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Daily Horoscopes....


10/16/2010   Enjoy!!!!Aries:You may get tired of all the noise today, for it seems that everyone has something to say to you. However, the sheer volume of communication isn't the problem since conversations won't take you where you want to go. It could become exhausting to get things back on track. You might think you don't have time for this level of powerful intensity. But once you get over your own resistance, a surprisingly wonderful experience could await you.Taurus:It's unsettling when you aren't in control of your feelings, especially when so many people seem to infringe on your solitude. But don't be overly worried if you aren't satisfied with what you have today. Even if you're seeking something more, you may not know what it is. Give it time; things will make more sense in the next few days.Gemini:Although you might truly enjoy your work, you could be stressed if your job doesn't offer you the security you need. Thankfully, the positive benefits outweigh your concerns of instability or uncertainty. It's likely that your responsibilities are changing and you'll feel better once you clearly know your new direction. In the meantime, holding on to the past can prevent the next step of your future from unfolding. Practice staying in the present moment to cultivate a peaceful attitude.Cancer:You don't know which way to turn because you can't resolve your natural desire for emotional connection with your newly found taste for independence. This is unfamiliar ground, for you usually feel more secure when you are in a fully committed relationship. Don't push away your feelings, even if they raise unresolved issues. There's no time like the present to face your fears.Leo:You wish you had more time to spend at home with your family now, but you aren't so keen on doing the same old things with them. You want to try new activities or, maybe you are thinking about starting a major project. Don't rush into anything too quickly for an impulsive decision can lead you astray; just enjoy being with those you love without any extra expectations.Virgo:Your frustration may increase if something or someone holds you back from taking a chance. Nevertheless, it should turn out well in the long run if you can master patience. In the meantime, it may be quite annoying if you can't modify your schedule, but you will want to try anyhow. Let go of your agenda, because you won't likely be able to have it your way. Fortunately, flexibility is one of your current keys to happiness.Libra:It may be next to impossible to maintain control over your spending today, because you are attached to having a good time or buying something that will bring you much pleasure. Thinking of a variety of ways to enjoy yourself is one thing, but chasing material dreams won't bring satisfaction now. You'll probably be happier if you favor simplicity over anything else.Scorpio:Although your close friends or family members already know how intense you can get, they still may not be prepared for the abruptness at which your attitude shifts today. You might even surprise yourself as your mood wavers and you reverse your direction for no apparent reason. Luckily, there's no need for detailed explanations; your feelings are simply what they are and won't change just because you think you should be rational.Sagittarius:Your friends look to you for inspiration because you make being independent look so easy. On the surface it appears as if your decisions are guided by lofty concepts and philosophical truths. But you aren't consistent between your head and your heart these days. Don't grow quiet about your observations; instead, sharing your personal struggles can make you more human and more lovable than you already are.Capricorn:There isn't much that can hold you back today because you have more reasons to say yes than to say no. But some of your rationalizations stem from your desire to find balance. Be careful, for this isn't the same as choosing based upon a personal preference. Instead of trying to be so objective now, ask yourself what you really want. And then, once you have a clear answer, act on it.Aquarius:You may have already started to make the changes you once dreamed about, but today you could have serious doubts that you are actually moving toward your goals. This uncertainty is natural and will dissipate on its own over the days ahead. In the meantime, visualize what you want instead of focusing on what you don't want. The power of positive thinking is surely stronger than just saying no because you're afraid of what might happen if you say yes.Pisces:There are many things that require your attention today, yet you must remain ready to respond to an unexpected event that could unravel your day. If you try to ignore what's happening and continue to push forward with your agenda, the situation could become unmanageable. However, if you are flexible, dealing with a sudden twist of fate won't be much of a problem at all.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/17/2010 Enjoy!!!Aries:You may be restless with the current relationships in your life, but won't likely do anything about it today because there's nothing driving you to make a change at this time. You're probably busier dreaming about your perfect partner than actually doing anything concrete about it. Don't worry about how you will reach your goals. For now, just enjoy the mental exercise; when you're finished daydreaming, come back to the present moment and do something that can make a real difference.Taurus:You are more than ready for change yet you only want it on your terms. Your current need to be in control might make others anxious because they don't understand how you can keep it all together. No matter what, you would be wise to have a goal and should take any opportunity to give it your best shot. You won't ever know what is possible unless you try.Gemini:Being a little less than practical now isn't going to stop you from planning your next little adventure. You are thinking big and would quickly choose a journey to the other side of the world before settling on a trip to the local mall. While others may be laughing at you because they think your ideas are too far out, you just might get the final laugh when you send them postcards from Timbuktu.Cancer:Usually you're the one that needs additional closeness in a relationship and expressing your feelings is a great way to move toward a deeper level of intimacy. But letting down your guard doesn't just happen overnight, especially if you've recently been hurt. Push back against your fears, for your heart is much stronger than you realize.Leo:The Moon's visit to your 7th House of Relationships can bring a partner who is more of a spiritual collaborator than just a friend. There could be a large gulf between you and the other person who now decides that increased freedom is more important than dependence. Needless to say, this is not a typical path to intimacy. Keep in mind that you can have your breathing room and still deepen the connection between you and your companion.Virgo:You may be feeling a bit out of sorts today, like you don't want to do your daily chores -- at home or at work -- the same old way. You are seeking a new approach and are apt to be an eager student if it appears that someone knows something you do not. Although, education is not the only necessary ingredient, it is an important part of the process.Libra:You are ready to take a risk today, but you'll need to be in a spiritual flow before you start something new. You must be convinced that it can add more pleasure to your life. This is a very creative time for you and it's important that you enjoy yourself while expressing your inner artist. You must balance work and play, for now these two are intricately entangled.Scorpio:Even if aspects of your personal history are quite unusual, you still may be ready to take center stage today and share your story. However, you might want to keep certain parts of your private life totally to yourself. As much as this is your choice, think carefully about what to leave out, for it can change someone's perspective of you in ways that you don't realize. Instead, you could take a radical approach and tell the whole truth.Sagittarius:You may try extra hard to stay focused today because a variety of things are intriguing to you now. Unfortunately, once your curiosity has been aroused, it may be impossible to shut it off. Still, it's better to be interested in learning about new subjects than to be so set in your ways that you don't push yourself beyond your limits. Don't be afraid to feed your hunger for knowledge, but you still need to fulfill your commitments.Capricorn:You may feel as if you are on the edge of something new today, yet you would prefer to hold on to the status quo. Unfortunately, trying to live in the past isn't a useful strategy when the future is already here. Your life is changing in profound ways and accepting this can be the first step to reclaiming your confidence and reestablishing your security.Aquarius:The Moon's current visit to your fixed sign brings strong mood swings to your normally logical world. You might like to put emotional distance between your thoughts and your feelings, but the two now seem to be interwoven in a complex fabric. Don't bother trying to untangle the threads. Observe how these two modalities can work together so seamlessly that they support one another.Pisces:The Moon's current transit of your 12th House of Imagination can jump-start a sweet fantasy today, but you must suspend belief for your dreams to take hold. Don't waste any energy by attempting to clarify what is true and what is not. Just try to assimilate the entire story for the creative masterpiece it is. You can always analyze it more deeply on another day.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/18 Enjoy!!!Aries:You should be able to talk yourself into believing that everything is fine in the realm of relationships today. Even if you realize that you are working on complex issues that need resolution, you might try to avoid the facts. There's nothing wrong with seeing unrealized potential in others, but don't substitute it for the truth that's right in front of you.Taurus:Your feelings bubble into awareness today, yet you might not be able to put them into words. You wish your life was simpler now, yet your current desires can turn everything upside down. Although you may think you're being clear, others can still misinterpret your message. Don't assume that anyone knows what you're saying. Take time to confirm what you think you already know.Gemini:Today is perfect for daydreaming but it may not be so great for delivering a detailed message as your key planet Mercury fuzzes your thinking. Your imagination is working overtime now, which can be delightful if you don't try to apply your current thoughts to practical reality. If you have something really important to say, wait a few days until the transits to ethereal Neptune pass.Cancer:You might want to take the day off because you're thinking about all the things you want to do that have nothing to do with work. Although you are able to imagine a perfect day, one thing or another prevents you from actually having it. Instead of worrying about what you are unable to do, be grateful for what you can accomplish. Making the most of what you have is all about changing your attitude.Leo:You may feel as if you're in a dream where everything is just as it should be today. Unfortunately, your actual life can be far from ideal once you open your eyes. Naturally, you're tempted to indulge your pleasant fantasies, but avoiding reality isn't a luxury you can afford now. Instead of mind-tripping to a faraway place, concentrate on your home base where you can actually make a positive difference.Virgo:You aren't easily able to let go of your preconceived notions of what's in store for you next. Reality is a bit elusive now as your key planet Mercury is communing with spacey Neptune. It's probably better to let a few decisions slide, knowing you can return to them and clean things up later in the week.Libra:On one hand you desperately want to complete old business today. On the other hand, this can be a great play day, making it hard to accomplish much at all. This conflict could be emotionally agitating, so do whatever makes sense to gain a calmer frame of mind. Nevertheless, the Moon's visit to your 6th House of Self-Improvement indicates that you might be wise to focus on fine-tuning your efforts instead of frivolously wasting a potentially productive day.Scorpio:You might feel stuck and are ready to take a calculated risk today, if only to stir things up a bit. But attempting to make changes without a solid strategy can be more confusing than exciting. Imagine the best possible outcome and then create a plan to achieve your desired goal. If you can fill in the details in your mind, then you should also be able to make your dreams come true.Sagittarius:You may have too many obligations to fulfill today, but as the day wears on you become more likely to rebel against your current responsibilities. Unfortunately, your strategic skills might not be functioning well now, which means it won't be as easy to change the rules as you think. Don't become discouraged; if your plan doesn't work as expected, give it a few days and then try again.Capricorn:It can be quite unnerving if you feel disoriented today because you Goats naturally like to have your feet on the ground. You could waste a lot of time and energy trying to regain your footing, but uncertainty can also lead to a healthy experience. You have much to gain by questioning your assumptions about your life and your path ahead. Don't worry about making any final decisions now; rest assured that it's not yet necessary to know exactly what you'll do next.Aquarius:Your dreams seem so close that you believe you can touch them today as if they're real. It's helpful if you can trust your intuition now because you're more in tune with the symbolic realm that informs your thoughts than you are with the basic facts. Don't bother to seek rational explanations, just act on your hunches. If necessary, you can make additional adjustments in a few days when your thinking is more practical.Pisces:Although you may attempt to be rational today, your common sense continues to grow more elusive. But this can be used to your advantage, as long as you don't try to make any significant life-changing decisions. Declare this day as your own personal spiritual holiday and give yourself permission to contact the mysteries within.mydailyhoroscope.com


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I love my horoscope today! lol Cancer: You might want to take the day off because you're thinking about all the things you want to do that have nothing to do with work. Although you are able to imagine a perfect day, one thing or another prevents you from actually having it. Instead of worrying about what you are unable to do, be grateful for what you can accomplish. Making the most of what you have is all about changing your attitude.
