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Strange Blue Ray In The Western Sky Of Southern Arizona!


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Check out this picture I took yesterday evening! I had no idea what it was and even stopped a passerby to look at it to make sure my eyes weren't buggy from working on the PC all day. I sent the picture to our local news station here in Tucson. They have a See It, Snap It, Send It program so that's what I did. I saw, I snapped and I sent. And I wasn't the only one who sent the same picture in. There were a few other viewers who sent and asked the same question I did. What is it? I got a reply! Here's the answer to my question! Good morning Michele,  Other viewers have asked about that shadow in the sky.   It may be a shadow from the mountain or a cloud.  Below is a link to a dramatic picture of a mountain shadow cast by Mt. Ranier.  <a href="http://www.geekologie.com/2011/10/sky-shadows-mt-rainier-at-sunrise-castin.php" >http://www.geekologie.com/2011/10/sky-shadows-mt-rainier-at-sunrise-castin.php</a>
These shadows are also known as crepuscular or anti-crepuscular rays.  It looks like it is a crepuscular ray (appears to converge in the sky near the location of the sun below the horizon) in the photo but it's a little hard to tell.  Below is one of Chuck's Weather 101 stories about anti-crepuscular rays.  <a href="http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/19174470/weather-101-what-are-those-strange-shadows-anti-crepuscular-rays" >http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/19174470/weather-101-what-are-those-strange-shadows-anti-crepuscular-rays</a>   Here are some of the other pictures that my fellow Tucsonians (or is it Tucsonites? lol) took yesterday. Does it look the same as the Mt Ranier shadow ?    
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no it doesn't yours is going straight up in the air and the mt. rainer one is off at almost a 45 degree angle. that is so strange i have never seen anything like it before


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daremeto wrote: no it doesn't yours is going straight up in the air and the mt. rainer one is off at almost a 45 degree angle. that is so strange i have never seen anything like it before
That's what I thought too, daremeto. Another thing .... there are clouds in all the Mt Rainier pictures where a shadow would have something to fall onto but in the Tucson pictures, the skies are clear. How can a shadow appear if there is nothing for it to appear on? (does that make sense?) Unless there are particles in the air that we can't see but enough to create a shadow? I don't know. It's just weird. 
Oh and another thing (lol) .... As it looks in the pictures, Mt Rainier is one tall mountain where as the direction of where the Tuscon beam is coming from is a whole mountain range. You can't see it in the pictures though. So why weren't there multiple rays streaking up from the Tucson mountains and not just one? Weird again. 
-- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 26th of September 2012 11:07:00 AM
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they said the shadow could be caused from a mountain or cloud, in the mt. ranier picture there are both. in your picture you said there is a mountain range in the distance, so it is possible that the shadow came from them, i would think that the tallest mountain is the one that caused the shadow, and that it is tall enough that the smaller mountains would not make a shadow. i am just guessing tho


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Check it out. Someone took a video. [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kukQILSnXyM][/video]


what time of day was this? in your pic and 2 of the other pics the sky is a dark blue the video also it is dark blue indicating sunset but the middle pic you posted the sky is a pinkish color indicating it was earlier. was it there for hours or minutes?


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daremeto wrote: what time of day was this? in your pic and 2 of the other pics the sky is a dark blue the video also it is dark blue indicating sunset but the middle pic you posted the sky is a pinkish color indicating it was earlier. was it there for hours or minutes?
It was at sunset around 6:30PM MST. I'm not sure how long it was there for because after I saw it and took the picture, I took off driving. I kept looking west as I was driving but the buildings blocked my view and then after a bit, i forgot about it and concentrated on driving. lol It does look crazy, huh queenmap? The thing wasn't moving though. Just a beam shooting straight up into the sky like a beacon calling to the aliens of the universe as to signal where to land! hahahaha Just kidding!


OK,.. I am gonna say it as I see it to be, first off, as far as their mountain shadow explanation,.. That load of crap was just plain weak! As far as a better theory to consider that may explain it, ~ I would look more towards the HARP program and and it being a direct effect of its workings. I am not one to go into great details to explain what that is right here and now (for some of you that may not know or haven't ever heard of it) ~ But, if you wanna know... heck, just Google it or even search it on YouTube and you'll see a lot of other weird phenomenons going on around the world as well as learn exactly what HARP is and what it is used for! Look to the skies people,.. and listen to the sounds around you outdoors.. in our busy lives most of us are not noticing these changes and abnormalities but things are not as they should be and not as they ever were. And (just as I would have expected them to be) the media's response was a totally weak diversion of an explanation! Whether deliberate or not, it really doesn't matter, ... we can not expect to get any answers or hear about things of this nature from the main stream media... its up to us to be paying attention and to recognize the real issues and news worthy happenings around us as well as be asking the tough questions, ~ but most importantly, be active in seeking the true answers. ~ Nuff Said ~~ Unsoughtpoet ~


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YAY! Someone mentioned HAARP! lol Ok poet, to be honest, when I saw this blue ray, that was the first thing that popped in my head. That's why I freaked.With that being said, I am not so sure what I saw was anything related to HAARP because I saw a smaller version of it yesterday and now can see a mental picture of the larger one and understand what I was actually seeing that day. As I was driving west yesterday, about 25 minutes earlier than the other day, I was looking directly at the mountain range but the south end of the range. The range pretty much ends where I was looking straight on. There was the sun setting behind the range and there were a few low clouds between the sun and the mountain range. I saw 3 very dim shadows shooting up from those clouds. I tried to get pictures but all I got were cars crossing in front of my view as I was sitting at a light. Nice picture of the side of an SUV if you all want to see! lol JKIn comparison to the other day, I was looking west to where the whole range was in front of me but because of the buildings and trees, I could not see the mountains. The sun was behind the mountains but I am pretty sure that there had to be clouds or a cloud that was between the two where the suns rays were beaming below the cloud thus creating a shadow shooting up. Getting back to HAARP now ..... the fact that there was this shadow when there was nothing in the air for a shadow to fall on makes me think that there was enough particles (not seen by the naked eye) in the atmosphere that a shadow could fall on. HAARP related particles or just crap like smog or dust in the air? That is the question of the day. Here's another question for you poet ..... do you know glp? :wink:


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keithmamo wrote: Wow do you think it has anything to do with UFOS ?
Hi keithmamo ..... No, I don't think it has to to with UFO's. I'm still on the fence when it comes to aliens and such. I haven't been convinced yet that they exist. 
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I think it's caused by pollution in the air. Someone above mentioned particles and I tend to agree.As for UFO's...come on man. With the ability to look into YOUR bathroom window from miles into space? If there were aliens, we would have had direct proof by now! I'm not saying there isn't human type life anywhere else, I AM saying like us, we cannot reach each other....yet!


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I like how we both said the word YET , Mikey. In your words ... GMTA! :wink:


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I took these pictures last Saturday. They aren't as freaky as the blue ray but interesting just the same. Both were taken within 5 minutes of each other. The spiral cloud formation was formed to the left the X marks the spot.   
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daremeto wrote: all i see is a blank box with a red x in it, now that is freaky lol
That is freaky cuz I called the picture X Marks The Spot . lolI get the red X sometimes but for me, it's a refresh issue with my PC. Can anyone else see the pictures that daremeto can't? 

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