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Sheldon Adelson Donates $16.4 million To Israel For Moon Landing - (Be Sure To NOT Buy A Round Trip Ticket, Mr Adelson!)


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Casino billionaire, GOP mega donor and friend to Israel, Sheldon Adelson, has just donated $16.4 million to that country so it could become only the 4th nation to land on the moon.Adelson doled out the cash to an Israeli non-profit project dubbed SpaceI, which is taking part in a Google-sponsored contest with 17 competing organizations.  $20 million will go to the first team to land a spacecraft on the lunar surface.  It appears as if the Israeli contenders just got themselves one step ahead of the game with Adelson's support.Adelson may be pro-Israel but some are calling him the best ally to Israel's arch-enemy Iran.New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman says that by staunchly supporting the occupation of the West Bank, Adelson is unintentionally leading to Israel's demise.This excerpt from the Jerusalem Post about sums things up:Friedman says, because the more Adelson tries to control government policy on Israel, the more Israel and its powerful supporters look like the bad guys. Iran would love nothing more than to watch Israel be destroyed by way of international public opinion and disdain, he says.Adelson seems to be taking a similar approach when it comes to legalizing online gambling in the United States.His staunch opposition and recent help in getting federal prohibition legislation introduced in Congress (via some who have received Adelson donations) has resulted in a few states looking to accelerate legalization whereas previously there had been a whole lot of lollygagging.But if Adelson can help get Israel to the moon, more power to him ... and to Israel for that matter.We here at Gambling911.com have spoken to more than a few individuals who wish Adelson would go along for the ride, provided it's not a round trip.<a href="http://www.gambling911.com/gambling-news/casino-magnate-sheldon-adelson-gives-israel-164-million-go-moon-041114.html" >source</a>

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