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 Mben.  Anytime my horoscope tells me to steer clear of work for the day, I DO. hahahahah I'm sorry, I can't possibly come in to work today.  Why you ask?  It is because my horoscope told me to stay home in bed. Thanks for reading the horoscopes everyday.                                                                                                  Pam
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10/19/2010Aries:Once someone else discovers what you're planning, you could be influenced by whatever feedback you might hear. You may try to hide from the spotlight today because you have more freedom if you are not in plain view. It's not that you are afraid of being seen; it's just that you aren't as sure about your direction now and you want enough time to contemplate your actions before others become involved in the process.Taurus:You may experience a sudden change of heart today and want to tell others exactly how you feel. However, your words can actually hide your true intentions rather than express them. You must pay extra attention to how someone might misinterpret your disclosure, since the meaning could get lost in your current idealism. Keep in mind that not everyone wants to get bogged down in your internal process.Gemini:You aren't easily pulled off course today because you know what others need and are willing to adapt without losing sight of your own goals. Unfortunately, your desire to make everything work smoothly might be misunderstood. Don't waste time explaining yourself if anyone suggests that you are weak because you are so flexible. Just bend in the breeze while holding on to your position with confidence.Cancer:It's not easy to tell others what you want even if you are in touch with your feelings. You aren't interested now in showing your vulnerability because of how much energy it would then take to protect yourself. You probably have less to defend than you realize, especially if you are among friends. Although there's no need to say too much in public, don't put up unnecessary walls with those you trust.Leo:Although you may be overly attached to your fantasies today, you still are seeking a more balanced approach to your life. The surreal Pisces Moon can lure you into the magic of your dreams, but then the reverie ends and you snap back into the present moment. Keep in mind that nothing prevents you from holding on to your illusions, even if you must be present in the here and now.Virgo:On one hand, you know that you must be responsible and do what is sensible. But on the other hand, you are itching for excitement today and could do something uncharacteristically risky. Although there's no immediate danger, it still makes sense to pay attention to the details before doing anything you will soon regret.Libra:It's a great day to lose yourself in a romantic fantasy or to tap into your creative powers that are inspired by your relationship with someone special. Although you might have a lovely time in the imaginative realms, your thoughts could also manifest in the real world. Nevertheless, don't be hard on yourself if reality doesn't meet your idyllic expectations. Find small ways to incorporate your dreams into your daily life.Scorpio:You may be very excited about the prospects of getting a lot done today. The problem is that you could also be quite unrealistic in your assessment of how much time and energy your tasks might consume. Instead of taking on too much, cut back your expectations and do the best job possible on what you start. You can always tie up the loose ends tomorrow.Sagittarius:The emotional Pisces Moon activates your soulful l2th House today, inspiring you to be more introspective than usual. Although you might be able to squeeze in some relaxing play time, don't overdo it or there could be a high price to pay later. Instead of unhappily retreating into your family obligations, change your attitude so you can enjoy yourself, even if you don't get to have as much fun with others as you want.Capricorn:It might not be an easy day for you, even if you are able to accomplish a lot around the house. But anxiety could follow you around today, making you feel like you should be doing something else. Paradoxically, this is not dependent on anything you are currently doing. Don't seek security in the outer world; seek it within. If you can be satisfied with yourself, then you can be happy no matter what circumstances you face.Aquarius:If you can put together your day without having to handle too many issues, this can be a wonderful time to reconnect with your life purpose. But you may wonder if you really deserve everything you receive as the spiritual Pisces Moon activates your 2nd House of Self-Esteem. Although some of your ideas may seem to be a bit disconnected with reality, your friends will still encourage you to follow your dreams.Pisces:You may discover a new way of seeing who you are as the Moon illuminates your 1st House of Self. But it's not easy to change your attitude now, especially if you recently had doubts about your role in the world. You don't have to hang out in the dark shadows today; cultivate magic by crossing over to the sunny side of the street.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/20/2010 Enjoy:Aries:Your eagerness could spell trouble today as the Moon returns to your sign, making you ready to take on the world. You are capable of doing extraordinary things now, so don't set yourself up for failure simply because you aren't willing to take a risk. Fortunately, you can increase your chances of being happy by scaling back your intentions just a little bit and then taking a giant leap of faith.Taurus:You may not be able to get to the source of your irritation today as the Moon in your 12th House of Secrets hides something from view. It's important to find out what you're missing, but the most significant information could be elusive to your watchful eye. Instead of seeking the truth, try accepting what you already know while you wait for the rest to surface.Gemini:You may be offered a professional opportunity today that's too good to turn down. But it's challenging to stay focused at work now with the Moon visiting your 11th House of Friends. There could be an element of surprise when unpredictable Uranus flips things upside down, making it hard to know how best to respond. Don't let your responsibilities fall to the wayside because of your social proclivities. Instead, turn your chores into a game and then play for keeps.Cancer:Don't wait for instructions from your boss today; take a chance and intuit what he or she wants from you. Nevertheless, you still must be careful or you can jump to a conclusion that isn't justifiable. An incorrect assumption can cause you to waste precious time, so don't make your move too quickly. A contemplative attitude is likely to better your chances for success.Leo:You might not do very well at controlling your enthusiasm today. This is an exciting time for you, but it's possible that you take a plan so far that others may tire of your unrealistic ideas. Talking less and doing more is the smartest way to show your possible detractors that you are more than just hype. Delivering the goods is more important now than just having a cosmic attitude.Virgo:A co-worker or friend might shock you today by doing something that's totally outrageous. You may be caught off guard by the intensity of the emotions being expressed, but it's smart not to show your surprise or offer any negative judgment now. Instead of being overly reactive, stick to your current position and don't lose your balance in the chaos around you.Libra:You may be attracted to someone or something at work today, yet this isn't your typical romance, for you want your freedom now as much as you want love. You might not be clear about what you're willing to give up in order to obtain what you desire. Don't struggle too hard as you try to find a comfortable middle ground. It's possible to remain curiously excited without actually overdoing it.Scorpio:You have lots of new ideas about how to get things done faster at work, but doubt may also be gnawing at the back of your mind as you wonder about the intricate relationship between inventiveness and routine. Although you may like the idea of relaxing by yourself, work must come first now. Maintaining healthy priorities helps you to be more successful in all areas of your life.Sagittarius:You are on the edge of writing yourself a permission slip today and then sneaking off to play. Unfortunately, this is a great idea for some other day, but now you should try to maintain an enthusiastic appearance while fulfilling your obligations. Work hard early in the day so you can have fun later on.Capricorn:You have too much on your mind today, especially if you are needed by a close friend or family member. However, it's time to give your work the proper attention it deserves. You might be tempted to escape your domestic responsibilities if you are busy at work, but this isn't a wise strategy. Instead, make your personal commitments top priority and let your professional obligations slip for a day or two. It will be easier to concentrate on your job once you take care of those you love.Aquarius:You might want to shake things up today, but change isn't always the best idea, especially if everything is already working well. It's one thing to try doing a task in a new way because you are seeking more effective and efficient methods. But doing it differently just because you are bored may not be the best strategy for the day. Don't try to fix what isn't broken; channel your energy in a more productive manner.Pisces:Your uncharacteristic desire to be seen as different from everyone else today might make your interactions with others more awkward than usual. You could become frustrated because you are attracted to someone who seems as if he or she would make a close friend or intimate partner. However, you may not want to change in order to make the interpersonal dynamics work. Be willing to walk away from a relationship if you cannot be yourself in it.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/21/2010   Enjoy!!!!Aries:You may feel unstoppable with the Moon traveling through your fiery sign today. It's so easy for you to see the positive side of what's happening that you could miss something important in a relationship. Proactively addressing a touchy issue may be enough to defuse the tension. But conflict could erupt if you plow ahead unconsciously with your own agenda without checking in with others first.Taurus:Your senses are being fed in a way that can transform you with delight as your key planet Venus aspects opulent Jupiter. Whatever pleasures you may experience today, all is not fun and games. There is a serious side to what's happening and the sooner you acknowledge it, the easier it will be for you to learn the lessons at hand.Gemini:Your fear of losing a wonderful opportunity could drive you to take an unnecessary risk today; however, your sense of urgency is not necessarily based upon reality. You may be racing ahead so fast that you don't see the looming signs of trouble. Fortunately, an uncomfortable situation can easily be avoided if you simply take the time to think before you act.Cancer:You might believe that it's up to you to make something special happen at work today, but letting things take their own course has its own wisdom. Unfortunately, if you do nothing at all, you may be blamed later on for failing to take action. Your best strategy is somewhere in between. Don't take everything on yourself; instead discuss your plan with others and get their support before you go out on a limb.Leo:The solution to a current problem is obvious to you today, but others may not see things in a similar light. You want to take a proactive approach, but may be afraid that nothing will happen unless you take the lead and make it so. Be careful; your assumptions can backfire on you now unless you verify them before executing your plan.Virgo:Your analytical brain could be working overtime now as you seek the most sensible solution to a complicated set of circumstances. Someone may be claiming to have everything under control, but you don't see it that way at all. Unfortunately, heavy-handed tactics won't work because they will create an unnecessary backlash. Asking the right questions is a smarter strategy than showing up with all the answers.Libra:You may need to spend extra time managing your finances today as your key planet Venus retrogrades in your 2nd House of Resources. However, her current connection with confident Jupiter could encourage you to go ahead with a purchase or a project, ignoring a lack of cash or time. Instead of listening to others who claim that everything will be okay, pay attention to your inner voice that's telling you to be more cautious.Scorpio:You are tired of approaching a job in the same old manner and are ready for something new. But your penchant for the adrenaline rush that surges through your system when you're in unknown territory won't necessarily steer you in the best direction. Instead of believing that a break from the past is automatically an improvement, reconsider your long-term goals before changing your current behavior.Sagittarius:Your creative juices continue to flow strongly today, but you could run into a wall if you don't believe in yourself. On the other hand, an expansive Venus-Jupiter connection can be all the encouragement you need to bite off a project that becomes more than you bargained for. Ultimately, your friends can offer you the guidance that you seek. Ask for help if you need it, but don't surrender your artistic control.Capricorn:Staying home may be out of the question now, but the feelings associated with the pioneering Aries Moon are best expressed within an emotionally secure environment. Unfortunately, your drive could be so strong today that it's difficult to contain it in any one place. Tackling a serious project at work or in the community is one way to burn off excess energy, but don't expect help from others at this time. You need to take this next step on your own.Aquarius:You might try shaking up your everyday routine today because you are bored, but change for change's sake isn't really helpful. However, a more deliberate approach can have lasting positive impact. Instead of rushing ahead and making up your day as you go along, lay out your goals for the future and think through your strategies before you start anything at all.Pisces:Today you don't have much patience and you're ready to make a financial decision before you have all the facts. Unfortunately, this won't likely work in your favor. Even if you think that rushing forward will give you a certain advantage, take the time to gather the facts and muster support for your idea before you find yourself in over your head with no one around to help.mydailyhoroscope.com


