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Daily Horoscopes....


(Thursday 2nd) December Daily Horoscopes (Thursday 2nd)</h2> Claire's daily horoscopes for Thursday 2nd December  ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)Your ruling planet Mars fills you with the energy you require to make this week a good one. It is however up to you to decide where you are going to focus this energy. So focus. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)You are likely to still be thinking about all that occurred recently and it may take you a while longer than usual to get into working mode today. Working as a team can solve this problem. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)You're playing with someone's emotions and you don't seem to mind how far you take this game. Be prepared, your reputation is on the line and you may ruin your chances if you don't play seriously. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Don't feel disheartened if work doesn't go as fluidly as you would like. You still have a lot of groundwork you must do before you can ever see the kind of progress that you dream of. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)You need to see that someone sees you changing important arrangements at the last minute. You're going to have to be prepared that others may not be as accommodating. Be flexible! Phone now to hear why you should agree to overtime. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Aries holds the key to many areas of your life that are a little confusing. Stick with this fire sign if you want to learn more about important matters. Don't be frightened of getting yourself involved. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)If you continue to ask others what you should do then you're not going to find a solution that suits you. You're the one who must live with the decisions you make in life, you decide. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)You're going to be at the top of everyone's party lis, and you may find it hard to do all you would like to. However someone definitely seems to have cast a spell over your heart. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)You're finding it hard to trust a friend after they let you down yet again in some sort of a promise. Don't shut them out completely though Sagittarius they only have your interests at heart. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Your working conditions are not what they should be and you don't seem to be able to do your job, as you would wish. Don't just shout out your complaints but communicate amiably for success. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)You have a lot of work to get through as you seem to have promised many people things will be completed before this week's over. Travel you make on this day can speed these things up. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)The sun casts a happy glow to your day. This ensures you get the help and support from close ones you may be seeking. Use these helpful aspects to make that' apology please Pisces. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 2nd of December 2010 09:37:47 AM
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Horoscopes brought to you today by the Chicago Tribune......Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Creative ideas abound today. You get new concepts from everyone you meet. Challenge yourself to move some of these ideas into action now.Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 9 -- Stick to your schedule today. Draw the threads together and approach completion on a project. Wrap this one up, and save creative ideas for later.Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is a 6 -- New possibilities for creative thoughts and action abound. Luck is with you as you make decisions, even though you can't explain how you did it.Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- You attract change like a magnet. To handle the ramifications, keep an open, creative mind, and allow others to control their own destiny.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 6 -- Your talents suggest different ways to solve problems. Think it through logically, and develop options before you begin. Then share the plan with the team.Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- Think up fun ways to grow relationships. A few chores may sneak onto the list, but not too many. Devote time to simply enjoy time together.Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is an 8 -- You're learning with great enthusiasm. Intelligent activity revolves around your ability to recreate what you've learned in words others can use.Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Someone in the house could use some tender loving care. As you provide it, create optimism and pass out single-player games. Time for rest is essential.Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Today is a 9 -- Someone outside the family arrives on the doorstep, needing assistance. Although unexpected, you can dance with the circumstance. Give them what they need.Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Pay extra attention to physical activities today. To avoid injury, pay attention to the terrain. That said, today can be wildly fun and even creative.Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Today is a 6 -- Your mind goes in several directions to implement fanciful ideas for group activities. Enthusiasm draws everyone into the design process. Have fun with it!Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Mary Poppins said, a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. You see her wisdom, as you try to handle difficult news. Express compassion in private.
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DEC 4th, 2010   Enjoy.......................... Today's Aries Horoscope March 21 - April 19 Hold the phone -- there are some assumptions you're making that could be leading down a very problematic path. Do not take anyone else's word for things today -- you can't draw conclusions based on what other people say. Their filter is going to color everything, and they have some preconceived notions. Staying objective (and keeping your perspective) is essential. Otherwise, you could end up missing out on some amazing people and life-changing experiences. Romance Sometimes the best (and most loving) thing you can do is treat your loved one with the same courtesy you would use with a perfect stranger. Minding your manners can help you two reconnect on a romantic level. Technical You can't rely on it every day, but now and then you get hit by a stroke of luck that puts you on top. Expect one in the near future -- you should be ready to act as soon as it hits. Nobody will know what happened, except of course, you. - By Astrology.com Today's Taurus Horoscope April 20 - May 20 Making everyone happy is too much of a responsibility for anyone, so don't expect so much from yourself. Each individual is responsible for his or her own happiness, and you can't take on that task -- especially today. You've been good at doing what you are told and following instructions, but right now you need to make up a few rules of your own. You know better than anyone else what needs to be done. Despite the conflicts, this will be a very relaxed day -- your vision is cool and clear. Romance Can't you and your sweetpea agree to disagree? It might be more productive (and peaceful) than going around and around the same argument for hours or even days. Take a time-out separately and see if that helps. Technical Everyone should be on the same page today, so if you have any plans, big or small, expect everything to fall into place without much fanfare. Just be prepared to take the lead -- folks rely on your decision-making prowess. Today's Gemini Horoscope May 21 - June 21 If you keep an open mind and heart, then today will present you with quite a few firsts, and you can finally try something you've wanted to try for a long time. You'll find you have a knack for it as well. A new world is opening up to you, and it's energizing you with a strong feeling that anything is possible -- and it is! This feeling of possibility will also make a lot more people realize how attractive you really are -- you'll get an especially strong reaction from a special someone. Romance Let the sun shine on this relationship. The two of you need to settle an issue around partnership once and for all. Give a little and you'll get just that: A little. If you learn to give a lot, that's what you'll get. Technical You're feeling great about your current position, even if it takes a little square-pegging to get there. Your optimism will help make the next phase go as smoothly as possible. This is the kind of positive thinking other people feed on. Today's Cancer Horoscope June 22 - July 22 If you've been feeling strong anticipation, but haven't been able to figure out why, the answer may pop up today. There are things developing outside of your frame of reality -- and you're about to get invited in. Surprise parties, blind dates or other social events are likely candidates, so if you know of people who might be behind such antics, connect with them today and start drilling them for clues. Get involved in this -- it's going to be an impressive occasion. Romance You're so good at helping other people -- cleaning after your darling, tutoring your niece through algebra, getting the neighbor's dry cleaning. But what about your needs? Take a little time for you, too. Technical Don't worry so much about getting much done today. It's been a rough week, and you need a chance to relax and decompress. In the same breath, don't let anyone push you into detail-heavy plans -- you have every right to say no and take a rain check. Today's Leo Horoscope July 23 - August 22 Today your slightest action will send ripples throughout the universe (although you really won't notice it); but the point is that you have more power than you realize. It's mostly due to your ability to be empathetic, so hold on to your respect for other people. You have a gift for motivating people to be their best, so don't shy away from a leadership position -- if given the chance today, you should grab the spotlight and speak your mind. Great things will come from you. Romance Wow -- doesn't a house exchange program with someone from Paris sound fantastic? If the two of you have that or a similar long-term goal in mind, start looking at ways to make it happen. Planning ahead helps! Technical Whether you're at the office or at home, your life is filled to the brim. With that said, don't