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Treasure Quest with Grand Mondial , plus receive free 777 loyalty points


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<a href="http://g3.grandmondial.com/en/href.g3?mi=1167&ai=10123"><img width="200" src="http://g3.grandmondial.com/en/src.g3?mi=1167&ai=10123" height="60" /></a> Hoist the anchor and set sail for The Grand Treasure Quest – an adventure that will make your treasure chest overflow with rewards and bonuses! Start your adventure by following these clues:Clue 1:To win the Grand Treasure prize of an island holiday worth $5,000,Purchase and wager a minimum of $200 every month!Clue 2:Win up to 100 bonus credits in our Finders Keepers Bonus , Plus an extra entry into the Grand Treasure draw.Just be sure to take part in the weekend purchase match!Clue 3:Find the X Marks the Spot symbol in your software,And receive 777 Bonus Loyalty Points!Make sure you follow these clues to find the treasures hidden in The Grand Treasure Quest. Our adventurous weekly and monthly rewards are sure to fill your treasure chest with riches, while you enter for the exciting Grand Treasure prize. Terms and Conditions:</h4>Promotional period: 1 August, 2008 to 31 January, 2009.Grand Treasure QuestTo qualify for an entry into the draw, purchase and wager a minimum of $200 every month from August 08 to January 09. The Grand Prize draw takes place on 11 February, 2009. The winner will be notified via e-mail. Weekly Finders Keepers Bonus Meet the weekend purchase match terms and conditions to win a bonus of between 5 and 100 Bonus Credits each week (look out for the weekly purchase match mailer in your inbox). To qualify, no cash-ins allowed between Friday and Sunday each week. X Marks the SpotThe 777 X Marks the Spot Bonus Loyalty Points may only be claimed once a month by clicking on the symbol. Points will be credited within 2 – 4 hours of making the claim. Bonus points do not contribute towards your tier level.<a href="http://g3.grandmondial.com/en/href.g3?mi=1167&ai=10123"><img width="200" src="http://g3.grandmondial.com/en/src.g3?mi=1167&ai=10123" height="60" /> </a>
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No Deposit Forum Founder
If you find the X LETS US KNOW where it is Ty
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Well I have been over that software extensively and canot locate it, at least not yet... anyone else had any luck at this one? Need 700 loyalty points to cash in some more"
points so hurtin to find this one!


ashian, I wish I could help you out but I can't. If I find it out there somewhere (other forums, sorry Belgamo), I will be sure to post it.


I've got a feeling they haven't put it on their software, talked to support and they gave me a run around.. said to uninstall and reinstall my software?? jeez!


BRATUNAC wrote: x simbol red dice i coner under 777 red dice show 5 luck like x gud luck
The X has been located!!!   Thank you BRATUNAC for posting it!
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The dots on the red dice behind the words Big Wins, More Action make what looks like a X but nothing happens when I click it too virgie. I guess the hunt is still on for the X !


I contacted them. xxxxxxxx: Hello Hansley Has the X Marks the spot promotion started Yet? Thank you for assisting me. Hansley: not yet sorry Hansley: Is there anything further I can assist you with? xxxxxxxx : Is there a start date for it? Hansley: it should be on by next week xxxxxxxx : Thank you Hansley. Have a good day. xxxxxxxx : bye Hansley: You are welcome, please have a great gaming experience further, good bye. nancy
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No Deposit Forum Founder
LOL  then why do they have the promo Promotional period: 1 August, 2008 to 31 January, 2009.they must still be hung over from their birthday party.


which they didn't even hook me up with any special birthday bonus offerings...Then it was my birthday and I'm at Tier Level 2 approaching Level 3. It takes a lot of money and long sessions to reach just Tier Level 2. I asked for a birthday bonus since I have deposited $686.59 in total credits since May 21, 2008. These are only the deposits I made in the past 3 months! Not even counting the deposit amount I've put into Grand Mondial since I became a member, and was denied a birthday gift because of their unorganized and outdated bonus system. You see, I enter contests using my deposits at Grand Mondial, and I have one a few of them. They are put in Grand Mondials system as bonuses GRAND MONDIAL has awarded us! When in fact, The forums are awarding us with a prize money we competed for and earned by winning the contest. These bonuses should be separated into two seperate categories. I find it disgusting that I've won over well over $300 in contest winnings from forum contests and all of my prize winnings are being processed as GM bonus/gifts, when that absolutely is not the case."
I've been treated poorly by Grand Mondial customer service on many occasions. I'd like to ask for help in clearing this up and in turn make them aware of the changes I'd, for one, will like to see in terms of being more polite, and not looking at things in reason and using different perspectives."
If anyone can help heal my relationship with Grand Mondial, please let me know."
Thank you all so much.