10/22/2010   Enjoy:Aries:Today's Full Moon in your sign can be overwhelming if you try to express your feelings with every changing mood. However, if you understand that you are on a rollercoaster now and let your emotions carry you this way and that way, then the ride can be a memorable one. Focus on keeping your wits about you because you might not be able to get your bearings until tomorrow after the energy settles down.Taurus:You may be receiving mixed messages from a friend or associate today. Others seem quite pushy as they tell you what they want from you. But their directions might contain contradictory instructions, making it impossible for you to do as you're told. There's no need to struggle for clarity; everything will make more sense by tomorrow.Gemini:You are eager to share your hopes for the future with those you trust. You want others to acknowledge your plans and to support your dreams. But you may get more than you bargained for today because everyone else seems to have different ideas about what you should be doing. Keep in mind that these are your wishes and ultimately, the only person who needs to approve of them is you.Cancer:The Aries Full Moon activates your 10th House of Public Responsibility, encouraging you to look beyond your individual concerns and think about what others need, too. But you aren't quite ready to abandon your personal interests in favor of more social issues, even if that is what's required. Don't let self-doubt turn into a loss of confidence. Even if you're not absolutely certain, make the best decision you can and then move on.Leo:You may be feeling wanderlust, even if you are rooted to your current situation. The fiery Aries Full Moon lights up your 9th House of Adventure, reminding you that there are still many journeys ahead. Whether or not you are able to pack your bags and jump on a plane, nothing can prevent you from going somewhere far away in your mind. Remember, there is plenty of time to turn your fantasies into reality.Virgo:The Aries Full Moon in your 8th House of Deep Sharing might set you on edge today because showing your feelings can place you in a vulnerable position. You would rather stay in the safe and familiar realms of rational thought, but the security gained won't be worth it. Facing your fears and taking a step into the illogical world of emotions can dissipate your frustration while bringing a new level of intimacy into your life.Libra:Your interactions with others increase in significance today, as the feisty Aries Full Moon brightens your 7th House of Relationships. But something special is on your mind and you may be less willing than usual to acquiesce to someone else's needs. Compromise is often your most reliable tactic, but now it's more important to stand up for what you want.Scorpio:It's not easy for you to balance a job that you think you must do with what others expect of you now. You know that it's up to you to follow through on promises made at work, but the courageous Aries Full Moon in your 6th House of Employment may not be enough to overcome your uncertainty. Don't push yourself too hard today; it will be easier to make progress in a day or two.Sagittarius:Fun and games are on your mind today as the Aries Full Moon activates your 5th House of Love and Creativity. However, you may have a difficult time getting others to share your point of view. It's not that your friends won't be supportive of your ideas; it's just that they don't know what you really want because you are sending mixed messages. Instead of frustrating yourself by trying to be more specific now, wait a bit longer; the clouds of illusion should clear by tomorrow.Capricorn:Issues of independence versus dependence can arise now, as the freedom-loving Aries Full Moon falls in your 4th House of Home and Family. Although you might need more autonomy so you can pursue your career aspirations, you also want the security that comes from having a stable personal life. Finding the right balance may be elusive, but don't give up; your persistence should pay off soon enough.Aquarius:You may be so busy today that you don't have time to get much done. The Aries Full Moon stirs your 3rd House of Everyday Activities, filling your life with an abundance of distractions that pull you from one thing to another. Even if you have specific goals now, you may be better off waiting until the weekend when you should have more time to make noticeable progress.Pisces:Today financial issues may surface, especially if you didn't pay sufficient attention to a problem earlier in the week. You might be tempted to handle the situation casually, or not at all. Unfortunately, denial isn't a sensible strategy because your monetary problems will only continue to get messier until you address them. A little concentrated effort now can be enough to set things right.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/23/10Aries:You may feel as if you've been running around in circles, but now it's time to settle down and make your life more stable. However, you cannot change your natural tendencies, and you'll quickly grow bored if you eliminate too much activity all at once. Keep in mind that it's better to do one thing well than starting many projects without finishing anything.Taurus:The Moon's return to Taurus is a sign that all is well in your world. However, the Sun's entry into your 7th House of Relationships brings complex interpersonal dynamics out into the open. You don't mind if others are emotionally intense as long as you don't get pulled into a drama that isn't yours. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell where the dividing line is between you and someone else, so go out of your way to be clear about your boundaries from the start.Gemini:If you've been putting off a whole list of chores, this could be a great day to play catch-up. But don't bother making a big deal out of your diligence; just jump in and tackle what needs to be done without seeking any personal recognition. Others will notice your hard work even if they don't say anything at this time. The feeling you get from a job well-done will be a sufficient reward.Cancer:You need to feel as if you're part of a team effort today, yet you may not be so inclined to hang out with your family. You could become involved in a disagreement, but it won't likely last long if you decide not to feed it your energy. It's smarter for you to channel your emotions into being creative than into arguing needlessly. Connect with your inner artist; being spontaneous can open the door to something special.Leo:Once you make up your mind, it's tough to talk you out of your plans. You finally have a solid idea of where you are going, with a fixed Scorpio Sun in your 4th House of Roots and the stubborn Taurus Moon in your 10th House of Responsibility. But you must be careful because you could put way too much energy into resolving someone else's problems, instead of your own. There's nothing wrong with offering a helping hand as long as you pay attention to what you need as well.Virgo:Making plans is right up your alley, especially when you can get all the miscellaneous details under control. Although this is one of those magical times when your strategies seem to work better than you might have expected, more and more issues keep coming to light. Handle each problem as it surfaces, even if you tire of all the work. Your dogged persistence will bring you closer than ever to your goals.Libra:You may become very concerned about a money matter now. Perhaps you need to cut back on a project, or at least get your personal expenses in order. Although this little cash crunch may be quite easy for you to manage today, it raises much larger issues about your financial fears that lurk behind the scenes. Reevaluating your budget will prevent more problems down the road.Scorpio:The stabilizing Taurus Moon activates your 7th House of Others. Although passions have been aroused, generating your excitement, it's still best not to rush into anything too quickly. You have more time than you realize, so find a pace and start moving steadily toward your relationship goals. As long as you're making progress, don't worry about going any faster.Sagittarius:You may feel as if you want to go into hiding today, yet might not be able to pull away from your commitments. Fortunately, you could productively work on some of your chores without being seen because behind-the-scenes activities suit you fine now. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Setting an agenda and sticking to it throughout the day will work to your advantage.Capricorn:You are interested in having fun today as the Moon travels through your 5th House of Play. You may have complicated reasons for how you go about getting what you want now, but your plan makes total sense once you give the full explanation. Paradoxically, you're less interested in talking than you are in letting your actions speak for themselves. Keep in mind that you are not obliged to justify your behavior, but it's still nice to give everyone advance notice.Aquarius:The Sun's visit to your 10th House of Status shines its light on what you do in the outer world. You want to make big changes in your life to reflect your new interests and goals, but the Moon in your 4th House of Roots has you feeling anchored to your past. Fortunately, your current frustration will pass, freeing you to alter your plans to match your current ambitions.Pisces:You have a number of things that you want to accomplish today and it's not likely that you'll be led off course. The Sun is newly arrived in your 9th House of Higher Truth and since you have already done your basic research, others won't be able to convince you that they know any better. Even if you have your day already all mapped out, be flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen situations. Being determined is very useful as long as it doesn't get in your way.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/25Aries:You may have a tough time concentrating today, especially if you're doing the same old thing. But even if you are involved in something new and different, you'll still probably want to shake things up instead of just being productive. Pay extra attention to what you're doing or you could scatter your energy before you even realize what you've done.Taurus:You might be feeling the effects of a financial crunch today, yet it's not likely worrisome enough to prevent you from purchasing something you really want. But spending your money impulsively now isn't the smartest thing to do. Consider what else you could do with your resources. Keep in mind that happiness isn't only attainable by the acquisition of things.Gemini:Your friends might perceive you as being scattered, even if you are able to justify your behavior. You are doing many things at once today and it's not likely that anyone but you can see how they are all connected. Still, you are in danger of working too hard while accomplishing less than expected unless you can focus your intentions and eliminate extraneous activities.Cancer:You are usually great at keeping secrets, but today you are wise to remain quiet and only talk when it's necessary. There is so much that you want to say and once you open the door, it will be hard to shut it prior to telling everything. Remember, you can take the high road now by practicing discretion, for some things are better left unsaid.Leo:You are quite gregarious, yet your outgoing style today can be a smokescreen to hide feelings that you would prefer to keep to yourself. However, there's no need to pretend. You don't have to share anything about yourself that doesn't feel right. It's okay to state your limits and then stick with the boundaries that you set.Virgo:You are eager to help others, but you might not be prepared for the amount of personal interaction that is actually required of you today. You may reach a point where it all seems like noise and you wish that you were able to escape. But once you make yourself available, it's not that easy to withdraw. Go ahead and hold up your end of the deal; it won't last as long as you think and you'll feel good about yourself afterward.Libra:You are anticipating a special getaway for a few days, but it's hard to actually make it happen. You may be disappointed with yourself because you cannot make a decision today, but it's likely not your fault. Wait and see how your commitments play out for a few more days and then return to the idea of scheduling some time off. Even if you must delay your trip, your current choices will prove to be sound ones nonetheless.Scorpio:It feels perfectly natural to talk about your feelings today, even if you previously decided to keep them to yourself. Unfortunately, your current comfort may not last long, especially if you accidentally stir up an issue that is even more difficult for someone else. Although the discussion that ensues isn't necessarily an easy one, any attempt to gain clarity about a relationship is healthy as long as it's part of an ongoing developmental process.Sagittarius:You might be anxious today because a close friend or partner won't be pinned down on an issue that is very important to you now. It's even more complicated than it first seems, for you may also be relieved that he or she is somewhat elusive. Ironically, it's easier for you to commit when the other person isn't as willing. Luckily, you can avoid a confrontation if you can see both sides of this dilemma as dual aspects of yourself.Capricorn:You have plenty of things to do at work today and you may not know where to start. Nearly anything you do too quickly could be problematic now if there is something else that you should also be doing. Even if you feel guilty, you really can't accomplish any more than you promised. Relaxing your expectations can make a world of difference in your day.Aquarius:Although you may be excited by the prospects of enjoying yourself today, it could be difficult to find a willing playmate who meets your expectations. You might be able to locate someone available to go along with your idea of a good time, but this doesn't mean he or she will be open to developing a meaningful friendship with you. Don't waste your time on someone who isn't interested in getting to know the real you. Sometimes your best company is yourself.Pisces:You are so tired of dreaming about a vacation that never happens that you don't even want to talk about it anymore. You're ready to take your trip right now, but unfortunately it's not likely you will be able to go anywhere. You have family obligations to fulfill and they should take precedence over any ideas of travel. Forget about fleeing the nest; instead, stay focused on the present moment and see where it leads you.mydailyhoroscopes.com


Taurus:You might be feeling the effects of a financial crunch today, yet it's not likely worrisome enough to prevent you from purchasing something you really want. But spending your money impulsively now isn't the smartest thing to do. Consider what else you could do with your resources. Keep in mind that happiness isn't only attainable by the acquisition of things.My horoscope really cracks me up today....How does it know I have money burning a hole in my pocket? Financial crunch?  Ewwwwwwwwww. I hate those words.....I have paid bills bills and more bills....Now I just want to have some fun.....                                                                                             Pam
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10/26/2010.............EnjoyAries:Exploring new ways to express yourself may seem totally natural to you now, but your sense of independent creativity may not be okay with your co-workers. Although you could be tempted to disregard everyone else's perspectives, it's not a smart strategy to needlessly stir up resentment. A minimal amount of self-restraint goes a long way to making life easier for all involved.Taurus:You are usually the one everyone depends on, but today your emotions may run all over the place, causing concern about your reliability. Perhaps you are dealing with someone who is pressuring you to commit to something and you have an urge to bolt, instead. However, running away from the intensity won't solve the problem. You could be caught in a vicious cycle until you face your fears once and for all.Gemini:Having faith in your co-workers can be tricky business now because they might not be willing to talk about real issues. Even if you are usually the lighthearted one, today you're concerned about everyone else's casual attitudes. Rely on your own judgment instead of depending on others. And, if anyone gets too rebellious, use your charming wit to cleverly pull him or her back into place.Cancer:Although you might have already thrown your hands up in frustration and discarded your previous agenda, it's still entirely possible that the current situation will turn out okay. However, it's going to take extra effort on your part, and you may have to work overtime to come up with a contingency plan in case things become more bent out of whack. But, even if you plan and scheme, there may be another crazy surprise to throw you off track again. Adjust your expectations, let go and move on.Leo:Your social calendar is overflowing now and you may no longer have the time for work. It feels as if everyone is tempting you to skip out on your commitments today and join in the fun. But you are too aware of the consequences to just say yes without considering your responsibilities first. Thankfully, you might not have to say no if you can clearly establish your limits before you jump in.Virgo:You may be thinking so fast now that it appears as if you are simultaneously in two places at once. But the hectic pace might actually prevent you from landing anywhere at all. Ultimately, it's up to you. Recognizing that you won't be able to maintain this intensity is the first step. Prepare to slow down, even if that won't really happen for a few more days.Libra:Good ideas roll in so quickly now that it may be challenging to turn any one of them into a concrete plan before you run off to the next one. You'll need to slow down your thinking if you want to accomplish something enduring and give your current thoughts enough time to reach fruition. It's really not about how many amazing inspirations you have today; it's about following through on the right oneScorpio:It appears as if you are engaged in a lighthearted discussion today, but something else is happening beneath the surface. You are in the process of gathering the information that you need so you can make an important decision about a possible financial investment with a friend. Still, it's a good idea to postpone making up your mind for a few days. In fact, it's best to wait until retrograde Venus turns direct on November 18 to consummate the deal.Sagittarius:Be careful of slick salespeople today, for they can talk you into believing almost anything, even if their words contradict themselves. Don't trust anyone now who can speak faster than you can think. Their pitch may be sincere and everything might seem copacetic, but remember that you aren't receiving the whole picture just yet.Capricorn:Today's curious Gemini Moon complicates your day by distracting you with one thing after another as you attempt to stay on task. Making plans for an upcoming event won't be much fun unless you can allow yourself to be a little bit impractical. However, your day won't be very productive if you get hung up in the volumes of incoming data. Forget about the details for now; focus on the big picture instead.Aquarius:Although the pace of events is still increasing, you're able to process them fast enough in your mind that you can respond adequately. Your reactions are like lightning and it's as if you know the answer before a question is asked. However, instead of showing off your intuitive intelligence, take a step back to give others an opportunity to catch up with you. You will benefit more from being part of a team effort.Pisces:Surprising developments at home can lure your attention away from work and onto personal issues today. Although you may be heading for a conflict, it's too soon to let a minor disagreement turn into a major problem. Even if you are being pressured to take sides now, it's wiser to remain non-committal. Keep your options open as long as possible.