cause gosh, what harm did the little prank really cause right?There are situations out there so devistating to some they take their own lives, and they dont have to be messed up ahead of time to do it. People are not the same, and people dont react the same to situations. Just because one person cant handle stress like the next one, doesnt make them mentally ill in the first place. I know of people who put under great distress, have chosen suicide over the choice of being left in the situation about to unfold.  They feel that strongly about it.  I have examples if you need them.Had this nurse chosen not to take her own life, you think the worst of it would of been embarrassment?  Let me say your right about embarrassment, people from everywhere laughing at the dumb nurse who fell for this bad accent and connected the call.  People laughing, pointing, and overall making life for this nurse absolutley miserable for God knows how long. Oh yes, your right, embarrassment would be imminent. Embarrassment that most of us if we had the choice, would never wish on our worst enemy.Fired? Being fired is not pretty, and likely from the prank, and all the continuing washout from it could she likely find a job again for some time. If ever being a nurse. I dont see how this joke would of made her a media star of any type that people could respect and admire. Just more chuckles, and embarrassment coming. How long was it before she took her life after the prank? Simply hours? Possibly over night? That poor woman had time to think, and realize what was coming her way in the wake of a simple prank. It was too much for her to bare.She didnt want to be remembered as the nurse who fell for the bad accent and forwarded the call. She didnt want the embarrassment that comes along with it, the laughing, the pointing, the being fired, the shame it brought to her name.  She chose suicide.  Just becuase we believe the majority of us wouldnt, yet she did, doesn't make her mentally ill.PSP: I think we might be able to go on all night here with this topic. :lol: It is always good for us to be able to express out feelings freely. Please know that because my post is very emotionally written, it is because I feel so strongly for it, and not that I am lashing out at you in any way.I have always, and always will appreciate your intelligence, and opinion that you bring to this forum. :bigclap:                                                                                                                                              


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
(WARNING: OK, you KNOW that I have to be sarcastic about this to some degree... :thumb:) PMM2008 wrote: PSP: I think we might be able to go on all night here with this topic. :lol: It is always good for us to be able to express out feelings freely. Please know that because my post is very emotionally written, it is because I feel so strongly for it, and not that I am lashing out at you in any way.                                                                                                                                          I am SHOCKED that you would lash out at me like this! I will NEVER be able to live this down! Just for that, I'm going to go out and OD on carnitas and Diet Coke!:surprise:OK, maybe that is a stretch, but if it were true that I believed that - and then DID do myself in with carnitas and Diet Coke, would you feel responsible in any way for that? I would hope not, because you had no intention of causing any harm.Sure - some people would point and laugh for a while, but I'd be willing to bet that there are easily as many people who would be willing to overlook an honest mistake. If she had not IMO overreacted to such a degree, no one would even remember this incident in a few weeks. I'd be a little more understanding if her life was made a living hell for months after this - and she did it to end the pain, but her decision was made less than 24 hours after the prank.We can agree to disagee - unless that's going to be the final straw for you. If so, let me know - none of my opinions are THAT important to me so that they aren't changeable in case of dire consequences....:roll: 


I think we understand eachother quite well after this exchange of opinions.Excellent debate friend. :yourock: I have said all I needed to say.Now lets get back to our Christmas thread. :roll:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Not looking good for the now out of work DJ's.<a href="http://news.yahoo.com/australian-djs-behind-royal-prank-may-face-police-131026672--abc-news-topstories.html" >http://news.yahoo.com/australian-djs-behind-royal-prank-may-face-police-131026672--abc-news-topstories.html</a>-- Edited by Mben on Monday 10th of December 2012 08:22:03 PM

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