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Why yes - I am now OFFICIALLY....


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds

INSTRUCTIONS: Count all the ones that you remember, NOT the Ones you were told about.

1: Blackjack Chewing gum
2: Waxed Coke-Shaped Bottles with Colored Sugar Water
3: Candy Cigarettes
4: Soda pop machines that dispensed Glass Bottles
5: Coffee Shops or Diners with Tableside Juke Boxes
6: Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
7: Party lines on the telephone
8: Newsreels before the movie
9: P.F. Flyers
10: Butch Wax
11: TV test patters that came on at night, after the last show and were there until TV Shows started again in the morning.
12: There was only three (3) TV channels, if you were fortunate
13: Peashooters
14: Howdy Doody
15: 45 RPM records or 33 1/3 records
16: S&H green stamps
17: Hi-FI’s
18: Metal Ice trays with levers
19: Mimeograph paper
20: Blue Flashbulbs
21: Roller Skate keys
22: Cork Popguns
23: Drive- INS
24: Studebakers
25: Wash tub Wringers
26: Packard’s
27: Heavy metal grinder that hooked on to your pull out cutting board.
28: 78 records
29: Spin & Marty
30: Ritz Brothers

If you Remember 0-5 = You’re still Young
If you Remember 6-10 = You are getting Older
If you Remember 11-15 = Don’t Tell Your Age
If you Remember 16-25 = You’re Older Than Dirt
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
When I grew up in Malibu, one of my friend's parents was the Dad on The Hardy Boys on Mickey Mouse Club. It was filmed at Calamigos Star C Ranch in Malibu in the early 60s...
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I remember 11 things ... "If you Remember 11-15 = Don’t Tell Your Age" Ok, I won't! lol

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