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/27/2010   Enjoy....Aries:You hit the ground running, but you may run out of steam before you reach your destination today. Don't get caught up in pushing yourself so hard all morning that a few hours of work end up draining you. Your best strategy now is to pace yourself. Thankfully, you receive a second wave of energy later in the evening when the Moon opposes powerful Pluto.Taurus:Although you may feel more comfortable now if there is less forward movement in your life, you cannot stop the wheels of progress. Your attempts to maintain the status quo or to keep those around you in the same place won't work, either. Ultimately, everyone else wants to get going, so don't hold them back just because you don't want to change. Even if you are resistant at first, you will still enjoy the benefits of the unfolding improvements.Gemini:You may feel as if you have run out of time because there are still so many things you haven't done yet. But even though the Moon is leaving your sign today, this isn't about endings. Rather, it's about initiating whatever comes next in your life. Stop looking back to the past; you cannot change it now. Instead, turn around and observe what is ahead of you, for this is where your attention will do the most good.Cancer:Your imagination is running wild this morning and even if you try to capture it artfully, you're still likely to be left feeling less than satisfied. Your creative tendencies probably won't last through the afternoon when the Moon enters your sign, bringing a sudden change of mood. Still, if you don't finish your project now, you should still have another chance tomorrow.Leo:Your timing may feel off today because you seem to become less interested in finding pleasure as the day wears on. If you are overly active at first, it might be a smart strategy to retreat just a bit earlier in the day. Conserve some of your energy for playful activities throughout the week. In the meantime, pay attention to your emotions because they are key to understanding your needs.Virgo:You are often the one who stays behind and takes care of the final chores while everyone else is out avoiding responsibility. But today it's different, so don't let anyone ride roughshod over your feelings. Make the most of what's currently available without turning your dreams into unrealizable fantasies. It's better to scale back your hopes and reach your goals than to overextend yourself and be left unsatisfied.Libra:It's difficult for you to forget about the more serious things that are happening around you today. Others will take note of your no-nonsense attitude and place you in a leadership role, even if you wish they wouldn't. But don't try to avoid the new responsibilities, even if you don't know exactly what to do. You should gain enough clarity just in time to impress your peers with your competence.Scorpio:Today is the last day of Mars' visit to your sign and you could feel a sudden rush of adrenaline before you become more subdued in your approach to work. So much has already happened, and you truly don't want to waste any energy now. Stay as focused as possible; there will be time for relaxing and idle daydreaming later on.Sagittarius:You are able to see right through other people's smokescreens today. The more they deny the truth of your observations, the more transparent they appear. Nevertheless, you would be wise to exercise caution around your assumptions, for you could jump to an incorrect conclusion. It's best to develop your logic slowly and carefully now. One small step at a time is a lot smarter than leaping ahead too soon.Capricorn:You might feel a free-floating anxiety today because change is in the air and you can't yet grasp what it has in store for you. Your current insecurity rears its ugly head if someone withdraws support or even love. Although you intellectually understand what's going on, this can bring up abandonment issues. Instead of attempting to hold on to the status quo, let go of your previous expectations so you are free to explore where this energetic shift carries you.Aquarius:Instead of spending the day in service to others, you can't help but be tempted by the idea of unrestrained self-indulgence. Unfortunately, this selfish attitude cannot take you far because there is too much happening in your life to avoid the issues that currently demand your attention. Enjoy some spontaneous downtime and then get back to helping those who matter the most to you.Pisces:Your feelings are being pulled all over the place today. At first you are concerned about everything that you must do at home. But then your thoughts become more emotionally charged and you want some time to process them. Before you can navigate through an intense situation, you may change your mind several times, making you eager to move on to whatever is next. Nevertheless, do what you must to slow yourself down, for this will help you get the most meaning out of these days.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/28/2010   Enjoy!!!!Aries:You may want to lay low as the passive Cancer Moon moves through your 4th House of Home and Family. However, your key planet Mars enters extroverted Sagittarius today, increasing your wanderlust. Ultimately, your frustration level will be intolerable if you cannot get out and do something exciting. But you may be so eager for some action that you take off before you even know where you're going. It's a lot smarter to make a sensible game plan before you dash out the door.Taurus:You may be feeling cautious, but today it's time to let your impulses take you into the next phase of your life. It's not easy for you to trust your instincts over your common sense, but you are receiving useful information from your subconscious mind now. Learning to listen to your hunches requires practice, but it's a wise strategy these days.Gemini:You are buzzing around now that your key planet Mercury is aspecting ingenious Uranus. This intellectual amplifier, combined with the sensitive Cancer Moon, gives you an uncanny knack today for seeing what's just beyond the horizon. But receiving a glimpse of the truth isn't enough; you also have to take direct action. Don't just go back for another round of analysis; announce your intention and then do something productive about it.Cancer:Don't assume that you'll be able to get anyone else to help you with your work today. Even if you'd like to get others involved in your project, you're better off taking it on by yourself. Working on your own may not be your notion of an ideal situation, but it is much better than partnering with the wrong person at this time. Get the ball rolling and find people to support your efforts later on when you have more time.Leo:You may need some time to retreat and there's no reason to deny your wish, even if you have things to do in the world. Following your desires isn't always the most intelligent thing to do, but it could certainly have a positive impact now. Keep your attention focused on the present moment, even if you are tempted to look ahead to what's next. Additionally, eliminating attachments to the past adds to the power of now.Virgo:Mixed messages from the cosmos encourage you to concentrate more energy at home now while also being drawn toward faraway places. Thankfully, your key planet Mercury is picking up a whole lot of buzz today, activating your mind without detaching you from emotionally significant issues that can ultimately bring you the additional freedom that you want. It may take extra effort to juggle your conflicting thoughts with your feelings, but the results could be worthwhile.Libra:You may want to take care of everyone you know today, but the simple truth is that you're actually just taking care of yourself. At first it may feel uncomfortable when you realize that you can be so selfish; however, it's necessary if you want to have anything left over to give others. There's no need to be too hard on yourself; you're just striving to find the right balance.Scorpio:You may be feeling quite self-sufficient today, yet your desire to detach from others can bring some pitfalls. One problem is that a trusted friend may see you as unable to ask for help or unwilling to receive it. Keep in mind that you don't have to give up your independence to gain support. You'll be better off if you can let someone else slip through your defensive boundaries and into your life.Sagittarius:You might feel as if you took an extra dose of caffeine today because your energy level is buzzing from energetic Mars as it returns to your sign. Your enthusiasm can soar even higher if you are able to let go of your past. Mars remains in your sign until December 7, recharging your batteries and supplying you with extra get-up-and-go. Don't wait for another sign; this is it. It's your time to start something fabulous.Capricorn:You are able to strike a balance between reasonable caution and radical thought today, making you a natural negotiator. However, it's not easy to keep your final goal in sight if unnecessary discouragement sets in. Even if someone tells you that your plans are too unrealistic, don't give up now. Stay in the game by sharing your ideas as they come to you. One of them will hit the proverbial nail on the head.Aquarius:You want to explore intuitive realms today, but you still must be practical about what you are doing. Thankfully, you won't have to endlessly analyze the details of your day, for everything is more on track than you realize. Nevertheless, it's wise to work out the timing scenario of your schedule in advance. This way, you'll be more prepared for what happens along the way.Pisces:Your creativity abounds today with the Moon's visit to your 5th House of Self-Expression, but you could be so eager to get your personal projects up and running that your performance at work slips. Luckily, supportive lunar aspects can help you smooth over the rough spots, but you can inadvertently make matters worse by taking on too much. Limit your promises in advance to avoid unnecessary problems later on.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/29/2010   Enjoy!!!Aries:You may be disappointed by the way things are turning out today, but you're probably in better shape than you realize if you can let go of your previous expectations. You will have more opportunities to make changes to bring your day-to-day obligations into alignment with your high ideals. But now you must exercise self-restraint and deliver on what you've already promised, rather than just moving on to what's next.Taurus:You might take on way too much today because everything appears simpler than it actually is. Part of the problem is that you cannot let go of a project until it feels right, so you may spend time going back over what you already did. Although others won't likely notice the difference, it's important that you honor your own need for quality. Instead of hurrying through your tasks to get them done, postpone some chores for another day.Gemini:Although slowing the pace of your upcoming weekend may not sound like fun, it's still the wisest thing to do. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you next week, so it's smart to rest when you have the chance. Unfortunately, you cannot declare today a personal holiday, so focus your energy on what you have to accomplish before treating yourself to a bit of quality time off.Cancer:There's no need to fret over your changing moods today just because the Moon is visiting your 1st House of Self and is running you through a gamut of feelings. Remain unattached to every thought as it comes and goes. Don't push away anger and don't pull in the desires. Just let your emotions run their own course without trying to control them. This doesn't mean, however, that you must share your inner process with those around you. Save the intimate discussions until you reach smoother waters and your energy settles down.Leo:You don't like the idea of keeping your thoughts to yourself, but it's probably the most intelligent strategy for now. But once you let one little feeling escape, the windows to your soul are thrown open and all your emotions could come pouring out. Even if you think you know where your boundaries are, it may be hard to stop midstream. Err on the side of caution and keep your secrets to yourself for now.Virgo:You may be overly concerned about what your friends are thinking of you now. The reflective Cancer Moon in your social 11th House indicates that you may feel as if someone already rejected you. But it's your heightened sensitivity and not anyone else's negative judgment that actually motivates your self-protective actions. Even if you feel vulnerable today, try to remain open to others.Libra:Your objective thoughts might need to be hidden from view today because analysis leads you to one conclusion while your heart says something else. You can almost convince yourself that you don't have to get involved in someone else's business. However, consider all the rational reasons to pull back, then toss them aside and do what feels right.Scorpio:Your dreams of love can be expressed today through a balance of cool detachment and bursts of tender affection. It's not that you want to avoid an intimate connection with someone special, it's just that you also need your independence. Be careful; you could get caught in the middle as you try to work out this internal conflict. Make it easier on yourself by avoiding extreme reactions either way.Sagittarius:You may seek the simplest way out of a difficult situation today by practicing the fine art of procrastination. Although this isn't usually considered to be a sensible strategy, avoiding conflict and delaying an important decision could be your smartest course of action now. Adding a bit of patience lessens the intensity, allowing the resistance to naturally dissipate on its own. Give things a day or two and then try again.Capricorn:You can easily see how much work you have in front of you, but your inclination is to remain quiet, rather than expressing any negativity. You may be guardedly optimistic because you realize that accomplishing your goals won't be easy even though you have confidence in your skills. Take your personal time early in the day and then start clearing the obstacles that are still in your path.Aquarius:It's not easy to find your groove today because whatever you do, it feels like something's still wrong. Fortunately, this subtle discomfort motivates you to take care of many little tasks that remain unfinished. Instead of complaining about all the loose ends, you can transform your annoyance into action with a little help from your friends.Pisces:It's not that anything in particular is wrong today; it's just that you don't have the luxury of saying what's on your mind. Sharing your concerns might send someone else into an emotional crisis, which would only make your day more challenging. However, helping others to feel comfortable with what's happening now is easier than telling them exactly what you think.