attempt to take on any more projects right now, no matter how appealing they may sound. You can get to all that home improvement stuff after the holidays. Today's Virgo Horoscope August 23 - September 22 A huge wave of activity will rush in and sweep you up in its wonderful, exciting energy -- hang on to your hat, because this day will fly by. You'll stay in the center of the action most of the time -- ensure success with clear communication and don't take things too seriously. It's all about riding this buzz and having fun doing it. If something doesn't work out or someone begs off, no sweat! You have plenty of other things that will keep you busy (and happy)! Romance When you're good, you're very good, but when you're not, your sweetheart knows to duck and cover! Fortunately, this is one of your good days. Make hay while the sun shines and you can cut yourself a little slack later. Technical You are feeling more in touch with the big picture and are better able to think in broad strokes. Getting mired in the details will only bog down your progress. If you start to get tangled in the minutiae, take a step back and regroup. Today's Libra Horoscope September 23 - October 22 One of the many things you've got going for you is your ability to know when you're being sold a story. You have a great malarkey detector -- and you will have lots of fun using it today! There's no need to embarrass the poor folks who are trying to put one over on you (unless you really want to), so steer clear of anything that seems too good to be true. The bottom line is that nothing -- and no one -- is perfect. Enjoy the fact that you know whom to trust. Romance You and your partner have been dancing around each other regarding a certain hot topic for some time now. Why not up the ante just a bit? Like, oh, say, talking to each other? You might like what develops. Technical Plan on having way too much fun today -- and don't feel guilty for one second. You deserve to blow off some steam once in a while, considering how hard you work during the week. Just don't overdo it; you should take time to come up for air. Today's Scorpio Horoscope October 23 - November 21 You may have thought that hitting the books and doing homework was behind you, but educating yourself should always be a part of your life journey. Open your mind, accept that you don't know it all, and learn something new today. Arming yourself with facts is the best way to state your case and back up your argument. Things will go much more smoothly if you have logic and information on your side -- personal connections can only take you so far. It's not who you know, it's what you know. Romance Is all the mystery really necessary? Not at all -- you just know how to make an entrance. If your sweetheart is getting impatient for the big reveal, reassure them that the wait will be well worth it. Technical Don't raise any objections unless it's a life or death situation. It's best to go along with the consensus for now, even if it strikes you as absolutely asinine. Time will show that you were right, but everyone will have to reach that conclusion on their own. Today's Sagittarius Horoscope November 22 - December 21 All is forgiven today when you suddenly feel an overwhelming affection for even your grouchiest of foes -- something in the universe is showing you that conflict can be a choice -- and it's one choice you don't want to make today. Good for you! This fresh perspective is going to open you up and let you find some inspiration in the actions of a loved one. Stay close to your family or love partner and block out the rest of the world. Celebrate your happiness with those who helped you attain it! Romance The first step is always the scariest, but after that, the path unveils itself to the both of you. Now, you may not know the final destination, but you can see far enough to know that the road is clear ahead. Technical When it comes to your personal life, invest some energy in strengthening your relationships. You have a way about you that people can't resist. Start by working your magic on the folks closest to you. Today's Capricorn Horoscope December 22 - January 19 Instead of following your usual routine today, why not mix it up? Make new choices in your everyday decisions and you will be amazed at the things that can start happening. Take your coffee a new way, try a vegan lunch, travel a new route home -- this new way of doing will create a new way of thinking, and possibly even a new way of being. It sounds nutty, but it is true. Your biggest transformation could start with a left turn instead of a right one. Romance Were you unconsciously hoping that thisrelationship would transform you? Well, it can -- but the work still has to come from you. If a big change still hasn't happened, it's up to you to make it appear. Technical Two or more equally appealing options are on the table, and you're not sure how to proceed. It might come down to a coin toss -- unless some last-minute information sways the call. If that ends up happening, definitely go with your gut. Today's Aquarius Horoscope January 20 - February 18 You're not starting to doubt your instincts, are you? Sure, you may have been wrong about a certain person's true intentions, but you're not a mind reader! Get off the pity wagon and remember that your gut is the best around. Trust yourself! Today may feature one or two tiny little bumps on the road -- which is a bit of a bummer, but also a great opportunity to try out your new optimistic self-assurance! Try it, you'll like it -- and it will definitely start a long trend. Romance It's a crucial point in your twosome, but you both have the elements you need to get past this turning point successfully. Demonstrate understanding, but keep in mind that your needs have to be satisfied, too. Technical If you find yourself dying to speak up at some point today -- especially if you're sure you're right -- try to keep it to yourself. You run the risk of sounding more pompous than righteous, and people resent the fact that you're always the first one to sound off. Today's Pisces Horoscope February 19 - March 20 Your reputation is strong and getting stronger -- although there's really no way to understand exactly what people think of you today. The good news is that doesn't matter! Hold on to your sense of individuality and leave the bandwagon mentality to people who can't find their own personality. Being liked is nice, and sometimes it's even helpful. But being true to yourself is more important than anything -- it will help you be happier, and help you find a powerful true love. Romance Sometimes your two hearts beat as one. At other times, it feels distinctly more, er, arrhythmic. Hey, who cares? A little syncopation just adds more richness to this melody of love you two have going on. Technical You may find yourself being a little bit too rigid today -- you're having a hard time letting go of the workweek frenzy. Your friends and family love you and will quickly get over it, so don't dwell. Once the tension passes, move on to the fun stuff. horoscopes/excite.com-- Edited by Mben on Sunday 5th of December 2010 04:14:12 PM
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Dec 5th...2010 <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) You will lurk, today. There's nothing that wrong with lurking, after all, and it's occasionally somewhat refreshing. In fact, you'll soon begin work on How To Lurk, a best-selling self-help book on the topic. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) Today you will discover that you can amuse your friends by pretending that your hand is a tsetse fly, and walking it along the table. Your friends are easily amused, as it turns out. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Today you will watch something like a hawk. Basically, you do that by having unblinking beady little eyes, and a brain the size of a peanut. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Do not leave home without a ball of twine, today. You won't actually need it, but it'll make you feel better to be prepared. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) While attending a séance just for fun , you will be possessed by the spirit of Rasputin. Surprisingly, it will be a good career move. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) It will turn out that all of your life up until now was just a peculiar dream, and that you are actually still only 2 years old. You will find this vaguely irritating. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) This week you will angrily tell someone that you are more than just a name and a number! You are also punctuation! <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Excellent day for light conversation. Good starting points might be Have you ever thought much about death? or Where's the strangest place you ever had sex?. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Leek soup day, today. Despite your recent tendency towards shoplifting vegetables, I highly recommend you buy a leek, not take one. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) You will dream about arrows without points, tonight, and it will have a deeply spiritual significance for you. You won't know what to make of the episode with the lime Jell-O, though. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) You will see an ancient symbol appearing in the whorls of your fingerprints. That, combined with the dreams of apocalypse may make you worry. I wouldn't though -- it's just a vitamin B12 deficiency. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) Time to develop new friendships, and possibly to get a new hair style. Personally, I'm working on the wacky inventor hair style, in which I wash my hair at night and go to bed with it still damp. It's not a look for everyone, however. dailyhumorscopes.com -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 5th of December 2010 04:09:13 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
These were some funny ones today, Pam! Thanks! I am such a planner so this was no surprise to me .................. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Do not leave home without a ball of twine, today. You won't actually need it, but it'll make you feel better to be prepared. -- Edited by Mben on Sunday 5th of December 2010 04:18:20 PM
