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Who Plays \Candy Crush Saga\? - Tips, Tricks and Strategies


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        Are you a Candy Crush Saga player? If the game is as popular as I think it is, I believe we probably have a few members here who play it.  This is a thread dedicated to Tips, Tricks and Strategies when trying to advance to each new level of delicious candy which becomes increasingly harder to do each level you advance to. I have a few tricks that I can share with you so you can play with free lives forever and how to bypass waiting 3 days to enter into each candy land to get to the next set of sweet levels.  What tips and tricks and especially strategies can you share with us?   
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I'm stuck on level 125. I can get through some levels fast but for some reason get stuck on some and it takes a while to get off of them."
TIP: work from bottom so candies cascade downward. That's about all I can tell you except to make as many special candies as you can, this gives you a better outcome and more points.


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Did you know that if you end up on a level that is not timed , you can back out and then choose play again without losing a life? "
I do this if the first setup does not feel good. Meaning there aren't any good moves right off the bat. "
Don't do this on a timed level though,


Wow, thanks for the tip Mben! Definitely can help get to another level and bypass all the ugly setups!


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slotgal47 wrote: Wow, thanks for the tip Mben! Definitely can help get to another level and bypass all the ugly setups!
For sure! As far as helping pass the levels you are on Janet and slotgal, I'm barely on level 86. lol I don't even know what your levels look like but I wish! 


slotgal47 wrote: I'm stuck on level 125. I can get through some levels fast but for some reason get stuck on some and it takes a while to get off of them. TIP: work from bottom so candies cascade downward. That's about all I can tell you except to make as many special candies as you can, this gives you a better outcome and more points.
 Thanks for your useful TIP, I have just started to play Candy Crush Saga and already cannot stop.   :roll: 


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My phone broke the other day and now I am using an old Android I had laying around until I get my phone replaced. I did activate my old Blackberry first but had to activate the Android even though it's old, because once you go Android, you can't go back! lolAnyway, the old Android does not support Candy Crush! Nooooooo! Say it isn't sooooo!
I am DYING to get back to those sweet little candies just so I can get stuck on levels and really pull my hair out. lol I sit at the PC enough doing other things that I don't play it on the computer. I could but don't.Ok, here's something I have figured out on how to play the game with unlimited lives. If you are out of lives, change the clock setting on your phone forward in time about 2.5 hours. that should give you 4 - 5 lives. Then change it back and go back into the game. The lives should still be there. The only problem with that is you have added more time to the actual time you will have to wait for more lives after you lose those last 4-5. You can keep repeating this and play all day and all night if you want but be prepared to have the minutes add up to an outrageous amount. I have a fix for that too but that's for another post. I am not guaranteeing this will work for you but it does for me. I only started play CC 3 weeks ago. I got myself sucked in. I had no desire to play it. Then my daughter asked one day if I did play it and said I should try it. Out of curiosity, I checked it out and now I'm hooked. Grrr! lol. Anyway, I have already bypassed so many of my Facebook friends and have almost caught up to one that was so far ahead when I started that I said Whoa when I found out how far he was.Oh and guess what? I don't have to go begging for lives anymore!Hope it works for you! Let me know. 
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I'm rank 201...the tips that have helped me is to make as many 4 of kind...cause at the end when it says candy crush they shoot all over the place. Also i try to set up the five of a kind and then try to set it up with the stripe one (4 of a kind). It goes crazy shooting the color you match all over the place.  A trick i use to make 5 of a kind ... when you have two on each side but need the middle one ...try matching on top so you get where you can match that middle column and many times the fifth one will drop in or at least one above so you can bring it down. This has helped me with even the toughest levels. Good luck:roll:


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YES! The sprinkle candy and a striped candy combo is the bomb! I also like the striped candy with a wrapped candy combo too! "
Thanks for tips and tricks, LooneySyl!


