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Thebes Casino ***Ironman Tournament***


hello,   i have never deposited at thebes or any topgame casinos before, and i was randomly checking casinos for free chips when i noticed on the bottom right corner at thebes that i had won 88,563 ironman points. live chat was supposedly getting me info on the tourny because they had little info available at the casino. i was asked by live chat to hold for a momoent, after nearly an hour with no response i left the casino. it says the tourny runs from oct. 26th - nov. 4th. if anyone has any info pertaining to this or maybe a link that would magically take me to the info, or just a point in the general direction, it would be much appreciated.             thank you,     Jon


Here is the email I got about it, hope it helps."
Dear Patricia ,"
Account No:TBS310444 "
Less than 34 Hours remain and that First Prize of $10,000 and 100,000 Ironman Points is waiting for you!"
That will put you at an even greater advantage before gearing up for the $100,000 Ironman Tournament."
Our 15 leading players as of October 23rd are the following:"
Name Points "
1st Bill T. 66,211.29 "
2nd Raine C. 65,479.24 "
3rd Tony Y. 65,347.84 "
4th Darlene A. 65,346.23 "
5th Ed A. 65,280.11 "
6th Jay I. 65,249.21 "
7th James W. 65,180.13 "
8th Bill S. 65,162.18 "
9th Rosalie B. 65,107.34 "
10th Thomas D. 65,102.91 "
11th Seth V. 64,913.71 "
12th Robert R. 63,211.51 "
13th John R. 60,312.97 "
14th Rawa R. 60,121.52 "
15th Gary A. 60,109,87 "
See you at the tables,"
Please contact our Customer support at 1-877-294-3660 or support@thebescasino.com"
T&C: You are receiving this email because you are a member of Thebes Casino. To unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time please use the following link. Promotions are subject to change. All management decisions are final.The T&C are subject to the general T&C as they appear on the website at www.thebescasino.com "


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here's what I got from Rich Casino ........ sister site to Thebes. Micheleben5 13:27:56 I have a questions about the pop up I got that says I have won 42,461 Ironman pts. Micheleben5 13:28:02 What can I do with those? Support 13:28:59 leat me see Support 13:31:39 i am asking some one from above please be patient thank you Micheleben5 13:31:51 Ok, thank you Support 13:33:25 the tournamnet starts tommarow that is the points you start of Micheleben5 13:37:14 ok and then when I deposit and play, I will be adding to that base with my wagering? Support 13:38:04 i dont kow about that Micheleben5 13:38:43 That's how I understand it and believe it is. Thank you for checking that for me. :) He didn't answer my last question but I assuming that's how they get you to deposit so you can rack up more points with your wagering. I hoped this helped you Jon.
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