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Daily Horoscopes....


Hello gang:       Thought some daily horoscopes might be fun. Hope you all enjoy.                                                                                                    PamI'll also be adding the  lucky numbers in here soon.  Aries: It's easy for you to be in touch with your feelings today, enabling you to reminisce about recent experiences. But you might feel reserved about expressing your innermost thoughts until you have had a chance to sit with them yourself. This isn't about avoiding the judgment of co-workers or friends; it's simply that your ideas haven't yet developed enough to put them into words. Don't push it; you'll know when it's time to tell your story.Taurus:pleasant social situations come up today with the Moon's visit to your 11th House of Friends and Wishes. Colleagues may even inspire you as they share their hopes for the future. It's not that you don't have your own goals, but listening to someone else's ambitions can help you move through your self-imposed limitations. Whatever pushes you through your resistance to success is likely to be helpful to your process now.Gemini:You've probably been more self-critical than usual, yet you are able to ease up and practice self-acceptance today. It may have been necessary to put in extra effort to get a colleague's approval, but now it could be time for a bit of relaxation. Although you might have things to do, the pressure mostly comes from your desire to succeed. However, a little downtime will allow you to return to your job with renewed vigor.Cancer:Giving yourself enough time to daydream today can open windows of possibilities for growth you didn't realize was possible. You might even think about enrolling in a new course of study with the imaginative Pisces Moon traveling through your 9th House of Big Ideas. If you have been longing to go on a trip, this is the right time to entertain your wanderlust. Push back your horizons and follow your inclination for something new.LeoIt could hurt your feelings if others judge you and your lifestyle, especially if you were comfortable enough to show your vulnerability. Taking this kind of risk can be a big step for you and it may bring up an unpleasant memory of some time when you weren't acknowledged or understood. Instead of jumping into a conversation and saying too much, take it slowly until you are certain that it's going to be safe.Virgo:Others may seem elusive today with the slippery Pisces Moon in your 7th House of Companions. And even if you do find the person you are seeking to reach, it's still difficult to know what is really being said during your conversation. It may feel as if something's wrong with you if you're unable to make a solid connection with someone special. Don't get too hung up on a communication snafu now, for the misunderstanding will probably resolve itself quickly without any extra effortLibra:You're not in the mood to go over a conversation word by word today. You aren't very interested in details because attending to them will slow you down too much. But rushing ahead isn't the best strategy either. Instead of measuring your success by how much you finish, focus on the quality of your experience. Even if your current task feels menial, remember that you can always learn something from what you are doing in the present moment.ScorpioIt feels like you're doing a balancing act today with common sense on one side and unrealistic imagination on the other. This could be a tricky dance, but you can walk in both realms if you consciously stay aware of what's happening. Thankfully, your analytical abilities are very effective now and they can help you figure out the best course of action. But don't ignore your intuition because your dreams and emotions can be significant catalysts for positive change.Sagittarius:The Moon in your 4th House of Security encourages you to stay at home instead of going out into the real world in search of adventure. You aren't as assertive when expressing yourself today, but don't assume that this means something is wrong. Perhaps you are just being rewarded with time to relax and assimilate what's around you rather than having to be the life of the party.Capricorn:You might be feeling the pressure to talk about a difficult topic today but still manage to sidestep the subject. Although it doesn't sound like fun, your anxiety can eventually motivate you to start the discussion that you have been avoiding. Once the conversation begins, don't try to control the content or the direction because you'll get more out of your interaction if you're not overly rigid. Your smartest strategy is to open the door and then just go with the flow.Aquarius:You may be staring down an old childhood phobia today as something reminds you of an emotional hurt or a difficult situation. As unnerving as this might feel, remember that healing the past through awareness enables you to also heal the current situation. But what's happening now isn't quite the same as what happened a long time ago, so make sure you clarify and acknowledge the differences before letting go of your fears and moving on.Pisces:Your emotions are reawakening now that the Moon is back in your sign, helping you face a current complicated relationship issue. Unfortunately, residual negativity about something from the past could come back to haunt you, even if this is all-too-familiar territory. Consider what beliefs you are willing to eliminate in order to make room for what's next.My Daily Horoscopes.com
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Here is your Horoscope for today  09/23/2010Aries:There's not much of a chance that you'll hold back your feelings today because the impulsive Aries Full Moon urges you to say whatever is on your mind. Nevertheless, you can demonstrate your wisdom and lead by example now. Instead of telling others to act with common sense, do it yourself and count to ten before flying off the handle about something that won't ultimately matter.Taurus:Although responsibilities at work can weigh you down today, they cannot prevent you from escaping from them in your fantasies. You are free to go anywhere within your mind as long as you keep up appearances on the job and continue to meet your obligations. But if you show signs of slacking off, you'll lose your freedom to daydream as your boss starts to watch you more closely.Gemini:It's tough to keep your mind on work today, even if you usually enjoy your job. You are distracted by what you want to do in the future and may be bored with what you need to do right now. Nevertheless, following your impulses will probably get you into trouble. It's a much better strategy for you to concentrate on a current deadline than to escape into Tomorrowland.Cancer:The spontaneous Aries Full Moon illuminates your 10th House of Public Recognition and you want to be acknowledged for what you bring to your job. You could have an idea that just won't wait and your normally patient demeanor won't likely get you through the day. It's healthy for you to express yourself, but just make sure that you have your thoughts together before you start sharing your plan.Leo:Your vision of where you want to go and what you want to do is clearer now with the fiery Aries Full Moon in your 9th House of Big Ideas. It all looks good until you start to put your plan into action. It's easy to find some satisfaction in your daydreams, but you'll need to attend to the details if you actually want to make them real.Virgo:You might find yourself involved in an emotionally charged melodrama today, even if you normally try to evade such things. And although the intensity may be somewhat distressing, there is also a definite adrenaline rush when you forget about remaining cool and detached. Instead of attempting to avoid this unfamiliar territory, enjoy it while you can because your passion will settle back down naturally in the days ahead.Libra:A pushy person might get on your nerves today as the bold Aries Full Moon illuminates your 7th House of Others. But your annoyance with someone else could actually be a projection of your resistance to your own forceful urges. However, your distaste toward being aggressive turns into your perception of this same trait in others where it's easier to criticize. Instead of being hard on anyone else now, find ways to accept yourself.Scorpio:You are still on a creative run, but may wonder how long you'll be able to keep it up. You may get an extra boost from the Full Moon today, but other people's demands seem to suck up whatever additional energy you have. Ultimately, managing your time wisely is more important than anything else now; concentrating with great intensity on a task for a little while is more productive than casually meandering through your work without focus.Sagittarius:The Full Moon in your 5th House of Fun and Frivolity is usually cause for celebration, but it may be more challenging today because of someone resisting your party plans or your optimism. It's one thing to be confident, but a cavalier approach to a relationship now could anger your partner rather than endearing him or her to you. Instead of only thinking about your needs, expand your vision to include those you love.Capricorn:Although professional responsibilities may take up more of your attention than you prefer, the enthusiastic Aries Full Moon in your 4th House of Home and Family indicates that you'll try to find ways to balance work with personal time. But your boss or co-workers may not be very supportive now of your desire to spend more time with your family. Additionally, loved ones won't likely understand why you are so obsessed with your job. It's not easy, but finding equilibrium should be your goal, even if you don't reach it for a while.Aquarius:You may as well set aside your schedule and just take the hectic energy of the day as it comes. Your agenda may be an intelligent one, but changes in circumstances can make your plans obsolete and stubbornly sticking to them isn't helpful at all. The more flexible you can be now, the easier it is for you to make it through the day without having a meltdown.Pisces:You could come up with new ideas for making money as today's enterprising Aries Full Moon illuminates your 2nd House of Self-Worth. But just because you come up with a strategy on the fly, it doesn't mean that it's going to work. You may feel frustrated at first if others oppose your unrealistic ideas. However, this gives you a chance to modify your plan to make it more sensible.My Daily Horoscopes.com


