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Zimmerman NOT GUILTY


Not sure how I feel about this, I didn't watch the trial. But didn't really think he should get off scott free. He had no business following Trayvon. Then he got his ass kicked, so he killed the kid.  We'll see what happens now.[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=M-55vYgEnsQ][/video]


You have to remember When there is a tragedy it doesn't always mean that instantly there was a crime


You have to remember that just because he wasn't Proven guilty in a court of law, doesn't mean he isn't guilty.


So true, the judicial system is so messed up. People get of all the time when everyone knows they're guilty. And people are convicted when there is not enough evidence. It's crazy.


It sickens me to know that MONEY runs our judicial system. I blame the prosecutors for being out-classed by the defense attorney. "
Maybe the Martin's will get some justice in civil court, i doubt even that now. How sad!


I was pretty saddened when I found out he was found innocent by a jury. I will have to read up more on it to find out exactly why the jury leaned towrds innocent.As Spa-Rat said, and I agree, he had no business following Trayvon, and when he realized Trayvon was going to beat him up, he killed him.  Not much of a fight when only one has the gun.So sad.I will be following the news to try to make sense of this verdict.


I suppose it will be a few days until any from the jury come forward to offer a why , if at all. What i am seeing on all the social media, speaks further toward what i've said about this case. This country is deeply divided, and sadly, it seems the divide lies across Racial lines. If you go read any comments under any articles, you will see that Racism is alive and well in America. "
Well I'm here to tell you, I know of just as many white hoodlums, thugs, and criminals, as there are non-whites. . Our police profile these young black men, according to the clothes they wear, and the neighborhoods they are from. Having a non-white President hasn't helped, if anything, I see things getting worse!"
When will we put race and religion aside, and begin to judge people by their actions? Sadly, I'm sure this won't happen in my lifetime.


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PMM2008 wrote: I was pretty saddened when I found out he was found innocent by a jury. I will have to read up more on it to find out exactly why the jury leaned towrds innocent.As Spa-Rat said, and I agree, he had no business following Trayvon, and when he realized Trayvon was going to beat him up, he killed him.  Not much of a fight when only one has the gun.So sad.I will be following the news to try to make sense of this verdict.
The jury leaned towards innocent because the prosecution did not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Zimmerman was guilty of the charges that were against him. Like Mikey said .... blame the prosecutors for being out classed by the defense attorney. Zimmerman did not realize that Martin was going to beat him up. Zimmerman was being beaten up. That is the key to him claiming self defense. If Zimmerman was found not guilty for killing Martin just because he thought he was going to get beat up, that would be so wrong. He needs to be swinging from a rope from the neck for that!!!! But at the point I get a busted nose and my head is hitting the pavement by the hands of my attacker, I know I am getting my butt whooped and just not thinking so.I don't know if Martin was able to see that Zimmerman had a gun as the confrontation started, but from what I read, there was evidence (that was not allowed in court) that Zimmerman's holster had Martin's DNA on it. If I knew that a person who was following me had a gun (at whatever point it was known), I'd be turning around in the opposite direction and getting the hell out of there. And besides that, I would not approach anyone whether I knew they had a gun or not to ask why they were following me. If someone's following me, I'm scared $hitless already just for that fact alone and would be running home as fast as I could or at least getting on the phone calling the police. I am in no way condoning that Martin was killed. He lost his life. A person died. Gone, never coming back, dead. 2 parents lost their child, their baby. I CANNOT imagine that pain. I remember all the woo hoo's around the world when it was announced that Bin Laden was killed. That made me a bit sick. I know what a monster he was made out to be by those that were feeding me the info (MSM - Main Stream Media). He deserved to pay for his crimes but to celebrate a person's death like they did? People are passionate though and that's what makes us who and what we are ... human. For me, it comes down to my life or theirs. My life is much more precious than the one who thinks they are going to take it from me. And who's to say that I still don't lose after introducing them to my .38? I'm still going to put up a fight though! Just saying, Pam and in no way meaning any disrespect. 


Mben, the ONLY person that says Trayvon started the fight is Zimmerman, a man who is known to lie and is covering his own behind. "
Don't forget that we never heard Trayvon's side, because he's dead. Who was really attacked? Who went out of their way to confront the other one? Who had the gun? Who is the real Killer?