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December 6th, 2010 <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Today you will wake up with a nasty crick in your neck, combined with a periodic twinge in your back. Everyone who sees you will be left with the impression that you are being either aloof or spastic (or both). Also, you will spill soup on your best shirt. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) People around you are starting to look a bit complacent. Good day to adopt a haunted expression and carry a large ball of aluminum foil. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) You will discover you have a certain flair for copywriting, and will pick up a little extra spending money by doing window signs for stores, such as Going Out Of Business. Waaaah! <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Good day to wear tropical fruit on your head. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) A martian creature named Yg, who is more than ten thousand years old yet has the disposition of a cranky two-year old child, is hiding under your house. That's where the raisin-cookies have been going. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) You're in luck! What you thought was existential nausea is really only a mild case of salmonella poisoning. So you can sell back that Complete Works of Jean-Paul Sartre. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) It will occur to you that there may be something behind the heroic and daring exploits of people in commercials for snack foods. You are absolutely right - in fact, snack foods can be dangerous if over-indulged in. I once wrestled a giant anaconda after downing a bag of Ranch flavored potato chips and a Hostess HoHo. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) You will have a visit from The Scourge of Valderia. He's thin, small, balding, wears little round glasses, and dresses in a rumpled blue suit. Still you don't want to cross him. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Unaccountably, everything you eat will remind you of wild hickory nuts. This is the first sign of Gibbon's Syndrome, and you should seek immediate medical attention. You don't want to end up getting arrested for eating your neighbour's shrubbery... <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) You're about to spend a considerable amount of time with someone who personifies dour . The kind of person who never once clapped for Tinkerbell, even as a child. Just ignore them, if you can. If you can't ignore them, pretend they are a duck. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) Soon you will gain experience with the miracle of birth. It will be somehow associated with the miracle of elevators, and probably also to the miracle of screaming. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) Ian McHarg once said, Man is a blind, witless, anthropocentric clod who inflicts lesions upon the earth. You will come up with a brilliant rebuttal to this, soon. You will say: So? humorscopes.com
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 <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Good day to defy convention. Be yourself. Buy a fedora, for example, and wear it indoors. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) You will make several somewhat inadviseable impulse purchases today. Fortunately, you will be able to return all of them, except for the Hormel 100 Years Of SPAM! decorative wallclock. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Good day to hold hands. If you don't currently have a spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend, you can probably find a fake severed hand at a magic supplies store. That might be a good thing to pick up in any case? You never know when it might come in handy. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) You will have more psychotronic energy today than usual. I recommend that you direct it towards the fridge. There's something alive in there. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) You are having a serious problem. Your only hope at this point is to consult a reputable florist. You will find them in the Yellow Pages, under Florists, Reputable. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) You will be afire with enthusiasm today! Unfortunately, someone will put you out. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) Excellent day to fritter things away. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Today you will meet Klive Dinky, the proprietor of Klive Dinky's Tropical Dream Vacation, and Spa Salon. He will turn out to be much shorter than you ever imagined. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Good day to get lots of water in plastic bottles, and shore up your other earthquake preparations. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure. Well, actually, maybe just a little to worry about. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) A tomato features in today's cuisine. Sadly, that's going to be your pinnacle of excitement for today. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) What are you looking here, for? You should be on a spaceship, sticking a fish in your ear. It's not like you didn't get enough hints. If you are vaporized, it's your own darned fault, I'd say. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) It's a good idea to take up a new hobby, if you want to make yourself a more interesting person at parties. In your case, I recommend welding.
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December 8th 2010.....Enjoy...... Aries - This week it is important that you are very careful with your gambling choices. You will be tempted to make choices that are less than your usual quality, so it is imperative that you keep your high-risk options under control. Even though you may not feel too proud about certain things that have happened, you will be pleased to find that there are a number of things you have also done right. The trick to getting past your regrets is to clear your mind, relax and let things return to focus in good time. Friday and Monday will be particularly important for you. Taurus - There is something that you know you should have completed days ago, and up until this point you have been able to justify putting off this task. However, you've run out of excuses and you need to face the fact that it's time to complete your goal. Don't think about how much you don't want to do it, just get it done. What you'll find is that once it is out of the way, you will experience a solid three consecutive days of incredible fortune and by the end of the week you will have an extremely positive outlook. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean you will score a big win. What you will enjoy instead are many small wins that will add up to a tidy sum you can feel good about. Gemini - Early in the week you will experience an outstanding idea that will result in a comfortable win. It will occur to you completely out of the blue, and will take you by surprise. It is important that you hold on to this idea and use it at the earliest possible opportunity so you can use it to its full potential. Your luckiest days will be between Saturday and Tuesday, and playing during this time will further increase your rewards of acting on your idea. Cancer - Although you are not typically a person who hides from the chance of being celebrated for your achievements, you may find that it is in your best interest this week to take a step away from the spotlight and keep your opinions to yourself. In fact, if you feel the need to advise anyone this week, it should be yourself. Don't spend your time concerning yourself with the affairs of others, concentrate on you and rejoicing in your own quiet time. On Sunday and Wednesday, you will discover an opportunity at the casino that will bring you personal and independent satisfaction. Leo - You have been in idle mode for a long time, and now is the time to snap out of your inactivity. You need to be up and moving again by Friday because during the three days that follow you will find yourself winning more than you typically do; especially when playing the online games you enjoy most often. Don't let this golden opportunity pass you by. Your life is waiting for you but it is up to you to live it and take chances. Virgo - You have had a number of different gambling ideas spinning around in your head like a twister, but you have yet to make anything of them. You are completely aware of the fact that you cannot perform at your optimum level until you have allowed yourself the chance to calm down, so it's time to breathe and take control. Instead of trying to grab on to every great idea you have, stick to the ones that show the most promise and use them between Thursday and Monday. Employ your logic and reasoning skills when you play and you won't lose. Libra - You will not be ale to rely on your usual coffee, tea or other stimulants to provide you with the energy you need this week. This will be especially true for Monday. You will require something altogether different as your pick me up . The stimulation you require will be found in something that brings you the amusement you have been craving. Though only you can know what this is, when you play at the casino this week, don't stick to your usual games. Discover the other games that are available and play the one that first grabs your interest - it will lead you to your next great gambling win. Your luckiest days lie between Tuesday and Thursday. Scorpio - Last week you spent a lot of time with people who think very differently from you, and this has left you feeling disappointed in your progress in both your life and your gambling strategies. However, don't let this feeling of disappointment define you because between Friday and Wednesday, you will come across an idea that will put you on the right track you've been waiting for. Just ensure that you remain focused on your goal once you have found it. If you let yourself become distracted you will make choices that you won't be proud of. Sagittarius - Keep up your positive thinking that you have been building up over the past little while. This will help you maintain steady wins this week at the casino, especially between Monday and Thursday. This is the time when you will likely come across an idea that will allow your strategy to pay off more than it usually would. Keep your focus when you play and prepare yourself to take some reasonable risks that take you slightly out of your comfort zone. Capricorn - If you haven't already done so, it's time for you to start relaxing. You need to unwind and regain your focus before you become a ticking stress bomb. You will find that between Friday and Tuesday, you will be in your best gambling mindset. The positivity you will feel during this time will play in your favor, as well as in the favor of others without taking anything away from you. Sharing your optimism with others will make your feel good and score you a win that is all the richer. Aquarius - This week, you will need to learn to tap into your natural side. This will be particularly important on Saturday and Monday, as your natural instincts will provide you with excellent clues as to what you can achieve when you are gambling. You will discover that the hints that arise from your own simple intuition will be the best guidance you could ask for, providing you with the highest positive outcome. Try to keep things as natural as possible and you will be confident in making decisions you know are right. Pisces - Lately, you have been feeling that everything you do is taking much too long to accomplish. This sensation is beginning to get the better of you and you may find yourself reaching a point where you feel the need to sacrifice leisure time to achieve everything you want to get done. However, cutting out your relaxation time that allows you to take part in the things you enjoy is not a good idea and will have both a negative impact on your life and your gambling success. Instead, what you will find is that by taking the time to allow yourself peace, calm and fun, you are resetting your mind and will actually increase your productivity level. Make sure to play your favorite gambling game this week to score a good win and a little piece of happiness. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 8th of December 2010 11:32:18 AM-- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 8th of December 2010 12:03:12 PM
