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How are you feeling today?


Hi trippleslots:Glad you found this old gem of a thread and revived it.Im doing good today. Had some doctor appts to take care of, but nothing serious.  Diagnosis is I'll live. LOLIt is a beautiful Fall day here in Michigan, in the low 70's, and it is so pretty outside.I too have much work to accomplish like Mben, but she is right: LIFE IS GOOD.                                                                                         Pam


Well, it is raining outside, but it doesnt seem to dampen my mood at all.Woke up after a decent nights sleep, and always enjoy coming to my job at No Deposit Forum.Hope everyone shares in feeling good today.                                                                         Pam


Happy Sunday everyone:Anyone have any plans today? I was supposed to stay st the casino, but I had to cancel due to a early doctors appt Monday morning.So guess what? You are all stuck with me all day. hahaWill likely listen to some football today.....GO LIONS......Cleaning day as well here at home. I tell you, with 5 animals, the cat/dog hair accumulates rather quickly.  ewwwwWishing everyone a fantastic Sunday.                                                                    Pam


Went to bed late, woke up way early.......
Regardless, gonna be another great day at No Deposit Forum being with you all gang.:roll::roll:
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A gorgeous day for this late in the season here in Michigan and I want to be outisde as much as possible today.On a funny note: Had a headlight go out last night , and wanted to change it this morning.  Thought it might be a 30 second job. HA....This job is on a Ford Focus 2004 and I had to remove a splash shield, the grill, the entire light houseing, just to get to the burned out bulb.I called my brother who is a mechanic, and told him I had a headlight out on my focus, and he laughed. It is never good when he laughs when I tell him I have a car repair.  He told me it is a B*T** of a job, and it was.Why do car manufacturers do this to us?  :cigar:Ahhh, I remember the good ol'e days when you simply looked behind the light, pushed down the pin, turned, and wa-la, there was your burned out bulb.  Well those days are gone as long as I am driving this Ford Focus.  hahaDont believe me that it was that difficult? Look it up on yahoo. Ford focus headlamp removal.  What a trip.I had to do the passenger side. The drivers side?  Gawd, you have to also remove the battery on top of everything else I already listed.
                                                                                             Pam-- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 23rd of October 2011 11:52:46 AM
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Good morning all :)Its been a great start here. Wake up early today brushed and freshen myself before going my husband at office, arranged the breakfast with butter toast and boiled eggs and for my lusian's its liquid solid booster. :)Now i am little bit crushing some stuffs in here before going to my whole days stuffs. Have a great day to all of you! :)Thanks -


TGIF everyone.A gorgeous Spring day here in Michigan, and It looks to continue thru the weekend.Feeling good today after a nasty bout with the flu. As you age that stuff really lingers. lolNo plans for the weekend but working, but Monday will be my Birthday and I have alot of fun plans to look forward to.Wishing everyone a terrific day and weekend. :roll:Thanks Jainet for renewing this thread.                                                                               Pam


Good morning all..:)Today the weather is very hot here. Hope the night would be much more cool one than the day. Its really an strange weather for this year. God knows what will be the next for coming days. Weather news has already updated that the temperature will be increasing day by day. Last day we had a reception of my husband's colleague homes for their son's birthday party. W e really enjoyed that one. After that party today there is a slow start for us :)Thanks


Hello Jainet:We are just starting to warm up here in Michigan. The weather has been beautiful in the high 70's.Try to stay cool in your high temps.Have an awesome day.                                                                     Pam


Wow! Its really cool weather out there.. PAMIts cool now today12 degree centigrade. Feeling much better than the last day :)


Happy Sunday everyone.I have my coffee and smokes, and ready for another fun day here at the forum.Not much to post in the way of chips except some pit casinos, but it helps curb the boredom I guess. lolGonna be a warm one today in the 90's. Going to try to enjoy some of it for sure.Wishing everyone a absolutley terrific day.                                                                        Pam
I'm feeling so lucky today, I found a new slot machine and am feeling so lucky on it. Actually, I win last night for almost $500 and today It double my winning last night.


rodrigoalmeida wrote: Hi everyone!Im Rodrigo from Portugal. It's a lovely day in Portugal and I'm glad to be here with you!Hope to make some friends here :)
 ..........And a BIG HELLO to you as well.  You'll make lots of friends here for sure. So glad to have you with us.                                                                   Pam


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michaelmartin wrote: Bored as hell! I hate Mondays!
I FEEL OEVERWHELMED!!!!!!!!!!I'll trade with ya, michaelmartin! I have been pulled from every angle of my life since last week and am ready to SCREEEEEEAM!!!!! lolDon't you hate when you go from one extreme to another? I was like you 2 weeks ago and now, I have limited time for myself.I have lots of family obligations now since my family is moving out of state. My brother and his family left yesterday actually and he will be back for my dad in 4-6 weeks after his addition is built on to their new house. He is elderly and I have become his caretaker and the caretaker of this big, beautiful house until they it gets sold. It's alot of work for just one person. And I still have my own place to keep up. Oh well. I will get through it one way or another. 


Hi all:Summer is here and in full swing at my house. Lots of work outside, and fun too.I have an amazing fire pit and I love to relax out there at night with a fire and a beer. Gonna be a hot one today at 95. That borders on a little TO hot for me. hahaMaking plans for a road trip in the very near furture to SC, and I am looking forward to it, it will be loads of fun.  May stop off at Myrtle Beach as I have never been there.Wishing all of you a wonderful productive day.                                                                              Pam 


Hi All,Its a great feeling to be here again. After some time spent it on my family now i get the time again to get attached with you guys again. I am very blessed today and happy to back in forum once again after a long time. :)


Jainet wrote: Hi All,Its a great feeling to be here again. After some time spent it on my family now i get the time again to get attached with you guys again. I am very blessed today and happy to back in forum once again after a long time. :)
 Welcome back Jainet. :roll:


Hello all my fellow NDF'ers.  Welcome to another Monday. heheHere is hoping the free chips are plentiful this week, and there is much to post.I enjoyed a free night at the casino last night in a very nice room with a balcony to enjoy the view.  Played a long time, small bets, but couldnt get anywhere. Sigh.Theres always next time.What did some of you do this past weekend?  Anything fun?                                                                          Pam


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PMM2008 wrote: What did some of you do this past weekend?  Anything fun?                                                                         
Glad you had a fun at the casino last night, Pam! :roll:To answer your question about doing anything fun, here's a big, fat ............ NO ! lol
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Hi all:Well, the heat has let up again or today after a 98 degree day in Michigan yesterday. :boohoo: This Summer is one of the hottest ones I ever remember. Heres hoping some good chips come out today. :roll:                                                                                 Pam


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: Hi all:Well, the heat has let up again or today after a 98 degree day in Michigan yesterday. :boohoo: This Summer is one of the hottest ones I ever remember.Heres hoping some good chips come out today. :roll:                                                                                Pam
I had to chuckle at this, Pam.I know you know that I think 98 degrees is a walk in the park. Try 110 - 115! lol 
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HAHA...I know I know.  98 is a cool day for you out there in Arizona. Simply dont know how you do it.I guess the reason here it is so tuff is this house has no air conditioning, so unless I get in my car, I cant really get away from the heat. Makes me pretty tired by the end of the day.I never claimed Summer was my favorite season, haha, I like Spring and Fall myself.                                                                                                      Pam

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