Taurus:Although responsibilities at work can weigh you down today, they cannot prevent you from escaping from them in your fantasies. You are free to go anywhere within your mind as long as you keep up appearances on the job and continue to meet your obligations. But if you show signs of slacking off, you'll lose your freedom to daydream as your boss starts to watch you more closely.hehehehe, I love my horoscope today.  I better stay focused here at NDF.                                                                                                Pam
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Here are your horoscopes for 9/24/2010. Aries:You may be exhausting yourself by telling everyone what you're going to do today because talking takes nearly as much energy as just doing it. At some point -- maybe when you realize that you haven't done much yet -- you'll probably change your strategy, stop running off at the mouth and just get to work. Thankfully, you will be able to accomplish a lot once you actually start.Taurus:You may believe that you're the serious one of the group now and that others aren't behaving in a responsible manner. But keeping your critical feelings to yourself isn't a smart idea because they will only fester if you don't get them out into the open. Remember, you don't need to place blame on anyone else. A more productive tactic would be to express your concerns in a kind and loving manner that invites improvement rather than resistance.Gemini:Your progressive thinking can be an inspiration to your peers today as long as you don't push the limits too hard. You might not even realize that you're being aggressive as your excitement overtakes your logic. Just remember that others may take a while to warm up to your ideas. They could even become enthusiastic if you let them do it at their own pace.Cancer:You may be required to put out a lot of energy today yet you aren't quite sure if it's really worth it. Unfortunately, you might not have the freedom to say no. Ultimately; it's probably easier to just go ahead and hold up your end of a job if you're asked to help. If you give it all you got, you could even finish early enough to still get some time for yourself.Leo:It's a challenge for you to slow down now because everything seems to be going so smoothly. But your current enthusiasm may not last as a fun project turns into hard work. Nevertheless, being methodical will bring you more success than spontaneously making it up as you go along. Setting a one-week goal could give you a reachable target, but you'll still need to make a plan and follow it carefully.Virgo:Associating with the right folks now can open doors that were previously closed to you. But there is a price to pay when you're dealing with powerful people because they will expect something from you in return for their assistance. Nevertheless, don't be afraid to work with someone who will push you farther than usual even if it means facing your own insecurities.Libra:You may be caught between other people's expectations of you and the serious work that you need to do in order to honor your soul. There's no question about which is more important to you, but obligations to others canScorpio:It's hard to stay focused on work when Venus and Mars in your sexy sign have you thinking about something else. But it's not wise to run out on your responsibilities, even if love -- or something that looks like it -- is calling. Be smart and take care of both aspects of your life. You'll feel more balanced and gain happiness in the long run.Sagittarius:You'll feel better today if you set your work obligations aside and do something that makes you feel good. Thankfully, you won't likely face any negative repercussions from your apparently irresponsible actions. In fact, you'll probably receive more support than you expect as others experience vicarious thrills watching your antics. Go ahead and add a bit of excitement into your life; you'll regret it if you don't.Capricorn:You can see the handwriting on the wall and know how busy you're going to be over the next week or so, making you more inclined now to take some time for yourself. It's as if you've reached a breaking point and simply need to relax so you can prepare for what's coming. Don't waste energy doubting the wisdom of this strategy if it feels right to you to rest up for tomorrow.Aquarius:You're more excited about what you're doing now because you're learning something new as you go along. Although your current actions fit into your master plan to move you closer to your goals, there may be an undercurrent of intensity coming from someone who is jealous of your accomplishments. Don't buy into anyone's negativity, especially if they are bringing their fears or insecurities into your life.Pisces:It's more important that you feel good about yourself today than it is for others to acknowledge your work. Don't worry about public acceptance; it's fine if you aren't in the spotlight. Your job now is to find ways to live in harmony with your core beliefs. If you can move your actions closer to your life purpose, you'll be pushed back out onto center stage soon.mydailyhoroscope.com
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A Mommy Machine
It's a challenge for you to slow down now because everything seems to be going so smoothly. But your current enthusiasm may not last as a fun project turns into hard work. Nevertheless, being methodical will bring you more success than spontaneously making it up as you go along. Setting a one-week goal could give you a reachable target, but you'll still need to make a plan and follow it carefully."
This is spot on!!!!"
This one from yesterday too!"
Your vision of where you want to go and what you want to do is clearer now with the fiery Aries Full Moon in your 9th House of Big Ideas. It all looks good until you start to put your plan into action. It's easy to find some satisfaction in your daydreams, but you'll need to attend to the details if you actually want to make them real."
Sighhhh Pam
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Your SOOOO SOOOO welcome MM. Glad your reading and enjoying them. They will be here for you everyday.  Even holidays.                                                                                             Pam
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Aries:There may be dissension in a personal or business relationship if your goals differ from someone else's. Unfortunately, this conflict may raise significant questions that have no easy answers. Instead of attempting to find a resolution now, strive to find some common ground. If you understand each other's point of view, your divergent perspectives can provide the fuel for what you need to do.Taurus:You may feel as if you're waiting for something to happen today, but you don't want others to know what you're thinking. Perhaps you feel more secure if you believe that you have an advantage by knowing what's ahead. But your anticipation may fade when the Moon enters your sign this afternoon, reminding you that your personal comfort is more important now than whatever you were waiting for.Gemini:It's wise for you to give one last push prior to the Moon's exit from initiating Aries this afternoon. If you have been working on a project, set a deadline and then throw yourself into it. Or, if you've been developing a strategy, try to bring your thinking to fruition and then start putting your plan into action. Either way, don't wait; the time is now.Cancer:You don't think it's very fair if you come to a situation with an open mind while someone else has such a rigid perspective that it leaves little room for discussion or compromise. However, it's not yet time to address the specifics of your ideas. First you must discuss the larger issue of negotiation to make sure that winning an argument is less important than cooperating for the good of all.Leo:Just because you can see the danger signal flashing doesn't mean that you'll heed its warning. If you have been feeling optimistic about your current circumstances because of the opportunities that lay ahead, your long-term thinking now runs into more immediate concerns at work. Clarifying everyone's perspectives will help because unspoken differences in goals can carry you down very different paths.Virgo:You may start the day with too many ideas to put into action, but as the day progresses you are able to hone in on one or two of the best ones. Your focus is strong now, with intelligent Mercury in analytical Virgo and the Moon in fellow practical earth sign Taurus. Just remember that your plan isn't the only one that will work. Discuss the alternatives with your co-workers, but avoid an outright conflict about whose strategy is best.Libra:If you have been struggling to find your place in a relationship, things may not get easier today because the Sun in your sign squares domineering Pluto. No matter what you do now, someone might make the case that it's not enough. Whatever you decide could go against the grain. It's not that you are trying to be difficult or rebellious; you simply want to do what's right. Don't let anyone talk you out of following your instincts.Scorpio:Your key planet Pluto is square the Sun today in a classic struggle between the dark and the light. As Lord of the Underworld, Pluto's domain is unconscious and hides in the shadows. It may not be easy to bring up certain topics for discussion. However, with awareness, the illuminating rays of the Sun can draw important issues into the light, where something positive can happen.Sagittarius:You may be frustrated by the turn of events and shift of energy today because you were enjoying the creativity and excitement of the Aries Moon. But now there are more serious issues that need to be addressed and yet you're reluctant to tackle them. Nevertheless, you may have to reassert your boundaries if someone is leaning on you too hard. Taking their feelings into consideration is the right thing to do, but don't forget that you have your own feelings that must be acknowledged, tooCapricorn:You may be driven to succeed now, but this isn't just about today's transit. Powerful Pluto is a long-term visitor to your sign, yet a square from the illuminating Sun can stir up fears about possibly failing. Instead of falling victim to self-doubt and worry, apply your energy toward being successful while remembering that this isn't an isolated event, but part of a much greater transition.Aquarius:You could finally get a chance to take a breath and slow down, but first you'll need to deal with a complicated matter that involves unspoken feelings. It's tricky business trying to address something that's still beneath the surface, but some headway may be gained today as long as you don't force the issue. Bring up the subject and then step back, allowing someone else to take the next step. If that doesn't work, try again, but be gentle in your approach or the door of opportunity will close.Pisces:You may bolt ahead with an idea early in the day only to realize that a more cautious approach will work better for you. Your eagerness could stir up resistance from others, even if you're not exactly sure why anyone would want to stand in your way. The problem is that they aren't necessarily being straightforward, which makes you try even harder. Don't give up, but don't push the panic button either. A steady and methodical approach will work best.mydailyhoroscopes.com


Aries:You are all too aware of the difference between what you want and what you need. Your strong desires can lead you into a complicated interpersonal entanglement, which is surely not what you want or need. It can be exciting to succumb to your attractions without knowing the outcome, but it's wiser now to exercise caution so nobody's feelings are hurt.Taurus:You are drawn toward someone who isn't afraid of expressing his or her feelings today. It's as if you long for a deeper emotional connection and it's easier to move beyond your fears if you are pushed by your partner. Naturally, you might try to resist by talking yourself into playing it safe one more time. Nevertheless, once you let go, you'll be glad you did because of the profound experience that awaits youGemini:If you're not keeping a secret, then someone else is probably hiding the truth from you today. In either case, there may be an important topic that is not being addressed. Nevertheless, it might be better to just let things slide for now and focus on what you do know for sure. Everything else will be brought out into the open when the time is right.Cancer:Your friends may seem quite inflexible as they make demands on you today that you're just not willing to acknowledge. But don't just give them the silent treatment. Instead, be clear and let others know that they are asking too much. Once they stop pressuring you, then you'll be more inclined to offer them the very same thing they previously wanted. Generosity is best when it comes from the heart.Leo:You might not be such a happy camper as you wrestle with an old ghost that comes back to haunt you today. Just when you thought that you were done with complicated feelings of envy and jealousy, someone's cavalier actions stir everything up again. Don't be overly hard on yourself or you'll get hooked into the negative pattern. Instead, just observe your reactions and then let them go.Virgo:You should be able to enjoy yourself because your heart feels integrated with your head today. It's reassuring when your feelings and thoughts are on the same page and this gives you an extra boost of confidence. Nevertheless, you could have a run-in with a stubborn friend who doesn't see things your way. Don't press the issue; by tomorrow it won't even matter.Libra:Usually, you can find common ground or are willing to acquiesce in a disagreement. But today you could lock horns with a friend or lover and you might not opt for the easy way out. Standing up for your beliefs is healthy as long as you make sure to pick your battles carefully. If you decide to hold on to your position, keep in mind that it may take longer to resolve the issue than you expect.Scorpio:You might get so angry at someone who is being obstinate today that you could lose your temper. However, it's more likely that you won't say anything about your annoyance at another person's stupidity because you don't want to be a pain in the neck. Unfortunately, anger can turn to resentment if you don't attend to the issue directly. If you do manage to get things out into the open, a difficult situation can turn into a lovely and memorable one.Sagittarius:You have chores that need to be done today and you're convinced that you know the best way to do them. It's easy for you to inadvertently offend someone if you offhandedly dismiss a suggestion that was given with good intent. Just remember that you can still accomplish what's on your plate, even if you take the time to seriously consider a different approach to your day.Capricorn:No matter what kind of serious responsibilities you have in your life now, it's still a smart idea to set them aside and take some time for yourself. Do something that makes you smile, for this can be exactly what the doctor ordered to increase your vitality and enthusiasm for your busy week ahead. Remember, all work and no play is not what you need today.Aquarius:There are things you want to do now, but promises that you previously made probably require you to limit your fun activities. Even if you aren't ready to give up on your social life today, it would still be wise to keep your intentions a secret until you are ready to make your escape. Just make sure you remain flexible enough so that if satisfaction remains elusive, you'll still be able to make the most of your day.Pisces:You won't adapt easily if circumstances require you to modify your plans today. You are less flexible than usual now that the stubborn Taurus Moon is visiting your 3rd House of Immediate Environment. Nevertheless, you still have the power to adjust your schedule if you consciously choose to cooperate with others. Changing your attitude is key to positively altering the flow of energy.mydailyhoroscope.com


Aries:It may seem as if everything that's being told to you is in line with what you perceive, but upon more careful analysis, something appears to be out of kilter. Unfortunately, you may not be able to put your concerns into words -- and maybe that's just fine. If you do put voice to your feelings, you'll only make them stronger. It's better to hold steady and let the weirdness pass before you say anything you regret.Taurus:people are strange today and if you try to understand them by asking questions, you may be unpleasantly surprised by their responses. Even if you mean no offense, others might feel as if you are being overly critical or even attacking them. Don't stir up unnecessary conflict now; remember, one of your greatest strengths is being able to maintain the status quo while chaos ensues for everyone else.Gemini:You might inadvertently unleash someone's fears today if you overstep your bounds. A close friend or workmate may be more worried about loss of control than you realize, and your actions could tread on their territory. Since you're not trying to take over, you probably won't even realize the impact of your actions until it's too late. If a confrontation erupts, quickly retreat since nothing will be gained by turning this into a prolonged discussion. Your best strategy is just to sincerely apologize and move on.Cancer:You can't help but fear the worst about a storm that you see brewing on the home front. However, your concern over the problem could actually add to the stress, unless you actively try to defuse the tension by bringing the topic up in a conversation. Doing something is very different than just worrying about it, which will surely just make matters worse.Leo:Someone in your family might not be fully honest now, but they believe that their failure to tell you the complete truth is for your own good. You, on the other hand, know better. You understand that there are deep differences of opinion on a matter that won't come to an easy resolution from a quick conversation. Although the lack of disclosure could bother you, remember that it's not your place to bring up the subject. Take a deep breath and give it time.Virgo:It feels like one of those days when aliens could land in your front yard and it would just be another thing to handle. Events that might otherwise be extraordinary seem as if they are as plain and ordinary as could be now. Of course, this is because unusual is the new normal. Taking it all in stride is a good idea, but don't minimize something special if it happensLibra:You are more singularly focused these days, as if you have a final exam coming up soon and you need to be fully prepared. But taking your responsibilities too seriously can lead you to miss an important experience today as a subtle feeling washes over you to remind you of how wonderful life can be in the present moment. Doing your best is important, but performance isn't everything.Scorpio:If you are psychically sensitive enough, you could pick up on messages from other dimensions today. However, even if you don't hear anything, you'll still know that something different is happening now. Either way, rest assured that you are in tune with a transformative cosmic song that's being played for you, whether or not you can make out the words. Giving yourself time and space to listen can increase the positive impact of this experience.Sagittarius:You may try to do whatever is required in order to stay focused on your work today. However, it becomes increasingly more difficult as unexpressed feelings color your attitude and get in your way. Keep in mind that you don't have to be on task every minute of the day. Taking a scheduled time-out can change your attitude and ultimately make you more productive in the long run.Capricorn:Although the steadfast Taurus Moon helps you to keep your feet on the ground, your head may be visiting a parallel universe as mental Mercury forms a supernatural septile with mysterious Pluto. Just because you are able to justify your current goals, though, doesn't make them sensible. Acknowledging that you aren't a good judge of practicality today gives you a good reason to put off a major decision until your thoughts return to earth.Aquarius:You may believe that family commitments are holding you back, but being held accountable for your obligations now can help you stay on track. Although you are attracted to some rather eccentric ideas, today's Taurus Moon is a steady reminder that there is beauty in simplicity. Fulfilling your promises isn't all there is to life, but at least it's a good start to feeling a sense of personal satisfaction.Pisces:Today's events have an ethereal overtone to them as several otherworldly septiles lure you down the rabbit hole. But with clever Mercury in your 7th House of Others, you should be able to convey the complexity of your visions quite effectively. But don't lean too much on words; you'll get the most benefit out of your current relationships if you use your sixth sense to connect, instead.mydailyhoroscope.com


