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I'm gonna be a grandma again!


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It's official! My daughter is 7 weeks pregnant and is due on April 16th!I have known for almost 2 weeks now but held off on the news until she had her first doctor's appt, which was yesterday and an ultra sound today. Wow! I can't believe another lil one in my life. I know I am not the mommy but I don't know how many of you know how close I am with my grandson Michael, who is now 4, It's been a very, very close relationship since the day he was born. So I don't see anything different happening with this new baby. Excited and nervous are my feelings right now. lol I'll keep you updated as the months go by. :thumb: Names, names, I need names to suggest to her and the daddy. -- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 30th of August 2011 12:40:33 PM


Congratulations Mben: :roll::roll:Michael will have a new sibling in his life which is wonderful to grow up with, and YOU will have another GrandBaby to spoil and love.I know how close you are to Michael, and I bet this new baby will be just as wonderful  and you will share many many wonderful times too. (midnight feedings, dirty diapers, crying for no reason) :lol:Do keep us up to date with how your daughter is doing.  Tell her I wish her the very best, and congratulate her for me too. :maddance:                                                                                      Pam


Congrats on being a grandma again. I have six and love them all so much. I have been baby sitting  since them since the first won was born, who is 11 now. They keep me young. You will love the new baby just as much as your grandson. So happy for you and of course for your daughter also.


congras mben I have 7 grandchildren and they are what keeps me going sometimes, they are such a blessing!!! Look forward to your posts as time goes on.Brenda


congratulations Mben, being a grandma is something so special it's something only a grandma can describe. Enjoy and please keep us posted.


Woohoo...congrats on being a grandma again! I will be grandma again for a third time come Febuary. My son's girlfriend. If a girl it will be Kera and a boy will be Aiden. Can't wait to hear from you more as time goes by.


congradts on the new grand baby my son and his wife are excepting twins in early oct both boys that will make 7 of them for me and 1 girl out of them all lol was so hoping one of the twins was girl but they are healthy that's what is important and i am getting antsy waiting now as it gets closer :)


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Thank you all for the warm wishes! And congratulations to you who are expecting also. :wink:KK, as soon as we find out if it's a boy or a girl, I will be sure to let you all know. Right now, she's having a seahorse. lol The ultrasound picture shows the baby looking like a seahorse. We all want a girl since there are so many boys in the family already but of course, we only pray for a healthy baby, boy or girl. I will keep you posted as time goes by. Thanks again everyone. :roll:


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My daughter and boyfriend went up to Phoenix to have a 3-D early stage ultrasound done today. Early stage meaning she is not even 5 months along (next month she will be) and this place will do an ultrasound to try and determine the baby's sex before the regular ultrasound at 5 months will normally show.So with that said .......... she is having a  (drumroll pleae)................ GIRL!!!!! I can't be happier! I wanted a girl so bad and I know they both did too. There are just too many boys in my family. lolI have a brother only. He has 2 boys. I had my daughter and she has a boy as her first child. Her boyfriend has 2 boys of his own already. We needed a lil princess! They are playing around with the names Kendall Jade and Kaylee Jade. K for the daddy, Kevin. Jade for our Asian roots. She will be my lil Jade!  
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Fantastic news Mben::maddance:
 You will spoil her rotten as you do Michael, haha, and think of the fun you two will have shopping for girl stuff in years to come.Wishing you, your daughter and all family continued blessings.                                                                                   Pam -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 16th of October 2011 06:32:24 PM
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Awesome to hear you will have a granddaughter! Little girls are fun to play dress up, and make up and Barbies and well you get the picture. LOL


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queenmap wrote: Awesome to hear you will have a granddaughter! Little girls are fun to play dress up, and make up and Barbies and well you get the picture. LOL
I do get the picture, queenmap.  lol I never had fun buying boys toys, clothes, etc. Girls are so much more fun! (no offense guys lol)But I do love my Michael soooooo much! And thank you, Pam, for the continued wishes. 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
 Speaking of granddaughters ...Granddaughter #2 (to be named at a later date) isn't fully baked yet (about 2 more months), but this was from the 4D ultrasound yesterday
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Yes, very cool, PSP. I wish my daughter would send me her pic too, and quick!


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And here are my pictures. (And they are 4-d, not 3-d like I said earlier. Thanks PSP) She is so tiny. I suppose 4 months along, any baby would be tiny. lolThere is no way to tell from the pictures her sex but I watched the video last night that was given to my daughter along with the pictures and there is a shot where you did not see a lil boy part. 
And can I say this without sounding bad or mean? These 4-d pictures freak me out lol Anyone's 4-d pics do. The farther along the baby is, the pics are not so freaky, but they still are. lol
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I went to Phoenix on Saturday with my daughter for a follow up 4-D since the techs were sure but wanted to be positive about the baby's sex. The munchkin is most definitely a girl. :thumb: And her name will be Miya Jade ... pronounced Meeya. Miya is a Japanese name and means temple or sacred house . My daughter surprised me with that. She is only 1/4 Japanese and is sticking with her roots somewhat. My mom's name started with an M . I am an M I skipped the M with my daughter Briana. Then she named her son Michael Rene. Funny story here. My name is Michele Renee so she named her son after me? Michael Rene? NO! He is a Jr so he was named after his father. Just a coincidence how that happened but a very cool coincidence, if you ask me. My grandson and I have the same name. (given the variation for the male and female version of Michael) And now Miya! I love it!


Thanks for sharing thoe pics Mben of little Miya.What they can do now with technology is simply amazing.Looking forward to the arrival of Miya and pics, in the months to come.                                                                             Pam


My grandmother once again came to the third time in February. My son's girlfriend. If a girl, it will be cricket and a boy to Eden.


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BABY UPDATE! My daughter's doctor is gonna schedule a c-section probably on April 9th! :clap: It was either gonna be on the 8th or the 9th but the 8th is Easter and what, the doctor can't work on a holiday? lol So the 9th is a week earlier than her actual due date. Another :clap: lolAnyway, my daughter's belly is big and the baby is moving all over the place. It's so neat to watch and feel her belly moving. Here's a picture of her and Michael from the other night while we were at a Chinese buffet. The only way to feed a preggo! :lol:I can't wait to meet lil Miya Jayde!
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Just look at that belly.  It is beautiful. :roll:Wont be long now Mben, and you will be able to hold that little GrandDaughter of yours as often as you like I hope.Thanks for the update, and good thoughts and prayers go out to the family for continued blessings.                                                                                      Pam


Woohoo...soon MBEN! My baby granddaughter was born a month early, so January 24th. She was tiny for sure, but healthy. Her name is Kiara Faye.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Congrats queenmap! So that makes 3 granddaughters. right? Kiara Faye is a beautiful name!


Hello,I am new by here... congrats Mbwen now are going to be the grandma... Pictures are very great and awesome....


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Anora wrote: Hello,I am new by here... congrats Mbwen now are going to be the grandma... Pictures are very great and awesome....
Thanks Anora!

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