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/30/2010   Enjoy:Aries:You're enjoying the intensity of your personal relationships now because superficial interactions have become quite unsatisfying. You are more willing to hold on to the status quo, both emotionally and physically, as you explore the power of deeper feelings, rather than running off to explore a new situation. Temporary simplicity can be achieved by avoiding your emotions, but it's definitely not a sensible long-term strategy.Taurus:You don't want to spend too much time planning today, and luckily, your friends will probably help you at the last moment with the necessary details. But you have something important to learn about relationships now, and expecting others to bail you out can interfere with the process. Figure out your own course of action so you don't waste your precious time discussing logistics that you could handle on your own.Gemini:Your creative playtime may be over today; it's time to roll up your sleeves and get down to work. You have many things to do and the longer you procrastinate, the more difficult it will be to finish your tasks. Nevertheless, it's not helpful to attempt to do everything at once. Be serious, take your time and complete your chores with care so you won't have to do them over again later on.Cancer:There are an increasing number of opportunities for pleasure available, but it is up to you to make something happen. Your current willingness to take a chance might mean all the difference between enjoying yourself or not. However, you may have to demonstrate that you can set your personal feelings aside to focus on what you are about to share. You'll get the most out of the present moment if you stop worrying about what you should have done in the past or what you must do in the future.Leo:There is a big difference between what you are doing today and how you feel. It is as if you realize what you want yet you're still responding to everything that happens on a gut level. Your head has a different agenda from your heart now, and ultimately you'll be happier if your heart wins out. Practice being flexible by meeting others halfway, even if it isn't that simple to accomplish.Virgo:You may struggle to be upfront about what you want now, yet you still expect others to be straightforward and share their needs with you. This double standard will land you in trouble, especially if you aren't willing to compromise. Save your hard bargaining and poker face for another time; today you'll be better off by simply placing your cards face up on the table.Libra:Even if you're thinking about your long-term goals, the collection of planets in your 2nd House of Basic Values can shift your focus back to the present moment. Luckily, you should be feeling better about yourself, making it easier to share your thoughts with others. Be patient, if you can maintain a positive attitude now, life will continue to get easier in the weeks ahead.Scorpio:The Moon's square to the Sun in your 1st House of Self may fuel difficult dynamics in your personal life. If you don't feel as if others appreciate your efforts, anything they say or do now could provoke you to start a conflict, even when there's really nothing to fight about. Taking several deep breaths will go a long way to calm your nerves, but the passage of time will help even more. In the meantime, put your excess energy into something positive.Sagittarius:The outgoing Leo Moon encourages you to advise others about your plans for the future, but her square to the Sun in your 12th House of Imagination may over-stimulate your fantasies today. Manifesting your dreams poses a high level of difficulty now because focusing too much on making anything happen can actually delay it. Seek the right amount of force to apply to any situation, but remember that making many adjustments along the way can help you achieve success.Capricorn:You may feel transparent now, even if you don't want to reveal too much at this time. However, you are moving through a phase when you can inadvertently withhold more than is prudent. Although you might lose momentum by disclosing too much too fast, you may miss an important opportunity for growth if you don't take a chance and open up.Aquarius:Although relationships can take on increased importance now that the Moon is traveling through your 7th House of Partners, you may be hesitant to share your feelings because you're not completely sure about what you want. Telling someone what's on your mind today can be confusing at best. If possible, wait a few days until your clarity returns before initiating any serious discussions about your desires.Pisces:You may be very concerned with how your regular habits could be preventing you from reaching your goals. The Leo Moon in your 6th House of Self-Improvement can work against your long-term plans by distracting you with more details than you need to address at this time. Having enough information is critical, but being buried by needless facts and figures today won't help you get your chores done.mydailyhoroscopes.com


10/31/2010   Happy Halloween.......... Your Halloween Trick or Treat Horoscopes Aries:Halloween masks featuring past presidents and circus animals are well starred, however avoid masks of George W Bush, including any of his administration, as there is a risk of buckets of water (or sand) being thrown from upper windows if you do not live in the USA. Favour houses with more than three pumpkins around the door. Taurus: Beware red candy in all of its forms, especially lollipops with transparent wrappings, given to you by old ladies with kindly eyes and a limp. Today your lucky trick or treat house number will include a 6. Ensure any calls on houses with yellow curtains are only attempted after the hour of 7pm.Gemini:Use any bad weather, especially unexpectedly violent downpours (we might as well include buckets of water from your high window flinging critics here too) as an aid in your trick or treat blackmailing aims. Whilst, to you, it will feel uncomfortably wet, to your potential treaters it looks unbelievably cute - treats will freely jump from their impressed hands. Your lucky trick or treat house number includes a 2 which is slightly askew.Cancer:During the dressing-up phase of your trick or treating, a well loved relation will offer inappropriate red-glossy-lipstick-around-the-mouth advice (they are being influenced by inaccurate memories of their youth - you know what grown ups are like). At all costs, determinedly refuse to apply any makeup donated by relatives who have recently died, even though the irony of this pleases the planets. Your lucky house number is a house with no number... (yar hargh harhhhh...)Leo:Your Egyptian trick or treat theme is ill starred - you should have gone for that Dracula costume suggested to you during one of Mercury's creative moments of retrograde. Force your dog (aka camel) to relieve himself before putting on the humps lest you run the ancient risk of being cursed for moments of disgrace at strangers doors. Your lucky house decoration is flashing irregularly.Virgo:The fireworks your older brother gave you for your attack on houses whose inhabitants are rude when they answer the door should be kept in an airtight, metal, box before lighting. Remember when lighting fireworks: Light at arms length, stand well back, and never return to a house you have launched a firework at. Your lucky firework sounds like: Whizz Bang Pop ZZZZZZZZZ-itttttkkkkKKK wwwiiiiiiooooooo ke ke ke ke zzz...Libra:Your Libran tendency to bully smaller children will be put to good use during your trick or treat endeavours tonight. Always ensure you, alone, are responsible for the candy bag at all times. Remember that real trick or treat power lies in the distribution of the candy at the end of the night...Scorpio:Last year's trick or treat running street battles left much simmering resentment, plan for retribution and do not be afraid to accept offers of overwhelming protection from older brothers, sisters, overly protective parents, the military, or anyone who can do that really cool flying back-flip punch without the yelp. Sagittarius:Following last year's trick or treat outing, which quickly degenerated into a campaign of setting off car alarms, expect some form of retribution which the stars are unable to offer accurate advice on. Luckily, at your age, the hand prints left on the cars last year will not be traceable to you or your buddies - any grown up who says anything different is bluffing. Take the candy and run, ensuring your nominated tester tries everything before it is consumed by other gang members higher up in the hierarchy.Capricorn:This year's Marilyn Mansen Halloween outfits are set to impress everyone you see, and will hold you in particularly good stead with a local chapter of the Hells Angels (and most other bike-based ruffians). However, no matter how persuasively they beg you, do not allow them to accompany you in your trick or treating - on the one hand you will get a better than usual catch of candy, however they will take more than their fair share in payment at the end of the night.Aquarius:Your (at the time seemingly brilliant) idea of washing windscreens dressed in Halloween costumes at a popular road junction is doomed to failure on many levels. Unbeknownst to you, but beknownst to the local police, there have been a spate of violent attacks in your area by grown ups doing exactly (in exactly every detail) what you are intending to do. Your only defence is your shortness. Enjoy this period of height based disability as it will not last.Pisces:Whilst what your parents have told you is true (that you should run away, screaming, if you feel threatened during trick or treating*) it is also a fact that most really scary / threatening people overcompensate for their scariness with generous treats at this, their favourite, time of the year. Clearly this is only true if they don't kill you first. Use local crime statistics to guide you in your running away / screaming decisions. (*Unless you are the house owner in which case just close the door.)
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11/01/2010   Enjoy:Aries:Anyone who impedes your progress today may be in for a surprise when you arrive fully ready to do battle. You aren't in the mood to deal with someone else's arbitrary judgments. Although your feelings are very strong now, there is no need to worry about the resistance you currently face. Instead of looking for a fight, keep pushing your big ideas ahead, one step at a time.Taurus:Your ruling planet Venus connects with dark Pluto today, turning gentle love into an intense meltdown as she focuses your desires. Thankfully, you are able to avoid trouble, even as you set your common sense aside to attain the pleasure you want. Nevertheless, it's wise to be ethical while trying to achieve the greatest success you can.Gemini:You might make several attempts to tell someone your story now, but it can be frustrating when others don't seem to care about the same things that are significant to you. Nevertheless, don't waste your time and energy worrying about the possibility of being hurt by rejection. You're better off if you focus on the journey ahead. There's really no place in your life today for negative thinking.Cancer:Making choices about your personal life can be difficult today because there's an array of appealing possibilities until you examine them more closely. However, it's not smart to put off stabilizing your potential. Remember that you have powerful friends who are eager to help you reach your goals now, so don't be afraid to ask for their help.Leo:You don't want to let go of your weekend just yet, and you may try every trick in the book to extend this playful feeling into your workweek. But if you have things to do today, don't worry about missing out on a little fun. Instead, think about the positive impact you might have on others if you jump in now and show them the way. Your can-do attitude is contagious to everyone around you.Virgo:You may not be prepared to give an inch today, especially if someone questions your ability to handle a situation while offering an alternative plan. Be careful, for this needn't be about right versus wrong; in fact, everyone involved can be correct, for there are many ways to reach the same goal. Remember, progressing according to your strategy keeps your heart in the game while enabling you to remain passionately committed to the greater cause.Libra:Dark Pluto gives your planet, Venus, something mysterious to consider today, transforming your light and easy thoughts of love into a more complex web of ideas. You might prefer to remain detached from your feelings by having fun with someone else. Unfortunately, you cannot outrun the work you must do to sort your relationship out. It's no use focusing on things that are just out of reach because you'll just stop appreciating what's right in front of you.Scorpio:You must tread very carefully and watch your step now because you are more impulsive than usual. It's tough to filter out anger if your emotions surface suddenly because you still haven't had time to process them. Blocking the expressions of your feelings, however, isn't going to help the day, either. Share what's on your mind, but try not to inflame an already sensitive situation.Sagittarius:Make time for physical activity today because keeping your body in motion is a crucial key in preventing you from becoming a real live couch potato. However, you'll want to do everything just right now that the Moon is visiting perfectionist Virgo. Nevertheless, there can be a problem if you get so hung up in the details that you cannot move forward with confidence.Capricorn:persuasive Pluto in serious Capricorn harmonizes with magnetic Venus in your 11th House of Goals, so don't hold back the power of your words today. You have a lot to share now and you shouldn't let anything stand in the way of expressing your truth. But it's not about what you say; it's more how you say it. Keep in mind that you can be both ambitious and kind in your approach.Aquarius:Your situation is looking better and better, but there are still a few loose ends that have to be tied up before you can move on to the next phase of your life. However, the rate of change could continue to increase for you over the next few weeks, so make a commitment to concentrate on the present moment and not on the future. It's good to be spontaneous, but don't let any unfinished tasks slip by unattendedPisces:Beautiful Venus adds sweetness and grace to your life but a supportive sextile from shadowy Pluto can offer up sensual delights from the hidden recesses of your subconscious mind. Love isn't always simple and today you have an opportunity to experience a more complicated kind of pleasure. However, don't let fear stand in your way of a meaningful experience.mydailyhoroscope.com


11/02/10   Enjoy:Aries:You might consider deepening a partnership with someone who is very passionate now, with three planets activating your 8th House of Intimacy and Transformation. Even though your first impulse is to share your feelings, the timid Virgo Moon encourages you to keep them to yourself until you are fully aware of all the emotional dynamics of the situation. If you don't push ahead too fast, your patience will be rewarded in a surprising way.Taurus:You may feel intimidated today by someone who appears to have an emotional agenda that is very different than yours. Thankfully, you have the ability to create boundaries, if necessary. It's crucial for you to stand up for your beliefs, but this strategy can backfire if you become overly stubborn. If you cannot get the support you need, let go of your idea, even if you think it's a good one. It's not in your best interest now to set off on your own.Gemini:You may instinctively rebel against an authority figure today because you don't want to follow someone else's instructions. You feel like you know a better way to do nearly everything, and all you want is acknowledgment and respect. This can be your chance to demonstrate your cleverness by deciding what you want and then going for it. Don't let anyone talk you out of your intended plan, but be smart and listen to an expert's opinion.Cancer:There's no need to overextend your resources today, for everyone is on equal terms and the cost for any social activities can be graciously split evenly. You still may want to pay for some aspect of the day to express your generosity to someone you really like. But others won't likely be easily impressed now by your display of magnanimity unless you truly feel it in your heart.Leo:You might decide to keep your feelings to yourself today, but your emotions could just spill out if you don't pay extra careful attention to your words. It's easy to express what's on your mind now, but others might not be interested in hearing about your inner process. Don't say too much, for a small amount of truth will go a long way to inspire others.Virgo:Your sleep may have been a bit restless these past couple of nights with the Moon visiting your sign, amplifying the intensity of your dreams. However, the power of your fantasies begins to wane today. You are in the closing phase of an emotional cycle, so focus on finishing up old business before getting wrapped up in something new.Libra:You should be able to maintain your gracious manner and personable way of interacting with others today, even if you lack your normal patience. You really don't need the distraction of an intense argument, especially if it doesn't matter who wins in the long run. Instead of attempting to prove you are right to anyone else, concentrate on improving yourself.Scorpio:You are feeling your oats with three planets in magnetic Scorpio, yet it's not a good idea to tell everyone what you're thinking yet. It could appear as if your plans are working out perfectly, but one obstacle after another seems to sabotage your progress. Slowing down is one way to improve your chances for success, especially if you can find a way to enjoy the process along the way.Sagittarius:If things have been progressing slowly in your life, it's time to get ready for something big to happen. Don't spend the day lost in your futuristic dreams; instead take the initiative and strike while the iron is hot. However, if you haven't started by mid-afternoon, your motivation could temporarily slip away. There's nothing to be gained by being hard on yourself. Let your plans sit until you're ready to try again.Capricorn:You may not get to the bottom of what's happening today. At first, everyone's motives seem to be close to the surface, yet once you start digging you begin to realize how hidden the truth really is. Instead of wasting time trying to discover the source of someone's inspiration, just accept things at face value. You can always come back and do additional detective work later on if you're still interested.Aquarius:There's no need to hold on to any negative emotions today. They don't really belong to you, so just allow them to fade away on their own accord. Instead, you can benefit by focusing on your competency, rather than criticizing someone else or defending yourself needlessly. Ultimately, your current feelings have their own story. If you let others tell theirs, you could discover where you share common ground.Pisces:You may be greatly inspired, but it's difficult to hold on to the higher perspective today. It's easy to get confused now, especially if you think that there's a lot at stake. Focusing on the details is fine, but getting lost in them could spell your defeat. Balance the energy by steering yourself toward bigger ideas and the possibility of amazing adventures.mydailyhoroscope.com


