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KENO! Who plays Keno?!?


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I need some Keno strategy, if there is such a thing.When I am down to my comp points, mostly at RTG casinos, I run, not walk, to Keno. I can wager one cent on a Keno game and have the potential to win big from what the payoff chart shows.What I want to know is what strtegic moves do you all use when playing Keno? I ask because I have yet to hit anything big. Once I hit 300 coins but was only betting a penny. A quarter bet would have made me happy. lolAll I want is that one hit when I am playing 15 numbers at one cent to receive $28 for hitting 11 numbers.So what do you do?1. Pick the same numbers all the time?2. Use the random pick option?3. Change your numbers for each bet?4. Use the 5 and 10 times play option or click every time for a one at a time play?5. Do you pick 15 numbers all the time?6. What amount of spots usually pays you something? Meanining do you play 9 spots because you noticed that you win more often than choosing 15 spots? Any help would be greaty appreciated! Thanks!  Then we move to scratch cards. lol RTG scratch games suck though because they are a $1 minimum per game. Bummer. 
I play keno, I usually go for 7 numbers and if I have a lot of money, time and patience I'll go 10 but never 11... I have a couple different set of numbers I use but I also pay attention to what is hitting and sometimes will swap a number here or there. I usually do the top left corner1 2 3 4 5 6 7112131 Thats usually my 10 number spread either that or the entire top rowif I use 7 I will do some combo based on the 10 number spread or use 7 random numbers but the layout I put up there is usually what I use as my base and Keno is pretty much my main game.. BTW lately when I've been down to a few cents I have been going to roaring 20s bingo and betting on 1 card and have built myself back up from there several times as well....


I play 4 numbers: 6-7-8-9 or 15 numbers: 6,7,8,9,11,12,13,17,18,19,20, 66,67,76,77.15 numbers is a slow process unless your very lucky but not much damage.4 numbers are a hit or miss and i dont play very long.NB: I dont play online and only play at my local pub every few weeks or so.We (KENO in Australia) play a BONUS where each game has a random bonus (if you pay double your bet)it could be regular x2 x3 x4 x5 or x10.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the rtg keno but the betonsoft ones have a few better options, my favorite is Cleopatra Keno with the 12 spin bonus I play on the indian reservation.. Like I said in a previous post if one of these casinos brought Cleopatra online I'd probably never leave my house lol


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Thanks you two! I see that you do choose your numbers instead of using the random pick option. And you don't play all 15 spots either ... interesting. I'll see what just using those tips does for me.Thanks for mention the Betonsoft keno games, zoomusic. I haven't even looked at them at all but will now. IEatGoanna, I wonder if there are any online keno games that have a side bet ?


Hi there.. I have tried playing keno for free at 21nova.co.uk.. I had fun but winning is a bit difficult Maybe because there are lots of numbers to choose from... :)


Thinks Too Much
OMGGGGGGGG I am so sorry it has takin me over a month to post to this topic Mben.As you dang well know that Keno is my #1 favorite online and at cafe to play(wonders why she just didn't call and ask:weird:)Trust me I have played them all in the manner you listed and all work BUT I have found the following:<ol>On RTG casinos picking 3 numbers that the math nerds @ MIT work the best 70-79-80Top game blows no matter what but will hit on those numbers too</ol>@ internet cafe's and some but very few online casinos there max number is 10 that you can pick.Here is what I do-Use the quick pick to draw 10 numbers and keep drawing till you get a min of 4 numbers OR MORE on ether the top row (1 - 9) OR the bottom row ( 71- 80 ) it might take 500 times or one time for it to do this but be strong and wait till it does. Then out of the 10 numbers excluding the top row(if it has 4 or more)or (the bottom row if it has 4 or more) remove one number the reason is if you notice the payout goes from if you get 4 numbers out of 10 you get your bet back to were if you pick 9 numbers and get 4 out of 9 you get double your bet.I have been doing this for over 6 months and can say 79% of the time I will hit a 7 out of 9 (on a quarter bet pays $62.50 if double down or multiplyer game even more)There is one casino that trust me if you want to play all day on a buck and have a buck at the end of the day, is the casino that is the reason you all have not seen much of me lately 3Dice don't waste your time on Keno there its board is even werid trust me it might have high % in wins but the out come is a big zero or in other words you go no where. Other than that 3Dice rocks! sorry bel there payouts the fastest anywere I got a check in the mail in 3 business days! come on beat that. Plus the games are to cool.Go ahead Mben edit last part know you will lol. Try it and best of luck
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Thinks Too Much
OOPS add this to above above all DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT dump the numbers if you have to spend every cent in your account use those numbers (this is why its at 78% win for me because yes sometimes you will get the crap machine that was never going to hit anyways) after yo you hit 7 out of 9 or an 8 even (good luck on a 9 lol) then go play a different game with winnings cause your now board as hell with Keno:homer:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Wow spade! Thanks for all of that. I will have to come back to this thread and read what you wrote again when I bring up Keno again. But basically use numbers 70,79 and 80. Do quick pick until I get 4 on top and 4 on the bottom and then take out a spot in the middle. Now if the bottom row does not randomly pick 70,79 and 80, should I change them myself? I only play Keno at RTG's. Never tried to at any other casino EXCEPT for 3Dice. lol (No, I'm not going to edit that outta your post)Now I have tried this method .... I random pick, then I pick the 4 corners. Play a few games and then manually change spots but leave the 4 corners. Also add or drop numbers. This has gotten me some good hits. I hit 600 coins once this way. By biggest Keno win ever! (PENNIES! DAMN it! lol) Thanks again to everyone for the tips and insider secrets. lol


Thinks Too Much
Mben wrote: Wow spade! Thanks for all of that. I will have to come back to this thread and read what you wrote again when I bring up Keno again. But basically use numbers 70,79 and 80. Do quick pick until I get 4 on top and 4 on the bottom and then take out a spot in the middle. Now if the bottom row does not randomly pick 70,79 and 80, should I change them myself? I only play Keno at RTG's. Never tried to at any other casino EXCEPT for 3Dice. lol (No, I'm not going to edit that outta your post)Now I have tried this method .... I random pick, then I pick the 4 corners. Play a few games and then manually change spots but leave the 4 corners. Also add or drop numbers. This has gotten me some good hits. I hit 600 coins once this way. By biggest Keno win ever! (PENNIES! DAMN it! lol) Thanks again to everyone for the tips and insider secrets. lol
 No hun don't have to have 4 numbers at BOTH top and bottom just one ether or but hey if I were to get 4 on each dang well better beleave I'll play it. You havn't tried it yet it does'nt happen alot the computer almost refuse to give it to you for some reason and thats when I notice most numbers drawn are on the top or bottom row.The other thing is the 70,79,80 those numbers are numbers that M.I.T. math nerds came up with and on RTG casinos work really well but those numbers don't have to be in the top row bottom row thing lol


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Its amazing how the numbers 70, 79 and 80 get hit on almost every game! Almost the amount of times you hit on me spade! HAHAHAHA :laughhard: Thanks for that little tip, spade. It made my Keno play with a $1 comp at one of the RTG's that much more ........... ummmm, fun! lol-- Edited by Mben on Monday 28th of November 2011 12:08:09 PM

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