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December 9th...2010....Enjoy Aries - December 9, 2010 You might find that this week you will be overcome with the desire to escape your everyday life. You may be given the opportunity to travel somewhere, but keep in mind that there are many ways for you to escape without you having to leave the comfort of your home. You will find just as much joy from a good book or movie as you would if you were to travel to some cozy destination. In fact, finding your own creative personal escape will help to stimulate your thinking, sharpen your mind and give you new gambling strategy ideas that will lead you to a nice win between Monday and Wednesday. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 12, 21, and 30. Taurus - December 9, 2010 This week, much of your time will be filled with happiness and joy that you will share with just about everyone you know. Since this is the case, it presents the perfect opportunity for you to spend some time with your friends, or take the time to relax and enjoy the company of the people you love. However, don't forget that while it is important for you to be social this week, equally it is important that you spend some quality time with just you. During your alone time, do the things that you personally take great pleasure in, such as playing your favorite gambling game. The successes you achieve this week, both in your gambling and in the company of others will increase your fortune and make you feel good about yourself. Your luckiest days are Thursday and Sunday. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 4, 17, and 28. Gemini - December 9, 2010 You have a natural desire to take people under your wing. You want to protect and support those closest to you, but you need to make sure that you don't take this too far, however, as you don't want your good nature to be mistaken as possessiveness. After all, there is a significant difference between offering someone support and holding them back by limiting their freedom. To help you make the right choice think on past situations to make better future decisions. This same method can be applied to your gambling game this week and will help you achieve your winning goals by avoiding common mistakes, especially from Friday to Monday. Just remember to only take manageable risks. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 5, 15, and 21. Cancer - December 9, 2010 The time has come for taking on fresh gambling strategies and taking new chances. Now is the perfect opportunity to learn a new game and practice it until you are comfortable enough to actually take logical risks. This week, many rewards await you when you open yourself up to unexpected adventures. Tuesday will be your best day for trying out new gambling techniques so take advantage of your time to shine. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 7, 13, and 24. Leo - December 9, 2010 You have been making some small adjustments over the past while to the parts of your life you feel are the most important, such as your personal relationships, your career, and your gambling strategy. Though you have had to make plenty of sacrifices, the good news is that these sacrifices were not made in vain; rewards are on their way. Therefore, even though they have yet to come, you can justify taking this moment to celebrate your success in how far you've come. That said, be careful of your stubborn streak, which can creep up on you when it comes time to make decisions. You might not like discovering you are wrong sometimes, but as long as you learn from the experience you'll keep walking down the right road to victory. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 6, 16, and 26. Virgo - December 9, 2010 Some of the decision you have made in your past have not been the best choices for you but you have overcome these mistakes. This week, however, you will need to be careful that you don't let history repeat itself. Make certain that you keep enough time for yourself and all of the things you love, as well as for those who are important in your life. Over the next few days your home will be your creative environment and it will be the perfect place for you to take advantage of the new gambling idea that will come to you between Thursday and Monday. Your best win will occur when you play an old casino favorite. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 16, 25, and 29. Libra - December 9, 2010 You have been trying to overcome a ruckus that occurred last week and what you are discovering is that you were actually the main cause of it. Your family and friends have needed a great deal of your time and attention lately and this is beginning to max out your stress level. While it is good of you to be there for the people you care about, you can't let there needs and wants take command of your life. It is imperative that you make sure your needs are taken care of as well and learn to put yourself first sometimes, because you should never lose sight of your own importance. Maintain a positive outlook this week and treat yourself to your favorite gambling game between Tuesday and Thursday to enjoy a win with great rewards. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 5, 14, and 23. Scorpio - December 9, 2010 You've really been taking great pleasure in applying new strategies to your gambling game and putting new focus into the latest projects in your personal life. Now the time has come for you to move on to the next important step and start facing the financial requirements, as well as the rewards that are involved. This week, you will be filled to the brim with energy and stamina, but you need to take care that these feelings remain a positive force in your life and don't cause you to become overconfident - especially when it comes to taking gambling risks. Use your positive power to your advantage at the casino between Wednesday and Friday. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 3, 9, and 13. Sagittarius - December 9, 2010 This week, you will be on a rampage and it is very likely that you will over-do just about everything you take on. Thus, it is incredibly important that you place your focus on time management, so you don't end up wasting precious time that could have been put to better use, such as time enjoying yourself! Don't rush through your tasks, take the time to do things right the first time around so you don't have to use additional time and energy repeating the same tasks you did today tomorrow. It is also important that you don't procrastinate this week, especially when it comes to fixing your gambling strategy. You keep meaning to make a change to your tactics and now is the time. If you make the changes before Saturday, expect to be rewarded, fail to make the change and your luck will run out. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 9, 12, and 15. Capricorn - December 9, 2010 Although you have focused your energies on your finances lately, your efforts are beginning to lose their value. Placing your concentration too heavily on one aspect in your life is causing you to neglect other important matters and as a result you are starting to experience the negative side effects. For instance, you've let your gambling strategy slide and instead of achieving optimal rewards, you have only been gaining a modest sum that continues to decrease. If you want to give your fortune a boost this week take a long hard look at your technique and remember that playing isn't only about fattening your wallet, it's also about having fun. Fun increases your luck, stimulates your positivity and leads you to much more successful victories. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 2, 11, and 20. Aquarius - December 9, 2010 Your optimistic outlook on life has been doing wonders for both your life as a whole and your online gambling success. That said you do need to ensure that you are not forgetting about the needs of others. You've been spending a lot of time fine tuning your strategy and this has brought you great victories, but now it's time to share your fortune with others to give yourself new focus and open up new windows of opportunity. Sharing your ideas this week, especially on Sunday and Tuesday, will improve your luck and the luck of another. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 1, 14, and 19. Pisces - December 9, 2010 Many diverse gambling opportunities have comes your way recently and you have been having a hard time trying to decide which ones are the best to choose. Don't let your indecisiveness get the better of you. Take a deep breath, clear your mind and focus on what you want. You know what direction is the right one for you; it's simply a matter of trusting your instincts and taking a chance with confidence. You know what you want and you know what strategy to use. The opportunity you have been waiting for will occur between Friday and Monday and you'll discover it when you play your favorite game. Just remember, it's up to you to grab your destiny. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 8, 10, and 18.