11/03/2010  Enjoy!!!Aries:Today marks a shift in relationship dynamics as someone finally understands your point of view. But don't assume that your friends will automatically encourage your independent behavior just because they listen to your story. Instead of pushing your luck, be thankful that they are trying to accept you as you are. You won't gain any further advantage if you try to convince others to step outside of their current comfort zone.Taurus:You might feel conflicted today as your high ideals pull you one way while the practicalities of your current obligations pull you another. If you let your responsibilities slide, you may not be able to take time off to enjoy yourself. Keep in mind that complaining won't help. Don't put off your work; stay focused and accomplish as much as you can.Gemini:You are set on having a good time, but you might not be willing to jump into the flow of fun until after you finish tying up some loose ends. Taking care of them today can free you up to enjoy yourself, but ignoring previous obligations could invite unnecessary problems toward the end of the week. Work now and play later.Cancer:It's all too easy for you to acknowledge your inner Crab today by establishing a hard protective shell around you. A more positive way to accomplish this is to surround yourself with the love of special friends who nurture you and help to make you feel secure. Staying at home for a while can be rejuvenating, even if you must head out into the world at some point to take care of business. This is a great day to settle into your cozy nest if you can.Leo:Although you may want to be involved in many activities today, this doesn't mean squeezing everything into one day. You will do best if you can find time to work first and then play later by planning your schedule with the idea of creating a healthy balance. Don't go overboard when you finally decide to have some fun; moderation is the key.Virgo:You may normally be so logical in your approach to spending money that you're willing to pass up a bargain item if you don't really need it. However, today you could become so obsessed with something that you might not be able to talk yourself out of buying it. Even if you feel very strongly about it, wait a few days before making a final decision.Libra:The Moon's return to your sign today may not help you make up your mind any faster, but you'll likely reach a point when your path becomes clear enough for you to decide. You could experience a bit of anxiety along the way, yet the stress actually pushes you closer to choosing. Fortunately, your life should get noticeably easier once you fix on a single directionScorpio:You may feel quite comfortable with your feelings today, even if you have to face a difficult decision. Perhaps you have already put yourself through enough anxiety and now it's time to let go. But even if you aren't completely ready to move on, it's still a good idea to keep your worries to yourself. Either way, the fact that others see a more relaxed version of you lifts your spirits even higher.Sagittarius:You have entered a period of renewal, making this a great time to begin reviewing the previous year and starting to envision what's next. However, this isn't a one-time event. Make this ritual of intentional visualization a regular part of your life until it becomes ingrained into your everyday routine. Remember, you can positively impact your future by changing how you see it.Capricorn:You may be more concerned today about professional issues and your role in the community. It seems as if others look to you for guidance now, yet they don't necessarily want you to take over. They only need you to listen and then reflect upon what they've said. You can be an amazingly effective leader now by being part of the team instead of assuming authority and telling others what to do.Aquarius:This can be a great time of year for you with fiery Mars moving through your 11th House of Goals. You are eager about what is around the next corner, but don't live so far into the future that you detach from what is happening right now. Spending quality time with your friends, associates and family can help you to refocus your attention on the present moment.Pisces:You don't have to succumb to self-doubt today, even if something reminds you of the limitations you are now facing. Old fears aren't necessarily relevant to your current situation anyhow. Don't keep your anxiety buried or it will continue to grow. Find a trusted friend or colleague and share your worries, but don't fall into the trap of placing blame on anyone else. Simply discussing your concerns helps dissipate negativity before it causes any further trouble.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/04/2010Aries:You can go out of your way to communicate your feelings today, but your good intentions won't be enough to smooth over the ruffled feathers. Someone may be annoyed with you now because you aren't trying to meet his or her expectations. But others won't be able to be angry if you tell the truth with kindness. Don't negotiate away your need for independence. You can be considerate while still honoring your integrity.Taurus:Being able to trust your friends means a lot to you today. Even if you disagree about something important, it will be okay if everyone expresses their feelings openly and honestly. However, your tendency to gloss over a difficult emotion can create a problem down the road. Take extra time to check in with yourself now to make sure that you really know what's in your heart, even if it's inconvenient.Gemini:You may not be able to say no to a good idea today, even if you don't have time to add another thing to your list of tasks. Your key planet Mercury forms an easygoing trine with expansive Jupiter, removing obstacles from your path and increasing your optimism. Unfortunately, your resources are limited and you could exhaust yourself trying to deliver on what you promised. Limiting your activities will increase your efficiency and improve your chances for success.Cancer:It's easier for you to talk about what you're capable of doing today than to actually follow through and get concrete results. Accordingly, it may be smarter to spend the day engaging in meetings, phone calls and emails, rather than pushing your agenda forward by executing your plans. Figure out the best way to reach your goals and prepare to make your move.Leo:You may be feeling on edge today because you know that something's brewing but you cannot yet tell what is going to happen. Although you are more upbeat than anything else, you are also worried that you aren't in complete control. Fortunately, you have more stability than you currently realize, so don't be afraid to let events flow without trying to direct every outcome.Virgo:Your key planet Mercury receives an encouraging boost of energy from giant Jupiter today, making you believe that anything you can imagine is possible. However, you're not invincible now, so don't fill up your life with plans based on unrealistic dreams. There's nothing wrong with setting ambitious goals as long as you also keep your feet on the ground. Reach for the stars, but don't lose sight of your valuable common sense.Libra:The Moon remains in your peaceful sign today, tempting you to try to get by with less hard work. You could end up wasting time and energy if you think that an ingenious shortcut will get you to where you're going faster than taking the tried and true path. But your most reliable approach comes from setting a pace early in the day and then sticking with it as best as you can.Scorpio:You are in your element as thoughtful Mercury in your sign harmonizes with joyful Jupiter in your 5th House of Fun and Games today. You might not be able to just forget about all the serious issues in your life, but at least you'll be able to put them into a healthy perspective that allows you to have a good time no matter what's going on. Ultimately the choice is yours: you can focus on all the uncertainty or you can take a quick vacation and concentrate on the power of now.Sagittarius:You have secrets to keep, yet it's a struggle to remain quiet today. Nevertheless, it's more important to honor your commitments, even if the smooth trine from chatty Mercury to your key planet Jupiter encourages you to spill the beans. You may be able to see the positive side of sharing what you know, but it's not your decision to make now. Take the high road and don't stir up any unnecessary trouble.Capricorn:You don't want to waste time engaging in small talk today; you prefer to get right to the core of the matter. You're not interested in being overly diplomatic now, even if you know that it can help you get what you want. Thankfully, your friends and associates will appreciate your direct and honest approach, so follow your instincts and get down to business without beating around the bush.Aquarius:Your key planet Uranus will keep you excited all day today, even if you have unexciting responsibilities to handle. The most mundane tasks can become fun if you change your perspective. Being focused helps you to get your work out of the way quickly so you have time to expand your horizons pursuing other interests that bring you even more satisfaction.Pisces:You appear very positive, even if you have some doubts today about the plans you've made for the future. However, others probably won't be able to sense your uncertainty, especially if you think it's in your interest to hide your lack of confidence. Ultimately, it would be best if you can find enough courage to share your fears, for they will most likely dissipate once you've given them voice.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/05/2010   Enjoy:Aries:It's difficult to follow through with your big ideas now because it seems like people say one thing but mean something else. Allowing the space for others to change their minds should make it easier on everyone, but trying to hold someone else to one point of view can be rather frustrating. Wait until after tonight's Scorpio New Moon to seriously consider any long-term commitmentsTaurus:Tonight's Scorpio New Moon in your 7th House of Others may complicate your relationship life, especially if you are struggling with boundary issues. It's hard to maintain clarity when you are up against the place where a friendship could turn into a more intimate relationship. Tread carefully; an error in judgment can sour a sweet situation. Wait until your common sense returns to properly assess the situation. Once you cross a line, it's not easy going back.Gemini:Work can be very demanding with the Scorpio New Moon highlighting your 6th House of Employment today, but the rewards will follow if you maintain unwavering determination. The key is to continue showing up no matter what happens. But being overly insistent could cause your plans to backfire if your approach overwhelms others. Using gentle persistence is much more effective now than dramatically pushing with one big burst of energy.Cancer:Tonight's Scorpio New Moon activates your 5th House of Spontaneity, inspiring you to express your passion in a creative way. But this isn't about trying to squeeze one more day of productivity out of a boring job situation. It's about creating something special that truly matters. Give whatever you are doing your best shot because you can impact others now in a profound and lasting manner.Leo:Tonight's Scorpio New Moon can be challenging because it could put your heart and your head in direct conflict. No matter which side wins, something is lost in the process. Thankfully you can change the rules of the game; instead of choosing emotions or logic, seek a position that honors both realms, allowing you to maintain your connection with your feelings while still remaining rational in your approach.Virgo:The potent Scorpio New Moon falls in your 3rd House of Communication, heightening your interactions with others and focusing your intentions. Nevertheless, it may be nearly impossible to remember what someone said earlier as your key planet Mercury moves to square confusing Neptune, adding a surreal quality to your day. Ride the waves of intensity with a healthy sense of humor, for the uncomfortable energy won't last too long.Libra:You could feel less confident and more stressed about the money issues that you must handle, since tonight's Scorpio New Moon falls in your 2nd House of Personal Resources. Don't let your uncertainty raise your fears. It won't be too difficult if you simply take things one step at a time. Pushing through your resistance is not about denying real concerns; it's about facing them head-on. Thankfully, your natural grace and positive attitude make the process much easier to manage for everyone involved.Scorpio:You're empowered to believe that you can do whatever you want, with tonight's New Moon in your emotionally intense sign. However, this line of thinking could land you in big trouble if you lose touch with reality. There isn't anything wrong with being optimistic, but acknowledging your limits today can save you from disappointment tomorrow.Sagittarius:In your desire to demonstrate your competence to the world, you might miss an opportunity to make a meaningful connection with someone close to you. Tonight's Scorpio New Moon falling in your 12th House of Secrets encourages you to hide your insecurities, but this doesn't necessarily make them go away. Instead, gently push your feelings up to the surface where they become easier to share. You don't have to be a super-hero; you only have to be real.Capricorn:Your friends and associates have very specific ideas about what you should be doing now and they won't likely cut you any slack if you ramble on about unimportant trivia. But with the Scorpio New Moon occurring tonight in your 11th House of Hopes and Wishes your plans may be more fixed than others realize and you really don't want to change your mind or find a different approach. Nevertheless, you can still listen carefully to whatever advice is offered; then go ahead and do what makes the most sense to you.Aquarius:Conflict at work could become complicated today with tonight's Scorpio New Moon activating your 10th House of Career, but there is opportunity to be found in the current state of imbalance. Once hidden feelings are out in the open there will be enough room for something very special to happen, even if you don't expect positive results. Be as rational as you can; the honest interchange of emotions may be enough to break through the resistance and clear the road ahead.Pisces:You probably know exactly what you want with tonight's fixed Scorpio New Moon occurring in your 9th House of Journeys. Although you may have a tough time putting your vision into words, no one is going to talk you out of it. Don't lose hope; you'll reach your destination if you stay on track. Keep in mind that you might have more immediate tasks that could require your attention first. The sooner your work is done, the quicker you will be able to return to your important personal pursuits.