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Rushmore saga


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are now chatting with 'Mike' Mike: Hi and welcome. How can I help you? patrick8: Hi Mike patrick8: I got an e-mail on Oct 9 that my wire transfer had been processed on Oct 7, but I haven't seen it yet - can you check on that for me please? Mike: One moment please, I'm just checking your account. Mike: okay actually you are aware of the problems we had Mike: ? Mike: and im sorry about the delay Mike: it says that your on the next batch out Mike: i cant tell you exactly when that is but it should be sent out soon patrick8: so I'm still not to the processor? patrick8: I was aware that you had problems weeks ago patrick8: but the e-mail I got said it was processed on Oct 7 Mike: yes we recently resolved the problems and finally the withdrawals are going through patrick8: so it's still 6-10 days AFTER it goes out? Mike: yes patrick8: and you don't know when that will be yet? Mike: it will be soon Mike: i would want to say next week but i really cant say patrick8: that's what I was told 6 weeks ago Mike: i know you where told alot Mike: but now the problem is really solved and were very sorry about the whole mess patrick8: so I'm looking at at least 3 more weeks patrick8: Why did they lie to us? Mike: we didnt lie patrick8: I wouldn't like the truth, but I'd accept it - but to tell us falshoods makes us lose faith in you patrick8: Why did I get an e-mail saying it had already been processed? Mike: we had a problem thought we fixed it and there was a nother problem patrick8: if it wasn't the truth Mike: thats us that processed it patrick8: OK - so next week, but you can't promise Mike: i dont want to miss lead you Mike: so i cant make a promise patrick8: According to an e-mail on Sept 7, you processed it then Mike: but it should be there Mike: next week patrick8: OK - when should I check back? Mike: sept is when all the problems started Mike: check back next week patrick8: What was the problem? People not doing their job? Mike: thursday patrick8: OK Mike: no like i said we had a problem with a processor patrick8: OK - I'll talk to you Thursday Mike: and please let us know if you receive it before patrick8: I'll be as shocked as you will be if that happens ;)    
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I figured - nothing to lose - so I asked for him to put a freebie chip in my account to make up for the wait. He said he couldn't do that, but he could offer me a special deposit bonus Yeah, right :laughhard:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Well PSP. I can see how their problems arise. If they lose a processor, then they have to scramble to find another. The industry is facing that problem everyday. If they lost their processor, that's what they should have told you and not said it was sent thinking that would keep you happy and buy them some time.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
but at least they didn't lie to me :thumb:Oh, wait - yes they did ... :laughhard:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Do I lead the league in not getting paid by anybody?Atlantic VegasLucky18Rushmore...and I'm not even counting all of the Rivals and RTGs that came up with excuses after the fact why they weren't going to pay...


I had a withdrawal with them a few months ago and they had problems with the processor then. I took about 6 weeks, but I got paid.  They said it was resolved then, but I guess they must have problems again.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Please wait for a site operator to respond.You are now chatting with 'Alice'Alice: Hi and welcome. How can I help you? patrick8: Hi alicepatrick8: this is my weekly check-n to see if my withdrawal has been sent out yetAlice: One moment please, I'm just checking your account.patrick8: I spoke to Mike last week - he said that my cashout was in the next group of things to go to the processorAlice: I seeAlice: Im sorry you had to wait.Alice: I apologize it will be send with the next group in few dayspatrick8: Really? Define a few days patrick8: it's already been nearly 2 monthspatrick8: I got an e-mail on Oct 9 that it was sent to the processor Oct 7, but it really wasn'tpatrick8: you can't be any more specific than a few days ?patrick8: What is the reason for the delay this time?Alice: One moment please Im checkingAlice: It was sent already but we had issues with the processor, it had been fixed already and we are about to send all the withdrawals within a day- 2 dayspatrick8: so then I'm looking at 6-10 days from then?Alice: Yes.patrick8: so it should be sent out by Monday?Alice: Yespatrick8: OK - I'll be in touch on TuesdayAlice: Thank you


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Peter Noone says it best starting at 0:39[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsCeVdCDqjE][/video]


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Here's the latest: My wire transfer was sent to the NEW new processor yesterday, so I'm back on the 6-10 day bandwagonSince this is the third time that it's been sent to the processor , I'm not holding my breath


I may have ya beat..granted it hasn't been nearly as long but I haven't even gotten as far as trying to withdrawl yet. I was playing at the new Buzzluck on Sunday. I was playing a tourney and hit the minor jackpot. When the tournament ended I saw that the winnings from the jackpot were not in my account. I have contacted support 5 times now and all thay can tell me is that they are having problems involving the tournaments that day. Apparently quite a few b people haven't been awarded their winnings. Everyday they tell me it should be straightened out shortly. When I asked to be compensated while I wait with just a small free chip I was told they can not give me a free chip until after I make a deposit. LOL...I don't think so..if they won't credit me my fair winnings I certainly do not have enough trust or stupidity to put any more money into their casino. It is not even as if I am trying to withdrawl what I won in the jackpot, I was just planning on playing with it for now. We'll see how it plays out but for a brand new casino this does not look good.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
OK, well I take back SOME of the things that I said and thought about Rushmore :thumb:The wire transfer came through this morning!Can you say CHA CHING!!!!


