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Gas prices up for 7 days in a row.....


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Fresh off a 27-cent jump last month, gas prices were up slightly in a daily survey by motorist group AAA, as the price of crude oil backed off recent highs. The national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline rose Tuesday to $3.375, according to AAA. That was up 0.7 cent from $3.368 a gallon on Monday, and marked the seventh day in a row that prices have increased. <ul class="share-counters"> Prices at the pump can vary widely among states due to a number of factors. Gas prices nationwide averaged about $3.17 a gallon last month, compared with $2.65 a gallon in February 2010. As in recent weeks, Hawaii reported the highest gas prices in the nation, with drivers in the state paying an average of $3.784 a gallon. The lowest gas prices were in Montana, at $3.065 an average gallon. Gas prices jumped 20 cents in the last eight days of February , as political unrest in Libya drove up the price of crude oil, the main ingredient in gasoline. Morning Gang:As I check the gas prices for today my town is sitting at $3.41 per gallon.  Much to high in my opinion. Now I dont want to get into politics as to why gas is going so high or what the reason is exactly.  Im no good in politics, but if someone out there can explain thier take on it, please do. I just want to know what gas is running in your area, and IF gas does hit $5.00 a gallon by end of Summer what will you do differently, if anything. How are the current gas prices affecting you personally? Will you continue to drive and take a vacation road trip, or will you simply stay home and only go out when necessary? Looking forward to hearing members take on this situation. ( When gas goes up, it cuts into my gambling fund.
)                                                                                                     Pam
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Greedy Gambler
$3.58 here.....Not affecting us to much right now. When I go back to work in Apr., it's only 3 miles away, so not bad....I just feel sorry for the folks that are working for minimum pay....Gas is more than half of their paycheck.....


krystalkitty wrote: $3.58 here.....Not affecting us to much right now. When I go back to work in Apr., it's only 3 miles away, so not bad....I just feel sorry for the folks that are working for minimum pay....Gas is more than half of their paycheck.....
Yep, you are right Kitty.  The young kids (18-21) have to take the less desirable jobs that pay minimum wage, and if they have to travel a long ways to work, they end up spending most of their money in gas.  It makes it almost impossible to get ahead. How about the folks that choose to drive the big gas guzzlers. Do you think they are sorry they choose such a vehicle, or they have so much money to afford such a vehicle, they dont care about the price of gas.  Having your car in good running shape is a must for gas mileage benefits. I just sold my car, as I am moving to Florida in May/June. I may be saving gas money now, but when I go to rent that U-Haul that gets 10 miles to the gallon on a good day, I better have some serious cash lined up to go 1200 miles.  Thanks for the reply.                                                                                            Pam
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Greedy Gambler
When I went to the Hard Rock casino in Tampa, this gal was working for $3.25 an hr. I realize she gets tips, but hard to budget with tips cuz ya just never know. I was in shock when she told me she only made that much. Crazy....Gas is higher than that in FL right now...What a world we live in!!


I just hate that sinking feeling when I would pull around the corner to the gas station,  take a deep breath, before I would look at the big sign that displays the gas prices for the day. When it went to $3.51 last week, I wanted to
. If more money goes to gas, it has to come out of something else somewhere.  At least it does me.  Budget is a nasty word.  hehe                                                                                   Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Tucson's average price for a gallon of regular gas was $3.26 on Monday, up from $3.16 a week earlier and $2.94 a month ago, according to AAA Arizona's survey."
I paid $3.48 yesterday. Either I didn't stop at the station that had the average price or it's really shot up since Monday. Just kidding about the average price station. I know what average means. lol


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Here in the People's Republic of California, regular unleaded gas is $4/gal - anything less is considered a deal


Gas here in Mid Michigan jumped to $3.65 today from $3.43. That is quite a jump.
Sneaking ever closer to that $5 they predicted.
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Gas is holding steady at $3.64 /gal here this weekend so far.                                                                                           Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I paid $3.48 yesterday.
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
krystalkitty wrote: Still $3.56 and holding here! Still aweful!
There would be a line for blocks if you could find a price like that around here ...Pretty much every station is over $4


Greedy Gambler
What is the minimum wage in your state? Here it's $7.25, but if your in the service industry, it could be less because of tips...


Holding at 3.58/gal this morning when I went out.  I put $25 bucks in my friends Astro van to do some running, and it hardly made it to the quarter tank mark.  I dont know whether to laugh or cry.Minimum wage here is $7. 40....The poor folks that work for minimum wage, have got to be struggling so much right now to make ends meet.                                                                                           Pam


Another day of $3.58/gal.I noticed a trend in my area. It makes a jump say of .10-.15 cents per gallon, then after that for a few days it drops a few pennies , then BAM, up another .10-.15 cents on top of what it decreased too. The decrease is never as big as the increase, so gas continues to rise. I think that having a well maintained car right now is vital. I made that trip to see my Nephew, and I rented a new car, and it was great on gas.  Had I taken my own jalopy, I would of paid much more in the gas tank.  Just my take on it.I have a Sister out in California, and yep, it's true, gas is above $4 per gallon.                                                                                                      Pam


Yesterday it literally jumped to 3.65/gal and everyone was freaking. What in the world makes it go from 3.53 to 3.65 then down to 3.39 all in the same day?  Crazy.                                                                                                           Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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PMM2008 wrote: What in the world makes it go from 3.53 to 3.65 then down to 3.39 all in the same day?  Crazy.                                                                    
Because the world is crazy with worry. The earthquake in Japan and the issues over in Libya are contibuting factors. Oil prices rose when a no fly zone was declared over Libya. Which means there was a chance the country could have seen damage to their oil refineries if any type of military conflict arose. Then today, there is a cease fire declared in the country which then dropped the oil prices .......  which in turn affects our gas prices. I know you all know this. It's just getting to be a crazy world we are living in. (edited the spelling of Lybia ..... I mean Libya)-- Edited by Mben on Saturday 19th of March 2011 07:24:35 PM


Greedy Gambler
Well, I would still choose to live in the USA....As many issues we have, I am far better off than others....At least I have a bit of money to gamble with!!!


Gas holding at $3.65/gal. Usually it goes down a few cents when it makes a major jump like last time, but no such luck as of now.    
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Gas down to 3.49/gal. All we can do is hope it continues to come down.Off to the casino tonight, and that is about 30 miles from my driveway.  60 round trip.  Even going there I watch the gas gauge edge downward, which I never used to do, or even care.   I mean you are going to the casino, who cares about the price of gas right?                                                                                             Pam
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PSP wrote: You bought another car?
 No, I didnt purchase another car.  I get rides from friends and sometimes rent cars for the weekend to get me around. I always give my friends gas money, and when I do rent a car, I always ask for the Best on Gas that they have. I will not be buying another car till I get settled in Florida in June.  Can't wait for the gas money bill to fill the U-Haul to get me and all my belongings there.  UGH.  Oh well, it is worth it. 
                                                                                   Pam                                                                                              Pam
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
You know when gas is getting expensive? It's when regular unleaded is over $4 a gallon at Costco - that would be TODAY!

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