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/06/2010....EnjoyAries:You might say that you want passion in your life now, but the idea of being overwhelmed by your feelings is safer than actually experiencing this kind of raw energy. Nevertheless, you have the ability to overcome your fear by facing it without unrealistic expectations. There's no need to perform for anyone else today. Don't hide your softer side; being vulnerable could be the key to a significant emotional breakthrough.Taurus:You may be very clear about what you want from a relationship now, but still could run into resistance on your way to satisfaction. Taking the tried and true path seems more reliable, but it won't produce the best results today. A calculated risk could reveal a surprising shortcut that really works.Gemini:Your key planet Mercury pulls you all over the place today, yet you may try to resist its clever calling. Nevertheless, you still could become very excited by the thought of doing something healthy for yourself. All forms of self-improvement, including meditation, diet, and exercise, seem to catch your attention now, but you must follow through and put your ideas into motion for them to have a positive impact.Cancer:You may be deep in contemplation today, yet you want to do something useful with the profound realizations that you are having. Fortunately, you realize that your happiness requires you to push past your sense of isolation and express your feelings. Don't worry about what others think now. Your fear of criticism need not stop you from sharing what's important to you.Leo:It's exciting when your feelings fall into place and lift your spirits. But it's even better when you can put your emotions into words and communicate them to someone close to you. However, you might be disappointed if you don't receive the support you are seeking. Don't expect too much from others now because it may take them a while to fully understand what you need.Virgo:You may be rather fixed about your schedule today and have little tolerance for what anyone else wants. However, you expect those around you to be able to accommodate your needs, even if you're asking for a lot. Don't be surprised if you push others past their limits now, prompting them to withdraw or to just simply say no. A little flexibility on your part might be enough to encourage your friends to bend a bit, too.Libra:You are able to take a new approach to your chores today, allowing you to feel better about your current circumstances. If you've been feeling bored, you might have a sudden breakthrough and realize that you don't need to change as much as you thought you did. Making small modifications to your routine could be more effective now than turning everything upside down just to add a little excitement back into your life.Scorpio:Your friends and family may be used to you endlessly asking questions that unwrap their emotions. You are able to reveal what is hidden in others like a chef that skillfully removes the outer layers of an onion. But instead of requiring a sharp knife, you'll need your total concentration and an open mind. Paying attention to what's most significant could add happiness to your life and increase your chances for success.Sagittarius:Someone may say something shocking to you today that catches you off guard. However, anything that gives you more freedom is a wonderful opportunity now, even if it doesn't feel good at first. Don't resist your newly found independence, for it's difficult to get back once you give it up. Instead, be upfront about your personal preferences, but then accept the inevitable and move on from there.Capricorn:You want to talk about the future in rather unrealistic terms today, but you could be so convincing that you don't really need to be any more specific. It appears that you are in a manifestation mode, so it's easier than usual to get what you want now. Nevertheless, if you hit a wall, don't waste your energy trying to break it down. Instead, retreat, regroup and try again when you're more ready.Aquarius:Communicator Mercury harmoniously trines progressive Uranus today, increasing the chances for you to do some long-term planning for your future. But, as much as you try to feel confident, your ideas might not carry much weight now. Instead of attempting to demonstrate your power by being authoritarian, pull back and give everyone enough elbow room to enable them to show what they can do.Pisces:You are sold on the idea of spreading your wings by traveling to an exotic destination or beginning a new course of study. And although you may feel quite free and unencumbered as you visualize your way into the next phase of your life, your current fantasies could also lead you astray if you don't distinguish between them and your real hopes. It's healthy to dream about your meditations and to meditate on your dreams.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/07/2010   Enjoy....Aries:You have passed through a doorway that has led to an unfamiliar realm where logic doesn't always give you the concrete answers you seek. However, now it's time to push forward with your agenda, even if you aren't clear about the deeper meaning of current events. Apply whatever lessons you learn by exploring your feelings to accomplish something real today. Don't worry if it takes time to integrate your emotions with your thoughts.Taurus:You may be required to work closely with your friends or family members today, even if you prefer to be on your own. You cannot simply withdraw because everyone wants you involved with what they are doing. Even if it's not easy, relationships have a lot to teach you. Commit to expressing your feelings and then stick with the process. If it becomes uncomfortable, rest assured that the situation is temporary and the energy will shift.Gemini:An optimistic person could bring good news today, yet you know that there's more to it than first meets the eye. The discussion can grow more complex if you have the courage to engage in a serious conversation. Avoiding the interaction may be tempting, but it's better to know what's happening beneath the surface before you become more involved. Narrowing your focus is a smart strategy and offers more benefits than just accepting whatever comes your way.Cancer:Memories wash over your mind and put you in touch with previously forgotten feelings that now can rush back into awareness. It may be challenging to concentrate on fulfilling your responsibilities, for old desires are reawakening and you are attracted to them. Don't worry if you let your chores slip today; take advantage of the potential opportunity for personal growth while the positive energy is present.Leo:You may be at the top of your game, eager to say yes to anything that sounds like fun. However, even if you think you're ready to jump in, you'll probably hesitate because you don't want to waste your energy on something that ultimately won't be significant. Don't hide behind your smile and charm today; express your concerns and don't worry if you are not acting as others might wish.Virgo:Spending time at home sounds like a good idea, but you may have too many things to do today that require you to head out into the world. Keep in mind that your words can make all the difference between success and failure, so don't complain about what you have to do. Instead, be as positive as you can when talking about your plans and then try to manifest what's most important to you.Libra:Grandiose ideas about your goals today can set you up for frustration when things don't turn out quite as good as you imagined. Nevertheless, you can still accomplish a lot and your current productivity helps to improve your self-esteem. Don't waste time comparing yourself to your ideal; rather than thinking about what you didn't do, focus on what you can make happen in the present moment.Scorpio:You may be overly optimistic about your financial situation now that the Moon is visiting your 2nd House of Money. Luckily, the Sun in your sign blesses you with vitality, enabling you to take on more projects than ever. But this high level of intensity can also bring anger to the surface, so find ways to burn off your unexpressed feelings or you might attract needless conflicts about things that ultimately don't matter.Sagittarius:Although you may feel quite energetic as the Moon joins feisty Mars in your sign, you might also sense an incoming wave of uncertainty as signals from your subconscious mind flow into awareness. You could try to ignore your current feelings, but they are too distracting. Even if you don't know where these currents are taking you, it's futile to fight against them. Save your energy for the specific issues that could arise instead of simply shadow boxing with your own fears.Capricorn:Negativity may leak to the surface today, yet you may not understand why until you realize that there are serious questions that still need answers. It's not that you are pessimistic, but you see problems that others easily overlook. Remember, you can be very successful, even if a few details are left hanging, so let go of your concerns and allow your confidence to build.Aquarius:You are quite likely to succeed now, in part because you won't take no for an answer. You are able to hold firm to your goal, no matter what kind of resistance you encounter. Others may be surprised by your tenacity these days, but don't let their reactions sway you from your objectives. Fix your attention on your destination and push steadily in that direction.Pisces:You have a wide-angle lens in your scope of understanding now that three planets are energizing your 9th House of Big Ideas. Because you are able to see farther into the distance, others will naturally come to you for advice. Be careful; there may be two possible paths and as soon as you favor one, you'll encounter resistance from those who are leaning the other way. Stay in the middle as long as you can and avoid making a choice until the last possible moment.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/08/2010   Enjoy.....Aries:Think it through before you say anything today, because chatty Mercury encourages you to share what's on your mind before you consider the consequences. It doesn't matter that your intentions are good; you still might hurt someone's feelings before you even realize what you said. Just because it's okay with you doesn't mean that others will feel that way, too.Taurus:You're likely to attract attention this weekend with the Moon visiting your 10th House of Public Responsibility and putting you in a position of authority. The only problem is that you might be so occupied with work that you won't have time for play. Still, showing that you're capable of taking care of business without taking yourself too seriously can be very attractive.Gemini:Others might see you as stubborn and even argumentative today, but you are just having a good time. You cannot help it if someone else is so sensitive that he or she takes offense with something you say in a casual manner. Your intent is to be clever and you won't think twice about crossing the line of good taste in order to get the laugh or make your point. Nevertheless, respecting everyone else's feelings is still a wise idea.Cancer:Your friends appear to be enjoying the events of the day, yet you seem to be challenged with a tricky dilemma. Your current situation probably has subtle complexities; while the signs are pointing toward a more progressive solution, it's hard for you to let go of the status quo. Keep in mind that you don't need to turn your life upside down today. You can move into the future with one small step after another.Leo:Your lack of moderation can create a problem today because you can't see the value of curtailing your fun. You know what makes you happy and so you may convince yourself that more is even better. The truth may be accessible now, but will only take you so far. Try to figure out where your sensible limit is before you go way beyond it.Virgo:Sharing your feelings may not be the most diplomatic thing to do now because your words might come across more combative than you intend. You could try greeting others with a smile on your face, yet the genuine warmth you feel still could be misinterpreted as an attack. Perhaps your no-nonsense manner makes others feel uncomfortable. Whatever the reason, it's helpful if you soften your voice and temper your approach.Libra:Your key planet Venus enters your friendly sign today, infusing the most unstable parts of your personal life with beautiful possibilities. Perhaps someone at work will tempt you with an unexpected offer. Saying yes may be the course of least resistance, but keep in mind that your actions could take you in a difficult direction. Give yourself permission to play, but don't ignore your common sense.Scorpio:You are not willing to take no for an answer today as smart Mercury enters uplifting Sagittarius, inspiring you to speak with the power of your convictions. Although you may be more persuasive than usual, your insightful awareness helps by reminding you when it's time to back off or be quiet. If you push too hard, you could ruin your connections faster than you can make them.Sagittarius:Today the needy Moon in your sign squares your key planet Jupiter, making it possible for you to exaggerate anything so much that you can no longer judge its relative importance. You may become so excited by new ideas that you lose your objectivity, along with your common sense. If something or someone looks exceptionally good today, wait until you see how you feel about it tomorrow before making any final decisions.Capricorn:Try to keep your imagination in perspective now because you know how serious life will get in the weeks ahead. It's challenging to give up control when you know there must be something you could be doing that will improve the situation. Still, it's an excellent idea to enjoy yourself and take advantage of the opportunity to play. No doubt, it will be easier to return to work if you give yourself time to relax.Aquarius:An unexpected event could spark your day and send you off on a different direction than you planned. How you react to what happens, however, is your choice and will set some actions into motion. You may have trouble finding balance now, even though a bit of moderation can prevent your house of cards from tumbling down.Pisces:Your traditional planetary ruler is jovial Jupiter and today he can convince you to speed right past the stop signs without even slowing down. Things are looking good, but keep in mind that everything could change in the blink of an eye if you aren't aware of your current circumstances. You can avoid accidents and unpleasant surprises by concentrating fully on what you are doing throughout the entire day.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/09/2010....Enjoy  Aries:You feel like working harder now because you think that your ambitions have a better chance of being realized. But it's not just because you are willing to put in the extra effort to get what you want. It's as if you are tapping into something mysterious that adds power to whatever you do. Keep in mind that fulfillment of your dreams may take longer than you wish, but believing in yourself is the first step to success.Taurus:You have extra patience, but it's not because you are so saintly today. Rather, you know what you want and will do whatever you must to reach your goals. If it's advantageous for you to push extra hard, you will. But if playing the waiting game will bring satisfaction in the long run, then that's exactly what you'll do. Just be certain that your dreams are worth the wait.Gemini:You will take your own plans quite seriously today and expect everyone else to do the same. But you may not be so quick with your snappy comebacks now because you realize that you have a chance to experience something you might normally miss. Instead of throwing out a clever line, sink into a meaningful emotional dialogue as you would a luxurious fantasy. But remember, this one is real.Cancer:Although you might not be feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders today, someone else may successfully push you in that direction. Self-examination is usually a good idea, but don't get sucked into doubt that's not yours if a close friend lays a guilt trip on you. Remember, no one has the right to take your current state of self-acceptance away from you. Listening to your instincts now is smarter than relying on others for guidance.Leo:You may feel awkward as the party spirit begins to wane. You weren't looking for additional responsibilities and it could seem like too much, too soon. But don't waste energy worrying because you have some extra pleasant times ahead, even if you have to tackle some less enjoyable tasks first. Take your mind off your current situation by concentrating on reaping the rewards later on.Virgo:If you've been overly anxious because something seems out of whack recently, rest assured that a shift toward stability is now in the works. But your newly found center of gravity is not without its own intensity, so don't expect all your problems to just disappear. However, you should be able to enjoy yourself today, no matter what stress you face. There is a peaceful place within that can change your attitude for the better.Libra:Your key planet Venus has retrograded back into your sign, requiring you to express your desires in a low-key manner. It's going to take a while for you to get what you want, so don't be overly demanding now. Nevertheless, others will know in no uncertain terms exactly what you want. Keep in mind that true satisfaction is worth the wait.Scorpio:You are in a healthier place now with respect to harvesting the fruits of your labors. But this isn't just about your career; it has more to do with the overall satisfaction you feel about your current life, even if it is still far from your idea of perfection. Don't focus on what you don't have; instead, express your gratitude for everything that makes you happy in the present moment.Sagittarius:You might want the fun times to last forever, but of course they cannot. However, this doesn't mean that you are headed for troubled waters; it's just that your exuberant energy needs to mellow out. If you consider what you have, though, you'll realize that there are many good things in your life, even if fireworks aren't lighting up the sky. There's no need to wait for something better to happen; share your love with those in your life who deserve it right now.Capricorn:An intense emotional interaction can wake you up today and remind you of something that you have been trying to avoid. But there isn't any need to fix everything all at once. Simply being aware is a sufficient start. Let your feelings play through as naturally as possible, without trying to push your agenda on others. It's better to be an observer now than to force an issue in a way that won't bring you any closer to happiness.Aquarius:You might want to go into hiding today as the Moon visits your reclusive 12th House, but your need for seclusion won't likely last long. Treat this urge with respect, especially if you have been socially active recently. But don't confuse your current desire for contemplation with moodiness. Creating healthy boundaries is a great way to replenish your spirit.Pisces:You may not be very concerned with what you're supposed to do in the real world today because your dreams are too special to push away. It's important to realize that your happiness isn't dependent upon acquiring more material wealth. Instead of focusing on your professional ambitions now, surround yourself with friends who encourage your spiritual growth.mydailyhoroscopes.com