YEE HAA......Congrats PSP on a great payout after a long wait for sure. :roll:So cool.                                                             Pam


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
It was only 2 months ...  :surprise:Now I'm just waiting for Lucky18 - like that's EVER going to happen...


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote: OK, well I take back SOME of the things that I said and thought about Rushmore :thumb:The wire transfer came through this morning!Can you say CHA CHING!!!!
Woooo Hoooo! I am very happy for you PSP! :shwing::dollarsign::shwing:


Congrats on your cash..about time!!! I've been having my own doubts about Rushmore, now I feel a lil better. Now, if I can just get my Buzzluck winnings...


Congrats on your cash...about time!!! I was having my own doubts about Rushmore, now I feel a little better. Now if I can just get my winnings from Buzzluck...


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
tmr315 wrote: Congrats on your cash..about time!!! I've been having my own doubts about Rushmore, now I feel a lil better. Now, if I can just get my Buzzluck winnings...
 Thanks! No one was more surprised than I when it was in my account this morning.I have a question about your Buzzlock winnings - what kind of tournament were you playing in? Was it one of the timed slot tournaments where everyone starts with the same amount? If so, my understanding was that anything won during those tournaments is strictly for for tournaments and doesn't carry over. I've won a couple of Random Jackpots in those tournaments, but all they ever did was add to my tournament score - aka not cashable.I hope that isn't the case with yours :thumb:


Yes, it was that type of tournament, but apparently they have been having alot of similar issues. They did tell me that it has been reviewed by managment and I should be receiving it soon. I read in another thread here that some people received credit for their lost winnings today although I do not know what they were playing, so I checked in with support and was told to check my account tomorrow...I'll let ya know


I played the penny tournament at buzzluck and hit the minor jp twice. I thought it just goes in your tourney total?


No RTG-casino has ever been paying out any minor or jp to a player ever that was won in a tournament. It's only for the tournament and what you can win is the amount from where you are placed in the tournament. I would have been a millionare otherwise and all casinos would be out of money.I have seen randoms of $100 000. It would have been nice though...:)


I have a withdrawal with Rushmore which was approved on Dec. 1st  and said it was sent out and that I should receive my winnings within 10-14 business days. PSP, exactly how long did it take you to receive your winnings. If anyone else had a withdrawal there recently how long did it take.  My last witdfrawal with them took about 6 weeks, which was a few months ago, which at the time they said they were having processor problems, but thye told me that that problem was resolved. I have a feeling I am in for a long wait.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
It took about 8 weeks, but that was during the previous processor problems


Thats terrible to have to wait that long. My withdrawal was approved on 12/1 so after I read your post I went to live chat  and asked about my withdrawal and asked if I am going to have a long wait. He said that they are having processer problems, but are slowly getting payments out . also said that I will most likey have a longer wait than the usual 10-14 days.


I was just informed by live chat that my winnings have been sent to the processor, but could   not give me a date that it was sent. I also received an email from Jessica Ross saying the they were informed by the processor that they will be sending out the rest of the withdrawals very soon.  Hope that is true.


nikkidog wrote: I was just informed by live chat that my winnings have been sent to the processor, but could   not give me a date that it was sent. I also received an email from Jessica Ross saying the they were informed by the processor that they will be sending out the rest of the withdrawals very soon.  Hope that is true.
 I hope you see your withdrawl very soon nikkidog.......Thanks for the update.                                                                        Pam


Now they say it could be 2 weeks or more before I receive it. I wish they would have the courier check option.  Received my payout from Grande Vegas 3 days.


Still  have not received my winnings from Rushmore. Was requested on 11/28/2011 and approved on 12/1/2011. Was told before Christmas that it has been sent to the processor, but can't tell me when the processor will send it out, just tells me it will go out in the next batch of withdrawals. When that will be who knows.


I have 2 withdrawals pending...one approved on 10/21 and one approved on 11/7 for a total of $2700.  Still have not received them.  I even opened a new checking account because they said my current one returned the withdrawal.  They said they tried to send a check, but Washington will not accept them and it was returned.  Over the past week, apparently they have decided to stop responding to my emails!!!  I contantly email, call, and live chat them almost every day.  I'm starting to think they are screwing me out of my money.


I received an email yesterday ( after I emailed them )  telling me that my winnings were sent out and that it should be in my account or if not it should be there in a few days. As of right now the winnings are still not in my account. I requested the withdrawal on 11 /28/2011 and it was approved on 12/1/2011. I never received an email telling me that it was sent to my bank like I have been told I would for the past 2 weeks. I think they are just telling me that, so I won't bother them anymore, with emails or going to live chat. I don't know what to think anymore. I also have a withdrawal with WinPalace which I just requested the other day. Hope the same thing does not occur like Rushmore.

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