Aries:Although something may still be amiss today, you can talk yourself into believing that everything is just fine. Try not to lose track of your priorities if details begin to unravel your plans. Staying focused on what you need to do is smarter than having to handle an unnecessary emergency because you were off playing when you should have been working. Don't feel sorry for yourself; you'll have your chance to relax later.Taurus:You could get pulled into a complicated entanglement today since your key planet Venus is in your 7th House of Partners and connects with mysterious Pluto. You might think that you're simply pursuing love, but you could get more than you bargain for. Don't let your fear of the unknown trick you into making a bad decision. Instead of following a hunch now, stick to the facts when deciding what to do next.Gemini:The Moon's return to your sign can make satisfaction more elusive now because all the other pastures might look greener than yours. Nevertheless, you are committed to meeting your obligations today so it's not likely that you'll act on a whim and attempt to escape. Be aware of the present moment and try to appreciate what you have. A mature approach to the current situation could be enough to put your day back on trackCancer:If a close friend or sweetheart pushes back against your ideas today, you may be tempted to retreat emotionally. Even if you've been comfortable with how things are going, your fear of rejection could motivate you to avoid the situation entirely. You might believe that it's easier to ignore your gut than express what's in your heart, but it's not. It's surely healthier to share your concerns openly and allow the other person a chance to respond.Leo:You might feel a bit insecure today, especially if you believe that one of your friends or associates has been less than honest with you. In fact, others could be trying to make something appear better than it really is. Normally you would be too clever for anyone to get away with misleading you, but now it's also possible for your fears -- rather than someone else's actions -- to amplify your anxiety. Double check the facts before jumping to a false conclusionVirgo:You don't know how to make sense out of your feelings today, for you've temporarily lost your ability to remain logical while analyzing what's happening. Although you try to separate fact from fiction, you're more likely to believe whatever you are told now, setting you up for later disappointment. Keep in mind that decisions colored by your subjective preferences will probably lead you astray.Libra:Your imagination is working overtime today, enabling you to be attracted to a fantasy rather than what's actually going on. You are being pulled in two different directions now, so you must be careful about choosing dreams over reality. Confusion about your own needs can lead to an unwise choice, so put off important decisions for a day or two until your clarity returns.Scorpio:It's perplexing when you recall something about your childhood, yet cannot remember enough of the facts to know if it actually happened or not. Either way, you know that there was probably another side to the story that you haven't thought about. The more you attempt to fill in what's missing now, the more frustrated you become. Your desire for the truth can turn into an obsession, so it may be healthier to bring your thoughts back to the present and stop trying to rewrite your past.Sagittarius:You are able to take charge at home or in the community today, but your assumption of authority can also create a difficult situation. Although you are sure that you know what's best for everyone else, they might disagree with your strategy. Unfortunately, your sound logic won't help to convince anyone that you are right. You may have to just let your friends and associates go off on their own to discover what's true by themselves.Capricorn:Even if you are usually astute when dealing with financial matters, you may be distracted now from your typical practical approach. If you see something that you immediately want to buy, it's best to wait a few days before actually finalizing the purchase. Although you might believe that you deserve it, impulsive spending isn't a smart idea at this time.Aquarius:You may be convinced that you're being absolutely clear about your romantic intentions today, yet someone can totally misunderstand what you're saying. Problems may arise if your repressed feelings are strong enough to color how you deliver your message. It's wise to keep asking for feedback along the way to assure that your words convey exactly what you meanPisces:Your eagerness can lead you to anticipate what someone wants from you now, but this isn't a very good idea. Unfortunately, you're likely to jump to the wrong conclusion without checking out your assumptions. But don't worry if you can't meet other people's expectations today, for they probably have unrealistic hopes, anyway. Instead of worrying about your insecurities, just do the best you can and then let it go.mydailyhoroscope.com


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Staff member
If a close friend or sweetheart pushes back against your ideas today, you may be tempted to retreat emotionally. Even if you've been comfortable with how things are going, your fear of rejection could motivate you to avoid the situation entirely. You might believe that it's easier to ignore your gut than express what's in your heart, but it's not. It's surely healthier to share your concerns openly and allow the other person a chance to respond."
Might just be fitting for the day for me.


A Mommy Machine
You might feel a bit insecure today, especially if you believe that one of your friends or associates has been less than honest with you. In fact, others could be trying to make something appear better than it really is. Normally you would be too clever for anyone to get away with misleading you, but now it's also possible for your fears -- rather than someone else's actions -- to amplify your anxiety. Double check the facts before jumping to a false conclusion"
I wonder what this means....we shall see!


Aries:You have many things to do now, yet it seems that the faster you spin your wheels, the less you actually finish. However, awareness is the key to change. Slowing down your response to emotional news is a good idea, even if you have an immediate reaction. Just don't overcommit by putting too much on your calendar today; keep some time squirreled away for yourselfTaurus:Your anxiety rears its head today as worrisome waves wash over you, especially if you are trying to untangle financial issues. Fortunately, your fear is unwarranted if you take the time to plan ahead. Seeking a practical solution should alleviate pressures about love or money before your little problem turns into something worse.Gemini:Being aware of the Moon traveling through your sign today can help you keep in touch with your feelings. But peace of mind is not dependent on expressing every whim and changing emotion. Still, exercising caution is useful to counteract the likelihood of reacting too quickly to a situation as it unfolds. Setting your mind on one goal enables you to accomplish more than running off in several directions.Cancer:Your friends may see you as cool and calm today, but your fantasies are still running strong. In fact, your inner life could be so intense now that you need to withdraw a bit from your interactions with others. Paradoxically, this is why everyone thinks you are more serene than you really feel. Practice maintaining your outer connections while simultaneously enjoying your rich world of dreams.Leo:You can get into trouble today because your friends or co-workers might not be as reliable as you think. But it's not that they are purposefully misleading you; it's just that they may overextend their goodwill by promising more than they can deliver. If someone comes to your rescue now, accept an offer of support with graciousness. However, don't put all your eggs in one basket or you might end up being disappointed. Developing a back-up plan could be just the thing that saves the day.Virgo:There are too many intriguing possibilities pulling on you at work and you could worry yourself silly trying to respond to all of them. You might decide to give up and just acquiesce to everyone else's whims. Nevertheless, it's a better idea now to rethink what you are able to do as you respond to the changing circumstances. Since laughter is the best medicine, maintaining your sense of humor helps more than you think.Libra:Making too many plans today can end up being a problem because everything will probably change more than once. Don't bother setting your schedule in stone by trying to follow a rigid agenda. Instead, give yourself permission to respond to each and every situation as it develops. Luckily, this spontaneous approach can stabilize your day and increase your overall productivity.Scorpio:Strange winds are blowing into your life from mysterious dimensions. Your day becomes a magnet for odd occurrences that elude rational comprehension. Nevertheless, a little dab of trust can go a long way now and you may be pleasantly surprised if you let down some of your boundaries. Don't be too concerned about the current instability; you don't have to do anything except practice flexibility.Sagittarius:Everyone around you seems to be moving faster and faster and all the chaos just makes you feel like going back to bed. The truth is that you may be moving slower today, making everybody else appear impatient. Working with others is fine -- if you can catch up with them. Unfortunately, the speed of your external world could be a reflection of your boredom. Instead of avoiding the noise of the day, embrace it as an aspect of yourself.Capricorn:You're under a lot of pressure now as you reach a deadline or the end of a project. It's time to establish stability as a buffer against your desire for change. Unfortunately, you should not try to force a resolution to a conflict or you'll only make yourself more frustrated. Although you might want to experience something new today, step back and take a deep breath so you can appreciate what you already have in your life.Aquarius:You are ready for fun and frivolities now that the Moon is visiting your 5th House of Play, but you still have some work to do first. Naturally, you can't force the weekend to arrive any sooner than it will. However, you don't need to postpone your enjoyment. Instead of reasoning that someone else will bring you more pleasure, focus on your current activities with a renewed sense of acceptance. Being present in the here and now is a conscious choice towards happiness.Pisces:You are pulled in a variety of directions today, and might entertain the notion that you can simultaneously follow more than one path. But the truth is that all roads will eventually lead you to the same destination now. Entertain as many possibilities as you can and then choose the course of least resistance.mydailyhoroscope.com


Aries:If you aren't willing to take responsibility for yourself today, someone else might do it for you. But if others do come down heavily on you now, your first impulse may be to blame them for complicating your life. Even if they just want to help, it could be difficult to respond positively to their criticism. Nevertheless, you still might not be able to avoid the fact that you need to change your ways.Taurus:The plot thickens at work as your responsibilities take precedence over fun and games. There are many aspects of your life now that are dependent on others and you must take the lead from them. You may be ready to kick back and enjoy yourself, but someone else might have a different idea about what you should be doing. At least for now, it's best to do as you're toldGemini:Just because you have obligations that need to be fulfilled today doesn't mean that you should forgo all pleasure. In fact, taking time out for structured play -- like going out to recess when you were a child at school -- can be exactly what you need to be more productive. Don't just go off when you feel like it; instead, make a schedule and stick to it.Cancer:You might want to make an important decision today that will impact others in your family. Perhaps you need to have discussions about the care of an elderly relative or the schooling of a youngster. Or maybe someone is overstepping your boundaries in a way that constricts your sense of independence. Either way, allow enough time to follow through with your domestic responsibilities so you can have more freedom later onLeo:This is an ideal time to begin a new course of study, as today's Sun-Saturn conjunction occurs in your 3rd House of Learning. But this is not about frivolous desires to distract yourself from what's important with trivial information. Pick a subject that is practical enough to improve your everyday life in a positive and lasting manner.Virgo:You may be overly self-critical today as the Sun illuminates your shortcomings when it joins judgmental Saturn in your 2nd House of Self-Esteem. Concentrate your energy on accomplishing something that will make you feel good about your work. If you start to think about what you did wrong in the past, just quickly switch your attention to what you can do right in the present momentLibra:Sometimes you have trouble making a final decision because you can see the pros and cons to each possibility. Today, however, you are able to narrow your field of vision so you can focus your intentions on whatever you consider most important. Don't worry about losing sight of the big picture as you balance your desire to be fair with your strong desire to get a lot done.Scorpio:Vacillating between accurate analysis of the facts and optimistic thinking can be a bit exhausting today, especially if you can't tell which is which. However, if you do get confused, don't be afraid to ask for help. Usually, you are the one assisting others, but now it's your turn to lean on someone else for a change.Sagittarius:You can be more realistic than ever while making plans for your future, as the Sun-Saturn conjunction crystallizes the energy in your 11th House of Long-Term Goals today. But be aware that Saturn can also bend your thoughts toward negative thinking. Don't be overly concerned because your pessimism should begin to fade by tomorrow.Capricorn:If you experience a problem at work today, don't just assume that you have done something wrong. Instead, look at the resistance you face as a lesson from the universe. Even if your original attempt was not met with much enthusiasm, you have an opportunity now to improve on what you did and then try again. Don't give up on your goal; instead, work even harder to prove that you really want it.Aquarius:A commitment can mean serious business today, for once you make a decision you won't be able to change your mind very easily. Whether you are considering moving to a new place, changing jobs, or switching schools, it is crucial to take your time and think through all your options before choosing what to do nextPisces:You may have to manage some money matters today, and it could be a hassle taking care of all the details. The Sun-Saturn conjunction falls in your 8th House of Shared Resources, possibly requiring you to have a heart-to-heart talk with a business partner. Or, perhaps, you have to deal with tax or insurance issues. Whatever serious matters come to light now, don't put off handling them or they could become even more complicated in the future.mydailyhoroscope.com


