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TERROR-IFIC Tuesday Goodies....New Bingo Billy...


Hi Gang:  When the free chips are scarce, I like to play some Bingo. Love this site, and they have awesome bonuses each day to keep you coming back for more. Have Fun and Good Luck...                                                                                            Pam<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffedd0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:500px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#d14d02; "><a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,4b5g,a5n0,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >
</a>Hey Pamela,Weve got a bunch of frightfully tasty Bingo goodies that will make a terrorific Tuesday!Fund your Account Today and Sink Your Teeth Into This <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;"><a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,6mae,2sck,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >
</a>DO SOMETHIN NICE ROOM: Tuesday is the day to do something nice for someone and to keep with the spirit of the day were opening the DO SOMETHIN NICE ROOM from 8pm12am ET .Extremely Easy to hit Progressive Jackpots : This will make a bunch of HAPPY WINNERS ! Special FREE Bonus: Given away by the CM to members that have done something nice for others (help others, care about others, cheer up friends when they lose, congratulate friends when they win etc) Raffle: Win a surprise gift from Billy! The CM will do the Raffle at the end of the event among all members that played on the room. Plus<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;"><a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,arbx,7ghf,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >
</a>100% FREE BINGO : Visit the VIP ROOM from 7pm to 8pm ET for a VERY SPECIAL SESSION OF FREE GAMES !5 CARDS FOR FREE PER GAME ALL LINE 3PART GAMES! ALL FIXED GAMES OF $5.00! Guaranteed Win for Tuesday Depositing Members !*Fund your account before 7pm ET , play on this session and if you dont win at least once, open a ticket to request your $10.00 Guaranteed Bonus at 8pm ET .<a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,3van,7ksi,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >
</a>ALLYOUCANWIN BINGO ROOM FIVE DAY ACCESS: By making a deposit (ANY AMOUNT) today, youll get FIVEDAY access into the ALLYOUCANWIN ROOM (Wednesday through Sunday) .» Halloween Season brings hidden treats inside this session! <a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,7gw3,jbsi,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >
</a>» MORE TUESDAY FRIGHTFUL CAN BE FOUND <a href="http://www.elabs3.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ecgj,183ou,5col,lbs3,8hw5,fjes,lgsg&MLM_MID=2057646&MLM_UNIQUEID=b1004f4840" >HERE </a>Have questions about these specials? Get immediate assistance through LIVE CHAT
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