I hunted about 4 hours for that darn thing yesterday and ended up going to live support and whined a lil and they topped off my loyalty points because of my demise, needed about 700 points, so if your close to topping your points, it sure doesn't hurt to ask! ;)


which they didn't even hook me up with any special birthday bonus offerings...Then it was my birthday and I'm at Tier Level 2 approaching Level 3. It takes a lot of money and long sessions to reach just Tier Level 2. I asked for a birthday bonus since I have deposited $686.59 in total credits since May 21, 2008. These are only the deposits I made in the past 3 months! Not even counting the deposit amount I've put into Grand Mondial since I became a member, and was denied a birthday gift because of their unorganized and outdated bonus system. You see, I enter contests using my deposits at Grand Mondial, and I have one a few of them. They are put in Grand Mondials system as bonuses GRAND MONDIAL has awarded us! When in fact, The forums are awarding us with a prize money we competed for and earned by winning the contest. These bonuses should be separated into two seperate categories. I find it disgusting that I've won over well over $300 in contest winnings from forum contests and all of my prize winnings are being processed as GM bonus/gifts, when that absolutely is not the case."
I've been treated poorly by Grand Mondial customer service on many occasions. I'd like to ask for help in clearing this up and in turn make them aware of the changes I'd, for one, will like to see in terms of being more polite, and not looking at things in reason and using different perspectives."
If anyone can help heal my relationship with Grand Mondial, please let me know."
Thank you all so much.


nancy wrote: I contacted them. xxxxxxxx: Hello Hansley Has the X Marks the spot promotion started Yet? Thank you for assisting me. Hansley: not yet sorry Hansley: Is there anything further I can assist you with? xxxxxxxx : Is there a start date for it? Hansley: it should be on by next week xxxxxxxx : Thank you Hansley. Have a good day. xxxxxxxx : bye Hansley: You are welcome, please have a great gaming experience further, good bye. nancy
 Nancy, from my experience, Hansley is one of the worst customer service representatives to get ahold of. Just thought I'd warn everyone. Thanks
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teyobaby wrote: Found the X. It is on the opening page where the new games are listed. About half way down the page
Thanks teyobaby for finding and posting the X!!I'm off to claim my loyalty points and hope I have enough to cash some in!X Marks the SpotThe 777 X Marks the Spot Bonus Loyalty Points may only be claimed once a month by clicking on the symbol. Points will be credited within 2 4 hours of making the claim. Bonus points do not contribute towards your tier level.


Has anyone claimed the 777 loyalty points and actually received them yet? I claimed them last night but have not received anything so far. I claimed them again. I'll see what happens in 2-4 hours!


I claimed my loyalty points on Saturday night and got them around Sunday afternoon.
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Whoops, I forgot to check but thanks to your post Krazygurl, I checked and they were there!


This morning I found the X it is located on the pop up screen that pops up after you log in. It is a bit of a ways down the scrren. Good luck!


Hello people. Has anyone seen the X marks the spot for September?? I claimed it in August whereit was located in the message of the day. I can't seem to find it anywhere now. Only 300 points away from claiming loyalty points :/ "
I contacted support and they said they cannot assist, I have to find it. I've been looking for a week with no luck. "
Good luck to all..


X Marks the Spot"
The 777 X Marks the Spot Bonus Loyalty Points may only be claimed once a month by clicking on the symbol. Points will be credited within 2 4 hours of making the claim. Bonus points do not contribute towards your tier level."
It does say once a month, huh throbnrob? I totally forgot about that! Now I have an X to find to add to my list of things to do for the month! LOL"
Thank you for posting! I would have never remembered!


Yea I have been looking for the x for this month and so far nothing. Geez, another grey hair to pull. LOL


How funny queenmap! I was looking for it as you were posting! I can't find it either!!! Ughhhhh!!!!


Has anyone found the X yet, I've looked everywhere, I asked casino host Kevin and he said he knows it is somewhere but he couldn't find it either.

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