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Quicktender funding through Paypal?


OK so I read on another forum that you can use your Paypal account (if your bank account is verified) to fund Quicktender but I can't figure out how.  Anyone else done this?  I would love to be able to do this if I can figure out how lol.  Thanks for any help.


that goes for me too!ive read that you can do that also,but last week when i went to try i couldnt figure out how either!


Sashasmom you are right.  Paypal pulled out of the internet gaming market in North America a long time ago.  However transfering to Quicktender I guess is different as far as they are concerned since it isn't a casino.


i just sent an email to quicktender asking them."
ill let you know what they say.


Dear Nichole Fraser, Thank you for contacting the QuickTender Help Desk. You may fund your QuickTender Account through 1) Cre di t Card, 2) Bank Deposit In order to depo s it with your Credit Card , you need to go to the Payment Option s s ection on the left hand menu &gt; click `Add Payment Option` &gt; s elect `Credit Card` from the drop down menu &gt; click `Continue` &gt; enter your credit card detail s (you are free to enter anything into the payment option name in order to name your Payment Option) &gt; click `Continue` Once your Credit Card detail s are confirmed, you may depo s it under Money Depo s it s section by clicking on the Credit Card type you would like to make a deposit. Plea s e be informed that you can u s e the following Forti s Bank account in order to depo s it into your QuickTender account. You need to provide the following account information to your bank and in s truct them to tran s fer the de s ired amount of fund s (A s a rule interbank tran s fer s take around 2-4 bu s ine s s day s . A s s oon your fund s are received, your account will be credited) : <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;" class="MsoNormalTable">Beneficiary Bank Forti s Bank Beneficiary Bank Addre s s                          1000 AB P.O.Box 58 Am s terdam, Netherland s SWIFT Code FTSBNL2R Beneficiary Name ChargeStream Ltd Beneficiary Bank Account Number 243058780 Beneficiary IBAN NL11FTSB0243058780 Beneficiary Addre s s 83 victoria Street, London SW1H OHW Reference (enter your 10 digit QT account# here)     Please feel free to contact u s s hould you require any further a s s i s tance .  Kind Regards, Alisa QuickTender Help Desk <a href="mc/compose?to=support@QuickTender.com">support@QuickTender.com </a> Working hours (Mon-Fri): GMT: 7 AM - 5 PM PST: 11 PM - 9 AM EST: 2 AM - 12 PM   How do I know this is not a Spoof email? Spoof or 'phishing' emails tend to have generic greetings such as Dear QuickTender member . Emails from QuickTender will always address you by your first and last name. -----Original Message----- From: n1ccademus Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 9:29 PM To: QuickTender Support Team Subject: Message from a user (QuickTender) Name: Nichole fraserSubject: Depositing funds to your account is there a way to deposit or transfer money to my quicktender account from my verified paypal account? ive come across several things online that say you can but i dont see how.
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I fund my QT account with Paypal all the time!  Actually, this only became possible a few months ago when QT started allowing account holders to fund via Mastercard.  It is a very simple process once you've set it all up, here's how I did it:1. Acquire a Quicktender/Usemywallet account & a Paypal account.  Make sure you've completely registered your financial institution(s) and credit/debit cards for both accounts.2. You need to aquire a Paypal debit card (it has a Mastercard logo on it) you do not need to apply for credit for this card.  Alternatively, you can attain the Paypal Plus credit card instead.  The only way to get a Paypal debit card is by upgrading your Personal account to a Premier account.  Its free to upgrade.  Now you just need to request your Paypal debit card and your all set (the link is at the bottom of Paypal's web site 'Debit card')3. Once you've received your card in the mail then you can add it to your QT account as a funding method.  It may seem like a lengthy process, but its really not.  There's another added bonus that I forgot to mention.  You can set up your bank account as a backup funding method for the Paypal debit card.  So, ultimately, you could fund your QT straight from your bank account using the Paypal debit card.  By doing this, depending on your bank, you can avoid those pesky international transaction fees imposed on you when you deposit with your bank card. 
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