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State of the States 2012: The AGA Survey of Casino Entertainment


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For those of you interested in the state of the States survey for 2012, it is available here. <a href="http://www.americangaming.org/industry-resources/research/state-states" >State of the States</a>This survey and results are compiled by the American Gaming Association.  State of the States: The AGA Survey of Casino Entertainment is released by the AGA each May and contains detailed analysis of the national and state-by-state economic impact of the commercial casino industry, as well as a look at the national impact of the gaming equipment manufacturing sector. It also offers an in-depth look at casino visitation, features public opinion polling data and includes special sections spotlighting gaming machines, sports betting and poker. Here is a easier article to read than the actual report. It's a question and answer session with the CEO of the AGA after the 2012 report was released. <a href="http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/may/09/gaming-industry-report-gross-gaming-revenue-was-3-/" >Q and A</a>

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