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    </h2> Claire's daily horoscopes for Friday 10th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You should be able to use today to have the talks you have been in need of and you should welcome tomorrow as a far more contented person. Wear blue for luck in that family issue pending. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Don't be too rude when trying to put a close one off of a visit, you have much that you need to talk about and indeed celebrate. You're about to discover they got what they wanted. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Your element of earth is making it very hard for you to not share information with friends, which is not even yours to talk about. Careful Gemini, remember what they say about glasshouses. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Your love life really is creating a lot of attention at the moment. Don't say that you haven't noticed I bet you secretly love it, don't you? Virgos have a secret you need to uncover. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Someone is counting on you to get the work you promised completed so make a start on it sooner rather than later please. By making the extra effort you can actually excel where you've previously failed. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Don't be in too much of a hurry to accept invitations from people you know you would only be settling for. Accept nothing but the best, a certain person may just come sooner than you think. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)You seem to be frightened of upsetting family but you are going to get them angry and upset if you continue to placate them with your fairy tales. They already know more than you think anyway. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Two of your priorities are now firmly placing you in a very good mood. If you don't feel so positive then deal with the drama, which popped up last week. You have the power to resolve anything. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)You should find much pleasure in life at this time but not everyone around you will be sharing your zest for life. Beware jealous faces trying to make you feel bad. Ignore them and don't bite. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)The stars are making many of the other signs a little selfish today and you need to be careful of risking all you have only recently acquired. Foreign countries are calling are you listening?  AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You seem to be determined to annoy the people around you today and if someone says black then you will say white. You could of course admit what and who is really on your mind? PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Geminis link to gossip, that for once you can believe in the workplace. You need to give in to a loved one it can benefit you in many ways. Their vision has your plans interwoven.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Your love life really is creating a lot of attention at the moment. Don't say that you haven't noticed I bet you secretly love it, don't you? Virgos have a secret you need to uncover. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Don't be in too much of a hurry to accept invitations from people you know you would only be settling for. Accept nothing but the best, a certain person may just come sooner than you think. __________________________________________________ Ok, so who's a Virgo around here?  JK
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12/11/2010   Enjoy....(Saturday 11th) December Daily Horoscopes (Saturday 11th) </h2> Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 11th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You and a loved one don't seem to be able to agree on a matter which is fast becoming one of the most important subjects on your agenda. The Moon shows you a different perspective tonight. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Be prepared, you won't be able to hold your news you've been keeping secret for much longer. Remember that structure is essential. Try to write down what you want to say before you say it. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)You have more facts than you think at your fingertips and it's time you left certain faces in your life behind once and for all. A new life is knocking, its time you answered. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)You have been feeling emotional about events that are not even in your control. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You will soon see you're actually in the driving seat! LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Family is placing more than a few demands on you and you may find yourself tired as the last few weeks' changes take their toll on you. As one door closes another is about to open. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Even if there is any truth in rumours it cannot do you any good to bring attention to yourself. Make a game plan. This can be done by showing a loved one you have faith in them. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)You're missing all the fun and a certain person isn't going to be offering an apology twice. You need to either accept it and get on with your life together or move on. But either way, it's decision time. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)It's going to be hard for you to stay out of office politics. Someone you cannot afford to get on the wrong side of is going to be listening to every word you say, so it's worth trying now. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Leos are of a special significance in your life and should be responsible for the exciting air around you. What you want is changing and conversations you have today should definitely confirm this fact. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Information that came your way last week has led you to review your feelings towards a certain person. Don't be too hasty to part company from them; check out all the facts for yourself. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You may be more than a little tempted to cancel some travel plans you had made but don't. A little fun and relaxation should actually turn out to be just what the doctor ordered right now. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Don't mistake a pretty face for a perfect match, when a mixed mind may well be getting in the way of common sense. You need to blow off steam. Talking to friends can achieve this. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 11th of December 2010 10:38:42 AM
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12/12/2010   Enjoy...........ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)Venus, the planet of love makes game playing the norm and honesty impossible. Try not to make promises you have no intention of keeping or it will only come back on you tomorrow. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Beware of an immature mood doing damage to your reputation. You've so much more to offer and you must try to think before you speak my friend. Could it be that you're hiding your true feelings? GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Your love life is getting more and more confusing by the day but luckily for you there is a touch of humour about all that is occurring. Don't let down a friend that you know is relying on you this week. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Your sign often finds answers from people they know well and what you can learn from this last month is how right you were to follow your instincts. Wear red for power in financial confrontations today. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Someone you've not seen in a long time but who once proved a very successful business contact is back on the scene and is going to be seeking you out. It's the beginning of exciting times. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Don't turn down the opportunity to sit down and talk to superiors about where you see yourself in time to come. If they don't know then they cannot help you when the time comes. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Flirtations in the workplace could jeopardise all of the hard work you have put into your career recently. Try to keep all such rendezvous for outside the office. You'll know why very soon my friend. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Jealousy's never a nice trait, especially when it's within a family. Working together can make you all untouchable. Make the effort to hold those all-important peace talks tonight please. Success is yours if you do. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Don't lose your temper until you've had a chance to look at the facts. Someone's imagination has been working overtime and you would be wise to back off until you hear from the person concerned directly. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Your money looks to be spent on entertaining, as you're out to impress. Make sure you let your personality and not your credit card, do the talking. It's the real you that can win people over. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) The planets are making many of the signs disagreeable. You'd be best not to rise to any bait laid before you. Standing tall today gives you the confidence to take your career to the next level. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) RingImportant correspondence arrives which makes it possible for you to put what has been a major worry to the back of your mind. You're on a more even keel and your family's reaction to you confirms this.
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12/13/2010 (Monday 13th) December Daily Horoscopes (Monday 13th) </h2> Claire's daily horoscopes for Monday 13th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)Think before you speak today, for the stars are casting you in a very knowledgeable light indeed, and any advice or guidance you give is sure to be taken far more literally than you may think. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Your stars indicate that you are in a rather reflective mood and you are likely to lose yourself in daydreams, particularly about the past. The urge to call someone you shouldn't is strong. Stay focused. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)You should find it possible to complete a matter that last week seemed unending, as the stars provide you with the gift of clear thinking. You finally can get closure on a major issue. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Be nice to a loved one who is trying to get your attention later tonight. They have something to say that you've been waiting months to hear. Posting letters today can give you the upper hand. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Come on my friend sort out the drama that took place last night. There is too much at stake for both parties concerned not to deal head on. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)A new face gives you the chance to get to know them a little better but listen carefully, they will not be asking twice! Keeping to work deadlines can earn you respect from important faces. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Your stars give you plenty of reason to smile about life as fresh ideas make it possible for you to finally get rid of the emotional restraints which made for such a heavy mind of late. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)A new face in your social circle is the cause of much controversy and if you play your cards right tonight you'll find out why. You're about to find out you're involved in some way. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)This is a good day for your career as you should at long last find out not only where superiors see your career heading but also how appreciated you are for your recent efforts. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)You can't keep a certain person out of your head and the more you try and not think about them the more they are on your mind. Could it be love? The stars reckon so.AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Someone you have always doubted in business is about to show you their hidden talent, which can have a great financial benefit for you. Make sure that you listen to all that's being said today. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)You know yourself better than anyone else. So come on, tell it like it is. By doing so all your dreams and more can come true this month. You know you owe it to yourself!