Aries:You may believe that you're being sensitive to the needs of everyone else, but you might not be looking much further than your own ambitions. Instead of just assuming that others have identical goals, ask them what they want. And then, you need to listen to what they say without trying to convince them to change their minds.Taurus:It can be unsettling if others try to persuade you to participate in their starry-eyed schemes. You have your limits and really don't want to end up wasting your valuable time and resources on someone else's idea that distracts you from your own work. But today is different because the opportunity seems too good to be true. Nevertheless, be smart and wait a few days before actually saying yes.Gemini:Hold on to your wallet today because you could easily get in over your head by buying something that's beyond your means. If an investment opportunity comes your way, it may not be as lucrative as it appears. You may think that you are in control, but that's because you cannot see how the facts are being exaggerated. Double check everything you are told now before taking a risk.Cancer:Be careful because you may be vulnerable today and managing your emotions can be tricky, especially with the Moon in moody Cancer. To make matters even more complicated, someone may even believe the story that they are telling you, which makes it harder for you to know if something is awry. But constant suspicion on your part could create its own problems, so just be certain and check your facts before making any long-term commitments.Leo:Things are looking good, but don't cash in your stocks and bonds yet because your view may be a little too optimistic today. Be careful, for your current positive thinking can pump up your confidence and get you into trouble. Scale back your expectations just a bit so you won't have to face unnecessary disappointment.Virgo:You may have high hopes about a relationship today. Or, you might become frustrated and try overly hard to please your friends. It's tempting for you to expect more from your partner than he or she can deliver. Instead of fixating on the outcome, bring your attention back to the present so you can enjoy the process as it unfolds.Libra:Although you may be hesitant to share your feelings today, keep in mind that your words will convey more than you actually say. It's hard for others to tell whether you are exaggerating or if they are reading more into your words because of their inflated expectations. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter where the problem begins. Either way, you can avoid misunderstandings by toning down your message. Less volume works wonders now.Scorpio:You need to remember that there are limited productive hours in the day because some of them must be reserved for sleeping and eating. Although you can pack a lot of activity into a short amount of time, your tendency is to take on more than you should. You might even believe that you're being practical, or even cautious, but you can convince yourself of nearly anything now. Make your life easier by lessening your commitments before things get out of hand.Sagittarius:Your interest in learning new ideas today might open up an unexpected avenue of exploration as you seek to understand the mysteries of the universe. You could be drawn toward a spiritual tradition or philosophy as you attempt to delve beneath the surface. But don't just accept the truth in everything that comes your way. A bit of healthy skepticism now can save you a big headache down the road.Capricorn:You could be the person everyone goes to now because you see opportunities through a very wise and practical lens. Additionally, you are able to communicate your ideas with great clarity. While others may gloss over the potential problems with your plan, you can quickly spot the flaws, too. But this isn't about negativity; it's about keeping it real. Fantasy can be your great escape on another day when no one is relying on you.Aquarius:You may believe that you have to share every detail in order to get your point across clearly, but spending too much time on the little things can actually get in the way of what you have to say. After a certain point, the more you talk, the less others will listen. Give your audience the basics in as few words as possible. They can ask questions if they need to know more.Pisces:Talking about your feelings may be just what you need today, but you'll only alienate others if you share too much. Your friends might encourage you to say more because they think it's their duty to listen. Luckily, there's no need to shut out those who truly care about you, but rambling on about the minuscule details of your life won't make anyone feel any better now.mydailyhoroscope.com


Aries:It may be easier to speak your mind than to keep your feelings quiet today. You might even convince yourself that you have thought about what you're going to say before you open your mouth. But the truth is that you really have no idea what will come out until you hear it along with everyone else. Making your point is one thing, but putting on a show to get someone's attention won't likely bring the results you want.Taurus:Although many of your friends may already be in party mode, you're looking ahead to the rest of the weekend and realizing that you don't want to expend too much energy. You can see how much work is in front of you and, fortunately, have enough common sense to reserve your strength for when you will need it. But keep in mind that enjoying some time in the company of others can also be rejuvenating in a different kind of way.Gemini:Don't worry about the rest of the weekend, just enjoy yourself in the moment, since the lively Leo Moon drops by for a visit in your 3rd House of Immediate Environment this afternoon to spice up your day, anyhow. But don't get too wild and crazy or you'll regret your actions pretty quickly. Keep in mind that cleaning up an emotional mess won't be as much fun as making it.Cancer:You could spend more money today than you expect, especially if you're responsible for hosting a gathering. Naturally, you want to make a good impression on everyone with delicious food and drink, but others may be much less concerned about the details than you are now. Extravagance can bring its own punishment if it makes you short on cash or causes you too much stress. Keep in mind that it's the company that matters most.Leo:You might attempt to build a strategy for success around the idea of only stating the absolute truth when it is necessary for you to give it voice. However, the Moon's shift into your expressive sign encourages you to share your feelings even if they don't move you closer toward your goals. It's great if you feel upbeat and want to inspire others to be happy, but keep in mind that your idea of Nirvana is not the same for everyone else.Virgo:Your keen organizational skills are needed to bail someone out and today you are happy to come riding to the rescue. You don't usually mind working behind the scenes, and now with the Moon in your 12th House of Secrets you're even less interested in receiving personal recognition for what you do. Primarily, you want the satisfaction of knowing that your hard work helped to save the day for your friend or colleague. Think of this as a reminder from the universe that you can accomplish nearly anything you set your mind to now.Libra:You are eager to show off to the world today, and social gatherings can become your temporary stage. Although you want to be seen and acknowledged, it's still a smart idea to hold something in reserve. Others may not know the whole story and you might prefer to keep it that way for a while longer. Avoid the temptation to bring everything out into the open now, for there's no hurry to set the record straight.Scorpio:It's easier to do what is expected of you when the rules and the limits are well defined. But today, there are so many fuzzy boundaries that things could get sloppy pretty quickly. Don't wait until you have fallen over the edge to figure out where it is. Pay attention to social protocols, for they can prevent you from getting yourself into trouble. It's a great day to meditate or embark on a spiritual quest of some sort, but do yourself a favor and don't make any major moves until your clarity returns.Sagittarius:You can't seem to hear the voice of your own reason today or you just may choose to ignore it. It's a rather straightforward choice: have yourself a good time or work hard while delaying the fun for another day. Naturally, no one is surprised if you are the first one at a party and the last one to leave. Self-indulgence most likely will win out, so you might as well enjoy yourself while you can. The work will still be there tomorrow.Capricorn:It's usually difficult for you to leave your responsibilities unfinished because you prefer to do the work first and then relax later. But today, you might impulsively decide to leave your tasks behind and take time off for something fun. Just make sure that you don't forget to return in time to finish your chores so that you also have the satisfaction of a job well done.Aquarius:You may feel lucky to have such a loyal partner or playmate, yet for some reason today it's tricky for you to hold up your end of the deal. Instead of being attached to someone at the hip, you want more freedom so you can move creatively on your own. However, if you can show a little self-restraint now, you might be able to find a way to balance your opposing needs and make everyone happy, including yourself.Pisces:Your relationship houses are being stretched today as interactive Mercury opposes independent Uranus. You might try to remain serious at first, but you realize that your ability to display your creative side also requires you to have fun. Don't be afraid to brush someone off who tries to hold you back as you seek ways to stir up a bit of excitement. Remember, you'll have time tomorrow to work hard so you can still fulfill your commitments.mydailyhoroscope.com


Good Morning....Here is your horoscopes for 10/3/2010. Enjoy!!!Aries:You may be less inclined to hide your feelings today, even if you think that what you say could make someone rather uncomfortable. You aren't interested in stirring up any conflict now, yet you probably won't let the possibility of it get in your way. Say what you must, but remember to think twice before you just blurt out something that you wish you didn't.Taurus:You're inclined to demonstrate your feelings rather than just talking about them as your key planet Venus forms an exact conjunction with fiery Mars today. But your actions might be misunderstood unless you also let others know what you are thinking. Unfortunately, assuming that someone else will accurately interpret your behavior could land you in trouble. It doesn't take much effort to avert an unnecessary conflict by explaining your motives first.Gemini:You could easily be swept up in an emotional current today that weaves together separate threads of your life. Fortunately, there isn't much that you need to do to prepare since the integration should come rather naturally now. Nevertheless, you can still facilitate positive change by keeping your awareness in the present moment and paying more attention to your feelings than to what others might think of your actions.Cancer:You might have a lot more going on than you let on today, even though you appear quite expressive. If you don't let others know what you need, you cannot blame anyone if you don't get what you want. You can increase your dissatisfaction now by keeping your feelings to yourself or you can use the outgoing Leo Moon as an opportunity to share your heart's desire.Leo:You could be busier today than you prefer, but it's important to stay as focused as you can, given all the distractions you face. Although you may be pulled one way and then another, it's best to handle each situation as it comes up rather than letting them accumulate. You might be tempted to let everyone know how you feel throughout the day because the Moon is in your sign, but it's smarter now to say less and let your actions speak for you instead.Virgo:If you have been waiting for your moment to say what's on your mind, weigh the alternatives and then speak your piece today. Although the idea of roaring like a lion isn't necessarily your style, making others aware of your accomplishments now might be a smart thing to do. Keep in mind that others won't think any less of you if you just stand up and accept the recognition that you deserve.Libra:You are shifting out of your comfort zone as you think about new ways to express your creativity, with Mental Mercury moving into your sign today. You might not be very clear about where you are going, but you're still eagerly anticipating what's next. Nevertheless, don't begin your new venture quietly. Give yourself permission to talk about what you want to do without being shy or holding back.Scorpio:Your feelings are quite clear today, but they could make you feel awkward if you cannot easily express them. The emotional heat of a Venus-Mars conjunction in your sign may be difficult to explain. Although you were built to withstand intense pressure, others might be uncomfortable with your disclosure. Nevertheless, it's not your job to try to fix the situation. Just act kindly while remaining true to yourself.Sagittarius:You cannot hold back the tide of desire that has been welling up inside you, but you still may not feel comfortable telling others what you want. You might try to suppress your feelings because the thought of discussing them makes you anxious. But pretending that everything is okay won't bring happiness, either. Even if you think that your emotions will only get in the way of an otherwise uncomplicated day, rest assured that saying what's on your mind is better than remaining silent.Capricorn:Although you need to complete your chores today, you might also want some downtime. Fortunately, you could get away with doing a little less than usual now, but your desire to impress others with your competence won't leave a lot of room for relaxation. There's no need to be so hard on yourself for you probably have much higher expectations than anyone else.Aquarius:It is up to you to make something special happen, even though the Venus-Mars conjunction suggests that love is in the air. Even if you're not buzzing with romantic energy today, you still can be highly creative. You may be serious but you would like to work with a playful partner now. Keep your eyes peeled for someone who is funny yet can still add meaning to what you are already trying to express.Pisces:Finalizing your plans for an upcoming trip might make sense now, but you could waste an opportunity unless you learn how to concentrate on what truly matters. It isn't that you lack stamina; it's just that it's easy to become distracted by something you prefer doing to avoid a less pleasant commitment. Don't be overly judgmental of yourself or others. Just stay aware of your true long-term goals and eventually you'll get back to what's importantmydailyhoroscope.com


