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Your thoughts, suggestions, feedback we need to hear from you.


No Deposit Forum Founder
 Please feel free to leave your suggestions about our recent changes.We have added several banners to the middle of the forum, We have moved the categories around, we have added to the category descriptions. ETC.Also are their any forum categories you would like to see added?We are striving to make our forum a place you like to visit and without your input it makes it tough, so please let us know what you would change or like.            BelgamoI also understand that banners take up bandwidth, so if you would plaese vote in the poll so we can judge if we should reduce the number presented. TY Belgamo-- Edited by belgamo at 00:12, 2008-03-13


New York Gambler
Hi Belgamo!! You guys are doing a great job!! I like all the changes. In fact just from about 5 hours ago you made some changes that i just now saw when i logged in and i like it! A+ thanks KK for letting me use your post ! -- Edited by Micheleben5 at 07:19, 2008-03-14
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Come on guys ! Give Belgamo your feedback. Looks like he worked pretty hard on all the changes. Does it work for you or do you have any suggestions or comments?"
Thank you all very much !!


I didn't really think you could improve a board that was already rockin'....but dang howdy if that ain't wut you done and did!!! Love the clean colors, new threads, new moderator (smooch to ya papa w ), thread layout and a big OLE' for the arcade OLE! !!! I also think ya'll are doing a great job with the contests, they are fresh, inventive, plentiful and give everyone---depositor's and non a chance at winning!  I also love the voice given to all members to express themselves freely and to give input, makes the board feel like a community; unlike some boards with power drunk dictators espousing biased chit and catering to only those members who eat said biased chit.It is really cool to see all the killer avatars and siggys, I like the personal touch it gives us members and it shows a commited and caring look for the board.  And on a final note, Belgamo about time you changed clothes.....from ringmaster to gangstah primate...I like it...lol.latertaters,micheleDataco aka talkin' aka spicy aka huh?, aka who's askin aka it wasn't me aka okay maybe it was aka TALKINTACO -- Edited by talkintaco at 13:20, 2008-03-14
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I love the changes! You guys are GREATTTTT! Keep up the good work. I play alot as my hubby is ill and I can't leave him too long so I just sit here. Love you all!


Belgamo, as a newbie here I don't really know the old from the new, but I can tell you that I've noticed more COLOR. .....which attracts my eye......and yes, I like all the BANNERS too.  This is an informative and  fun forum.......GREAT moderators too!!!    Thanks for all you do!!!
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