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WiredPlastic at inetbet.com


as some of you may be aware i have had for 2 days getting my deposit to go thru at inetbet using my WP card...Here is what i sent to them and there response..When did this change ? I have always used my card at that site:  <table width="100%" class="data">MessageDate12/01/2009 2:53:24 PMSubjectaccount TransactionsMessagei am having trouble making a deposit from my wiredplastic card to another internet site in which i have done many times in the past,,is the problem on your end or there's ? <table width="100%" class="data">ResponseDate12/02/2009 1:51:07 PMSubjectRE account TransactionsMessageDear Rusty Teague,If its a Gambling site that is the reason why ur getting declined. Wired Plasticwww.mywiredplastic.comToll-Free Account Information Line: 866-335-4784Customer Service: 801-383-1003
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
rwt, Here is some info for you that we all need to be aware of.We all know about the UIGEA act that was passed back in 2006. Well, it was suppose to go into full effect December 1, 2009 but was put off for 6 months. It looks like some CC companies (Wired Plastic) may have started blocking gambling transaction completely regardless of the 6 month grace period they received.Here is some more insight to the situation..................The big news during the Thanksgiving weekend (besides Tiger Woods' erratic driving) was that implementations for the UIGEA were delayed for six months. Many credit Barney Frank for the delay, and rightfully so. But there were also other forces behind this delay. <a href="http://www.gambling911.com/gambling-news/banks-wanted-delay-online-gambling-uigea-reqs-too-112909.html" >According to Gambling911</a>, U.S. banks also wanted the government to step in and delay the UIGEA.Quote: Wells Fargo Bank, the American Bankers Association, the Credit Union National Association were among those on the financial side pushing for a delay according to <a href="http://www.creditcards.com/" >CreditCards.com</a>. Wells Fargo accounts were seized over the summer during an investigation of online poker processing companies by the US Attorney's Office out of the Southern District of New York.
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im scared to use my credit card again. i will be looking into alternative ways to deposit including pre paid services thanks 4 the info
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