Here are your horoscopes for 10/04/2010. Enjoy...Aries:It's not that you are digging up hidden information because you want to today; you may feel as if you don't really have a choice. Something isn't quite right and you won't be comfortable until you get to the bottom of what's going on; even a dead end won't stop your investigation now. Fortunately, it's very likely your gentle and steady persistence will eventually pay off.Taurus:You aren't in a negotiating mood today and will probably remain unmoved by everyone's attempts to change your mind. You are tired of hiding your motives but you still don't want others to know why you are fearful. If you are resistant to participate in intense emotional interactions now, you are not obliged to tell anyone why. Do what you can to feel comfortable while trying to avoid an outright argument.Gemini:You won't be coerced into doing anything that is outside of your comfort zone today. You are very capable of holding your ground, even if pressure is applied by a powerful adversary. Making your position clear is a good start, but don't waste words in endless discussions. You can always explain yourself more fully later on once the intensity settles down.Cancer:Your reaction to someone else may be strong and fast as quicksilver Mercury squares passionate Pluto in your 7th House of Partners. Even a casual interaction might stir these feelings and bring a dormant resentment back into awareness. Be extra careful today or you might inadvertently hurt someone as you express your heartfelt anger effectively, but at the wrong targetLeo:You may roar like a lion if you feel that someone is threatening your financial stability today. Although you may be driven to confront a powerful person, make certain it's necessary before you start something that could become quite intense. It's helpful to remember that winning an argument isn't as important as getting your point across.Virgo:Your words might be sharper than you realize today and could cut like a razor, even if that's not your intention. You can be quite sarcastic as communicative Mercury intensifies its intellectual edge in the forge of Pluto's passions. Unfortunately, your heightened emotionality diminishes your objectivity, so it's important to be as clear as possible in all that you say. However, balancing your message with a bit of compassion can also be helpful all the way around.Libra:You may think that you are being very objective now that logical Mercury is in your fair-minded sign. However, someone else's imbalanced reactions might be spilling into your life. An uncontrolled emotional outbreak won't solve anything, and it could even leave you feeling unsatisfied and depleted. Fortunately, you can soften the hard energy of the day with kindness combined with a healthy dose of patience.Scorpio:You want to express your position in no uncertain terms as communicator Mercury squares your key planet Pluto. But Mercury is in your 12th House of Secrets, raising your anxiety about how much to say and what to keep to yourself. You can become obsessive as you try to sort out how much to reveal. But the truth is that there are many ways to set your boundaries now and no one way is clearly right or wrong.Sagittarius:You may be quite certain about your decisions now, yet your confidence can turn into rigid self-righteousness if you don't pay attention to the feelings of others. Unfortunately, this could be a problem professionally if you provoke a conflict with your boss. It's a waste of time and energy to think that you will change the dynamics of the situation by rationalizing your actions. Go ahead and build your case, but don't stir up any unnecessary trouble until the intensity passes.Capricorn:It's difficult to get to the source of your uneasiness today, but an unspoken truth could resurface again and again in a series of disagreements. However, you might be arguing about something that's completely irrelevant while the real issue remains just outside of your awareness. Be smart and save your harsh words for another day after you've had time to calm down.Aquarius:Something has been bothering you and it won't go away until you tackle the problem directly. Unfortunately, you might not realize where your emotional discomfort is coming from now, making it harder to resolve the situation. Don't blame anyone else for your intensity. Instead, take full responsibility for your point of view and communicate it the best you can before moving on.Pisces:Your friends may not be very supportive today as they take you to task on an issue that you thought was fairly straightforward. The disagreement creates additional anxiety because you aren't sure that you can trust your logical analysis, even if others are demanding that you do what makes the most sense. If your heart continues to tell you something, follow its message instead of the words inside your head.mydailyhoroscope.com


Good Morning: Here are the Horoscopes for 10/05/2010. Enjoy...Aries:You may be blowing around in the winds of fate, yet this can be a memorable day if you relinquish control gracefully. There aren't any reasons to pretend that you are in charge if you're not, and there are really no advantages to trying too hard to have things go your way. Although events may not unfold as expected, accepting what happens can make your journey easier to enjoyTaurus:You might feel as if you are at a creative standstill today, unable to take an active project to the next step. But there's no need to let your frustration sour your day. You can simply find something else to do for a while. After your attention is sufficiently hijacked, your inspiration could return. Push yourself if it does, so you can get the most out of this unexpected burst of energy.Gemini:Your ability to work with someone else cooperatively may be tested today because your patience is rather short. However, losing your temper isn't helpful if you want to make things better. Remember, it's smarter to control your emotions now, but be ready to express your feelings later in the day after the urgency passes.Cancer:If you are holding your feelings behind a wall of restraint, it may be time to consider what you'll do if the emotional dam breaks. Although this can be exhilarating if you are able to go with the flow, it also can be very scary if your resistance is strong. Keep in mind that your rational justifications for staying put probably won't be able to prevent necessary movement from taking place, so you might as well stop fighting it and find a way to enjoy the process.Leo:You could work your way through a financial difficulty today as a money problem loosens up a bit. It's not that your cash flow shortage is over; it's just that you are able to gain a temporary advantage over a situation that has plagued you for a while. Work hard to stabilize your current position, but don't expect miracles right away.Virgo:You might have recently judged someone too harshly and now you feel guilty enough to let others know that you're more forgiving than you seem. Remember, it's hard to be nice if you are still harboring any resentment. Admitting your own shortcomings will increase your vulnerability and should help you to be more compassionate when communicating your concerns to everyone else.Libra:Take care of unfinished business today, for you could get extremely busy with the Moon in hardworking Virgo. But this lunar transit of your 12th House of Secrets might tempt you to lay low and hide your true motives. Your extra effort now may not have the immediate impact you desire, but if you slack off, you might not see any results. Be patient; it's better to have a delayed payoff than none at allScorpio:If you are involved with a group of people at work today, it may be helpful to withdraw and do something by yourself. It's not that you are necessarily a loner; it's just that everyone else may want to do things that don't interest you as much. Don't be afraid to set your boundaries and clearly let others know exactly what you want to do.Sagittarius:You may not feel overly imaginative today, but that doesn't have to prevent you from being productive. Make a list of some things you want to accomplish, but don't get hung up on what you don't finish. Instead of focusing on what is not completed, give yourself enough credit for what you actually do.Capricorn:You have many reasons why someone's big plan won't work, but don't let this prevent you from jumping on the bandwagon today and trying to make it happen. Being realistic is only one side of the equation; being negative is something else. Just because you can see how much effort will be required to fulfill a promise, don't turn your healthy common sense into unnecessary pessimismAquarius:Allow yourself to feel secure in your individuality today, even if you have reached a new level of expressing yourself. However, if someone moves in too close, you may need to create a boundary so you can maintain your sense of autonomy. Don't confuse a desire for independence with a fear of intimacy. Nevertheless, it's still a smart idea to say yes to love if it comes your way.Pisces:If your friends or co-workers have been riding you hard and pushing you past your limits, it may be time to let them know that you have had enough. There aren't sufficient reasons for you to give up your power by trying to please everyone at the cost of your own happiness. Let others know what you feeling today, even if the consequences of your words may be temporarily challenging.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/06/2010Aries:It's tempting to take your job-related stress home with you today, but those you love could become bothered by your bad mood if you do. You may feel like you're on a collision course with reality now, yet you can avoid a crisis by being more compassionate. Remember, your attitude affects others more than you realize, so don't spread your negativity by only focusing on your problems.Taurus:You want to have an easygoing attitude about everything you're supposed to do, but there aren't enough hours in the day to allow you to relax. You would like to finish your work today, but you won't get away with doing the same old thing. Try not to fall into a rut. If something unexpected doesn't happen to you, then it might be wise for you to step outside of the box yourself.Gemini:You might regret bringing up a subject today that has already been discussed one too many times. Even though you are uncharacteristically holding on to a past memory, others are ready to move on. Thankfully, if you just stop and think about how your recollection could cause hurt feelings now, you may prevent an uncomfortable situation from developing.Cancer:Although you want to be objective today, it's easy to go overboard and miss what's happening. You may perceive others as more optimistic now than they actually are, tricking you into thinking that everything is all right. But the real meaning of what's going on may be connected to an intent that's so subtle you miss the point. Do your best to listen to what's being said in between the spoken words so you can tune into the underlying truth.Leo:An old issue could resurface today when a close friend or family member says something hurtful that on any other day would have been harmless. But insensitive words may stimulate a difficult memory. The key to regaining your composure is distinguishing between what happened in the past and what's occurring in the present. Keep in mind that you are not in the same place as you were before.Virgo:Sticking to the truth is crucial today, for your tendency now may be to turn an event into something bigger than it actually is. If you aren't happy, be clear and direct when communicating your dissatisfaction, but stop once you've stated the facts or your message will be diluted. Above all, aim to keep everything as real as possible.Libra:You may feel more vulnerable as the Moon returns to your sign today. You could even try to overcompensate and keep your interactions as detached and unemotional as possible. But this isn't a wise strategy because the Moon tends to amplify your mood swings. Focusing on work now, rather than more personal issues, can help alleviate the emotional turmoil.Scorpio:Keeping your emotions to yourself is nothing new to you, yet you may be able to rationalize your secrecy today as the Moon shifts into your 12th House of Privacy. You might encourage others to share their vulnerabilities as a smokescreen so you don't have to disclose your own. It's surely easier to listen than to talk now, unless you are with a trusted friend. However, even if you are willing to say something, be careful about revealing too much.Sagittarius:Your restlessness increases, tempting you to challenge yourself by taking on more than you can handle today. You might be able to talk your way through a difficult situation that you create, but it could leave you dissatisfied and feeling on edge. Doing more won't solve your dilemma now; instead graciously accept what's in front of you without looking for something else.Capricorn:You aren't happy if your current responsibilities are overwhelming, but you cannot just walk away from them. Promising that you'll do more tomorrow can buy you a bit of time today, but this strategy isn't wise because you probably won't be able to fulfill your obligations then, either. Instead, start early and work hard to get as much out of the way as you can before additional tasks are put on your shoulders.Aquarius:You may be quite determined to reach your goals now but a series of distractions can pull you off course. Unfortunately, your desire to be different can make it harder to work with others today. You could get so busy demonstrating your non-conformity that you lose touch with what can be gained through compromise. Worry less about rebelling against the status quo and more about reaching your desired destination.Pisces:Although you might want to escape into a daydream today, you won't likely have that luxury. Your penchant for fantasy could be overwhelmed by a series of twists and turns that puts you on an unexpected course. It's not easy to avoid your real world obligations now, but it also may be tough to maintain productivity. Your smartest strategy is to set your personal agenda aside and simply do what you must to meet your current responsibilities.mydailyhoroscopes.com