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11/10/2010   Enjoy....Aries:You could get yourself into trouble today if you think that you deserve power without necessarily earning it. It's not that you are consciously trying to pull a fast one; it's just that you often don't take enough time to consider what you are doing before you set the wheels in motion on an idea that's built on passion rather than logic. Making an important decision now will turn out better if you back it up with facts and not your feelings.Taurus:It's easier for you now to see the consequences of the choices you make because you aren't encumbered by other people's expectations. Your friends and workmates may have their own agendas, but their unspoken needs are invisible to you today unless they specifically ask you to do something. Nevertheless, taking the time to check out your plan with someone you trust before putting it into action still could be a wise move.Gemini:You may not have the patience to stick with a conversation once your mind starts to wander. Luckily, today you have the ability to override your tendency to become bored when the topic isn't interesting to you. Keep in mind that you cannot always have the lighthearted version; sometimes you have to sink beneath the surface to get to what's truly important.Cancer:It's not easy for you when someone you really like won't even take the time to listen to what you have to say today. You don't want to be cut off while you're expressing your feelings and you don't want anyone to fix anything. All you need is to be fully acknowledged so you can rest assured that you have been understood. Don't take a rejection too personally now. Wait until others are more receptive before sharing what's on your mind.Leo:You have a set list of tasks to accomplish today and you're not interested in having anyone talk you out of your current agenda. You're not likely to change your mind just because someone else thinks that you're trying to do too much or wants you to do something else. However, make sure that you're not being so stubborn that you miss an exciting opportunity. It doesn't hurt to keep an open mind and a more flexible attitude.Virgo:You know what you want today and may try to get others involved in ways that will be beneficial to you. There's nothing wrong with this tactic as long as you don't purposefully mislead anyone because of selfish motives. Keep in mind that you will be more likely to receive the support that you seek if your goals benefit more people than just you.Libra:You're rather serious about your feelings today, possibly making others withdraw because they don't want to be around your uncharacteristic intensity now. But there's no need to arbitrarily alter your path just to get someone to like you. It's sufficient to stay true to your values. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to be kind.Scorpio:Your motives may not be clear to others today, but this could actually work in your favor. It's not that you are unable to explain why you are doing something; it's just that any discussion of your ideas now is only a distraction. Additionally, you can even gain energy when you know that no one else is in on your secret plan. Don't succumb to anyone's pressure to talk about your strategy. You'll know when the time is right.Sagittarius:You may have some money issues to handle today, but you might not want others to know what's going on. Although it's nothing to be ashamed about, you want to keep this to yourself because you believe that everyone will offer different advice and you prefer to manage your affairs on your own now. However, confiding in the right person could be helpful because you could learn something that will be very useful at this time.Capricorn:You may seem moodier than you actually feel now that the Moon is in your 1st House of Personality. But this could become a problem today if you insist on setting your friends right. Paradoxically, protesting your heightened emotional intensity turns you into exactly what you're denying. Let others think what they will; their opinions don't have to impact you in a negative manner.Aquarius:You are a walking contradiction because you want to keep your feelings to yourself but flying beneath the radar isn't possible now. The problem is that you have an important role to play today and your actions are quite visible. Keep in mind that you don't have to reveal your private emotions just because you are in a public position at this time. A mysterious smile will be enough to keep everyone guessing.Pisces:If you are involved as part of a team on a project now, you should be careful about going against the grain of the group. Naturally, you would be selling yourself short if you didn't stand up for your beliefs. However, there's no need to take things to an extreme measure. Once you make your position known, be willing to let go of it for the common good.mydailyhoroscope.com-- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 10th of November 2010 09:38:58 AM
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11/11/10   Enjoy.....Aries:You are ready to catch the wind to points unknown today, but at least you have an idea of which way the breezes are blowing. Unfortunately, once you're soaring, you realize that the currents aren't as stable as you first thought. But getting down isn't as easy as getting airborne. Relax and enjoy the ride, even if you no longer know where you are going.Taurus:You have high hopes for reaching your goals today, but the determination for which you are famous may not be enough to guarantee your success. Instead of relentlessly driving toward your singular destination, remain open to what's being revealed by the changing circumstances. It's more important to be light on your feet and willing to switch direction than it is to doggedly push toward an objective that no longer makes sense.Gemini:Someone's high ideals can open your mind today to a whole new way of looking at things. Thankfully, you're attentive to what's being said and what you learn now can have a lasting impact on your life. It's as if you have been supplied with a missing piece of information that helps everything fit into place. Although you are learning about the truth, keep in mind that a few days of gaining perspective will prevent you from jumping into something that you don't yet fully understand.Cancer:The day begins with the authoritative Capricorn Moon in your 7th House of Partners, reinforcing the hold that someone has over you. But events can take some interesting twists and turns today, shifting the center of power from others to you. Be careful, for being in control isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's a smart strategy to find a supportive copilot so you don't have to do all the work.Leo:You are full of good ideas today, but they may not be very practical. Your high ideals are the driving force behind your current creativity now, but they could also lead you astray if you let them. Nevertheless, this is not the time for idle dreaming. You must take direct action, even if you're not yet sure of your goals. They will grow clearer in time.Virgo:Setting goals in your personal life now is just as important as establishing them within your career. If you don't have any specific objectives, you'll just flounder around aimlessly. Don't become a casualty of your potential professional success; your life will be more meaningful if you can find a healthy balance between your job and your family.Libra:The Moon's late afternoon entry into conceptual Aquarius seems like a breath of fresh air, but you cannot help but feel that something strange is going on. The overall buzz is kind of cool, but it can be tiring to keep your mind on the more ethereal side of life. Don't succumb to self-doubt when wondering if your perceptions of the dream world are actually valid. Just live your life knowing that they are as real as you allow them to be.Scorpio:You have big plans involving your finances today. Maybe you are deciding how to spend a portion of your savings for the acquisition of something that can make your life easier. But there are subtle influences now that can make your choice more complicated, especially if you don't fully understand how all the pieces fit together. Take your time; the need to hurry is more arbitrary than you realize.Sagittarius:You appear to be straightforward in your actions and your words today, yet there is more going on than what is happening on the surface. Your friends can jump to incorrect conclusions, but their false assumptions are easy to correct once they make them known. However, problems can arise if something is left unsaid. A bit of investigation on your part can ferret out where their logic has gone wrong.Capricorn:If you have a big secret now you might make a whole lot of fuss about something unimportant just to distract everyone's attention from lingering on the real deal. But you can keep up the shell game for only so long, because it drains too much of your psychic energy. Consider what emotions -- yours or someone else's -- might be stirred by sharing your vulnerability. Don't just blurt out your truth without having a sensible strategy that leads to a healthy closure.Aquarius:You are feeling quite social now, yet your interactions with friends and workmates could take you in a totally unexpected direction. Ironically, the more it appears that you are in control, the greater the gap between your expectations and reality. Trusting in the process is a smart idea, but it will require focus and follow-through to make your dreams come true.Aries:Your actions at work have been pretty transparent recently because your objections are clear and you're determined to get what you want. But the Moon's entry into your 12th House of Secrets today increases the level of complexity to what you're doing. Be careful; sending mixed signals can become a hazard if there's something that you're trying to hide.mydailyhoroscope.com
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11/12/2010Aries:You are ready to accept your responsibilities today, even if you would rather be doing something else. Fortunately, you can handle a few days of hard work by tenaciously holding onto a memory of a recent experience that made you feel good. Although you aren't likely to live in the past, replaying recollections of your past pleasures can ease your current frustrations.Taurus:It's one thing to raise issues from the past when they are germane to a current situation, but it's quite different to obsess about something that just doesn't resonate in the present moment. If you can't get a painful memory out of your head, avoidance and suppression will only strengthen it. However, it's not wise to arbitrarily share your story with just anyone; choose someone you trust before you open up.Gemini:You may feel as if someone is trying to sell you a piece of imaginary blue sky today as he or she puts an optimistic spin on a difficult situation. You can accept what you are told at face value without necessarily committing to further involvement on your part. Recognizing your limitations is crucial, but acting on what you feel is even more important.Cancer:You may have a big idea about a project at work now, but self-doubt prevents you from telling anyone what you are thinking. Perhaps you recall another time when you took on more than you could handle. Nevertheless, your current anxiety might be unfounded. Sharing your thoughts will be easier if you are honest about your strengths and limitations. Ask for help up front instead of promising more than you can possibly deliver.Leo:Someone you trust may inadvertently hurt your feelings today by bringing up an issue that you thought was history. Don't take it personally even if it involves you, because this is probably more about the other person's residual feelings than your reaction. Taking the emotional high road is crucial or you could become mired in the past instead of happily moving into the future.Virgo:Since you are usually conscientious with your commitments, it may surprise others today if you agree to something and then turn around and rescind your promise. Your agreement initially stems from your eagerness to please those you like. But once you think about it, you'll want to repair your error in judgment. Remember, we all make mistakes; the quicker you can set it right, the better it will be for all involved.Libra:You are usually the one who graciously hides your feelings to make everyone else feel good about what's happening. Now, however, your patience may run thin as you react impulsively, without giving yourself enough time to monitor the impact of your behavior. Don't be hard on yourself if you upset someone. Taking care of your own needs is more important today than keeping the peace.Scorpio:You are tempted to avoid handling a financial issue today, but it's wiser to deal with the situation before it gets worse. It may be as simple as paying a bill that is overdue or untangling an accounting problem. Whatever it is, don't allow your resistance to unpleasant money matters stand in the way of taking care of business while it's still easily manageable.Sagittarius:Your perceptions are quite accurate today and your vision is strong enough for you to believe that what you see is the truth. You can feel the emotions of others, and this heightened empathy encourages you to share your revelations with them. This can be quite helpful, but don't assume that you know what is best. Your way of handling adversity may work well for you, but it's not necessarily the path to happiness for anyone else.Capricorn:Your imagination can take over today by showing you multiple solutions to a current problem. Unfortunately, you might not be able to discern which one is the best course of action. Although you may want to go with the very first idea that comes to mind, this isn't your smartest move. Take your time and methodically follow each option through to its logical conclusion before making your final decision.Aquarius:Your chances for success increase today as the smart Aquarius Moon harmonizes with action-oriented Mars and proficient Saturn. But even if you know how to handle a difficult situation now, moving slowly will still be advantageous. A hurried plan reveals your weaknesses while a cool and calm approach will demonstrate your maturity and help you gain the authority you need to make it all happen. Additionally, this strategy allows others to connect with you in deeper and more meaningful ways.Pisces:It's easy for you to show others how self-assured you are today, even if you actually feel insecure. But your veneer of confidence could get in the way, because expressing your self-doubt now shows more strength of character than hiding it. Don't shy away from speaking the truth. Ultimately, your position will be stronger if you are completely honest about your feelings.mydailyhoroscopes.com

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