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 14th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You should be able to read people like a book as your powers of intuition enable you to see straight through any lies or deception. This could well see you parting ways with a familiar face! TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Someone you didn't think you could trust in love is about to prove you wrong as they take a stand which leaves you with no question that you are indeed their number one priority. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Try not to get irate with a new work contact who might not understand the urgency required on a financial matter. Librans link to new avenues, which are about to open up in your work. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Arguments, which you decide to get into on this day, may not be as easy to patch up as you first think. Remember this when coming face to face with characters as strong as yourself today. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)There is much gossip for you to enjoy but first you must sort out your own tangled web my friend. Don't judge others before you've set your own dramas back on the right path. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Appearances are deceptive so don't tell new faces too much about your past today they may not be as open minded as you first thought. Travel plans being laid really can change your future. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)The planet Saturn is making your judgement rather blurred so be careful that you do not accuse close ones of doing things that deep down inside you know they wouldn't dream of even thinking. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Virtue is a jewel of great price. Remember this when dealing with a persuasive ex. Don't lose sight of what and who was a part of your original major plan when thinking about your future. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Taking time out of life to check on the little things can ensure that the big things run smoothly. Emotionally you're in need of some reassurance and arranging talks for tonight can ensure you get it. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Your taste is changing and what you used to make do with is now no longer an option. This may come as a surprise to those who know you well but not to you and me. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)You have waited a long time for these opportunities. Make sure you keep your eyes on the future and not the past, particularly around lunchtime when the stars offer you the chance to change your future. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)You can relax today; confrontations forecast for today are sure to make this festive month better not worse. Travel may cause disarray to plans but fall in line, it will become apparent soon enough.  
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 DECEMBER 15th, 2010<a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) You'll have a freakish number of plumbing difficulties, today. This is due in part to the age of your plumbing fixtures, but mostly it's because Neckna, Queen of the Undines, has taken a strong dislike towards you, due to some rather harsh words you've had to say about the weather lately. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) Good day to work on your catapult. You never know when it could come in handy. Besides, it's good to worry your neighbors a bit -- keeps them civil. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Today you will conclusively prove that despite what most people regard as common knowledge, monkeys only rarely chase weasels around the mulberry bush. They normally engage in that sort of thing over by the petunias. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Between now and the vernal equinox, trust anyone with freckles. After that, trust no one. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) You will develop a strange fascination with steamed vegetables. Which is OK. Much better than, say, an enthusiasm for steamed toast. (Whenever someone asks me what kind of toast I want, I always say To Friends, Old and New! ) <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) You are being stalked by an invisible mutant from Planet 7. Or at least, you'll find that this makes an excellent excuse for not doing those outside chores today. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) Excellent day to slurp soup. Remember: if you're going to do anything, do it well. Obviously, that includes slurping. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Good day to begin construction of a labyrinth. Everybody loves a labyrinth. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Nothing unusual today. Unless you count that episode with the iguana... <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) You're in luck! What you thought was existential nausea is really only a mild case of salmonella poisoning. So you can sell back that Complete Works of Jean-Paul Sartre. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) Good time to invest in flowers and a card. Sometimes no occasion is the best occasion. Just like sometimes no disfiguring disease is the best disfiguring disease, I guess. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) This week you will feel like corn. Just not like having any.   
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12/16/2010......Enjoy ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You may be finding it hard to see the funny side of a situation that affected your life but try to look at the lighter side. By doing so, you can build important bridges this week. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)This is a day when business deals and monetary matters place you firmly in the power seat. Just make sure you don't neglect to thank the person who got you such contacts in the first place. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Luck is shining down on you. Look at the way you have got away with telling so many white lies this month and unnecessary ones at that too. Truths told tonight can seal an important commitment. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Slowing your pace in your career and looking at options you have not previously considered before can make all the difference to your future earnings. The impossible becomes possible, Cancer. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Ensure you return all phone calls and messages now please or you could be missing out on some golden opportunities. Don't be afraid of those challenges; embrace them. You're in control; you just don't know it. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)The way you think about your future has been undergoing a series of changes and you may find yourself taking a more active role in your health and wellbeing. You're finally living life again Virgo. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)A lot of offers are about to come your way as Venus casts an irresistible light upon you.  If there is someone you have wanted to attract then this is the time they will most notice you. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)This is your time to stand up for what you want especially as aspects indicate you're going to get it. You can work and play with the energy your stars are giving you right now. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Try to be careful what you say to people who are going to be taking any flirtatious words more literally than you may first think. Keeping your standards high can ensure you maintain their interest. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)There has to be a better way of getting to know the person you like other than going through friends. Try talking to them directly instead. It's sure to get you what you want far quicker. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)You don't seem to be able to stop thinking about a work matter that isn't going the way that you had hoped. Things can't happen overnight. Have patience, structure is headed your way from Saturn. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)There comes a time in all our lives when we have to think about what we want and not just what friends think we should do. This is that time. Stand up for what you want.
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</h2>Friday, December 17, 2010 From the moment I picked your book up until I put it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it. -- The Book of Insults , Groucho Marx, 1890-1977 <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Good day to buy a stereo microscope, and examine that stuff under your toenail. Well, as good a day as any. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) You will get through the day without too much trouble today. It would go even more smoothly, however, if you had bought that laser cannon when you had the chance. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) A friend will ask your advice on a technical matter. If you answer, you'll be blamed. Pretend you don't know anything about it. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) You'll find more, and very interesting , uses for cocktail umbrellas today. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) Beware of iguanas, today. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) Today you will be mooned by a cat. Fortunately, you won't notice. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) You will develop a passion for Cajun cuisine, and will refuse to eat anything that hasn't been blackened. Your family will draw the line at blackened corn flakes, however. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Bide your time, and don't do anything rash or in anger. Remember: Revenge is a dish best served cold, with a light bearnaise sauce. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Good day to make a call from a pay-phone in a busy place, and say (in a loud voice) You dumped the body WHERE?. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) Today you'll start a new rock group, named SPAM Catapult , and kick things off with a really smokin' number combining the best aspects of reggae, rap, and polka. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) Excellent day to be expansive and benevolent. It will make people worry. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) Good day to use the expression just dandy as much as possible. Tomorrow: okey dokey day.  
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</h2>Saturday, December 18, 2010 Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog. <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Today you will happen upon a prediction by Nostradamus which will scare the living daylights out of you. As well it should, although how a medieval seer foresaw your exact name is anybody's guess. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) Today you will exercise self-discipline. It's about time, too! Your self-discipline was starting to get somewhat portly. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Stay out of the Cheez Doodles today. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) You're having trouble getting your elderly relatives to pay attention to you. Have you tried talking with a Scandinavian accent and using a soap bubble machine? That, and accordion music, always do the trick for me. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) This is a good time for you to start your on-line loan shark business. Start small, though. Try to be sort of a loan piranha , at first. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) Lately you feel blessed with great abundance, as though your cup runneth over. Basically, you just need a bigger cup. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) A Ph.D. degree in parapsychology is in your future. Despite what you may have heard, however, the corresponding career path is not terribly rewarding. You will get to see a lot of furniture move by itself, of course, so that's a plus. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) E-coli. It's what's for dinner! <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) People will stare at you today. Unknown to you, you are starting to look more and more like a large frog. A career in basketball may be in your future. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) Excellent day for a bubble bath. If you don't have a little yellow rubber duckie, you'll need to get that first, of course. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) Have you ever considered adopting a new life as a mountain-person ? Living in the vast mountains and forests of Alaska, hewing an existence from the unforgiving wild Nature of our ancestors? Nope, me neither. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) Due to forces beyond comprehension, you will begin talking with a Texas accent. Eventually, you'll come out with audio tapes to teach this to others, which you will call Bubba-Bonics .  