Here are the horoscopes for 10/07/2010...Enjoy....Aries:The lovely Libra New Moon falls in your 7th House of Partnerships, inviting pleasant people to drop into your life today. You may strive to make everything work out, but your current lack of flexibility could set you up for a major disappointment. You might even experience a minor meltdown if you cannot live up to your own expectations. Naturally, it's wiser to reconsider your assumptions about the future, if necessaryTaurus:productivity in your daily routine is on the rise, as the social Libra New Moon activates your 6th House of Employment. Luckily, you still can rely on your personal charm to get along with others, although you may feel a bit more restrained than usual. Nevertheless, it would be advantageous to keep up with everything that's happening at work, rather than letting your responsibilities slip. Extra effort today may not be rewarded until next week.Gemini:Today's New Moon in your 5th House of Love and Creativity is an auspicious sign and it's best to get as much accomplished as you can now. Although you can enjoy yourself while being productive, you will want more free time later on for pleasurable pursuits. Remember, the weeks ahead could bring new romance or rekindle an ongoing relationship, but the intimacy won't likely come without being accompanied by increased responsibilityCancer:Looking into your own personal history isn't a new and different behavior for you, but today's New Moon in your 4th House of Roots raises issues that you may not have previously considered. Luckily, you're able to keep your moods in check so you can more easily manage your day. But don't get lost in your nostalgia. It's much more productive to stay present in the here and now, instead of escaping back in time.Leo:Even if you think that you know what's best for you now, today's accommodating Libra New Moon encourages you to take time to consider what others need, too. Although you may not normally be the codependent type, it's hard to fill in your schedule now before talking to those who work closely with you. Being extra attentive to your friends allows you to coast more easily through the dayVirgo:You may be required to make a significant decision about money now. Unfortunately, it's more challenging to reach a definitive conclusion as today's ambivalent Libra New Moon emphasizes your 2nd House of Finances. You could waste precious energy wavering back and forth, without being able to finalize your choice. It's not productive to be overly self-critical. Wait a couple of days to see where the new energy carries you before committing one way or the other.Libra:Today's Libra New Moon can signal a helpful break from your recent past. You are ready to put new intentions into action, but first you should be sure that you have expressed your desires clearly enough to have the impact you want. Although focusing your thoughts on a goal can set you into motion, enthusiasm isn't enough to assure success. You still must follow through with perseverance to reach your goals.Scorpio:You are usually able to keep a secret, but now something you are hiding could be the source of trouble. You may want to tell someone what you know, especially if the information can be of help. Nevertheless, you are not likely to go against your promise by spilling the beans. This predicament can be stressful, for you might feel damned if you do and damned if you don't. Put off your final choice until the Moon enters your sign late tomorrow.Sagittarius:No matter how busy your social calendar has been recently, today the energy shifts to a higher level as the New Moon emphasizes your 11th House of Community. Being with like-minded people encourages you to think about your future. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with others because you can benefit from sharing your dreams and long-term goals with your friends.Capricorn:You might take your responsibilities even more seriously than usual as today's New Moon occurs in your 10th House of Career. Your professional objectives are emphasized now, but don't just take on more busy work. Look at every new job as a trade-off that offers rewards but extracts a price. Accept additional tasks only after you weigh and balance the pros and cons of having to fulfill another promise.Aquarius:You may want to learn new ways to expand your world view. Gathering additional research about possible schools and educational programs could help you make a decision if you're considering a new course of study. But don't restrict yourself to technical skills and work-related subjects; it's time for you to break out of self-imposed limits by exploring something totally differentPisces:Your emotional sensitivity to someone else's feelings is the key that can open the door to intimacy now that the New Moon is activating your 8th House of Deep Sharing. There's no need to worry, for you won't lose yourself into the unknown. Thankfully, you should be able to maintain clear boundaries today, even when exploring the uncharted shadows of an evolving relationship.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/08/10....Enjoy!!!Aries:Just when everything starts to look good today, another obstacle stops you in your tracks. Maybe you underestimated the amount of work you have in front of you or, perhaps, you missed an important piece of information. Either way, there aren't any sensible reasons for you to complain. You could have seen it coming if you were paying attention. Instead of wasting energy talking about it, just take care of what you need to do as quickly as possible.Taurus:You really don't want anyone to assume that you're being frivolous and would rather hide your actions than be misjudged. You may even feel as if you just don't have anything left to say, but chances are you just need some time to consider how to best express yourself. Don't worry so much about what others think. Simply communicate the truth exactly as you see it and you won't likely be faulted for speaking from your heart.Gemini:You can't escape from your own seriousness today as family issues sneak back into awareness to haunt you. You may experience an odd combination of realism and nostalgia as past memories are stimulated by someone in the present. Attempts to sidestep a difficult discussion won't likely be successful now. Engage in a discussion about what's important instead of wasting time trying to avoid the truth.Cancer:Others might think that you're being overly negative today, yet you may not see it this way at all. Your harsh perspective comes from the fact that the weak links in someone's story are all too apparent and you're not willing to support sloppy thinking. Don't try to change what you are feeling; instead, just alter the tenor of your words. It's okay to be very serious as long as you don't blame anyone else in the process.Leo:If you have been facing issues of self-esteem, today could be a turning point as you obsess about your shortcomings. Unfortunately, everyone has regrets; there are always things you could have done differently or perhaps shouldn't have done at all. Instead of aspiring toward perfection, it might be smarter now to accept your imperfections, along with the simple fact that you are humanVirgo:Your logical abilities are even more finely tuned today as an exacting Mercury-Saturn conjunction in your sign focuses your mind like a laser beam. Nevertheless, don't undermine anyone else with your negativity; there's nothing to be gained by harshly criticizing their work. Instead, use this self-disciplined alignment to constructively describe what can be done next.Libra:In spite of your current intensity, you may feel as if you are in a rut. You might even feel stuck and rather disillusioned about the prospects for change. A recent disappointment adds to your malaise, but don't make despondency a habit because many things in your life are about to change. You have something to be hopeful about now instead of being sad about something in the past.Scorpio:It's challenging to see where your life is taking you these days, but you think that you might be happier if you knew for sure. Your attitude could be somber now if you feel weighted down by responsibilities that may not even be your own. Unfortunately, you may not be able to imagine a solution to your current blues. However, accepting the truth just as it is can help to transform your moodiness into hope.Sagittarius:Your colleagues may tell you exactly what is wrong with your current plan, whether or not you want the feedback. Unfortunately, they might not be very tactful now as they criticize you. To compound matters, you are probably more sensitive than usual and won't take their comments well. But don't dwell on the negative; you have much to do and there's no time to entertain unproductive thoughts.Capricorn:You are putting time and effort into your work or, perhaps, toward a community project. Either way, your optimism might be flagging now, leaving you with an uncomfortable uncertainty about your future. You are tempted to withdraw as you wonder if your work will actually pay off. Don't abandon your plans; instead, be more realistic about them so you will be able to reach your goalsAquarius:You may walk away from previous plans for an upcoming vacation or weekend getaway because it's hard for you to think about having fun when things at work are so serious. You would rather focus your energy now on something more practical that contributes to your stability, rather than a good time. Sticking close to home makes sense; don't push out beyond safe limits until you feel as if you're back on more stable ground.Pisces:A friend may deliver a harsh message today, but you really don't have to blindly accept anyone else's point of view. Nevertheless, if you trust someone, you're more likely to be vulnerable to what you hear. Listen carefully to what others say now, but don't take it personally. If you assimilate the facts without an emotional charge, you can more easily put what you learn into motion to improve your game.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/09/2010  Enjoy...Aries:Sometimes you find it difficult to be patient under normal circumstances, yet it's even more challenging on a day like today if others don't deliver on what was promised. Be careful, for you could lose your temper if you forget to pay extra close attention to other people's feelings. Fortunately, once you understand someone else's motives, your empathy will return. Avoiding harsh judgment on your part goes a long way to making your day less stressful.Taurus:If someone gets angry at you now, take the time to listen closely to what's being said instead of just reacting to the tone of his or her voice. Thankfully, your attitude makes a huge difference in how you respond. Instead of getting so caught up in a show of emotions that you miss the point entirely, keep in mind that there could be an important message coming your way.Gemini:Applying yourself more isn't always the best answer to being behind on what you've promised, but today an extra little push could make quite a difference. Even if you have trouble accepting more responsibilities now, it may be wiser to say yes than to resist what must be done. Flip the energy around by turning your negative thinking into positive action.Cancer:You are somewhat playful with the Moon joining Venus and Mars in your 5th House of Romance today. You may seem out of character to others, but this is not the time to worry about anyone else's judgments. No one has to approve of your feelings. Your need to express a more joyful side of yourself shouldn't be suppressed. Even if there are stresses pulling at you now, seek a healthy creative outlet instead of letting the energy turn dark.Leo:The Moon's visit to your 4th House of Security indicates that something troublesome could be going on at home or within your family. Unfortunately, it's difficult to put your finger on the source of the problem. Someone may be harboring resentment against you and the unexpressed negativity can turn an easygoing day into an awkward one. Fortunately, honest communication can bring everything out into the open, where the discomfort will quickly disperseVirgo:Your current intensity may be upsetting to others because they don't understand that you just want to figure out what's happening. You cannot help it if you become overly insistent, or even pushy, as you get close to the truth. A smarter strategy might be to explain that you need to make choices about your future and then ask for help. When those around you are invested in your process, it may be easier on everyone involved.Libra:You must calculate how much energy you have to give to others now because you don't want to overstep your limits. However, getting excited about something that resonates with you can change everything, and all of a sudden you could volunteer to do more than you should. Be careful about being too impulsive. Take your time when making any decisions about your future.Scorpio:You may appear highly passionate now that the Moon's back in your sign. Everyone appears to give you space in your interactions with them because they don't know how to handle you. Paradoxically, it's easier for you to express your vulnerability today, but you still might not be able to see the source of their discomfort. Nevertheless, it's a good strategy to tone down your intensity if you notice anyone withdrawing from you as you speak.Sagittarius:Even if most people see you as quite charming now, there are issues you're not sharing as the Moon hides away in your 12th House of Secrets. You aren't being dishonest because withholding your feelings isn't quite the same thing as telling the whole truth. Naturally, it's up to you to decide how much to disclose, but keeping too much to yourself could sour a sweet situation.Capricorn:You may be a formidable opponent because you know what you have to do today and are willing to get it done at any cost. Luckily, you can communicate your vision clearly now, enabling you to gather allies around you that can assist you in your cause. Keep in mind that you still may need to negotiate; just because you're right doesn't mean that yours is the only path to success.Aquarius:Too much physical energy can be difficult to handle today, but it also may be exactly what you need to get the job done. You have natural reserves of willpower that you can draw on when you need them. However, you could be too aggressive in a situation that doesn't actually require much force. Knowing when to lighten up can be your greatest strength now.Pisces:You are ready for a big adventure today and you might just get what you want. You could be presented with an unexpected opportunity to demonstrate your power, but you must stand up and take control. Even if you aren't usually a forceful person, you are better able to assert yourself now. Decide what you want and then go for it while the chance is still yours.