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robsmom wrote: Mben, the ONLY person that says Trayvon started the fight is Zimmerman, a man who is known to lie and is covering his own behind. Don't forget that we never heard Trayvon's side, because he's dead. Who was really attacked? Who went out of their way to confront the other one? Who had the gun? Who is the real Killer?
I did not watch the trial at all. This is from what I read on the internet and the bit of TV coverage I did see on the news.That wasn't the argument as to who started the fight from what I understand. I understand the argument was did he kill in self defense (was it justifiable) or did he kill just to kill with no regards to human life? The defense was more convincing that he did it in self defense.  In this case, George Zimmerman is accused of Second Degree Murder. A killing that is excusable or was committed by the use of justifiable deadly force is lawful. If you find Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, you will then consider the circumstances surrounding the killing in deciding if the killing was Murder in the Second Degree or was Manslaughter, or whether the killing was excusable or resulted from justifiable use of deadly force. JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE The killing of a human being is justifiable and lawful if necessarily done while resisting an attempt to murder or commit a felony upon George Zimmerman, or to commit a felony in any dwelling house in which George Zimmerman was at the time of the attempted killing.       SECOND DEGREE MURDER To prove the crime of Second Degree Murder, the State must prove the following three elements beyond a reasonable doubt: 1. Trayvon Martin is dead. 2. The death was caused by the criminal act of George Zimmerman. 3. There was an unlawful killing of Trayvon Martin by an act imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life. Can I add that .... I have never said Zimmerman had every right to take this boy's life. I have never said he's innocent all the way. That the Martin kid was trouble from the get go. I've said that in a case of self defense, which he was claiming, I would have protected myself in anyway I could and if it results in a death, so be it. And robsmom, I'm just participating in a friendly debate and nothing more. 
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I just wander if Zimmerman didn't have a gun who would he be dead, or in coma, or messed up of for life from brain damage, etc. ( actually he would be better off if he did get killed because the guy has no kind of life now anyways). TM didn't deserve to die period, but If I were getting my head beat in the concrete and if I just had a pencil you bet your ass it would be in him no matter what race he was. I just don't understand why the boy felt he should approach Zimmerman and ask him if he had a MotherFing problem and then sucker punch him, if he would have just went on his way, both of them would be home right now. If Zimmerman wasn't in the area, both of them would be home right now. and so on. I think they both made mistakes that night."
I'm just curious, if you were getting scared for your life and you had any kind of weapon, what would you do? I doubt anyone would just lay there and take it. I think anyone is going to do what it takes to survive, its just human nature.


Mikey7a wrote: I suppose it will be a few days until any from the jury come forward to offer a why , if at all. What i am seeing on all the social media, speaks further toward what i've said about this case. This country is deeply divided, and sadly, it seems the divide lies across Racial lines. If you go read any comments under any articles, you will see that Racism is alive and well in America. Well I'm here to tell you, I know of just as many white hoodlums, thugs, and criminals, as there are non-whites. . Our police profile these young black men, according to the clothes they wear, and the neighborhoods they are from. Having a non-white President hasn't helped, if anything, I see things getting worse! When will we put race and religion aside, and begin to judge people by their actions? Sadly, I'm sure this won't happen in my lifetime.
 I said the same thing.Its just sooooo sad for both families :no:


Here's my take on what Trayvon might have been thinking, and I have not heard this before, but to me it makes sense."
Trayvon was staying with his fathers girlfriend at her place with her son while being suspended from school for pot, don't know if it was selling, dealing or smoking."
Zimmerman was the self appointed watch person for this complex, and by the way, he was NOT on patrol at the time this happened,he was on his way to target, when he saw Trayvon. Walking in the rain and in the dark down the street and into the back entrance of the complex."
Getting back to Trayvon, he is on the phone and sees the headlights of an suv following him slowly, stalking him and even coming right beside him and stopping, the driver was on the phone but at this time did not say anything to him. "
Trayvon must have thought this guy had some link to his drug past, maybe zimmerman was a drug dealer coming to find Trayvon, or why else would he be following him, zimmerman had no identifying authority as a police officer."
So of course Travyon went in the back of the complex and took off running and hiding between the buildings, when zimmerman ran after him to find him with his flashlight."
Nobody knows for sure what happened after this, but that Trayvon was shot and killed. I think Trayvon thought he was fighting off a drug dealer, who had come to hunt him down."
Interesting facts that zimmerman's dad is a retired judge, and zimmerman had 3 convictions, one for battery on his ex fiance, which was suspended, and one for battery on a police officer which was a suspended sentence.