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 Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 19th December ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You think that your recent actions to support a close one have gone unnoticed. You are wrong and conversations you have tonight will show how very far you have both come with your relationship. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Virgo's link to exciting new business deals which are forecast for you. There's a lot of pressure to sort out a matter that you're not really educated in. It will pay to go the professional route. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Now is the time to start throwing out the things that even without your signs natural gift of insight you know are only of a hindrance and not of a help to you? CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)You have spent so much of your time on the people you love that you've not had enough time to sort out your own worries. Mars hands you the use of his agility today; use it. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)You have plenty of opportunities to fire up your love life. The question is, can you be bothered with all the stress that last week put you through?  That depends on whether this is true love! VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)You can be sure this will be one week you'll remember. A close one finally sees your point of view and you should also be able to sort out that work matter pending from last month. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)The Moon is pushing you to say things that are pretty near the mark but just think about how far is too far. Better to be yourself then to try and react to please others, Libra. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)With the help of the stars you have finally learnt that you can leave the past behind. You also see that you were aiming too low and that you can afford to ask for more. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)There's work to be done, as a promise has to be made before a close one can give you their trust. Saturn promises to give a final answer regarding a family issue, which has been pending. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Luck with numbers on this day can help you to win over an important face as you finally learn that trusting your own instincts can in fact pay off and be much to your advantage. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)You're in demand by faces both old and new and you may be in two minds as to whether you can mix them. Do it! You need to find out sooner or later if they'll mix. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Don't get involved in confrontations if you can help it today, not only will you lose, you could also end up messing up the romantic affairs you have put so much time and energy into.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)You have spent so much of your time on the people you love that you've not had enough time to sort out your own worries. Mars hands you the use of his agility today; use it. So true .............. for me anyway.
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Mben wrote:
CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)You have spent so much of your time on the people you love that you've not had enough time to sort out your own worries. Mars hands you the use of his agility today; use it. So true .............. for me anyway.
 When I read your horoscope for today Mben, I too thought it was quite fitting for you and your situation.                                                                                           Pam
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Monday 20th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)A secret which you have been keeping to yourself, finally becomes too much for you to bear. What you are about to discover today though is that this is actually a blessing in disguise. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)An odd start to the day could see you backing out of things you-ve agreed for the end of the month. However, you may regret your words and you-d be best to sleep on major decisions. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)A new face may have great opportunities to offer you in love but may cause you to dig deeper than you-d like into your own funds. Do romance and love mix? You-re about to find out. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Venus makes it hard for you to tell the difference between love and lust today. Your actions today may well lead you to do things which others will not let you forget in a hurry. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Don-t burn the candle at both ends or you could make superiors think that you are not interested in the new projects that are beginning to emerge which could offer prime opportunities your way. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)There are so many people behind you at this time, which makes it possible for you to make changes, which earlier in the year you could not even have contemplated. Teamwork brings clarity and happiness. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)You love being with people and you also like to be on your own. Be prepared that someone who wants to ask you a favour could put pressure on and end up becoming a permanent situation. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Look to Librans for support in the workplace when you may find yourself having to take the role of boss and can finally prove to all how very able and gifted you are at your job. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Foreign links are strong and many of your sign will be preparing for an exotic visitor of sorts. Finances are well starred and you should find yourself looking at things with a fresh and solvable view. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)You are prepared to go to great lengths in order to make your career successful. Make sure you-re not compromising your beliefs or you will undo all of the very hard work you have put in. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Children appear to be of special significance. Check and make sure that you have not forgotten a birthday or relevant anniversary around this time. You-ll be glad you did once you realise how important it was. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Patience at this time can be a virtue as the best offers for your career come later in the week not earlier. Research is everything in financial affairs, even if it means paying to get it.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 21st December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You may not want to think of a close one making changes but you may have no choice if you are to keep them in your life. Money comes in late around now so prepare accordingly. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Love is in the air and you're the one that's going to be getting all of the attention over the coming days. For once you're not afraid of what other people think you should do. About time! GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)You may have to travel out of your way to help a close one out of a difficult situation they have managed to get themselves into. Your support is key, so make sure you give it. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)A friend in the market is better than money in the chest. Call them and make up now. You know you've missed them as they've missed you, Cancer. The Sun enforces your confidence; use it. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Don't exaggerate the size of a problem between you and a loved one. Make up now, not later. By doing so you will be able to enjoy the many good times waiting for you both. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Someone you have not seen in a long time is back on your mind for a very important and relevant reason. You're re opening an important chapter but this time you're armed with experience and wisdom. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Impress new faces with your personality instead of saying what you think they want to hear. It's sure to find you far more supporters, as I'm sure you'll agree if you think about it. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Trust in what you're feeling, but don't get too emotional about matters you know are out of your control. It seems that someone is trying to use your giving nature to get his or her own way. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Your element of fire is pushing you to think the worst. Back down and pay attention to what others are saying. The facts are before you, so stop listening to the idle gossip Sagittarius. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)A slower pace in your career is making you feel nervous. Don't be Capricorn. What is being laid now is the groundwork for a really successful future. Focus, great things await with confidence this year. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Arranging to spend time with those you love can do much for your confidence at this time. You find yourself working out a more successful path for your future. Confidence and clarity reign again. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Try not to share secrets you know are going to lead to problems this week. If you can let things transpire naturally then you will feel so much better by this time next week. 
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Wednesday 22nd December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You know you have to give up a habit but you don't know how to go about it. What you should know is that you're one of the most determined signs, mind over matter, starting now. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Close ones are sure to feel the excitement you're exuding. Just be careful of a deal going sour which did and still does hold the power to replenish your funds. Stay aware and in control. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)The stars are lining up to bring success your way and everything you thought to have come to a standstill, should at last show signs of progression. Leos hold a newfound fascination for you! CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)The best way to stay on good terms with a friend is not to get involved in a financial deal with them. The Moon is trying to convince you otherwise. Don't be manipulated Cancer. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Don't be in too much of a hurry to spend your money. You may regret it when you see what tomorrow has to offer. Someone you thought would let you down today pleasantly surprises you. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)You think this week is looking dull compared to the events that took place last month but you would be wrong. It is the very element of surprise that's appealing to a sign such as you. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Stop trying to run before you can walk in a project that's in need of time to achieve the scale of success you're dreaming of. Take in all, instead of just some of your options. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Those that you meet after 2pm today can be of particular assistance to your career so listen when they speak please. Dressing well today can gain you the help and attention you need too. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)You don't seem to understand what a close one really wants from you but events today will reveal everything. Stay alert and you can learn all you need to get back on an even keel. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)A problem in the home could see you running to a friend for advice. Make sure the final answer is yours and yours alone. Doing so will help you ensure your plan is a long term one. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Beware of poking your nose into the affairs of others, it may get you into more trouble than you had imagined. Concentrating on your own life today instead can prove a revelation in love. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)What you thought to be a promise from a certain close one could well have been nothing more than a suggestion on their part. Check with the party concerned if you're relying on them.
