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Cleos Vip Room and My New Hemoroid


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I've emailed the rep asking when their problems will clear up and told her that the casino is being uninstalled by some players because of this. Not good for them. smh


:surprise:Well Mben I hope that will give them some idea how their clientele is viewing them right now. As for Jaythenutz Cleos must like him better than the rest of us..or else he has some inside information on how to get his winnings??? I am glad things worked out well for him and hope we all get our winnings soon!:roll:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
jaythenutz wrote: say what you will about Cleo they have been alright for me ( with the exception the reels can be a little tight) i was fortunate enough to cash a $550. on a $20.00 deposit and from cash out to paper work was one day and then from paper work to door step was 5 days i was impressed the week prior to that i cashed out 150 on a free spin deal it might caped at 125 well after banking it was just under a bill anyway Cleo's check beat it by a week.And i should add i spent some spree credits on a hand bag for my lady and that arrived on Wednesday and i placed the order Friday. which was quite impressive , and the bag was very packaged (classy) and of good quality , made in Peru not the usual china or India, no offense to anybody from them country's but y'all make some cheep azz s@#T. well that's my 2 cents thanks for barring through it. bye y'all Jay
Do have an ancient Chinese secret (lol and no offense to my Asian bothers and sisters) as to HOW you are receiving your cashouts and merchandise so quickly? I agree about the quality of the merchandise. Fine Italian leather and such. Very nice! 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Laupat wrote: :surprise:Well Mben I hope that will give them some idea how their clientele is viewing them right now. As for Jaythenutz Cleos must like him better than the rest of us..or else he has some inside information on how to get his winnings??? I am glad things worked out well for him and hope we all get our winnings soon!:roll:
I will definitely let you know what her reply is. Reps don't like hearing that their casino is being uninstalled. 


Greedy Gambler
Sounds like a Fed Ex problem to me??????? Dear Katherine, It is correct that your payment had been approved by our financial area but unfortunately, the check cannot been sent yet due to the fact that we are waiting to get the Tracking Number form FedEx. Rest assured that your check will be send as soon as we solved this issue. Our team is working hard on this so this will not happen in future. We appreciate your patience during this time. Kind regards, Beatriz Cleos VIP Room Support Teamwww.cleosviproom.com-- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 5th of November 2013 01:03:46 PM


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
krystalkitty wrote: Sounds like a Fed Ex problem to me??????? Dear Katherine, It is correct that your payment had been approved by our financial area but unfortunately, the check cannot been sent yet due to the fact that we are waiting to get the Tracking Number form FedEx. Rest assured that your check will be send as soon as we solved this issue. Our team is working hard on this so this will not happen in future. We appreciate your patience during this time. Kind regards, Beatriz Cleos VIP Room Support Team
A Fed Ex problem? What kind of problem could it possibly be? They can't send it yet because they need a tracking number first. Isn't that bassackwards?I'm dealing with another casino who says they can't tell me that the payment was released until they get a tracking number from Fed Ex. Huh?!?!
To me, shouldn't they cut the check, package it up, have Fed Ex pick it up (at which point a tracking # is generated) and then deliver. So if it's already in Fed Ex's hands, they did cut the check. These casinos and their processors. I give up. I can't even pretend that I know how they operate anymore. Ugh! -- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 5th of November 2013 12:09:39 PM
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say what you will about Cleo they have been alright for me ( with the exception the reels can be a little tight) i was fortunate enough to cash a $550. on a $20.00 deposit and from cash out to paper work was one day and then from paper work to door step was 5 days i was impressed the week prior to that i cashed out  150 on a free spin deal it might caped at 125 well after banking it was just under a bill anyway Cleo's check beat it by a week.And i should add i spent some spree credits on a hand bag for my lady and that arrived on Wednesday and i placed the order Friday. which was quite impressive , and the bag was very packaged (classy) and of good quality , made in Peru not the usual china or India, no offense to anybody from them country's but y'all make some cheep azz s@#T. well that's my 2 cents thanks for barring through it. bye y'all Jay just regular mail they both came FedEx


After reading all the great posts from people who have won at Cleos and received their winnings...I really thought this would be good for me. Now after hearing they are blaming everyone and everything for their delays I just don't know. But really FedEx is to blame???? I have received a number of items from FedEx as i am sure alot of others have...and with no problem whatever. Do they honestly think we can believe that...REALLY???


hard for me to believe its fed ex too..i'm getting a cash out from another casino(grande vegas) and it has no tracking number and I know i'm gonna get that money....never have played at or downloaded Cleo's. ya'll done got me sceered to play there....I hate slow casino's. they don't belong on the internet.:pants:


Got an email today from Cleo's VS credit dept.. It said that an item I ordered Oct 10 was just shipped out TODAY....... hmmmm. According to MY records.. I received that item about 2 weeks ago... I contacted chat to ask about the email and this is how it went:"
Your chat transcript"
Jorge Wed, 11/6/2013 07:17:14 pm "
Hello Dana. How may I help you? "
Dana Wed, 11/6/2013 07:17:29 pm "
HELLO, Jorge "
how are you? Well I hope "
Jorge Wed, 11/6/2013 07:18:05 pm "
Good thanks, how may I help you? "
Dana Wed, 11/6/2013 07:18:18 pm "
recv'd an email today saying the the item I ordered on Oct 10 was just shipped "
xxxx was # "
Jorge Wed, 11/6/2013 07:19:00 pm "
Ok, you need a tracking number? "
Dana Wed, 11/6/2013 07:19:15 pm "
yes please "
and "
are you sure it was just sent today? "
cuz there seems to be a problem "
Jorge Wed, 11/6/2013 07:20:58 pm "
Everything is ok, this is the T.N. 5986xxxxxx "
Dana Wed, 11/6/2013 07:21:43 pm "
and you are sure of the shipping date? "
Jorge Wed, 11/6/2013 07:22:33 pm "
Yes that's what appears. "
Dana Wed, 11/6/2013 07:23:29 pm "
OK then.. "
Duration: 00:07:05


Just to let you know Cleos is feeding us all the same story.  I e-mailed them to ask what the delay is...Jorge replied we are have some issues with FedEx tracking numbers as soon as we get it the tracking numbers we will contact you back. I almost ask what year will that be??? I plan to keep contacting them until I can get an answer I can really believe.  What can they blame it on next:question::question::question: 


Greedy Gambler
Dear Katherine,"
It is correct that your payment had been approved by our financial area but unfortunately, the check cannot been sent yet due to the fact that we are waiting to get the Tracking Number form FedEx."
Rest assured that your check will be send as soon as we solved this issue. Our team is working hard on this so this will not happen in future. We appreciate your patience during this time."
Kind regards,"
Cleos VIP Room Support Team


Won't happen in the future? I don't think they need to worry about the future...they can't take care of the present. Obviously they are having money problems...bad bookkeeping or maybe they are spending it faster than they are making it. Sounds like they need an audit. They can't pay what they owe...so we just keep getting stupid excuses!
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Cleos is seriously falling apart.Just my personal opinion.I havent deposited there in a long time. :no:


Received this from Cleos just earlier today.  Cleo's confirmed that they are in fact still having some delays, but all players are on track to be paid all winnings and they are working to rectify this as soon as possible.   Are there any members that want the rep to still look into their account? Please leave your user name, and I will get it to Mben, who will get it done.
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username -tking1cashed out $1000 on 10/07/13, processed it on 9/29/13. today equals 1 month since I cashed out. no check yet. When I deposited to win this they told me the processor problem was fixed. I asked because my last cashout before this one took along time and they said there were processor issues.I also have a VS credit purchase 38000 vsc 2.62 CTW Diamond 14K Gold Ring Size 7 that they said shipped on 10/11/13, almost a month ago. there is no way its been at a shipping company for that long. I ordered it on 09/23/13.I have deposited about $12000 at this place since I opened an account. I to am going to uninstall the casino.When they first opened cashouts were in hand within a week or two, and VSC orders the same. This place has went way way downhill and it really sucks for all of us that like the games here.Any help will be appreciated.thank you.


My ID at Cleo's VIP Room is Lucky5623.I cashed out on 10/21/2013 and would really appreciate ANY help in getting my winnings!!!"


Yes...please help. Obviously they do not listen to us players. My request for withdrawal is still in the cashier stage and has been there since Oct. 14th LauraP63 is my log-in and if anyone knows how Cleos operates maybe they can spread some light on this situation. Thanks


Laupat wrote: Yes...please help. Obviously they do not listen to us players. My request for withdrawal is still in the cashier stage and has been there since Oct. 14th LauraP63 is my log-in and if anyone knows how Cleos operates maybe they can spread some light on this situation. Thanks
 Your name has been sent off to Laupat for the Cleos rep to take a look at your account.Hang tight for some info. :roll:


I have received SOME info for tking1.  tking1 : You should be receiving your tracking number next week.  A investigation about your VS credit purchase has been opened to find out where the problem lies.   Anyone else waiting for answers, please hang tight, they will come as soon as we can get them.
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Here is the latest from the Cleos rep. Username Lucky5623: Payment will be processed today, tracking number to be received throughout next week. <br style="font:13px/normal monospace;color:#000000;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;word-spacing:0px;background-color:#ffffff;" clear="none" /> Username krystalkitty: She will have her tracking number throughout next week, for sure. We apologize for the delay. <br style="font:13px/normal monospace;color:#000000;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;word-spacing:0px;background-color:#ffffff;" clear="none" /> Username LauraP63: We will process her payment today and she will have her tracking number throughout next week as well, just like Krystal and Lucky5623.
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Cleos wants everyone to know they are having difficulties beyond their control but to rest assured ALL CASHOUTS WILL BE HONORED!!!!


YAY!!!!GO TEAM!!!Thanks so Much Pam and Mben and No Deposit Forum!!YOU ROCK!!!:)I can't find the words to express the gratitude for your help!!Bless You!!!
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