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/10/2010Aries:It's not easy for you to remain quiet today, even if you know that your point of view won't necessarily be appreciated by anyone else. You are motivated to get your thoughts out into the open now, but keep in mind that you can go overboard in your presentation which could detract from your overall message. Make your point and then close your mouth so you can listen.Taurus:Today you want to dig into an intense topic of discussion that you were previously avoiding. Your apprehension quickly disappears now because you are eager to have your words heard since you know that they can have a powerful impact. Don't forget to give everyone plenty of time to adjust to what you say before moving on to the next topic.Gemini:You can find a balance now between your easygoing style and a more direct approach to emotional disclosure. It's important for you to know that others can see past your clever wit and into your soul today, so resist telling the next joke or funny story to lighten the conversation. Sink into the depths of your heart and just feel what's going on for a change.Cancer:There's no getting around the fact that your feelings are especially strong today. You want to discover the mysterious unknown, but you are prevented from becoming overly esoteric now. It helps if you voluntarily come back to the more mundane side of things. A straightforward approach can produce amazing results.Leo:You might think that you would be happier if there were no shadows at all, but the darker places of mystery are crucial to understanding the full spectrum of living. You may even take it upon yourself now to bring something out into the open, where its power could be diminished. Keep in mind that it's not nice to betray someone else's trust. Treat their secrets as if they were your own.Virgo:You sometimes have a hard time trusting the do-gooders and the new-agers who want to talk about psycho-spiritual issues that you consider to be private matters. Your philosophy may lean toward the idea of disclosing the basic principles and nothing more, yet now you are tempted to come clean about something you've kept to yourself. Start slowly or you may reveal much more than you intend.Libra:You may be at the height of your social power now as you take the initiation to launch a conversation about something you've been avoiding. Fortunately, there isn't much you won't discuss today, as long as you're sharing your story with someone you already trust. But be cautious of your tendency to slip into Pollyanna mode. You really don't need to make anything sound better than it is. The truth is good enough on its own.Scorpio:It's easier to make an important choice now than it was yesterday. But it's crucial to decide today because it will begin to get crazy in a day or two, once again. Physical Mars is being pushed around by the power of Pluto, allowing you to benefit from conversations that slip beneath the obvious and apparent surface distractions. Dig deep to uncover the information you need to make up your mind.Sagittarius:Rituals and ceremonies may be intriguing now as you remember a religious tradition from your past or learn about a new ceremony based upon a different spiritual path. You might want to get others to join you in your spiritual exploration, but you have some explaining to do first. The problem is that your intensity can be too much for everyone to handle. Instead of waiting for someone to ask you to stop talking, take it upon yourself today to limit your words to only those necessary to make your point.Capricorn:Your intentions are strong, but excessive talking will scatter your thoughts all over the map now. Don't just go with the flow today; make a schedule and then follow it as best you can. This little strategy enables you to stay on point while preventing you from meandering around the outer limits of your mind and revealing more about yourself than you should.Aquarius:There may have been a recent misunderstanding or a mistake, which adds pressure to your relationships. If others have something to say to you, find the time to listen and then you can share your feelings, too. It could become more complicated, but remember, it will get harder still over the next few days. Keep your life in a healthy balance because your mind is looking at the world through a special lens now that blurs much of the details.Pisces:You may feel anxious today if you lose your train of thought in the middle of a conversation. Don't waste too much time practicing what you want to say, for excessive preparation can actually work against you now. There's no need for using a teleprompter or memorizing a speech about a particular topic. Let your passion lead your words; you'll be much more convincing if you do.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/11/2010Aries:You may not be feeling very innocent today. Although your positive approach to life helps you get through the stress, you know there's a big shift in the works, making it nearly impossible to discern what's coming next. Nevertheless, don't be afraid to share what's in your heart, even if you scare yourself. Stick to the truth and your fears will dissipate soon enough.Taurus:You are at a rather significant turning point in your life, yet you still want to believe that you can keep things going just as they are. The fact is that something needs to change. Even if you've been able to manage the tension up to this point, now your emotions are becoming too volatile to contain. Embracing the unknown instead of resisting it should help to make things easier for all involved.Gemini:You are coming to the end of a challenging time, but you won't be able to shift the energy back to normal all at once. Accept that there could be a lot at stake in a relationship these days, but don't try to force your will on anyone else. Unfortunately, the more you attempt to control the outcome, the more distant you grow from your goals. Express your passions and remain open to the possibilities ahead.Cancer:Your heart is fully engaged, making it tough to be casual about your feelings. Complications arise from your insistent concentration on the big picture today while you keep getting dragged back into the details. It's challenging to maintain a positive attitude if loose ends unravel. Do the best you can for now; the intensity will begin to subside in just a day or two.Leo:It's difficult to let go of your unexpressed feelings that still linger beneath the surface. Personal drama arises over and over again, like the legendary Phoenix flying out of the fire. Just when you are ready to move on, a reminder dredges up a wave of powerful emotions. Don't waste your energy on fighting against the prevailing currents; instead navigate with your heart to work with, not against, the natural tides.Virgo:Your changing moods swing from focusing on the tiniest details of the day to pondering universal concepts that seem to take you beyond the pragmatic workings of your life. Unfortunately, either extreme is tricky territory. Thankfully, as you move back and forth between practice and theory, between the specific and the general, you learn something about yourself that you can apply to your everyday life later on.Libra:Your life may be quite noisy today and there's little you can do to create the relaxing atmosphere you prefer. But it's not that you are having such a tough time; it's just that everything seems overly intense these days. Give yourself permission to feel the rising tide of emotions, even if you aren't as easygoing as others expect. You don't always have to be the one who makes everything alright.Scorpio:You are being pulled in two directions today. You can see the more positive aspects of your life. Everything is fine and yet you still want to understand your role in the big picture, rather than feeling the need to make your own movie. Nevertheless, you are dissatisfied with some aspects of your life that you cannot easily change. Your current happiness depends on your ability to acknowledge what is beyond your control. Don't waste time trying to chase unrealistic goals; concentrate on the joy within reach.Sagittarius:You may feel as if your heart is being bounced about by random circumstances today. You truly love the idea of adventure, yet you also dream of quieter times that allow you to relax and enjoy the beauty of your journey. Don't waste time on nostalgia or restless fantasies. You have something to do right now while your emotions are intense. Keep breathing; calmer weather is on the way.Capricorn:Your inner turmoil may not be very obvious today, but that doesn't mean it's nonexistent. You may believe that you are heading into unknown territory because you don't know what others are feeling. The more you attempt to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle, the more anxious you become now. Take a few deep breaths and then let go of your need to solve everything in one day.Aquarius:You want to be accepted by those in your community, but you might think that they don't even know the real you. Acknowledging your role in this situation is crucial, because you may be hesitant to share your inner world if you worry too much about not being liked. Your fear of rejection may be more problematic than what you won't share. Taking a risk by showing your vulnerability may not be an easy path, but it's a start toward emotional fulfillment.Pisces:You want to be needed and appreciated at work now, but you might not be willing to put in the extra time necessary to do an outstanding job. You are torn between your inner and outer worlds today, and yet you want to take care of people's expectations. Pleasing others sounds so easy at first, but it becomes more complicated once you actually begin the work. Don't make any commitments you cannot keep; only say yes if you truly mean it.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/12/2010Aries:You have big plans and the more you think about them, the bigger they become. You're excited about the prospects of an upcoming event, but you do need to be careful. It's possible that you have put so much thought into what might happen that you cannot live up to your own expectations, even if all goes well. Dream large, but don't be disappointed if reality falls short of perfection.Taurus:Deep feelings continue to stir from the hidden depths of your subconscious, and you see no reason now to hold them back. Your key planet Venus is pushed to reach further than normal as she aspects unorthodox Uranus. Your restlessness with your current life encourages you to say yes, even if you're not sure that you really understand the question.Gemini:Someone may encourage you to try something totally different today, but you shouldn't agree to anything that isn't consistent with your desires. Instead of attempting to please anyone else now, it's smarter for you to pull back your energy until you know what you want. Otherwise, you'll just end up chasing your tail with no hope of real satisfaction.Cancer:It's challenging for you to think small today because every good idea that finds its way to you is grist for your magnifying mill. The Moon's square to inflationary Jupiter from your 6th House of Work could have you turning every little task into a major production. Keep in mind that your eagerness for excitement can make your life more complicated unless you consciously pare back your plans throughout the day.Leo:If romance is in the air now, it's partly because you're in such a playful mood. You should be able to get a lot of mileage out of the dynamic aspect from beautiful Venus to electric Uranus. Creativity can take you into magical territory today as long as you don't resist the impulse to try something entirely new.Virgo:You may experience anxiety over having to move too quickly on your feelings today. You would rather slow down and analyze all your options, but it seems as if there's no time for rational thinking now. Instead, shoot from the hip without taking careful aim. Don't worry about hitting your target the first time; just make sure you're facing in the right direction. It may take several attempts to reach your goal.Libra:You are quite capable now of coming up with an idea and then getting others to cooperate with you in its execution. However, there is a possible pitfall to your success. If you take on a project that's too big or gloss over important details, you'll run into trouble soon enough. Remember, scaling back your promises before you make them is better than disappointing others when you cannot meet the expectations you set.Scorpio:You have high hopes built up around money these days, but there are significant details that must be handled before you can have what you want. There's nothing insurmountable that's preventing you from realizing your highest potential; your only real obstacle left is you. When you realize that you can do anything, you'll be able to make the smartest choices about what's truly worthwhile.Sagittarius:Your positive attitude at work continues to earn you more freedom. But you could take your upbeat demeanor too far today, inadvertently making yourself unbelievable if you consistently overstate your case. Let others know how you feel, but don't try to convince them that you are right. Let your bold actions speak for themselves.Capricorn:You may think that you have something to hide now that the Moon is visiting your 12th House of Secrets. But chances are that everyone knows more than you think they do. You can make matters worse if you believe that others want the same things as you. The truth is that your desires are stretched out of whack, so don't make any long-term decisions today. You'll be back to your sensible self by tomorrow.Aquarius:You would rather be socializing with your friends today than working hard. Meeting your responsibilities may not be negotiable, but once you are finished with your daily tasks, you'll have plenty of time to connect with others via phone, in person or online. How the contact is made is less important than staying in touch with those you love.Pisces:The Moon traveling through your 10th House of Career indicates how much of your attention is directed at work now. But you still should reserve some of your time and energy to think about what you want in the future. Taking care of business is more about the here and now, even if the consequences of your actions could take some time yet to bear fruit. You may be impatient today, but trying to rush success won't be helpful in the long run.