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lucky8s wrote: Here's my take on what Trayvon might have been thinking, and I have not heard this before, but to me it makes sense. Trayvon was staying with his fathers girlfriend at her place with her son while being suspended from school for pot, don't know if it was selling, dealing or smoking. Zimmerman was the self appointed watch person for this complex, and by the way, he was NOT on patrol at the time this happened,he was on his way to target, when he saw Trayvon. Walking in the rain and in the dark down the street and into the back entrance of the complex. Getting back to Trayvon, he is on the phone and sees the headlights of an suv following him slowly, stalking him and even coming right beside him and stopping, the driver was on the phone but at this time did not say anything to him. Trayvon must have thought this guy had some link to his drug past, maybe zimmerman was a drug dealer coming to find Trayvon, or why else would he be following him, zimmerman had no identifying authority as a police officer. So of course Travyon went in the back of the complex and took off running and hiding between the buildings, when zimmerman ran after him to find him with his flashlight. Nobody knows for sure what happened after this , but that Trayvon was shot and killed. I think Trayvon thought he was fighting off a drug dealer, who had come to hunt him down. Interesting facts that zimmerman's dad is a retired judge, and zimmerman had 3 convictions , one for battery on his ex fiance, which was suspended , and one for battery on a police officer which was a suspended sentence.
If nobody knows for sure what happened after this , how do they know for sure what happened before this? Either way, whatever the evidence proved to the jury was all that was needed to prove his innocence ... in their minds, in a court of law. Proving his innocence in the minds of many, many other people will never happen especially because no one knows what happened exactly except for GZ.   <a href="http://rollingout.com/culture/george-zimmerman-son-of-a-retired-judge-has-3-closed-arrests/" >source</a> - According to a records search on George, he was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer without violence and most shockingly, resisting an officer with violence - a  felony charge that surely could have landed him in prison. All three of those arrests, however, were mysteriously closed with no semblance of charges for the Florida resident.Note added after article was posted: It has been brought to our attention that George Zimmerman has been arrested one time, not three , and that the charges against him were dropped after he completed a pre-trial diversion program. The additional two charges stem from the same incident on the same date.There are numerous articles stating this same thing, that he was arrested . If charges were dropped or suspended even, how are they convictions ?  Your idea about what Trayvon may have been thinking sounds very possible. Unfortunately, we'll never know.   
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tking1 .. once again, that is what is said by a man who was covering his own behind. He never should have left his vehicle in the first place. Get over believing that everything he said is 100% true. "
I think Trayvon thought he was being followed by someone who wanted to mug him. I don't see how people don't get that Zimmerman had no business getting out of his vehicle. NONE. ZERO. ZIP.


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robsmom wrote: tking1 .. once again, that is what is said by a man who was covering his own behind. He never should have left his vehicle in the first place. Get over believing that everything he said is 100% true. I think Trayvon thought he was being followed by someone who wanted to mug him. I don't see how people don't get that Zimmerman had no business getting out of his vehicle. NONE. ZERO. ZIP.
But robsmom, being that GZ called the authorities, he knew they were on their way and would ask questions once they got there. Questions like Where is he? .If GZ never got out of his vehicle to see where TM was going, then his answers to the cops would have been I don't know? . As a neighborhood watchman, he had it instilled in him to give the cops accurate information. If he never got out of the vehicle to see where TM was going, he was not doing his job (in his mind). And I believe there were jurors that after the verdict was handed down, that said he should have never got out of his vehicle. But even though that may be the case, whatever the evidence was surrounding that issue played a part in GZ being found not guilty. I do understand that the only words we hear are GZ's. Were there any witnesses at all who saw this part of the confrontation? I can't remember if I read anything about that. 


robsmom wrote: tking1 .. once again, that is what is said by a man who was covering his own behind. He never should have left his vehicle in the first place. Get over believing that everything he said is 100% true. I think Trayvon thought he was being followed by someone who wanted to mug him. I don't see how people don't get that Zimmerman had no business getting out of his vehicle. NONE. ZERO. ZIP.
First of all, I believe in the evidence, that's all nothing more. I could care less about GZ, but the evidence supports his case.Secondly, Would you call the police if you thought you were going to get mugged? I know I would. Why didn't TM? I'm sure if both of them knew the outcome they both would have avoided each other. They both made mistakes and it ended badly.I still can't figure out why TM didn't call the police if he was so scared, If he had then they could have let him know who GZ was and vice versa and they both went on their way. Everyone wants to say what Zimmerman could have done differently, what about what TM could have done differently?  


tking1 wrote:
robsmom wrote: tking1 .. once again, that is what is said by a man who was covering his own behind. He never should have left his vehicle in the first place. Get over believing that everything he said is 100% true. I think Trayvon thought he was being followed by someone who wanted to mug him. I don't see how people don't get that Zimmerman had no business getting out of his vehicle. NONE. ZERO. ZIP.
First of all, I believe in the evidence, that's all nothing more. I could care less about GZ, but the evidence supports his case.Secondly, Would you call the police if you thought you were going to get mugged? I know I would. Why didn't TM? I'm sure if both of them knew the outcome they both would have avoided each other. They both made mistakes and it ended badly.I still can't figure out why TM didn't call the police if he was so scared, If he had then they could have let him know who GZ was and vice versa and they both went on their way. Everyone wants to say what Zimmerman could have done differently, what about what TM could have done differently?  
 I'm not trying to be mean to you if it sounds like I am Robsmom, i'm just stating my case.

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