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slotgal47 wrote: I'm stuck on level 125. I can get through some levels fast but for some reason get stuck on some and it takes a while to get off of them. TIP: work from bottom so candies cascade downward. That's about all I can tell you except to make as many special candies as you can, this gives you a better outcome and more points.
After getting my new phone a few weeks ago, I moved up to level 125 rather quickly as I use my super, duper secret free lives trick. lolAnd I'll tell you what ... level 125 was a BIOTCH to pass! I got mad so many times that I wanted to throw my new phone across the room ... but I maintained. lolHave you passed it yet, slotgal? And Janet, have you passed level 181 yet? Ok, so I've held off passing along the secret trick for endless lives long enough. Here it is  ...If you play on your phone, once you run out of lives, change the time on your phone to about 3 hours ahead. That will give you 5 more lives. Make note that other apps that use the time on your phone, ie: alarm clocks, will act up. Keep moving the time up (you'll run into having to change the date a day forward also eventually) and you can play with unlimited lives.So what happens when you are done with your marathon session? First, change your time and date back to the current time and date. You will see you will have like a million minutes until your next free life. lolThen go to CC on Facebook and make sure you are sitting at the level it says on your phone. It should be the same if you are connected to Facebook in the CC game on your phone. If so, click the play on phone button in the bottom left hand corner. This will send an install request to your phone from CC.Delete the CC app from your phone then install it again from the invite. Connect to Facebook in the CC game and you should be sitting at the same level as you are on Facebook and where you were when you quit the game after your marathon. So what happens when you you fly through levels and hit a new episode and need to advance?If you disconnect from Facebook in the CC app, you will have the chance to play Quest (I believe that is the name) levels. These are levels you have already played. You can only pass 1 Quest level in a 24 hour period and will have the same 5 lives to do so. So if you don't want to wait the 24 hours after clearing a Quest level, do the changing of the time and date trick and play the next Quest. Clear all 3 Quest levels and you are advancing into the the next episode. Then it starts all over again. Play as normal to advance through those next levels or use the super, duper secret trick to clear levels in the blink of an eye! Well, that's if you don't hit nasty levels like 125. That took me over 3 days to clear! Ugh! LOLLet me know if this works for any of you. Also, I must post a disclaimer .... Mben is NOT responsible if anything goes wrong! If you uninstall the CC game from your phone, reinstall it and you are at level 1 with no way to recover the level you were at, I am in no way responsible for that. My trick works for me every time. I know I would be Crushed to have to start all over but that is the chance I take (after making absolute sure that I am at the level I stopped playing at at least on Facebook.)!Have fun and Crush on!-- Edited by Mben on Sunday 24th of November 2013 04:23:34 PM


Well stuck on level 147. If you thought level 125 was a BIOTCH, then wait until you get on this level. I even tried to buy my way out, and it was not worth it. Still stuck!!!!


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slotgal47 wrote: Well stuck on level 147. If you thought level 125 was a BIOTCH, then wait until you get on this level. I even tried to buy my way out, and it was not worth it. Still stuck!!!!
Ooooh greeeeat! Is that what I have to look forward to? hahaha 
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After hitting a level last night and getting stuck on it and seeing one of my friends not moving from the same level, I came back to check what level you mentioned you were stuck on now, slotgal. "
Guess what? I'm on level 147 and OMG! It's a tough one!


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Mben wrote: After hitting a level last night and getting stuck on it and seeing one of my friends not moving from the same level, I came back to check what level you mentioned you were stuck on now, slotgal. Guess what? I'm on level 147 and OMG! It's a tough one!
So a little bit ago after work, I went to play some CC and after about 7 times trying to clear level 147 (after trying to all night last night), I cleared it, slotgal.I got so lucky because I got a sprinkle candy. then I got a striped blue candy right on top of it. When the dust settled, my whole screen was pretty much filled with regular blue candy. The sprinkle and striped combo cleared the screen except for one last jelly. I had 13 moves left and maneuvered just right and cleared it. Sugar Crush!You have to get a sprinkle candy for that level no matter what. And yes, I used my unlimited lives trick. It's the only way unless you want to beg or pay for lives. I'm not going to do that for this stupid game! hahaha Ok, not stupid ... this addicting game.  Watch out for level 149. It's gonna be a very tough one too.  


I'm jealous. I have been on this dang level for like 200 games. I guess I will have to go and try your trick. But if I happen to have to start all over again...goodbye Candy Crush, I won't start over, lol.


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slotgal47 wrote: I'm jealous. I have been on this dang level for like 200 games. I guess I will have to go and try your trick. But if I happen to have to start all over again...goodbye Candy Crush, I won't start over, lol.
Just see if you can move your time up and play with more lives without waiting first.Then check that your Facebook CC is at the same level your phone is. Uninstall from your phone, then reinstall on your phone.Reconnect to Facebook in CC and you should be at the same level.I've done this twice now since my last post. 


Still can clear the darn candies. I did the trick two or three times, lol. I guess I just suck, lol.


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slotgal47 wrote: Still can clear the darn candies. I did the trick two or three times, lol. I guess I just suck, lol.
You don't suck! I got lucky is all. Just like I don't suck at winning on the slots. Everyone else is just lucky! hahahaYou will eventually clear it, slotgal. It took me a million tries.


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I'm on level 337 now. I'm telling you, my tricks work! Except for one time after I played the quests to get to the next episode, I forgot to connect to FB to set my level there, uninstalled and reinstalled only to find out I had to do the quests all over again. Watch out for that. "
Where are you all at?

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