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EH group Vegas Tech


Hey Gang, I want to deposit & play at the E.H. Group,  but I'm always hesitant because early in my online slot days (before I knew better)I had accidently registered 2 accts. with all of the EH group casinos.I had done it because I got a new computer and did not save my original acct. numbers and pass words. So like a dummy I just registered new accts. at eachcaino. From then on I've tried to get the problem fixed and was sure I did until a couplea weeks ago Slots Galore said I had 2 accts. and was locked out.So support told me to email tech and have them remove the 2nd acct. Im not sure they did, This is a mess.I did every thing they told me to do, Im just not sure they are doing every thingthey're suppost to do.Any suggestions? 


Thinks Too Much
I also did same exact thing with both EH and GO Group when I got a new computer and GO Group only ones that has came back a year later and locked me out using that as reason despite many of thousands of dollars deposited at there casinosEH could at any time do same I guess but recently I went to VIP Rewards and saw I had 2 Slots Plus accounts and they would not delete it because was in someone other than myself name until these great folks here at NDF stepped in and was removed.BUT like I said I could win big at EH and they could bring the multiple accounts back up like GO did so all I can say is go with your gut feeling. Spade


Thanks SPADEAHOLICI have a feeling if I hit big they'll find a multiple acct. that was supposed to be removed and deny the winnings.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
signman, PM me your account numbers and I will see what I can do. If they do close one of the accounts, it will be entirely up to you to deposit, win big and pray you get paid. Ok?

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