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Your Real Horoscope   
Aquarius - January 20 to February 18 You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thinks you're a jerk. Pisces - February 19 to March 20 You have a vivid imagination and often think you are being followed by the FBI or the CIA. You have a minor influence on your friends and people resent you for flaunting our power. You lack confidence and are a general dip-shit. Aries - March 21 to April 19 You are the pioneer type and think most people are dick heads. You are quick tempered, impatient, and scornful of advice. You are basically just a prick. Taurus - April 20 to May 20 You are practical and persistent. You have dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamn Communist. Gemini - May 21 to June 20 You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect too much for too little. This means you are a cheap bastard. Geminis are notorious for thriving on incest. Cancer - June 21 to July 22 You are sympathetic and understanding to other peoples problems which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. This is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit. Everybody in prison is a cancer. Leo - July 23 to August 22 You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you're a moron. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate honest criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving mother-fuckers and spend most of their time kissing mirrors. Virgo - August 23 to September 22 You are a logical type and hate disorder. This shit picking is sickening to your friends. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep screwing. Virgos make good bus drivers and pimps. Libra - September 23 to October 22 You are the artistic type and have a difficult time with reality. If you are male you are probably queer. Chances for employment and monetary gain are nil. Most Libra women are whores. All Libras die of venereal disease. Scorpio - October 23 to November 21 The worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are a perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered. Sagittarius - November 22 to December 21 You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless tendency to rely on luck since you have no talent. The majority of Sagittarians are drunks. Nixon was a Sagittarian. You are not worth the time of day. Capricorn - December 22 to January 19 You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically a chicken-shit. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should eat your gun.
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Taurus - April 20 to May 20 You are practical and persistent. You have dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamn Communist.
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</h2>Thursday, December 23, 2010 We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like? -- Jean Cocteau <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Good day to remember your kinship with all living things. Except perhaps mildew. There's no point in remembering your kinship with mildew, at least not today. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) You will have an enormously exciting day, today, compared to your usual day. You will find the prize in the cereal box. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Good day to do crossword puzzles in the park. Life is short enough, without letting it get you all stressed out like that. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Don't worry about your hair. It's your breath that makes people look at you like that. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) So, you've decided to have children. Congratulations! You, er, do know that giving birth has been somewhat unfavorably compared to pushing a flaming log through your nostril? Just thought I'd mention that. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) You will go to a wedding soon, at which you will be uncomfortable. You'll have fun throwing rice, though. In fact, chances are good that you'll take up rice throwing as a hobby. It's not just for weddings any more, you'll say. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) You need to stop accepting responsibility for your own life. Everything is actually the fault of that darned liberal media, you know. You'd be nearly perfect, or at least much thinner, if it wasn't for them. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Money will come from an unexpected source. If you put it in a mesh bag and run it throught the washer, you'll get most of the smell out. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Today you will finally get around to exercising! Your cat will look at you like you've gone completely wacky. Don't be intimidated, though -- at least you never get distracted and forget that you're holding your leg up behind your head. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) Today you can have lots of fun by beaming at people, and telling them how fresh your brand of soap makes you feel. If that doesn't work, try explaining how your detergent gets your shirts their brightest. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) You will discover a new 5th law of Thermodynamics. The first law says you can't win . The second law says you can't break even . The 5th law, however, says never draw to an inside straight . <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) This may be a little late, but heck, late is better than never. You know when they said to shop naked? They meant shopping on-line...  
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DECEMBER 24th, 2010ARIES (March 21-April 19). You respect words and have a rich vocabulary. You'll pick up a few more choice terms as you spend time with a book or in conversation with a particularly expressive someone. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you never reflect on your past, you won't have an understanding of how far you've come. But if you spend too much time reflecting, you won't go anywhere new. Strike a balance. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have an excellent imagination, though today you won't have the luxury of letting it run wild. You'll need to tame it in order to concentrate on the important business of the day. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You like order, but you're not a slave to it. When things get out of place, don't rush to clean up the mess. Savor it first. It's evidence that change and growth, essentially life, have happened. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You have been known to leave your belongings in other people's territory. This reminds them of you after you have left. But will the remembrance be positive? That depends on what you leave behind. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The work that's before you is rather exacting. Luckily for everyone involved, you find this kind of thing relaxing. In one afternoon, you'll get through what would take others a week to accomplish. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your public image gets a boost now. You don't mind being the center of attention, especially when you are the one most qualified to explain or exemplify the main reason for the gathering. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You are highly responsible and wouldn't dream of shirking your duties. However, when someone offers to handle a responsibility, there's no reason why you shouldn't share the burden. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There's a time to say let's go and a time to say no, thanks. You're no stranger to trouble, but you know better than to seek it out. A friend who is less experienced will need your guidance. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Though you usually find it appropriate and necessary to put business first and emotions second, your heart is softer now so soft, in fact, that you may be able to feel the feelings of others. <table align="right" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0" > AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You don't like to talk a lot and draw attention to yourself. However, there are times when it's important for you to speak up like today, when you have the information that everyone else needs to know. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You tend to be quiet around people you don't know, especially when those people are boisterous and rowdy. As much as you'd like to join the party, you have to first be sure that it's a party worth joining.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 25th December   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)Merry Christmas Aries! Make this the day that you show yourself you have the confidence to ask for what and who you truly and really want in your life. You know it's time to. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Happy Christmas! I know today will be full of plenty of fun for you. Learn to relax and enjoy as I know your sign can at this special time of year. It was made for you. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Festive greetings to you my friend! You'll be enjoying the Christmas day with the knowledge that the commitment you have made was the right one for both you and your close ones. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)Merry Christmas Cancer! Today brings a lot of mixed emotions within you as you think about where your life has taken you over the years. You'll have a smile on your face and rightly so. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)Have a great Christmas. Make sure you don't bite to a certain someone you and I know has a knack for riling you. It is a great day to show them that you are the bigger person. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Time for some festive fun Virgo! You are sure to find that you enjoy seeing the old familiar faces that make you relish this time of year so much. A new face on the scene holds much attraction. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Have a wonderful day and I know you will if you can let go of the past and finally start enjoying the future. Don't let a work worry stop you from concentrating on this special day. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)Merry Christmas! This last year has probably been one of your most trying and you've come out of it with a gold star. You may not think so but I do. Conversations today confirm this. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)Have a cool Yule and ensure you don't give in to the flirtations of someone you know isn't and will not be free. You are bigger and better than that. You know that, don't you? CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)Have a wonderfully festive day. You'll be seeing and speaking to the very person you've been so worried about and you'll soon learn your advice was heeded and worked. Aries help heal a rift. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Merry Christmas!  Don't forget to call all of the people who were on your list to wish well, by missing off those you don't feel like calling due to the influence of others, would be a mistake. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)Yule tidings! So a certain person has not called you. Don't be down as there are reasons as to why they have been delayed in contact. Give them time and faith they won't let you down.
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