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Too good to be true diet?


Why a New Appetite-Control Product May Turn the World of Weight Loss on its Head  The stream of new diet products is seemingly endless. However, take a longer look at most of these so-called new products and you quickly see that most are just recycled ideas, and bad ideas at that. And today, the Internet only makes it easier for clever marketers to sell any old product and make outrageous claims about its effectiveness and safety. So it's truly rare to find a diet product that is new, safe and effective.  But a California Company has recently launched a new product that may just fit the bill. Called Sensa, it's actually a food sprinkle that has been clinically proven to convince the brain to stop overeating.  It's tasteless and odorless, contains no stimulants and does not directly interact with the digestive system - which means there are no unpleasant side-effects. None of the horror stories associated with fat-blockers or stimulant based weight loss systems. The theory behind the product is simple. It's obvious that we eat too much, but why?  It turns out that's the way our brains are programmed.  Throughout our evolutionary history, food has been scarce, so in order to ensure survival, humans have been conditioned to eat as much as they can whenever food is available. Unfortunately, when food is abundant and rich in calories, as it is today, the results can be ugly. Enter Dr. Alan Hirsch, intrepid doctor and scientist whose lifelong specialty has been to understand how our senses, and in particular, smell and taste affect the brain's functioning. Dr. Hirsch noticed that many of his patients who had lost their sense of smell and taste due to illness or accident experienced rapid weight gain.  Certain smells and tastes seemed to be acting on the brain to control the appetite. Dr. Hirsch studied hundreds of compounds and after years of research he developed a set of virtually odorless and tasteless food sprinkles, which he called Tastants that had a powerful impact on the body's appetite-control center.  Then, in one of the largest studies of a non-prescription weight-loss system, these Tastants were tested for effectiveness as a means of weight loss. The results were significant. Over a 6 month period, 1,436 women and men sprinkled flavorless Tastant crystals on everything they ate, and lost an average of 30.5 pounds - nearly 15% of their total body weight. Moreover, participants achieved these results without having to follow any special exercise regime or diet. According to Dr Hirsch, With Sensa, you can eat all the foods that satisfy your senses and you don't have to deal with any intense food cravings or feelings of starvation. Sensa merely helps you eat less of the foods you love and gain greater satisfaction from smaller portions. Real weight loss without diet and exercise - too good to be true? Apparently the company anticipated a somewhat skeptical response from consumers so they have launched the <a href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;218822264;41954899;x?http://start.trysensa.com/dmg/8D3E61?pcode=41954899&plabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409&ccode=218822264&clabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409" >Sensa Challange</a>. They are so sure you will lose weight with Sensa that new customers get to use the product for 30 days so that you can see real weight loss before deciding if they want to pay for it or not. <a href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;218822264;41954899;x?http://start.trysensa.com/dmg/8D3E61?pcode=41954899&plabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409&ccode=218822264&clabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409" >Click here</a> to learn more about this free trial offer. <a href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;218822264;41954899;x?http://start.trysensa.com/dmg/8D3E61?pcode=41954899&plabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409&ccode=218822264&clabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409" > </a><a href="http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;218822264;41954899;x?http://start.trysensa.com/dmg/8D3E61?pcode=41954899&plabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409&ccode=218822264&clabel=SA_SFT_HowLifeWorks_AppetiteControl_Q409" ></a>
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...just another so gimmick from the multi billion dollar diet industry endorsed by a so-called Dr. to make it a sound believable to the general public."
no where in this extensive article does it even try to explain the mechanism of action of this magical, tasteless, and odorless food sprinkle. How does it work to suppress hunger? "
...tasteless/ odorless...you're better off just drinking lots of water, alot safer thats for sure."
the problem with our fast food nation is everyone is trying to bypass the two key elements of life: good nutrition and proper exercise"
but this is just my 2 cents"


your right ishin- but i can dream cant i ?
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Cat Dancer wrote: your right ishin- but i can dream cant i ?
Of course!  dream away! just don't do it at the expense of your health.there are much more fun ways to destroy your health.
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