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/13Aries:You are pulled between two different approaches today. On one hand, you have work that must be completed because others are depending on you to follow through on your promises. On the other hand, you have your own desires that cannot be easily suppressed. Instead of trying to ignore your needs, try a balancing act between the two extremes. Don't blow off your responsibilities, but be sure to schedule some time to explore your dreams, too.Taurus:You want a deep and meaningful connection now that the Moon is traveling through your 9th House of Higher Truth. It might help to find someone who can lift your spirits today. However, it's not easy to let go of your relationship concerns, which could place unnecessary boundaries between you and your special friend. Instead of allowing your fears to get in the way, talk about your feelings. Once the ice is broken, take the path the opens up.Gemini:It's difficult if you are attracted to someone today because unchangeable circumstances prevent you from sharing everything that's in your heart. Unfortunately, you have to pay extra careful attention to what you say or you could create an uncomfortable situation. Keep in mind that there's more time than you think. If you sense any awkward energy, just let it rest for a day or two before reactivating any romantic pursuit.Cancer:You are challenged to figure out what to do today because your natural rhythm is disrupted by something that is completely out of your control. Naturally, your positive attitude can help, but you must settle for less comfort than you normally prefer. Keep in mind that whatever occurs now is a small part of the larger shift that will take months to process.Leo:Even if you're certain about what you want, it's not easy to determine the most reliable way to get it. Your thoughts may become stuck on sweet pleasures that are hard to come by at this time. You might think that everything will ultimately be okay, but you're still challenged by your own insecurities and doubts about how to proceed in your pursuit of happiness. Don't be distracted by external circumstances now; seek joy from within instead.Virgo:You may feel safe and secure in your unflappable self-discipline today. Your current commitments actually give you a solid framework of safety creating the limits that are already being placed upon your time. Even if you want more than you have now, it's easy for you to settle back into the security of your predetermined schedule. Remember not to rush the changes until you are really ready.Libra:Your key planet Venus is retrograde now, making it temporarily challenging for you to find peace. You may feel like you've been on an emotional see-saw long enough and are growing weary of the tension that exists in your life. But jumping off a ride when it's moving is significantly harder than getting on it when it's still. Keep your hopes and dreams alive, but proceed slowly so you don't upset the current balance.Scorpio:You have big ideas about what you can achieve now, but there seems to be many hurdles to jump over. You could get what you want if you are prepared to stay focused on your long-term goals rather than a quick fix to an unstable situation. Remember, grandiose thinking is not a problem as long as you make certain that it's supported by sufficient facts.Sagittarius:The truth could turn into a storm today, and if it does, it's probably not as bad as you think. This could be your big chance to see things as they are, rather than as you wish them to be. When your dreams diverge from reality, it's crucial to know the details so you can make intelligent decisions. Pay attention to the little signs as you look for clues about what to do next.Capricorn:Change is in the air, especially with the Moon back in productive Capricorn, but circumstances beyond your control make you nervous. You want to stabilize things, but there's too many unrelated events happening simultaneously. Instead of frustrating yourself by trying to do the impossible, concentrate on how you react to what's happening. Your life will surely get easier once you give up the idea of being in charge of everything.Aquarius:You may want to relax or meditate today but you could experience disappointment when you realize that you're unable to stop your mind from spinning around and around in circles. There is too much going on now that you aren't willing to completely let go. Don't be so hard on yourself. Practicing self-acceptance is your best path to inner peace.Pisces:You want to put your best foot forward today, but you keep falling short because you get caught up in the middle of everyone else's dramas. If you attempt to retreat, others grow concerned about your well-being -- which, in turn, adds to the intensity you are ultimately trying to avoid. Keep in mind that out at the edge of your noisy life, a deeper stability is beginning to emerge if you simply let it happen.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/14Aries:Even if you are tempted to take a risk at work today, it's probably not a good idea. It's a smarter strategy now to stick with the tried and true plan, rather than following a whim. Socializing may be more fun, but your productivity will suffer if you wander away from your chores. Set a steady pace early in the day and be as methodical as you can. If you get a lot done, you can always be spontaneous tomorrow.Taurus:You may be very serious when you tell someone that you're going to take an extended vacation to a secluded tropical island or some other luxurious location. Even if your idea seems preposterous to others, your fierce determination might just find a way to make it work. If anyone gives you a hard time about your dream, be selective enough to keep some of your plans to yourself. Save the details for a trusted friend or the person you wish to be your travel companion.Gemini:Your unrelenting approach today could turn the most pleasing person in your life into an ornery antagonist. Just when you think that you have everything figured out, the emotional dynamics could shift, proving your assumptions wrong. Unfortunately, you cannot just hold on to the status quo. Your relationships are in flux now, as are your feelings. Prevent regret by giving yourself some time for reflection before making any big decisions that can't be changed.Cancer:You may not be prepared to make so many changes so quickly today, but you will have to do whatever it takes to hold it together until help arrives. Your feelings of insecurity could rise to the surface, only to be buried again as you are distracted by external events. If you have previously chosen to suppress your emotions, you now have an opportunity to shift gears and do things differently.Leo:The Sun's quintile with potent Pluto reminds you that nearly anything is possible with good planning and smart execution. Unfortunately, you can still run into problems today because of the inherent instability in your relationships. Instead of claiming that you can accept the outcome whatever it may be, give yourself permission to state what you want, so at least you know that you tried.Virgo:You are more serious about love today, but, fortunately, your cautious attitude won't get in the way of romance. Actually, your calm demeanor may make you very appealing to someone you like. The more responsibly you act now, the easier it will be for others to find reasons to love you. As always, just being yourself is your best strategy.Libra:It's a struggle for you to keep quiet today because you may have more to say than those around you. It's not like you have any perfect answers, but at least you can see where the lines of tension have been drawn. Don't shy away from the stressful points. Go through them one by one and work things out the best you can.Scorpio:You are ready to try something different if you think it may bring you happiness today. You don't want to sit by and wait for life to happen; instead use these days to push through your resistance to change. Don't worry, even if you aren't sure about your destination; for now, any forward movement is better than returning to the past. It's not time to be overly cautious. Take a few deep breaths and then boldly follow your intuition.Sagittarius:You are able to make everything look easy today, but you're probably stressing a lot more than anyone realizes. These aren't easy times because you can see divergent paths, yet neither option is perfect. Eventually, you will have to stop the analysis process and just make a choice. Remember, it's usually best to choose love over fear.Capricorn:The Moon in your sign is stressed by a square to the Sun today, but this cosmic crisis probably won't slow you down. However, you still might not be completely ready to move to the next level. You may be inadvertently clinging onto an old and worn out habit that becomes more trouble than it's worth. Don't focus on your immediate happiness. Instead, concentrate on your future goals because they can hold your attention for a much longer period of time.Aquarius:You may think you have a trick or two up your sleeve today, but you may actually be missing a few cards. Although you are at the top of your game when it comes to negotiation, you might settle for less than you deserve. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. If you believe that someone is covertly exerting pressure on you, don't sweep it under the rug. Bringing feelings out into the open now is the only logical way to go.Pisces:You might attempt to hold on to your long-term goals so tightly that you don't leave room for new opportunities to enter your life. You are able to feel the stress between the potential payoff of taking a chance and the loss of security that comes from leaving stability behind. Fortunately, if you trust your hunches, your kindness will shine through, which in turn encourages others to support you.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/15/2010   Enjoy!!!Aries:Discussions with others might take you places you weren't expecting today, but you should be ready to step into new emotional territory. Usually, exploring uncharted realms is easy because you like the idea of going somewhere new. Still, you may grow anxious now when you realize you're really on unfamiliar ground. Be courageous and face your fears; the results will be well worth your effort.Taurus:You want to be practical today but your attempts may be futile as you are lured into an uncertain adventure. Logic cannot explain the intensity of your passion, yet all is just as it should be now. Intellectualizing what's happening will only take you so far. Your current lesson is about honoring your feelings, whether they are rational or not.Gemini:There are lots of ways to express your creativity today and you would be wise to explore as many of them as you can. Your need for variety enables you to shine as you experiment with different modes of communication. But you could run into trouble if someone thinks that one of them is the best approach, for he or she might want you to use that method alone. Thankfully, you are now dancing to the unique beat of your own drum, so don't compromise your lifestyle for anyone else.Cancer:You may realize that your sensitivity is a mixed blessing today, for you cannot avoid feeling someone else's discomfort with your emotional expression. When you understand that this is not about personal rejection, you may be able to grant him or her the necessary freedom for a new kind of love to blossom. Learning how to give others space can actually bring them closer to you in the long run.Leo:It's your chance to step beyond your old limits today which means it may be easier for you to entertain a relationship with less of a commitment because you are feeling more emotionally secure. Exploring your passions could lead you in an unexpected direction if you have the courage to remain open to change. Communication is a key to the locked door to love, but you'll have to let go of what you once thought was true.Virgo:The details of your daily life are now being emphasized, which, needless to say, isn't that unusual for you. But your regular routine isn't necessarily the same old thing these days as you seek ways to reinvent yourself to prevent boredom from settling in. Don't be afraid to shake things up, for the invigoration you can feel should outweigh any fear of change.Libra:You are usually graceful as you sidestep complex issues, even if they stretch your feelings into disquieting places. However, you may be more eager today to experience the emotional edge. Acknowledging your inner rebel goes a long way toward feeling confident while pushing the envelope. Remember, it's not about being safe now; it's about taking a risk in order to have a memorable experienceScorpio:Your key planet Pluto quintiles quicksilver Mercury today to stimulate a hidden feeling or to put you in touch with a part of yourself that you buried long ago. Even if you aren't able to talk about this profound experience with anyone else, it will still impact your life. What's more significant is your willingness to go on an intense transformational journey that is yours alone.Sagittarius:Your path toward your goals takes an unexpected detour today when you realize that something is just too important to ignore. You might not take any noticeable action yet, but it's still an excellent idea to consider changing your priorities to honor your need for spiritual meaning. More conventional measures of success are not of interest to you now. Don't waste your energy telling anyone about your change of heart until you are more comfortable with explaining what you want.Capricorn:You could get a taste of the intense times that still lay ahead for you. Today's little fast forward may be instrumental as you try to figure out what you want to do next. But don't make any crucial decisions yet, for you haven't had sufficient time to explore the different paths that have just opened. Instead, remain open to where you are going; you should have plenty of time later to make a more informed choice.Aquarius:You don't like it when your moods change so drastically because you can't settle into enjoying the pleasures that, otherwise, seem so close. Although your current restlessness may get in the way of being happy, there's little you can do to change your dissatisfaction today. It's better to mischievously stir things up instead of suppressing movement. Ultimately, this can reestablish balance faster and assure a newfound stability.Pisces:It may appear as if you are focusing your attention on the outer world as you take care of the inner work that's even more important now. It's like you're putting up a smokescreen to throw others off course. Enjoy your metaphysical excursion; when you return to the real world you can choose what you wish to share with others.mydailyhoroscope.com

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